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What are Hydrozoans?

Hydrozoans are invertebrate animals of the A Portuguese Man of
Two layers of body tissue unlike
Hydrozoan class of the phylum Cnidaria. They are all War has a sail shaped
most animals which have three.
aquatic and mostly marine with most creatures being head to travel as it
marine and some living in freshwater. Examples of can’t move without it.
Hydrozoans are the Portuguese man of war and the A Portuguese
Hydra. Some Hydrozoans live together in colonies Man of War
however, some live alone in solitary. Below are some
examples of features of Hydrozoans. They have no
organs at all.
Mouth at centre of
body for jet propulsion.
A Flower
Hat jelly
They have long tentacles with
No organs specialised cells called nematocysts to
paralyse and capture its prey. It is also
Tentacles that coil when not in use use to defend itself from predators.

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