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• Hot-blooded – having very strong emotions such as anger or love, that are
difficult to control ( çoşğun)

• Overtake- 1. develop or increase more quickly than someone, or something else

and become more successful, more important, or more advanced than them.

2. İf something bad, especially a feeling, overtakes you, it happens to you

suddenly and has a strong effects on you; be overtaken by smth. (Çatmaq, yerini

• Pursue – 1. chase or follow someone or something, in order to catch them, attack

them. ( təqib etmək)

2. Continue trying to find out about or persuade someone about a particular


Pursue pleasure achieve / look for pleasure;

pursuer someone who is chasing you

• Customary- something that is customary is normal because it is the way

something is usually done. Syn. Usual; at the customary time (adət edilmiş)

• Motion – give someone directions or instructions by moving your hand or head.

Syn. Signal; (Təklif, hərəkət , gediş)

• Advise – 1. Be employed to give advice on a subject about which you have

special knowledge or skill. 2. Tell someone what you think they should do,
especially when you know more than they do about something; advice ( məsləhət

• Concession – 1. something you allow someone to have in order to end an

argument or a disagreement

2. A reduction in the price of the tickets, fees; syn. Reduction (güzəşt)

• Ranch- a very large farm in the western US and Canada where sheep, cattle or
horses are bred ( ferma)

• Game – willing to try something dangerous, New or difficult. Be game for doing
something (oldu mən razı) (razılıq)

• Mourning – 1. great sadness because someone has died. (Matəm)

2. Black clothes worn to Show that you are very sad that someone has dead.

• Tatto- a picture or writing that is permanently marked on your skin using a

needle and ink.

2. A fast continuous beating of a drum, or a sound like this; tattoo

• Heal- 1. The flesh/skin/bone/ grows back together after fracture/injury and

becomes healthy

2. Make someone who is ill become healthy again, especially using natural powers
or prayers;

3. Become mentally or emotionally strong again after a bad experience or help

someone to do this.

Healer – 1. Someone who is believed to be able to cure people using natural

powers, rather than by using medicine

2. Something that makes a bad experience seem less painful. (Sağalmaq ,


Artificial-(süni) 1.not real or made of natural things but made to be like something
that is real or natural; artificial flowers/light Syn.false artificial situation or quality exists because someone has made it exist,and not
because it is really necessary

Expose-(üze çıxarmaq) show the truth about someone or something especially

when it is bad 2.(məruz buraxmaq)put someone in a situation where they are not
protected from something dangerous or unpleasant
Traitor-(satqın)-someone who is not loyal to their country,friends or beliefs

Stammer-(kəkələmək)-speak with a lot of pauses and repeated sounds,either

because you have a speech problem or because you are nervous,excited

Gambling house-(qumarxana) the place where people risk money or possession

on the result of a card game trying to earn more money

Shoot somebody on the spot-(güllelemek) shoot somebody immediately Be at

somebody’s heels-(kimisə izləmək,təqib etmək) if a person or animal is at your
heels,they are following closely behind you

Get even with somebody-(qisas almaq) do something unpleasant to someone to

punish them for something that they did to you

Make much of somebody/something-(həddindən artıq qayğı göstərmək) treat a

person or thing as though you think they are very important or special

Be going to the dogs (aşağı düşmək,alçalmaq,məhv olmaq,çarəsiz vəziyyətdə

olmaq)-if a country or organization is going to the dogs,it is getting worse and will
be difficult to improve

Hand of steel-(ağır,güclü əl)-a strong firm hand

Croon – sing in a soft gentle voice, especially about love (zümzümə etmək)
Slurr – sing or speak unclearly without separating words or sounds correctly. (dili
topuq çala-çala danışmaq)
Get babes – (informal) be considered very attractive. (çox cəlbedici)
Brawn – physical strength, especially when compared with intelligence. (qoldan
qüvvətli, ağıldan kəm)
Mature – behaving sensibly and reasonably, like an adult. (olqun)
Sideburns – hair grown down the sides of a man’s face in front of his ears.
Class – (here informal) a high level of style or skill in wearing dress and hair.
Crawl out – get out very slowly because you are very tired. (sürünə-sürünə
Shallow excuse – not serious excuse. (əhəmiyyətsiz bəhanə)
Accumulate – gradually get more and more money, possession, knowledge, etc.
over a period of time. (qaz vurub qazan doldurmaq)
Foolproof – proof against failure. (uğur 100% qarantidi)
Runner – a participant in the contest. (iştirakçı)

