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1st International Conference on

Nutrition, Midwifery and
Nutrition (ICONMIN) 2020

1st Joint Conference on Health Science and Medical Engineering 2020

8-9 October 2020, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia

Host Co-host

Supported by:
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya
Pusat Unggulan IPTEK, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya
Map Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya Indonesia 5
Welcome to Surabaya 6
Welcome to Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya Indonesia 7
Welcome Message from the JCoHeSME General Chair 8
Welcome Message from the ICoNMIN Chair 9
Organitation Committee, Editor Comitee, Reviewer 10
JCoHeSME Plenary Session Rules and Regulations 11
Day 1 Programe 12
Day 2 Programe 21

ID 1 Interpersonal Relationship of Nurses Against Feelings of Uncertainty in Patients in the

ward Based on Uncertainly Theories .................................................................................... ................... 25

ID 3 Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Covid 19 Transmission Chain in Surabaya

... ............................................................................................................................................................. 26

ID 7 Parent Knowledge on Oral Hygiene toward Incidence of Children Dental Caries

... .............................................................................................................................................................. 27

ID 10 Combination of Foeniculum Vulgare M. and Azadirachia Indica Juss as Antifertility

Agent in Female Mice... ........................................................................................................................... 28

ID 12 Effects Mixture Powder of Black Rice, Red Beans and Moringa Leaves on Blood Glucose
in Hyperglycemic Rats.............................................................................................................................. 29

ID 17 Models Of Self Care Regulation (RPD) Based On Health Belief To Prevent Hipertension
Disease In Adolescent Groups... ............................................................................................................... 30

ID 18 Nursing Intervention Models Of Interpersonal Human Caring Based On Psychological

Needs Of Adolescents In Orphans... ......................................................................................................... 31

ID 19Model For Pregnancy Mother Preparation In Caring For Baby Based On Role Attainment
In Marriage Of Children Age In Puskesmas Surabaya City... ................................................................... 32

ID 20 Performan Of Educator In Family Planning In Development Of Teen Conseling Information

Center....................................................................................................................................................... 33

ID 21 Effects of Betamelor (Black Rice, Red Beans and Moringa Leaves)

Consumption on Hypercholesterolemic Rats............................................................................................. 34

ID 24 Risk Factors for Post Partum Bleeding in Pregnant Women... ......................................................... 35

ID 25 Increased Cadre Motivation Conducting Childbirth Referrals Through Training with

the DABA Method................................................................................................................................... 36

ID 26 Effectiveness Of Training Based On Knowledge Management: Seci Toward Cadadic

Behavior Dental And Mouth Health.......................................................................................................... 37

ID 28 Improving quality of life of families with stroke patient through family resilience models
................................................................................................................................................................. 38

ID 29 Combination intervention of counselling and dzikir towards attitudes of self-acceptance

in nursing home .......................................................................................................................................
International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition 39
Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 1
ID 31 Activities of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) And Low Carb Diets Decerease Blood Glucose
Levels on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus ................................................................................................... 40

ID 32 Smart Mother Classes (Smc): Coping Skill And Antenatal Education Toward Stress,
Childbirth Self Efficacy (Cbse), And Outcome Of Birth Among Pregnant Women
................................................................................................................................................................. 41

ID 33 Performing exercise to reduce intensity of pain, anxiety, and to improve self esteem,
serotonin level for premenstrual syndrome ............................................................................................... 42

ID 34 The Relationship Between Competence and Nurse Performance at Emergency Room

of RSUD Prof.Dr.W.Z.Johannes Kupang .................................................................................................. 43

ID 35 The achievement of 12 Healthy family Indicators and Healthy Family Index in

Nulle-Village, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia .......................................................................................... 44

ID 37 Correlation between Stigma and Family Support in Tuberculosis Patients in Malang,

Indonesia .................................................................................................................................................. 45

ID 38 Nursing Care Study In Patients With Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Carried Out By
A Nurse: A Study With The Theory Of Planned Behaviour Approach ...................................................... 46

ID 40 Efectivity of Timor Tribe Traditional Postaprtum Care Modification in Kota Soe

Community Health Center, South Center Timor Region ........................................................................... 47

ID 41 Coping with a dependent condition from epidemolysis bullosa as a student in a foreign

country ..................................................................................................................................................... 48

ID 42 Application Of Diabetes Self Management Education (Dsme) Based On Emotional

Demonstration On Self Efficacy Patients Of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 ................................................... 49

ID 43 The improving of breastfeeding mothers satisfaction by using tri- core breastfeeding models
................................................................................................................................................................. 50

