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Aluno (a): Ano: 8º Turma:

Professor (a): Ana Lúcia Felipe da Silva Valor: 10,0 Nota:

Disciplina: Língua Inglesa Recuperação – 3º bimestre Data: / /2020

1. Leia e escreva T (true) or F (false) de acordo com o texto. (1.0 – 0.2)

a. ( ) The man was surfing the net while he was driving.

b. ( ) The man was surfing the net when the police officer
notified him.
c. ( ) The man wasn’t talking on the phone when the
police office notified him.
d. ( ) The man wasn’t driving while he was surfing the net.
e. ( ) The man was talking on the phone when the police
officer notified him.

2. Leia o texto e responda com frases completas em inglês. (2.0 – 0.4)

Bill´s day
It was Sunday. The sun was shining while many people were going to the park. Bill was there. He was riding
his bike when he met his math teacher. She was running around the lake while some boys were playing
soccer. He also met his friend, George. He was doing some exercises while his girlfriend was eating popcorn
and drinking soda. It was great!

a. Was Bill running in the park?

b. Was his math teacher riding a bike?
c. Were some boys playing soccer?
d. Was George doing some exercises?
e. Was the sun shining on Sunday?
3. Complete the senteces with When or While: (1.5 – 0.3)
a. _______________Patricia called, Peter was singing.
b. Mary was teaching English_____________the students were talking.
c. Sue and George were watching TV ________________the light went out.
d. _________________Elizabeth was working, Peter was playing video games.
e. I was washing the dishes _______________my mother was cleaning the house.

4. Observe the pictures, read the phrases and match. (2.0 – 0.2 each)

A. B. C. D. E.

F. G. G. H. I. J.
1. ( ) He was exercising yesterday at 2 p.m. 6. ( ) He was swimming yesterday at 2 p.m.
2. ( ) They were cooking yesterday at 2 p.m. 7. ( ) They were running yesterday at 2 p.m.
3. ( ) The man was reading yesterday at 2 p.m. 8. ( ) They were singing yesterday at 2 p.m.
4. ( ) The man was working yesterday at 2 p.m. 9. ( ) She was cleaning the house yesterday.
5. ( ) He was taking a shower yesterday at 2 p.m. 10. ( ) She was driving a car yesterday at 2 p.m.

5. Reescreva as frases substituindo as palavras em negrito por Pronomes Possessivos. (2.0 – 0.4)
a. This pen is my pen. _______________________________________________________________
b. This PC is her PC._________________________________________________________________
c. Those TVs are our TVs._____________________________________________________________
d. That book are their book.___________________________________________________________
e. This backpack is his backpack.______________________________________________________

6. De acordo com os nomes entre parênteses, complete as frases com os Pronomes Possessivos
corretos. (1.5 – 0.3)

a.Whose cat was meowing? (Sally) d. Whose car were they driving? (Paul)
The cat was __________________. The car was______________________.

b.Whose cupcake were you eating? (Me) e. Whose dogs were barking? (Meg and Bill)
The cupcake was _______________. The dogs were ____________________.

c.Whose PC was she using? (You and me)

The PC was____________________.

Have a good test!

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