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Om Swastyastu

Good Morning, It is A Honorable for me to speech front of all audience

First of all, Let’s say many thanks to Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa who has given us a chance and
health to gather in this place. Before we discuss my speech, let me Introduce myself My
name Kadek Gita Santi Savitri, Let me say thank you to the Ms. Sumaratih, who has given
me an opportunity to deliver a speech on the topic ”The Importance People able to Operate
Ms. Office’

A Few days I had a task from my teacher to make a Procedure text. But Now I would like to
tell all of you the procedure text that my friends made. It"s so exciting to discuss this stuff.
Because when we talk about Procedure text, we are knowing the function of the text to
inform the readers about how to do something and give the steps to do something about
something that we never know. So I can make a conclusion that Procedure text would be able
to give people an Insight and make people to be more knowledgeable.

The Procedure text was made by Angel is about :

1. How to Install Ms. office. She presented the text because nowadays Microsoft office
is one of the most important things to us. it can help us to create our task or job or the
other else. Ms office helps us to save our data, making a job more easier with the
application which is able to provide presentation, finance data, statistics and more
2. How To Use Ms. Office. She chose the topic because it is so related from the previous
Procedure text. Which talk about How to Install Ms. office. Everyone must be know
how to operate this application, Ms. Office contain Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms.
Presentation and more stuff. When we can operate the application we can do any jobs
and will be tech literate. So, the procedure text that Angel made is so recommended
for workers and students. It’s so helping so much to present and save our data for a
long period.

Finally, I would like to conclude that one point we should know is that it is important we read
Produce Text before Use, Make or Operate something. Because we wouldn’t still be confused
about the stuff we want to do, Produce text helps anyone when they are confused about
something, into procedure text able information of the steps to something. Also Produce text
gives people an insight and sure, make a person would be more knowledgeable in something.
That’s all conclusion, I hope you can get some points of my speech.

With Best Regards, Gita

Good Morning

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