ID 44 The relationship between sibling rivalry and social adjustment ability of preschool
children.. ................................................................................................................................................. 51

ID 45 Determinants of Nutritional Status of Two-Year-Old Baby’s First Thousand Days of Life

(1000 FDL) in the Work Area of Oepoi Public Health Center in Kupang City,
East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia ................................................................................................................. 52

ID 46Study Of Maternal Mortality Related With Pregnancy Planning In Fertile Age Couples
In Rural And Urban City In East Sumba District,2014-2018 .................................................................... 53

ID 47"STOP" Generalizing Health and Wellbeing Concept – A Lesson Learnt from the
Waste Pickers in Surabaya ........................................................................................................................ 54

ID 48 " The Development of Complementary Feeding Recommendation

by Using Linear Programming To Improve Mother Knowledge and Compliance
to Better Diet of Stunting Children in Surabaya, Indonesia ....................................................................... 55

ID 50Relationship Between Family Support With Quality Of Life Dm Type 2 Clients ............................. 56

ID 52 The Local Kelor (moringa oleifera)Leave Powder Of West Nusa Tenggara Increase
Of The Neutrophile Cell Phagocyte Index And Its Function On The Rats With

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 2
PEM Infected By Staphylococcus aureus bacteria ..................................................................................... 57

ID 54 The Effect of Hytensol (Hypertension Solution) Drink Powder on Hypertension Rats

(Rattus Norvegicus Strain Wistar) Blood Pressure .................................................................................... 58
ID 55 The Effects Of Complementary And Alternative Medicine (Cam) On Cancer Patients
...... .......................................................................................................................................................... 59

ID 56Effect Of The Use Of Hormonal Contraception On The Incidence Of Obesity In Three

Puskesmas Of Ende City.......................................................................................................................... 60

ID 58Analysis Of Nursing Caring Factors In Breast Cancer Patients With Chemotherapy

At Rsud Dr.Soetomo Surabaya ................................................................................................................. 61

ID 61 Analysis Of The Appropriate Toothpaste Selection For Early Childhood In Surabaya

City In 2019 ............................................................................................................................................. 62

ID 62 “The Regularity of Antenatal Care Through Knowledge of Pregnant Women and

Support form Husband” ............................................................................................................................ 63

ID 63 Development of Post Partum Assessment Instrument in Mothers with Preeclampsia-Eclampsia

Based on Model Need for Help and Self Care ........................................................................................... 64

ID 64 A Midiwife Compliance with Health Protocols during Pandemi Covid-19 in East

Nusa Tenggara Province ........................................................................................................................... 65

ID 67Relationship between duration of illness and anxiety with adherence to medication

of hypertension......... .......................................................................................................... ...................... 66

ID 73Spirituality, Self-Acceptance, Fatalism With Compliance With Running Chemotherapy

Of Breast Cancer Clients .......................................................................................................................... 67

ID 79Prevention behavior of COVID-19 infection among adults in East Java: an online survey
Study ........................................................................................................................................................ 68

ID 80 Effectiveness of Abdominal Stretching Exercise and Sanyinjiao Acupressure to relieve

Dysmenorrhea Pain ................................................................................................................................. 69

ID 82 The development and validation of preoperative patient educational video at private

hospital............. ....................................................................................................................................... 70

ID 85 Development and validation of educational videos on hygienic care for nursing students
using Delphi Technique............. .............................................................................................................. 71

ID 86 Parenting And Social Demographic Status Of Parents On The Quality Of Life Of Children
Aged 2-4 Years....................................................................................................................................... 72

ID 88Clinical Bedside Handover and Satisfaction among Nurses: The Integrated Review... .................... 73

ID 90 Role of Parents with the soscial support approach in the use of gadgetaon the social
development children of elementaryschool-age in Surabaya .................................................................... 74

ID 92 The BC-MK15 Birth Chair To Maternal Comfort In Labour .......................................................... 75

ID 94 Effectivity Of Simulation Game (Sig) And Focus Group Discussion (Fgd) Methods
On Family Head Preparedness In Facing Landslide Disasters .................................................................. 76

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 3
ID 95 Trends Of Malaria Cases From 2018 To 2019 In East-Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
................................................................................................................................................................ 77

ID 96 The Influence of recipient support factors, support privoders, composition structure

of social networks on family support in the prevention transmission of pulmonary
tuberculosis ............................................................................................................................................. 78

ID 97 Success of Early Breasfeeding Initation With Uterine Involution, Placental Detachment and
Prevention of Bleeding in Fourth Stage of Labor ..................................................................................... 79