Graze-(sıyırıb keçmək)-touch something lightly while passing it,sometimes

damaging it
A bullet grazed his arm
Have the nerve to ask -have courage and confidence to ask (soruşamağa cəsarəti
və etimadı olmaq)
Suite- (xüsusi şəxslər üçün otaq(geyim,qrim üçün filan)) a set of rooms , especially
expensive ones inna hotel
Be charged –(məsuliyyətini daşımaq,nədəsə günahkar hesab olunmaq) state
officially that someone may be guilty of a crime
Charge somebody with something -He was charged with murder
Defence-(müdafiə, müdafiə üçün deyilmiş sözlər(məhkəmədə)) the things that are
said in a court to prove that someone is not guilty of a crime
Claim-(iddia,iddia etmək) state that you have a right to take or have something
that's legally yours
Accused-(günahkar,günahkar bilinən)- the person or group who have been
officially accused of a crime or offence in a court of law
Offence- (cinayət, qanun pozuntusu) an illegal action or a crime
Payroll- (ödəniş vərəqi,əməkhaqqı) the total amount of wages paid to all the
people working in a particular company or industry
Chase-(izləmək,təqib etmək)- quickly follow someone or something in order to
catch them)
Evidence-(sübut)- information that is given in a court of law in order to prove that
someone is guilty or not
Disturbance ( qaydani pozma)- a situation in which people behave violently in
Bribe ( rüşvət)- money or a gift that you illegally give someone to persuade them
to do something for you.
Burglary ( oğurluq)- the crime of getting into a building to steal things. Estimate (
qiymət)-a calculation of the value size amount etc. of something.
Enforcement (məhdudiyyət)- when people are made to obey a rule,law.
Targets of crime (cinayət hədəfi)- the person or place that is most directly affected
by an action, especially a bad one.
Successor (varis)- Someone who takes a job or position previously held by
someone else.
Soaring(yüksəlmə)- increasing quickly to a high level.
Suspend (təxirə salmaq)- make someone leave their school or job for a short time,
especially because they have broken the rules.
Slur (kimisə biabur etmək)- an unfair criticism that is intended to make people
dislike someone or something.
Altercation (dalaşma)- a short noisy argument.

Statue- a law passed by a parliament, council etc. And formally written down.

By statue- by law

Bleary- unable to see very clearly, because you are tired and have been crying
( qanlı, sulanmış)

Appalled-seeming- seeming very shocked and upset by something very bad or

unpleasant (dəhşətə düşmüş)

Gas- poison or kill someone with gas (zəhərləmək)

Seal somebody’s fate- make something, especially something bad, sure to happen
(kiminsə taleyini möhürləmək )
Tenuous- uncertain, weak, or likely to change (incə, seyrək, dəyişkən)

Grapple with- try hard to deal with or understand something difficult ( məşğul
olmaq, pəncələşmək)

Retail- the sale of goods in shops to customers, for their own use and not for
selling to anyone else ( pərakəndə)

Purport- be or do something, even if this is not true

Bounce back- feel better quickly after being ill, or to become successful again
after failing or having been defeated

Fickle- always changing suddenly their minds about people or things that they like,
so that you cannot depend on them (qərarsız)

• Shortage – (çatışmazlıq, əskiklik)

a stiation in which there is not enough of something that people need
• Erratic – (səhv, düzənsiz)
not following any pattern or plan but happening in a way that is not regular
• Ghastly – (qorxunc) horrible
• Affluent (formal) – (varlı, zəngin) Syn: wealthy
having plenty of money, noce houses, expensive things etc.
• Deliver – (xilas etmək)
Set free
• Try – (araşdırmaq, tədqiq etmək) or trial
• Guilty – (günahkar)
Criminal, conscious of guilt
• Justice- (ədalət) / do justice to smb. – show due appreciation, treat fairly
1. Fairness, lawful action
2. Exercise of authority, judicial procedures
• Convict – (üstünü açmaq)
Prove or declare guilty
• Witness – (şahid)
1. Testimony (şahid ifadesi)
2. One who gives testimony
• Case – a question or problem that will be dealt with by a law court
• Investigate – (araşdırmaq, tədqiq etmək)
Try to find out the truth about or cause of smth such as accident crime

