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Comprehension questions
1. Does the 4th stanza have the same setting as the other
three? Explain.
2. Analyze the poem in terms of meter and rhyme.
3. Pick out the figures of speech in the poem and explain.
4. What is the main idea of the poem?
DAFFODILS 5. There seem to be two different dancing competition in
the poem. What are they? Which one is the winner in
I Wandered Lonely each competition?
as aCloud 6. Explain the role imagination plays in this poem.
William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth
• One of the greatest romantic
poets in the 19 – century
• Belongs to the Romantic school
William Wordsworth
of poetry → very interested in
- Born on April 17, 1770, just outside the Lake nature, which has a great effect
District in the quaint market town of Cocker on their poetry.
mouth, Cumbria.


Setting and Background Information

The poem recaptures a moment on April 15,
1802, when Wordsworth and his sister,
Dorothy, were walking near Lake Ullswater in
Grasmere, Cambria County, England, and came
across a "long belt" of golden daffodils.

Setting and Background Information Summary of the poem

The earlier version wrote in 1804, two years The poem talks about when the author was walking
after seeing the lakeside daffodils, published in around through the hills and valleys, but he felt lonely.
Poems in Two Volumes in 1807. Suddenly, as he passes a lake, he saw a large number of
The final version was published in Collected golden daffodils waving in the breeze. They look like a
Poems in 1815. continuous line of stars shining in the Milky Way.

The speaker’s loneliness was replaced by joy. Later,

whenever he is sad, he just thinks of the daffodils, and
his heart will fill with pleasure and he would to dance
along with the flowers.


Tôi lang thang như áng mây đơn dộc

Trôi bồng bềnh trên thung lũng núi đồi,
Tôi chợt thấy một rừng hoa sinh động,
Rừng thủy tiên rực vàng khoe sắc;
Bên bờ hồ và dưới những tán cây,
Đang nhảy múa, vỗ về cùng làn gió.

Cứ tiếp nối như ngàn sao tỏa sáng,

Lấp lánh trôi trên dãy ngân hà,
Trải dài theo đường chân trời bất tận,
Quanh mặt hồ bên bờ nước bao la;
Tôi đã thấy rừng hoa vàng nở rộ
Uốn mình theo vũ điệu thanh xuân.

Sóng nhấp nhô theo hoa chung nhịp bước Daffodils: Rhyme, Form & Meter
Nhưng thủy tiên vẫn rực rỡ bội phần,
Một bài thơ muôn đời không tả xiết
Sự hòa huyện tuyệt sắc của thiên nhiên, • Consists of four stanzas with six lines each,
Tôi ngẩn ngơ ngắm nhìn rồi ngẩm nghĩ for a total of 24 lines.
Còn gì bằng được đến với ngàn hoa.
→ fairly simple form that fits its simple and
Rồi hằng đêm nơi trường kỷ tôi nằm folksy theme and language.
Nghe tâm thức trầm tư và trống rỗng,
• The rhyme scheme : ABABCC.
Bỗng vụt sáng hàng thủy tiên trong mắt
Xóa cô đơn và hạnh phúc vô bờ, → The last two lines of each stanza rhyme like
Và tim tôi lại dâng tràn cảm xúc the end of a Shakespearean sonnet, so each
Bước chân hoà theo điệu múa thuỷ tiên. stanza feels independent and self-sufficient.


Daffodils: Rhyme, Form & Meter

I wandered lonely as a cloud (A)

That floats on high o'er vales and hills, (B)
When all at once I saw a crowd, (A)
A host, of golden daffodils; (B)
Beside the lake, beneath the trees, (C)
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. (C) Figures of speech

• I wandered lonely as a cloud
I wandered lonely as a cloud Simile: The poet compares himself to a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills. walking without an aim.
When all at once I saw a crowd, a cloud <> lonely?
A host of golden daffodils; → the author’s own loneliness
Beside the lake, beneath the trees
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. • That floats on high o’er vales and hills.
Beside the lake, beneath the trees
Alliteration: same sound ‘h’, ‘b’


‘a crowd’, ‘a host’, ‘golden daffodils’
Metaphor: The poet compares the yellow Continuous as the stars that shine
daffodils to a crowd of people, a host of angels, And twinkle on the Milky Way,
and to gold in their bright color They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
‘Fluttering and dancing’
Ten thousands saw I at a glance,
Personification: The poet personifies the Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
daffodils to people who can move and dance.

‘Continuous as the stars’
Simile: The poet compares the daffodils to stars in The waves beside them danced, but they
their huge number and their shiny appearance. Outdid the sparkling waves in glee:
‘never-ending’, ‘ten thousand’ A poet could not be gay,
Hyperbole (exaggeration): this can’t be strictly In such a jocund company:
true: all good things come to an end. I gazed – and gazed – but little thought
‘Tossing their heads’ What wealth the show to me had brought
Personification: The poet personifies the daffodils
as human beings moving their heads quickly.


‘The waves…danced’ & ‘outdid…in glee’
Personification: The poet personifies the waves as For oft, when on my couch I lie,
human beings dancing and feeling happy. In vacant or in pensive mood,
‘gazed… gazed’ They flash upon that inward eye
Repetition: emphasize the sheer beauty of the Which is the bliss of solitude;
natural colour And then my heart with pleasures fills,
Alliteration And dances with the daffodils.
-Line 1: The ‘b’ sound as
-Line 1: The ‘th’ sound
-Line 6: The ‘w’ sound


-Line 1: The ‘o’ sound
-Line 3: The ‘th’ sound
• The Daffodils
-Line 6: The ‘d’ sound as in dances, and daffodils. • Clouds, Sky, and Heavens
• Angels and Spirits
‘my heart …. dances with the daffodils’.
The poet personifies his heart as a human being
who is dancing

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