ID 99 Alerting Bundles: New Approaches to Prevent Anticipated Physiological Falls ............................ 80

ID 105 Cultural Perspective of Maternity in Boti, South Central Timor Regency ..................................... 81

ID 111 Learning The Practice Of Simple Phantom Model To Changes Practice Behavior In Pregnancy
And Labor ............................................................................................................................................... 82

ID 116 "Daily Iron Intake and BMI for Age but not for Daily Tannin Intake Increase Hemoglobin Levels
in Young Females at Karanganyar Regency, Central Java, Indonesia” ..................................................... 83

ID 123 The Effectiveness Of Local Leader-Based Social Interventions On Early Marriage Knowledge
And Attitudes .......................................................................................................................................... 84

ID 124 Performance Model Of Dental Nursing In The Implementation Of Anc Integrated

Programs Visiting Pregnant Women K1 To Dental Poly In Public Health Center .................................... 85

ID 125 Factors That Cause Selection of Non Health Workers as Birth Assistance in the Tarus
Community Health Center East Penfui in 2019 ........................................................................................ 86

ID 126 Analysis of Anxiety Levels of Pregnant Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia ... 87

ID 127 The Impact of Accupressure to Increase Consumption Level among Children in Providing
Additional Foods (PMT Recovery) .......................................................................................................... 88

ID 130 Viability Bovine Tooth Graft In Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells ............................... 89

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

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Map of Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 5
Welcome to Surabaya

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 6
Welcome To Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health,
drg. Bambang Hadi Sugito, M.Kes
Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya

Assalamu’alaikumWr. Wb.
Praise Allah SWT for bestowing His mercy and blessings, and with His permission we held the Joint Conference on
Health Science & Medical Engineering (JCoHeSME) in 2020 which is part of a series to commemorate the 19th
DIES NATALIS, Ministry of Health Surabaya Polytechnic.
Digital transformation is a big challenge for the Indonesian people in developing technology that will be used for
Indonesian society. Digital transformation includes digital economy, artificial intelligence, big data. In its
development, everyone definitely needs a variety of technologies that have been presented, it is also part of the
experts and does not close exceptions to health workers in carrying out their duties, not only in need, health workers
also play an important role in the country in the era of digital transformation and disruption to the health industry.
The challenges faced by medical staff as the technology spreads to the wider community when the community is one
of the elements affected in the changing digital transformation.
From some of the explanations regarding the digital transformation, the PoltekkesKemenkes Surabaya will hold a
Joint Conference on Health Science & Medical Engineering (JCoHeSME) with the theme "Community
Empowerment on Health Care Industry in Digital Transformation and Disruption Era" on 8 – 9 October 2020 ,
Implementation of Activities in a virtual conference.
The conference consists of four conferences in accordance with scientific families, including: Electromedical
Engineering, Nursing, Dental Nursing, Health and Midwifery Analysts. The name of the International Conference
(IC) under the umbrella of JCoHeSME is:
1. 1st International Conference on Electronics, Biomedical Engineering, and Health Informatics (ICEBEHI)
Electromedical Engineering, Electronics, Biomedical, Informatics scientific groups.
2. 1st International Conference on Clinical Laboratory & Environmental Health (ICoCLEH) for the Health
Analyst and Environmental Health scientific groups.
3. 1st International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, and Nutrition (ICoNMiN) for Nursing Sciences,
Dental Nursing, Midwifery scientific groups
The Purpose of the conference are:
1.To improve the reputation of lecturers and institutions at the International level as a place for student and
lecturer publications in proceedings indexed by Scopus
2.To increase the number of documents on for Poltekkes Surabaya lecturers
3.Increasing the number of Poltekkes scores of the Ministry of Health Surabaya, in Sinta.Dikti
4.Introducing the Health Polytechnic of the Surabaya Ministry of Health as a research and technology-based
educational institution.
The forms of activities are:
1.International Conference which will be attended by four keynote speakers from 4 countries namely
Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia
2.International standard call for papers with International proceeding outputs, Scopus indexed journal and
DIKTI Accredited journal.

Finally, I would like to congratulate and say thank you on your participating in the Joint Conference on Health
Science & Medical Engineering (JCoHeSME).
May God the Almighty and facilitate our work. That is the delivery of my welcome.
Thank you.