Laundry list –UZUN LIST - a list of different things

Locale –YERLI – the place where something happens
Objective – OBYEKTIV – aim, goal, purpose
Route – ROTA, YOL, ISTIQAMET – a way of doing something or
achieving something
Establishment – MÜƏSSİSƏ, QURUM – an organization or institution
Permeate – SIZMAQ, YAYILMAQ – liquid or gas enter it or spread out
Unique – BƏNZƏRSİZ, NADİR – unusually good or special
Superior – ÜSTÜN, ALİ – better or more powerful tan others
Undercurrent – BİRUZƏ VERİLMIYƏN – a feeling or anger people do
not Express openly
Tease – SATAŞMAQ, laught at someone and make joke with him
Understatement – OLDUĞUNDAN AZ GÖSTƏRMƏK- to be seen not
enough good, bad or important
consider yourself unimportant

Self-deprecation – an attempt to make Abilities or achievements seem

unimportant / self-deprecating , deprecate
Deliberately - done in a way that is intended or planed/ synonym: purpose,

*Deliberate - slow deliberate step

*Deliberation - careful consideration or discussion of something

Proscription - something that is not allowed to exist or be done

Synonym: prohibition, antonym: permission

Acutely - feeling or noticing something very strongly; acutely aware/conscious

*Acute - an acute problem is very seriously

*Sharp - an acute mind/analysis

Solemn – very serious and not happy, because something bad has happened or
because you are at an important occasion / a solemn promise is one that is made
very seriously and with no intention of breaking it

Subtle – not easy to notice or understand unless you pay carefully attention:
delicate fabrics / ant: obvious

Pomposity – an action of pompous personal to show his importance by using long


Self-importance – the way of thinking that you are more important than other

Out-low – completely stop something by making it illegal

Platitude – a statement that has been made many times before and it is not
interesting or clever

Wince – 1)to suddenly change the expression on your face as a reaction to

something painful or upsetting : 2)to suddenly feel very uncomfortable or
embarrassed because of something that happens, something you remember
Ridicule- laugh at person,idea...and say that they are stupid ./gülmək ,lağa

Dismiss- refuse someone's idea,because you think it is not true;remove from

job(Syn:fire,sack)/rədd etmək,işdən çıxarmaq.

Luvvie-an actor who behaves people in a friendly way that is not sincere./qeyri-
səmimi mehriban aktyor.

Hazy-is not clear or exact./tutqun ,dumanlı

Traumatic – it is so shocking and upsetting that it effects you for a long


Fraught-fraught with problems=full of problems./gərgin ,təlaşlı,problemlə dolu.

Smoothly-in a calm and confident way,without stopping and without any

problem./qaydasında ,problemsiz.

Nightmare-very frightening dream; very difficult and unpleasant situation./kabus.

Boast-talk too proudly about your abilities...;something that you like telling people
because you are proud of it./lovğalanmaq,fəxarət.

Estate agent-someone whose business is to buy and sell houses or land for
people./əmlak agenti.Syn: real estate agent,realtor.

Plumbing-the pipes that water flows through in a building;work of repairing water

pipes./su boruları ,çilingərlik.

• Deflecting-1. Quality of moving and turning in a different direction(döndərmə,

2. Stopping people paying attention to you and criticizing you (fikir yayındırmaq)

• Resentment- a feeling of indignant displeasure because of smth. regarded as

wrong, insult (incimək) syn.offence, indignation, anger
• Infuriating- very annoying (qəzəbləndirən)
• Infuriate make someone very angry (hiddətləndirmək)
• Awkward 1. Making you feel embarrased
2. Not relaxed or comfortable
3. Not convenient
4. An awkward person- deliberetaly unhelpful
(Yöndəmsiz, narahat)
• Mutter- speak in a low voice bc, you're annoyed (deyinmək)
• Approximate a number that is close to the exact but could be a little different
• Extensions 1.process of making road, room etc.bigger ( genişləndirmə)
2. Additional time allowed for smt.(vaxtı uzatmağ)
Extensions- uzun göstərməkçün taxılan saxta saç
• Conservatory- a room with glass roof and walls to grow plants, usually added to
the house (oranjereya, sera, Beşirin Bihternen Behlülü gördüyü yer)
• Downright- used to emphasize that completely bad or untrue (açıq-aşkar
pis, səhv)
• Explicit- expressed very clearly, directly (müsbət mənada açıq aşkar)
• Obsession- an extreme interest in smt (aludəçilik), or worry about smt.that stops
you from thinking about anything else (vəsvəsə)

