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What is a secret: A secret is a piece of information that only a certain

people know
 A secret is a concealed information
 A secret is an information beyond ordinary imaginations
 A secret is a knowledge that is hidden and intended to be kept
The bible says in the book of psalm 25 vs 14 it says the secret of
God is with them that fear him and he will show them his covenant.
95% of us do not know the secret of our problem all we do is pray
generally without knowing the cause. A problem is like a tree with
leafs, branches and trunks, most of us beat the leafs and sometimes
the trunk and we never touch the root (Amos 3 vs 7).
A secret is like an information known to some certain set of
people, most thing we don’t know is that God prosper us by
information, look at Elijah God told him to go to a certain woman
because he has prepared a food for him there, GOD told him Elijah
stand up take up your mantle run because it’s going to rain and he
obeyed, it was recorded that Elijah is the only prophet of GOD who
ran before a horse, look at Mary, look at Jacob, Samuel God told
Samuel arise and go to the family of Jesse I have prepared a king
there for you, look at Jonah, God told him to go to the city of
Nineveh, God gave him an information and he went on his way to do
his own will, what was his outcome? .THE SECRET OF GOD
In the school of victory information is the greatest assets,
information will transform a man, lack of information will deform a
man. When a minister lacks spiritual information, he is like an
accident waiting to happen. Spiritual information will not acquire
you, you need to acquire it. In the school of information secret is the
vise principal, the bible is the principle, Elisha was a servant of God
and he knew the secret of GOD, Elisha was with his servant when
their enemies surrounded them, and Elisha servant was scared and
he said master our enemies have surrounded us, Elisha said God
open his eyes that he may see that those with us are more than
them, and God opened the eyes of the servant and he saw the host
of chariots surrounding their enemies. I pray for somebody here the
host of heaven will surround you enemies and put a stop to them in
Jesus name. The secret of God is with them that fear him, read the
book of Deuteronomy chapter 29 vs 29
 Job 29 vs 4
 Psalm 25 vs 14
One of the greatest weapon an army can have is secret, if you hear
KGB, CIA, SSS, their job is to gather the secret of their enemies, there
some soldiers who don’t go to the war front all they do is learn the
secret of their enemies they are called spies, they are soldiers who
work with highly classify information
 There is a secret you need to know that will move your life forward
 There is a secret you need to know that will catapult your life higher
 There is a secret you need to know that will move your marriage
 There is a secret you need to know why your academic progress is on
a spot
Before you can know the secret you need fear God, by giving your
life to Christ completely
 The secret of who you are
 Secret of ancestry
 Secret of destiny
 Secret of when the role of someone in your life is over
 Secret of who to meet, who to miss
 I pray for the person reading this book you will meet the right people
and miss then wrong ones in jesus name
 The secret of your correct positions
 You need to know the secret of who to marry and who not to
 You need to know the secret of then challenge you are facing

 Every secret behind my downfall be revealed and be corrected in
jesus name
 Every black pot covering the secret of my joy be broken to pieces in
jesus name
 O God of Elijah catapult my life forward
 O God my father show me the secret of my purpose.

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