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By Vinay Raj ( Coding & Mechatronics )

Mobile Phone App Desktop App Web App
Android App iOS App can be run according to OS can be run on
1. Windows Webserver/Browser
can be run on can be run on
2. MacOS 1. Chrome
Emulator (Virtual Simulator (Virtual 3. Linux
Device) Device) 4. Chrome OS
Smart Android iPhone(apple)
Mobile phone on Dev Channel on Beta Channel
on Stable Channel At the command line, perform the
Run the following commands to
Run the following commands to use the latest use the latest version of the
following commands to make sure
version of the Flutter SDK from the stable channel Flutter SDK from the beta channel
that you have the latest desktop
and enable mobile phone support: and enable web support:
support and that it’s enabled.
$ flutter channel stable $ flutter channel beta
$ set
$ flutter upgrade $ flutter upgrade
$ flutter run $ flutter config --
flutter channel dev
If more than one device is connected, use the enable-web
$ flutter upgrade
flutter devices command to get their IDs, and $ flutter config --enable-
then flutter run -d deviceID to run your app. To add web support to an existing
<platform>-desktop project, run the following
Where <platform> is windows, command in a terminal from the
Note -->You might also run $ flutter macOS, or Linux: root project directory:
to see if there are any unresolved issues. To add desktop support to an existing $ flutter create .
-->Create a new Flutter app by running the project, run the following command in
following from the command line: a terminal from the root project Once web is enabled, the flutter
$ flutter create appName directory: devices command outputs a
-->Your project is passed all test cases. Your code Chrome device that opens the
$ flutter create .
has no errors. But you need to analyze further Chrome browser with your app
Please install the Visual Studio and
your code you can use following command. running, and a Web Server that
"Desktop development with C++"
provides the URL serving the app.
$ flutter analyze workload, including all of its default
$ flutter devices
components if not installed in your
system 2 connected device:Web
Run the app using android studio Server • web-server • web-
software. To ensure that desktop is installed, list JavaScript • Flutter
Locate the main Android Studio toolbar: the devices available. You should see ToolsChrome
something like the following (you’ll
see Windows, macOS, or Linux, To serve your app from localhost
depending on which platforms you’ve in Chrome, enter the following
enabled): from the top of the package:
$ flutter devices $ flutter run -d chrome
In the target selector, select an Android device 1 connected device:Windows
for running the app. If none are listed as (desktop) • windows • Run this command to generate a
available, select Tools> Android > AVD Manager windows-x64 • Microsoft release build.
and create one there. $flutter build windows
Click the run icon in the toolbar, or invoke the To launch your app from the
menu item Run > Run. command line, enter commands Reference:
from the top of the package: cs
$flutter run -d windows
To generate a release build run the
following commands:
$ flutter build windows

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