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Nur Qonita Aulia


IllocutinoaryActs Analysis Used by Najwa Shihab in Mata Najwa

(On The Theme: Mata Najwa Menanti Terawan)


As social beings, we need a relationship with others. One of the ways to build a good

relationship can be through with communication with others. Language is an essential tool for

communication. The speaker usually produces the utterances and performs the action when

communicate. Those actions are called speech acts. The use of speech acts is done in daily

communication and in many activities such as seminars and TV shows, for example, is Mata

Najwa program. The research aim is to find out the illocutionary acts used by Najwa Shihab

in episode Mata Najwa Menanti Terawan on 28th September 2020, this research used a

qualitative descriptive method, and to obtain the data this study used non-participant

observation. The researcher obtain the data by downloading the video related to in Mata

Najwa on the theme “Mata Najwa Menanti Terawan”. The result of this study shows that

most of the illocutionary act used by Najwa Shihab in Mata Najwa Menanti Terawan is

assertive. The data show that there are 63% assertive, 14,8% directive, 3,7% commissive, and

18,5% expressive illocutionary act. Illocutionary act that used by Najwa Shihab in Mata

Najwa Menanti Terawan episode.

Keywords : Mata Najwa; Speech Act; Illocutionary.


As social creatures, we certainly need language as the main means of interaction and

building a relationship with each other. According to Izar et al., (2020), as social beings, one

of the human needs is interacting with each other and communicating to fulfill that needs.

Language function is to express feelings, needs, protest, expectation, and act (Karmila et

al.,2019). According to Ba’dulu (2009), language is a system of vocal symbols used for

human communication. In line with Ellini (2014), humans can express everything in their

minds through the language. So, in society, people and language are inseparable from each

other. Furthermore, sometimes people do a speech when they want to convey their idea. The

speaker usually produce the utterances and perform the action when communicate. Those

actions are called speech acts. Speech act has an important function in communication

(Anindya & Utomo, 2020)

The speech act consists of two words, namely speech and act. Person who first

introduced the theory of speech act is J. L Austin (1962), he stated that the action that occurs

when saying something called speech act. In line with Yule (1996) also states utterances that

which performed with actions are speech acts. According to Searle (1969) when the speaker

produces utterance, the speaker performs illocutionary acts. In other words, we produce both

utterance and action to win our daily life when we have a conversation. There are three

categories or dimensions of speech acts Grundy (2008): locutionary acts, perlocutionary acts,

and illocutionary acts.

Furthermore, speech acts are done in daily communication and many activities such

as seminars and TV shows, for example, Mata Najwa. Mata Najwa is a Talk show that has a

broad audience. A conversation or discussion of a person or group of guests star about a

certain or variety topic and guided by the host in television or radio show is called Talk Show

(Hartati, 2018). According to Artati et al. (2020), Mata Najwa is a program that has a polite

host. The program is delivered with a host who has a polite character when speaking. That

program also often invites laughter or humor, which makes this program more attractive.

Mata Najwa is a TV show that displays a lot of news ranging from politics, education to

culture. One of the episodes in Mata Najwa talked by people is the episode Mata Najwa

Menanti Terawan on 28th September 2020. Mata Najwa had statements that were found to

mean illocution.

Based on the explanation above, this research will try to find the illocutionary acts

utilized by Najwa Shihab in Mata Najwa Menanti Terawan episode, and the research question

is what are the types of illocutionnary act used by Najwa Shihab in Mata Najwa on the theme

“Mata Najwa Menanti Terawan” ?


1. Speech Act

According to Izar (2020), the speech act is a communication activity used by speakers

to inform the interlocutor with a specific purpose and manner to fulfill the degree of

politeness in speaking. According to Searle (1969), when the speaker produces utterance, the

speaker performs illocutionary acts. In other words, we produce both utterance and action in

our daily life when we have a conversation. There are three categories or dimension of speech

acts Grundy (2008), for instance: locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act.

a. Locutionary act

We can called the act of speaker say or saying something is locutionary act. The basic

of produce or utterance linguistic expression is from illocutionary acts. For example: turn the

light off. The locutionary act is the speaker wants to hearer to turn off the light. In saying
something, speakers need to pay attention to some aspects such as Age, Socioeconomic

background, and gender (Islam, 2017).

b. Perlocutionary acts

The act of affecting something is called perlocutionary. According to Rahardi (2010),

the act or utterance that affecting someone called perlocutionary act. Perlocutionary is an

affect from the speaker. In other words the speaker try to influence the hearer to do what the

speaker wants to do. For example, if there is someone who says This class is so hot. If the

hearer recognizes the effect of that utterance is the hearer will turn on the air conditioner.

c. Illocutionary acts

Illocutionary not only used for informing something but also doing something. For

instance: When students are doing an exam, then the examiner says three minutes left. When

saying this, it means the examiner is performing illocutionary acts to inform the students that

they should be done three minutes again because the exam will be done at that time.

