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I always define comfort zone as one of the places where I can return to, where I can always be
myself or freely express what I want to, or a place where I can always be with my loved ones and be
comforted and be happy with them. I think the first when I came out of my comfort zone was when I
have decided to study in Far Eastern University and live alone. I always think that if ever I would come to
choose again, to study in FEU or study in I attended in high school and live under the wings of my
parents, I would still choose the former.

Living alone helped me become more responsible in doing the chores, especially in cooking, I
became more knowledgeable and familiar with dishes or recipes. In addition, I became more responsible
and diligent in studying and pushed myself to work harder than before. Also, I became closer with my
other relatives who lives in Manila. They always check up on me whether I am doing fine or if I have
some difficulties in adjusting in my current environment. In addition, my parents also always checked
me on how I was doing in living alone and would give some advices and support whenever we talked to.

Moreover, I found new friends whom I can depend on. I have always thought that university life
would be one of the best but also the hardest phase; it is one of the best since there are chances that I
would meet a lot of people and interact with them, and hardest since the level of difficulty in terms of
studies and lectures would be more challenging. Honestly, I have never thought that I would meet and
be friends with my circle since I am actually an introvert person and experiences a lot of difficulty in
speaking and communicating, however, thanks to these people who approached me and befriended me
despite of my flaws.

All in all, it shaped me in a way that I think I have become better in the sense that I actually
became more comfortable in the crowd and able to communicate or have casual talks with people
whom I do not know where they came from. I am thankful with all the people I have met during these
days, even if I do not really know or remember their name or background, at the least, they have
become part of my journey and helped in the way I am now. Comfort zones have been our place where
we consider that all our decisions could be right or correct, where we think that we would not commit
any mistakes or failures, however, I think it is also good to come out. I believe that in life, there is no
such thing as mistakes and failures rather, I think it is regret that is always present in our decisions and
shortcomings, we regret why we did not do this or that, which is why coming out in our comfort zone is
also a good way as we try things different from our ways before.

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