WassalamualaikumWr. Wb

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 7
Welcome Message fromthe JCoHeSME General Chair
On behalf of the technical program committee (TPC), we warmly welcome you to 2020

1st Joint Conference on Health Science and Medical Engineering (JCoHeSME) in Surabaya,
Indonesia.The committee has organize dexciting technical programs for International conference on Electronics,
Biomedical Engineering, and Health Informatics 2020 (ICEBEHI), International conference on Nursing,
Midwifery, and Nutrition 2020 (ICoNMIN), and International conference on Clinical Laboratory and
Environmental Health 2020 (ICoCLEH) with conference theme of “Community empowerment on health care
industry in digital transformation and disruption era” JCoHeSME 2020is the annual international conference
organized by Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya (Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya), Surabaya,
Indonesia and co-organized by Universiti TATI Malaysia, Institut Teknologi TELKOM Purwokerto Indonesia,
Vocational Faculty Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, PoltekkesKemenkes Palu, and PoltekkesKemenkes
Kupang.As an annual internationalconference, JCoHESME providesexcellent platform to share innovative idea
and experiences, exchange information, and explore collaboration among researchers, engineers, practitioners and
scholars in the field of health science, and medical engineering.

All submitted paper sthrough out the world went through arigorousre view process and each paper was evaluated
by at least two independent reviewers in accordance with standard blind reviewprocess. In this occasion, I
would like to inform you that ICEBEHI’s authors is come from Alabania, Canada, China, Columbia, Indonesia,
Libya, Malaysia, Rusia. Additionally, the ICONMIN’s author is come from Indonesia, Iran, Sri-Lanka, and
Malaysia. Furthermore, the ICOCLEH’s author is come from Indonesia and Thailand. Besides those regular
sessions, JCoHeSME2020also features world-class keynote/plenary speechesand distinguish-invited speakers
thatreflect the current research anddevelopment trends in the aforementioned fields.

We are deeply indebted to all four TPC members as well as our reviewers, who volunteered a considerable
amount of their time and experti set oensure afair, rigorous, and timely review process. Many thanks should
begiven to our keynote and invited speakers who will share their experience in this conference. Last but not least,
our since regratitude should begiven to all authors for submitting their work to JCoHeSME 2020,which has
allowed us to assembleahigh- q u a l i t y technical program.Welcome to JCoHesME 2020 and hope you will
enjoythis virtual conference.

With best regards,

Dr. Triwiyanto

General Chair

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 8
Welcome to the International conference
on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition 2020 (ICoNMIN),
On behalf of the conference committee I would like to thank all participants from
various countries, who participated in submitting their articles to be published through
this conference.
Total of 130 papers submitted, after going through a very strict selection, there are 64
subjects that passed to be published.
We hope that this conference will be an arena for the development of science and
technology in the fields of nursing, midwifery, dental nursing and nutrition.
We would like to thank the Director of the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Surabaya and all managers
for the opportunities and facilities for organizing this conference. I also thank the speakers, invited speakers, internal
and external reviewers and all conference participants who have actively participated in supporting the success of
this conference.
We also thank the committee who have worked hard with all their efforts to make this activity a success.
Hopefully the International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery and Nutrition (ICoNMIN) can be held continuously
every year.

Welcome to the conference.


Dr. Siti Nur Kholifah

General Chair

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 9
Organitation Committee Reviewer

drg. Bambang Hadi Sugito, M.Kes Joel Rey Ugsang Acob

Dr. Khambali, ST, MPPM Siti Nur Kholifah
Dr. Hilmy Yumni, S.Kep. Ns.,MKep. Sp.Mat Yohanes K. Windi
Mohammad Najib, S.Kp., M.Sc Anita Joeliantina
Setiawan, SKM, M.Psi Jujuk Proboningsih
Dr. Sri Utami, S.Kp., M.Kes Taufiqurrahman
Dr. Triwiyanto, S.Si, MT Titi Maharrani
Dr. Siti Nur Kholifah, SKM,M.Kep, Sp.Kom Dwi Ananto Wibrata
Taufiqurrahman, SKM, MPH Moh.Bahrudin
Sari Luthfiyah, SKp., M.Kes Juliana Christiani
Hery Sumasto, S.Kep, Ns, M.Kes Yessy Dessy Arna
Dr. Endro Yulianto, ST. MT Isnanto
Muhammad Ridha Makruf, ST, M.Si Padoli
Dr. Dra. Anik Handayati, M.Kes SanglarPolnok
Drs. Edy Haryanto, M. Kes. Nurlailis Saadah
Pestariati., S.Pd., M. Kes. AgungSuharto
Irwan Sulistio, SKM, M.Si Joko Suwito
Dr. Dwi Ananto Wibrata, M.Kes Triwiyanto
Dr.Ir. Juliana Christyaningsih, M.Kes Heru Santosa Wahito Nugroho
Dr. Jujuk Proningsih, SKp, M.Kes Zhanibek Yessimbekov
Dr. Anita Joeliantina., M. Kes
Dr. Yessy Dessy Arna, M.Kep.,Sp.Kom
drg. Ida ChairannaMahirawatie, M.Kes
Isnanto, S.SiT M. Kes.
Astuti Setiyani, M. Kes
Titi Maharrani, SST, M.Keb
Dr. Ns. Heru Santoso WN, S.Kep, M.M.Kes
Syaifudin, ST, MT
Syevana Dita Musvika, SST
Deddy Adam, SST, M.KL
Fitri Rokhmalia, SST, M.KL
Tri Koerniasih, Amd.Kl, Sst
Anita Miftahul Maghfiroh, SST, MT
Edi Yulianto, S.M