2. Classification of Illocutionary Act

Searle (1976) classified illocutionary act into five types, those are :

a. Assertive

This type of illocution is tied to the truth of the proposition which disclosed. Such as:

Expressing opinion, state, brag, report, suggest, complaint, demand, report, notify, complain,

propose, boast

b. Directive

This type causes the listener to take specific actions. Such as : request, order, advice,


c. Commissive

Commissive is refers to an action in the future. Such as: promise, offer, and vow.
d. Expressive

Expressive is refers to speech lines that express the speaker’s feelings, speaker or

hearer can cause this did. Such as: thank you, criticize, express, apologize, congratulate,

condolence, and so on.

e. Declarations

The success of the illocution will produce a match between the contents of the

proposition and reality, such as: isolate, naming, baptize, firing, punish, resign, raise

(employees) and so on.

3. Previous Study

Several researchers carried out studies about illocutionary act analysis. Such as the

research about Identifying Illocutionary Force of The Host’s Speech Act in Mata Najwa Talk

Show by Kristanti (2013); this study discussed the utterance of Najwa Shihab in the Mata

Najwa program on the 6th June 2012 episode “Kuasa Gono Gini.” This research analyzed the

type of illocutionary that found in Najwa Shihab utterances in responding to guest stars. In

line with Artati, et al (2020), analyzed the illocutionary act (Assertive, Directive, Expressive,

Commisive, and Declarative) classification on the Mata Najwa Talk Show Program at

December 2018. Furthermore, Ramayanti and Marlina (2018) also analyzed the illocutionary

act in “Tangled” Movie and describes the classification of illocutionary act that found and

produced by the character of animated movie entitled “Tangled”. Further, Alit, et al (2017)

also find out the illocutionary act on Mata Najwa Tv show with a research entitled Tuturan

Ilokusi Pada Acara Mata Najwa di Metro Tv. This study is to identify the illocutionary act on

the Mata Najwa program on Metro Tv.

This study has several gaps with the previous study above, some several studies are

focus on carried out the illocutionary act by the host in responding the guest’s star statements.
There is also the previous study that look for function of illocutionary which include

competitive, conventional, conflictive, and collaborative functions and analyze about the

context of the illocutionary act . There are also previous study that concern about finding

speech acts produced by character in movie. While, this study is try to find the types of

illocutionary acts that used by Najwa Shihab on the theme Mata Najwa Menanti Terawan.


This study result is expected to provide some significance; theoretically, this research

is important to give readers information and enrich the knowledge regarding linguistic

phenomena. Practically, this research can be useful for linguistic learners and lecturers as an

example of illocutionary act analysis. This research can also be a reference to conduct

research related to illocutionary act analysis


The focused of this research is on the illocutionary act that used by Najwa Shihab in

Mata Najwa on the theme “Mata Najwa Menanti Terawan.” This research will use descriptive

qualitative research and the aim is to describe the illocutionary act used by Najwa Shihab.

According to Syah et al. (2017), Qualitative research describes the result of the data that

obtained by researchers and be accompanied with evidence.

To obtain the data, the researcher does the observation. To get the data, the writer will

use non-participant observation because it does not involve the researcher interacting with the

participant. So, to collecting the data, the researcher observing the data by those steps : (1)

The researcher downloading the video related to in Mata Najwa on the theme “Mata Najwa

Menanti Terawan,” (2) The researcher watch the Mata Najwa on the theme “Mata Najwa

Menanti Terawan,” (3) Researcher rewrites the script that is spoken by Najwa Shihab in Mata
Najwa on the theme “Mata Najwa Menanti Terawan” (4) The researcher taking a note or

make a datasheet to classify the data based on the classification, (5) The researcher selecting

the data that accordance with the objective of the study and research question, (6) The

researcher classified the data to be tabulated into the datasheet.


After transcript and analyze the data, the researcher find that there is 27 illocutionary

act that used by Najwa Shihab in Mata Najwa Menanti Terawan episode. There are 17

assertive, 4 directive, 1 commissive, and 5 expressive. The most widely used is assertive,

contrast with commisive that rarely used by Najwa Shihab in Mata Najwa Menanti Terawan.

The data show that there is 63% assertive, 14,8% directive, 3,7% commissive and 18,5%

expressive illocutionary act.


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