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Star Wars Ep.

08 A call from the Force

A novel off Machado César A.
A.K.A Mr. Red Fox
This Novel doesn’t want to be anything but philanthropic, if anyone uses it as a way to get money
that’s Mr. Fox, is violating his own will and idea.
Please Enjoy.
Act 01 – The man of the cliff
Cene – 01 - Luke

Rey stands the lightsaber to skywallker, Luke looks to him and takes it, looks to Rey and with a
suspicious look ask:
Luke: Who are you?
Rey: I`m Rey Mr. Skywallker. I’ve been send here for Greenall Organa’s orders, to bring you back
to the republic
Luke: Where`s Han – Asks Luke with a suspicius look towards her- That`s the Milleniun is`nt
Rey: Mr. Skywallker I need to tell you……Han`s—
Luke starts walking in the millennium Falcon’s direction.
Luke: I’m going to talk with him lady if he want to or not!
When Luke acroases the Millennium he exclaims:
Luke: Han!
Nothing answers back
Luke: Han! I know you’re here, you would never let that girl take the Millennium
Luke enters the millennium followed by Rey
Luke: I have good news Han, I have discovered a way to bring Bam back to us!

Cene – 02 Supreme Leader’s Throne room

At the galaxy’s deep core lies the planet Nathan, a planet engulf in darkness and bless with a glass
storm who strikes anyone who dares to walk through it lies the supreme leader’s palace, the
“Arkondeon”. 100ft tall covered in mandalorian metal, the place that only who Smoke’s allow to
enter is at its core, impenetrable, and the place where Kilo Ren Aproaxes with his At-At
Kilo: Let me in – Says Kilo to the radio – Smoke whants to talk with me.
A robotic voice responds in the radio
Robotic voice: Understood, Mr. Kilo. Mr. Smoke is whaiting for you
When the Kilo`s Ship aproaxes the atmosphere of the planet, the glass storm ceases its force, then
a black sea who surrounds the palace starts to divide itself opening a handar inside of it. The ship
enter the hangar and the hangar closes again inside the black sea.
The light inside the hangar starts to turn on shining and opaque blue light when Kilo goes out of
the ship.
Wallking through the hangar he`s receive by captain Phasma who aborts him
Kilo: Captain Phasma – Exclain’s Kilo - I really whanna know how a well-trained elite
Mandalorian soldier Have allowed a simple team invade the Starkiller and deactivated its shields.
Phasma: It was the soldier_______.-aswers her- I tried to sound the alarm, but I was knock-out
before i was able to.
Kilo: Im going to personatly ask to Smoke for your excecucion for such a grave flaw Ms. Phasma.
Do you know that don’t you?

Phasma: …Yes
After Wallking thronght the main corridor, they stands to the door that leads to the throne room
Smoke: Come in Ben -Says a voice inside the room- Only, Ben.
Kilo: Yes Supreme Leader
Entering the room Kilo sees Smoke sitting in he’s throne, wearing a old silver cloak made with a
unknown material and a black kiber Cristal in his finger
Snoke: How are you little child?
Kilo: Snoke, I’m sorry for the incident in-
Snoke: The Starkiller-base you say? That was destiny to happen. Just like your grandfather failed in
protect the death Star, you have failed to protect the Starkiller-base
Kilo: I wasn’ty all my fault Mr. Snoke, it was also Captain Phasma’s fault also. If she dint allow to-
Snoke: And you stupid boy!? –Snoke raises his voice with anger - If you din’t talk with your stupid
father and kill it already, probably you have captured Rey. Not only this, but if you have send her
already to me when you capture her, maybe all those deaths have got some meaning!!

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