Editor Committee
Dr. Triwiyanto, S.Si, MT
Dr. Siti Nur Kholifah, M.Kep.Sp.Kom
Yohanes K. Windi, PhD.
Dr. Anita Joeliantina, S.Kep.Ns, M.Kes
Dr. Jujuk Proboningsih, SKp, M.Kes
Taufiqurrahman, SKM, MPH

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 10
JCoHeSME Plenary Session Rules and Regulations
PoltekkesKemenkes Surabaya

Link :

1. Participants are required to register on the Zoom application which has been sent by mail or other electronic
2. Participants do a rename with the following conditions:
a. Invited guests→ Name
b. Keynote Speaker → Name
c. Invited Speaker → Name
d. Presenter → Room-ID Paper (Contoh : ICEBEHI 1– 67)
e. Participant → Room-Name (Contoh : ICEBEHI 2-Triwiyanto)
f. Committe → Room-Com-Name (Contoh : ICEBEHI 3-Com-Triwiyanto)
g. Moderator → Room-Mod-Name (Contoh: ICEBEHI 4-Mod-Triwiyanto)
h. QA Assistance → Room-QA-Name (Contoh: ICEBEHI 4-QA-Triwiyanto)
3. Participants’ questions can simply be sent via the Chat window which is formally allowed on the Zoom device.
4. Comments and questions are made by fulfilling the 3 (three) elements as follows:
a. Write a name
b. Affiliation
c. Questions addressed to the narrator / who, questions
5. Participants who are entitled to receive certificates provided that they register at the beginning of the end
every day, participate in the event for 2 full days.
6. Material and E-certificates can be downloaded via a link which will be notified by the committee via email of
each participant
7. The committee does not accept complaints, if there are errors or errors in writing the name on the E-
certificate. The certificate is made according to the attendance list databased form.
8. Please include an active email address: (please write the correct email address)
9. Participants must wear a polite and appropriate top, and attend the seminar in a polite position.
10. Host has the right to mute the participant’s audio (mute audio) and remove the participant if the participant
does not follow the rules and is deemed to be disturbing other participants.
11. Matters that have not been regulated or technical changes will be conveyed during the seminar

JCoHeSME Committee

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 11
DAY 1 Programe

Day 1
October 8th, 2020
07.00-08.00 Online Registration

1. Opening Ceremony
2. National Anthem Indonesia Raya
08.00–08.45 3. JCoHeSME chairman’s speech Dr. Triwiyanto, S.Si., MT
WIB 4. Director of Poltekkes Surabaya’s speech drg. Bambang Hadi Sugito, M.Kes
5. Head of BPPSDM Kemenkes RI’s speech Prof. Dr. Abdul Kadir, Ph.D., Sp.THT-KL(K)., MARS
6. Pray

1. Prof.Dr. Eko Supriyanto

Universitas Teknologi Malaysia
08.45-10.15 Keynote Speaker I ( ICEBEHI) Panel
WIB 2. Assoc. Prof. Hanung Adi Nugroho Ph.D
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

1. Ass. Prof.Dr. Chotiros Plabplueng, Ph.D

Mohidol University Thailand
10.15–11.45 Keynote Speaker II (ICoCLEH) Panel
WIB 2. Prof. Ir. Eddy Setiadi, Dipl.SE, M.Sc. Ph.D Intitut
Teknologi Sepuluh Novembar, Indonesia

11.45 – 12.00 Sponsorship BNI Syariah

12.00-12.30 Lunch Break
12.30 – 13.00 Breakout Room
13.00–17.00 Parallel Session I (9 Room) Room ICONMIN 3
WIB @ 15 Minutes (Presentation + QA) Room ICEBEHI 1

