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 What is difference between assert nd verify

 Select class
 Testing annotations. When and where to use. parameter, groups.
 What are waits in selenium
 Difference between explicit implicit wait
 Exceptions in selenium and example for each.
 Difference between method overloading and overriding. different with example.
 What is abstract class.
 What is encapsulation
 What is inheritance, give example.
 Collection hierarchy.
 What are the interfaces which extends collection interface.
 Difference between collection nd collections.
 Difference between findelement and findelements method.
 Which collection concept you used in your project.
 Which framework you have used. elaborate your project folder structure.
 Defect life cycle.
 Apache poi
 How to handle popup, windows popup
 What are the locators in selenium
 How much you rate yourself out of 10 in java.
 What process you follow in agile methodologies
 How you give story points
 What is garbage collection
 Which version control tool you have used in your project.
 How you capture for failed testcases.
 If you want to execute only failed testcases, how will you execute it.
 For reporting what you use.
 How will you close add pop using selenium
 How do you handle list
 How you handle table.
 Have you used AutoIT in your project
 How do you set parameters in your project.
 Actions class
 Drop-downs
 ay list
 What is the use of Thread count?
 If I have not provided XML suit file in surefire then what kind of exception it will
 Stale element exception
 Invalid argument exception
 Difference between no such element found exception and Stale element
 What kind of exception you have faced in selenium
 Selenium, Appium, and java which version used in the project.
 Waits in selenium
 Thread. sleep in selenium
 How you will select frames from multiple frames.
 Appium default server and port number
 How to do the setup for Appium testing.
 Explain excel data-driven testing.
 Explain the framework used In the project.
 Action and select class methods
 How to right-click in selenium.
 TestNg annotations.
 How you will define in test ng if any other methods depend on any method.
 Types of Xpath
 Parent-child traversing in Xpath.
 Suppose there are two elements with the same locators then how you will select
the second element.
 How you will give priority to TestNG
 Window handling in selenium
 Verify and assert the difference.
 Which external plugin is required to upload files in selenium.
 Java modifiers
 Which java modifiers you used in your project- for the main class file which
modifier you have used.

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