national/cultural/social, etc. identity( milli mənsubiyyət ) - a strong feeling of

belonging to a particular group, race, etc.
set out (plan qurmaq)-start doing or making plans to do something in order to
achieve a particular result; set out to do something.
crop up(adının üstünə gəlmək, birdən birə görünmək)- if somebody or something
(a name or a subject) crops up, he/it appears unexpectedly somewhere or in
something you read, hear.
tease something out(qurdalamaq, aşkar etmək)- succeed in learning information
that is hidden, that someone does not want to tell you.
feel/appear (entirely/quite) at home(evdəki kimi rahat olmaq)- feel happy or
confident about doing or using something.
heart-on-the-sleeve(hislərini aydın ifadə edən, büruzə verən)- is taken the idiom
wear one's heart on one's sleeve display one's feelings openly and habitually rather
than keep them private.
clear-cut(müəyyən) - easy to understand or to be certain about. Syn. definite
steel oneself (özünü nəyəsə hazırlamaq, cəsur olmaq) - 1. prepare oneself to do
something 2.strengthen one's will, become couragecous

without wince/wincing (tükünü brlə tərpətməmək, soyuqqanlılıq) - not turning a

hair; without changing the expression on your face as a reaction to something
painful, distressing and embarrassing.
finger-down-throat (kimisə inandırmaq)-from the idiom force something down
somebody's throat make somebody believe by talking about something all the time.

Melting pot- place where people from different countries live together
Diversity-variety (MUXTƏLİFLİK)
Hemisphere- half of the earth(YARİMKURƏ)
Belt- large area that has particular features ( REGİON)
Suburban- boring typical people who live in suburb(ŞƏHƏRKƏNARİ
Heritage- traditional beliefs, customs (İRS)
Retention- the act of keeping smth (SAXLAMA)
Notable- imprtant, interesting, excellent, unusual enough to notice(GORKƏMLİ)
Evolve- develop gradually over a long period (İNKİSAF ETMEK)
Vigour- physical mental energy and determination (CANLI)
Crafts- a job or activity on which you make things with hands that usually need
skill to do (sənətkarlıq)

Underdog- a person,team. That is weaker than the others,is always expected to be

unsuccessful,and that is often treated badly(itirən,itirməsi gözlənilən)

High-flyer- someone who is extremely successful in their job or in school.(

Strife- trouble between two or more people or groups(döyüş,anlaşmazlıq,çəkişmə)

Descendant- someone who is related to a person who lived a long time ago,or to a
family,group of people(nəsil)

Enclave- a small area that is within a larger area where people of a different kind
or nationality live(anklav,fərqli bir ərazi)

İnflux- the arrival of large numbers of people or large amounts of


Puncture- a small hole made accidentally in a tyre.(deşik)

Suspenders=braces- straps that hold up trousers(aşırma)

Flippant- not being serious about something that other people think you should be
serious about(ciddiyətsiz)

Anathema- something that is completely the opposite of what you believe

in(inandığın birşeyin əksi)

Delve- try to find more information about someone/something(dərindən


Demurely(ciddi) - quietly, seriously

Dash off(qaçmaq) - go or run somewhere very quickly
Dissuade(razı salmaq) - persuade somebody not to do something
Feign(aldatmaq) - pretend to have a particular feeling or to be ill, asleep etc.
Outwit(hiylə ilə məğlub etmək) - gain an advantage over someone using tricks or
clever plans
Coaxing(yola gətirmək) - the act of persuading
Commodity (əmtəə) - a product that is bought and sold
A token gift - a special piece of paper that you can exchange for a book, record,
etc. in a shop. gift certificate/card
Superstition(mövhumat) - a belief that some objects or actions are lucky, or that
they cause events to happen, based on old ideas of magic
Stunning(cazibədar, təəccüblü) - 1. extremely attractive or beautiful 2. very
suprising or shocking

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