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 12
Parallel Session ICoNMIN DAY 1
Interpersonal Relationship of Nurses Against
13.00 – Bahrudin Moch and Tanty Feelings of Uncertainty in Patients in the ward Poltekkes Kemenkes
1 13.16 1 Wulan Dari Based on Uncertainly Theories Surabaya
Eppy Setiyowati, Umi Hanik, Ni
13.16 – Njoman Juliasih and Reny Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Covid
2 13.32 3 Mareta Sari 19 Transmission Chain in Surabaya UNUSA
Siti Nur Kholifah, Dwi Ananto Models Of Self Care Regulation (Rpd) Based On
13.32 – Wibrata, Minarti Minarti and Health Belief To Prevent Hipertension Disease In Poltekkes Kemenkes
3 13.48 17 Nursalam Nursalam Adolescent Groups Surabaya
The Relationship Between Competence and Nurse
Dyah Wijayanti,
13.48 – Performance at Emergency Room of RSUD
M.Kep / QA: 1.
4 14.04 34 Kori Limbong Prof.Dr.W.Z.Johannes Kupang Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang
Amelia Nur Fitran
Nursing Intervention Models Of Interpersonal
Yudwiarto. 2. Kiki
14.04 – Dwi Ananto Wibrata, Siti Nur Human Caring Based On Psychological Needs Of Poltekkes Kemenkes
Berliana Ramadhani,
5 14.20 18 Kholifah and Nur Salam Adolescents In Orphans Surabaya
The achievement of 12 Healthy family Indicators
14.20 – Margareta Teli, Pius Selasa, M. and Healthy Family Index in Nulle-Village, East
6 14.36 35 Margaretha U. W, Israfil. Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang
14.36 – Nikmatul Fadilah, Minarti, Siti Improving quality of life of families with stroke Poltekkes Kemenkes
7 14.52 28 Nur Kholifah and Nursalam patient through family resilience models Surabaya
Nursing Care Study In Patients With Dengue
Yosephina Elizabeth Gunawan, Hemorrhagic Fever Carried Out By A Nurse: A
14.52 – Sofia Rhosma Dewi and Study With The Theory Of Planned Behaviour
8 15.08 38 Domianus Namuwali Approach Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang
Combination intervention of counselling and
15.08 – Minarti, Kastubi and Nikmatul dzikir towards attitudes of self-acceptance in Poltekkes Kemenkes
9 15.24 29 Fadilah nursing home Surabaya
Dr. Dwi Ananto 15.24 – Mustika Dewi, Purwarani F The relationship between sibling rivalry and social
10 Wibrata, SST, 15.40 44 Damayanti and Era N Windari adjustment ability of preschool children Univ. Brawijaya
M.Kes / QA: 1. Yohanes Kambaru Windi, Dyah “STOP” Generalizing Health and Wellbeing
Sevita Fasha Qusnul 15.40 – Wijayanti and Eko Rustamaji Concept – A Lesson Learnt from the Waste Poltekkes Kemenkes
11 Qotimah, 15.56 47 Wiyatno Pickers in Surabaya Surabaya
Heni Puji Wahyuningsih, Parenting And Social Demographic Status Of
15.56 – Bhisma Murti, Eny Lestari and Parents On The Quality Of Life Of Children Aged Poltekkes Kemenkes
12 16.12 86 Reviono 2-4 Years Yogyakarta

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 13
Article no 48 “ The Development of
Complementary Feeding Recommendation by
Annas Buanasita, Using Linear Programming To Improve Mother
16.12 – Taufiqurrahman, Luki Knowledge and Compliance to Better Diet of Poltekkes Kemenkes
13 16.28 48 Mundiastuti Stunting Children in Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya
The Effectiveness Of Local Leader-Based Social
16.28 – Interventions On Early Marriage Knowledge And
14 16.44 123 Elisabeth Surbakti Attitudes Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan
16.44 – Relationship Between Family Support With Poltekkes Kemenkes
15 17.00 50 Adin Mu’Afiro Quality Of Life Dm Type 2 Clients Surabaya
Padoli Padoli, Nur Aini Lutfi
The Effects Of Complementary And Alternative
17.00 – Rahmawati, Aida Novitasari and Poltekkes Kemenkes
Medicine (Cam) On Cancer Patients
16 17.16 55 Dwi Utari Widiastuti Surabaya

