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Lec. 1 Medical lab.

Techniques Department
Class 4 Blood transfusion

Introduction to blood banking

Blood transfusion: is the process of transferring blood or blood products

into one's circulation intravenously. Transfusions are used for various
medical conditions to replace lost components of the blood like surgery,
sever trauma furthermore in the management of serious medical
conditions such as gastrointestinal bleeding, cancer, leukemia,
hemophilia, congenital hemolytic and anemia.

Early transfusions used whole blood, but modern medical practice

commonly uses only components of the blood, such as red blood cells,
white blood cells, plasma, clotting factors, and platelets.

Red blood cells (RBC) contain hemoglobin, and supply the cells of the
body with oxygen. White blood cells are not commonly used during
transfusion, but are part of the immune system, and fight infections.
Plasma is the "yellowish" liquid part of blood, which acts as a buffer, and
contains proteins and important substances needed for the body's overall

Lec. 1 Medical lab. Techniques Department
Class 4 Blood transfusion
health. Platelets are involved in blood clotting, preventing the body from
bleeding. Before these components were known, doctors believed that
blood was homogenous. Because of this, many patients died because
incompatible blood was transferred to them.

Historically, red blood cell transfusion was considered when the

hemoglobin level fell below 10 g/dL or hematocrit fell below 30%. The
administration of a single unit of blood is the standard for hospitalized
people who are not bleeding, with this treatment Followed with re-
assessment and consideration of symptoms and hemoglobin
concentration. Patients with poor oxygen saturation may need more
blood. The advisory caution to use blood transfusion only with more
severe anemia is in part due to evidence that outcomes are worsened if
larger amounts are given. One may consider transfusion for people with
symptoms of cardiovascular disease such as chest pain or shortness of
breath. In cases where patients have low levels of hemoglobin due to iron
deficiency, but are cardiovascularly stable, parenteral iron is a preferred
option based on both efficacy and safety. Other blood products are given
where appropriate, e.g., to treat clotting deficiencies.

Before a blood transfusion is given, there are many steps taken to

ensure quality of the blood products, compatibility, and safety to the
recipient. In 2012, a national blood policy was in place in 70% of
countries and 69% of countries had specific legislation that covers the
safety and quality of blood transfusion.

Blood bank: is a facility where blood can be stored in preparation for


Blood center: is a building or location specifically designed to blood

collection, component production, testing, storage and distribution.


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