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 14
Model For Pregnancy Mother
Preparation In Caring For Baby
Based On Role Attainment In
Hilmi Yumni, Sri Mugianti, Baiq Dewi Marriage Of Children Age In Poltekkes Kemenkes
1 13.00 – 13.16 19 Harnani and Hasyim As’Ari Puskesmas Surabaya City Surabaya
The improving of breastfeeding
Siska Heli na, Juraida Roito Harahap, mothers satisfaction by using
2 13.16 – 13.32 43 Siti Halimah tri- core breastfeeding models Poltekkes Kemenkes Riau
“The Regularity of Antenatal
Sendy Ayu Mitra Uktutias, Ade Ayu Care Through Knowledge of
Mitra Ramadita Daluas (1) & Pregnant Women and Support
3 13.32 – 13.48 62 Cholichul Hadi (2) form Husband”. Unair
Effectiveness of Abdominal
Stretching Exercise and
Inne Susanti, Msi/ Rabia Zakaria, Indra Haryanto Ali Sanyinjiao Acupressure to Poltekkes Kemenkes
4 QA: 1. Dinda Tri 13.48 – 14.04 80 and Amellia Rivani T. Suma relieve Dysmenorrhea Pain Gorontalo
Agustin, 2. Aisya Performan Of Educator In
Syarifa Aini Family Planning In
Baiq Dewi Harnani, Hilmi Yumni and Development Of Teen Poltekkes Kemenkes
5 14.04 – 14.20 20 Sari Lutfiyah Conseling Information Center Surabaya
Analysis of Anxiety Levels of
Gusriani, Nur Indah Noviyanti, Pregnant Women during the
Wahida, Yuni Retnowati, Ika Yulianti, COVID-19 Pandemic in
6 14.20 – 14.36 126 Darmiati Indonesia Iuniversitas Borneo Tarakan
Dhiana Setyorini, Intim Cahyono and Risk Factors for Post Partum Poltekkes Kemenkes
7 14.36 – 14.52 24 Nur Hasanah Bleeding in Pregnant Women Surabaya
Smart Mother Classes (Smc):
Coping Skill And Antenatal
Education Toward Stress,
Childbirth Self Efficacy (Cbse),
And Outcome Of Birth Among Poltekkes Kemenkes
8 14.52 – 15.08 32 Runjati and Sri Rahayu Pregnant Women Semarang
International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 15
Performing exercise to reduce
intensity of pain, anxiety, and
to improve self esteem,
Sri Sumarni, Syarief Thaufik Hidayat, serotonin level for Poltekkes Kemenkes
9 15.08 – 15.24 33 Dwi Pudjonarko, Hardhono Susanto premenstrual syndrome. Semarang
Increased Cadre Motivation
Conducting Childbirth Referrals
Intim Cahyono, Dhiana Setyorini and Through Training with the Poltekkes Kemenkes
10 15.24 – 15.40 25 Jenie Palupi, Nurhasanah DABA Method Surabaya
Efectivity of Timor Tribe
Traditional Postaprtum Care
Modification in Kota Soe
Dewa Ayu Kencanawati and Ni Luh Community Health Center,
11 15.40 – 15.56 40 Made Diah P.A South Center Timor Region Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang
Study Of Maternal Mortality
Hepta Nur Related With Pregnancy
Anugrahani, Planning In Fertile Age Couples
M.Kep/ QA: 1. Mariana Ngundju Awang and Dewa In Rural And Urban City In East
12 Puti Nur Iqomah, 15.56 – 16.12 46 Ayu Kencanawati Sumba District,2014-2018 Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang
Development of Post Partum
Assessment Instrument in
Mothers with Preeclampsia-
Endah Suprihatin and Sri Hardi Eclampsia Based on Model Poltekkes Kemenkes
13 16.12 – 16.28 63 Wuryaningsih Need for Help and Self Care Surabaya
Effect Of The Use Of Hormonal
Contraception On The
Martina Bedho, Irwan Budiana and Incidence Of Obesity In Three
14 16.28 – 16.44 56 Siisilia Lenicahyani Puskesmas Of Ende City Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang
A Midiwife Compliance with
Dewa Ayu Putu Mariana Health Protocols during
Kencanawati, Ignasensia Dua Mirong Pandemi Covid-19 in East Nusa
16.44 – 17.00 64 and Ummu Zakiyah Tenggara Province Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang
16 17.00 – 17.16 97 Astuti Setiyani, Nana Usnawati and Success of Early Breasfeeding Poltekkes Kemenkes

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 16
Sunarto Sunarto Initation With Uterine Surabaya
Involution, Placental
Detachment and Prevention of
Bleeding in Fourth Stage of

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 17
Nurlailis Saadah, Sulikah, Parent Knowledge on Oral
Rahayu Sumaningsih and Hygiene toward Incidence of
1 13.00 – 13.16 7 Budi Yulianto Children Dental Caries Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya
Combination of Foeniculum
Isnu Kurnia Nugrahaeni, Vulgare M. and Azadirachia Indica
Melyana Nurul Widyawati Juss as Antifertility Agent in
2 13.16 – 13.32 10 and Ari Suwondo Female Mice Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang
Effects Mixture Powder of Black
Lalu Juntra Utama, Novian Rice, Red Beans and Moringa
Swasono Hadi and Anita Leaves on Blood Glucose in
3 13.32 – 13.48 12 Christina Sembiring Hyperglycemic Rats Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang
Effectiveness Of Training Based
On Knowledge Management: Seci
Gita Marini,
Ratih Larasati and Imam S Toward Cadadic Behavior Dental
S.Kep.Ns, M.Kes/
4 13.48 – 14.04 26 Edi And Mouth Health Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya
QA: 1. Sof’Roul
Lina Yunita, Herianus Lalel, Effects of Betamelor (Black Rice,
Ardianti Rahman,
Stefanus P Manongga, Frans Red Beans and Moringa Leaves)
2. Aulia Tasya
Umbu Datta and Christina Consumption on
5 14.04 – 14.20 21 Olly Lada Hypercholesterolemic Rats Univ. Nusa Cendana
Activities of Virgin Coconut Oil
Noer Saudah, Indah Lestari, (VCO) And Low Carb Diets
Catur Prasastia Lukita Dewi Decerease Blood Glucose Levels
6 14.20 – 14.36 31 and Sahrir Sillehu on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Stikes Bina Sehat

Analysis Of The Appropriate

Toothpaste Selection For Early
Childhood In Surabaya City In
Sunomo Hadi, Bambang
Hadi Sugito and Jumriani
14.36 – 14.52 61 Jumriani Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya
8 14.52 – 15.08 45 Agustina Setia, Asmulyati Determinants of Nutritional Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang
International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 18
Saleh, A.A.A Mirah Adi and Status of Two-Year-Old Baby’s
Yohanes Demu First Thousand Days of Life (1000
FDL) in the Work Area of Oepoi
Public Health Center in Kupang
City, East Nusa Tenggara,
The Local Kelor (moringa
oleifera)Leave Powder Of West
Nusa Tenggara Increase Of The
Fifi Luthfiyah, Reni Sofiyatin, Neutrophile Cell Phagocyte Index
Edi Widjayanto and And Its Function On The Rats With
Taufiqurrahman PEM Infected By Staphylococcus
9 15.08 – 15.24 52 Taufiqurrahman aureus bacteria Poltekkes Kemenkes Mataram
Performance Model Of Dental
Nursing In The Implementation Of
Sri Hidayatijkg, Imam Sarwo Anc Integrated Programs Visiting
Edi and Endang Pregnant Women K1 To Dental
10 15.24 – 15.40 124 Purwaningsih Poly In Public Health Center Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya
Suryaningsih, The Effect of Hytensol
M.Keb/ QA: 1. (Hypertension Solution) Drink
Athiyyah Nabilah Mira Ardiningsih, Fifi Powder on Hypertension Rats
Az Zahro, Luthfiyah, Reni Sofiyatin and (Rattus Norvegicus Strain Wistar)
11 15.40 – 15.56 54 Aladhiana Cahyaningrum Blood Pressure Poltekkes Kemenkes Mataram
“Daily Iron Intake and BMI for Age
but not for Daily Tannin Intake
Increase Hemoglobin Levels in
Liyana Ilmiyati, Dono Young Females at Karanganyar
12 15.56 – 16.12 116 Indarto (1), Brian Wasita (2) Regency, Central Java, Indonesia” UNS 11 Maret
Bambang Sugito1*, Badai
Wahyudadi2, Gabriela Viability Bovine Tooth Graft In
Halim3, Eka Augustina3, Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal
Resgita Masya3, Ernie Stem Cells
13 16.12 – 16.28 130 Setiawatie3* Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya
14 16.28 – 16.44 127 Enggar Anggraeni, The Impact of Accupressure to Karya Huasada Kediri

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 19
Mirthasari Palupi (1); Risma Increase Consumption Level
Trisnagati (2) among Children in Providing
Additional Foods (PMT Recovery)

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 20
Day 2
October 9th, 2020
07.00-08.00 Online Registration
1. Prof. Dr. Sri Sumarmi
Universitas Airlangga Indonesia
08.00 – 09.30 Keynote Speaker III (ICoNMIN) Panel
WIB 2. Prof. Joylyn L Mejilla, MN., RN
Centro Escolar University Philipines

1. Professor Elvira L. Urgel, Ph.D., MAN

Centro Escolar University Philipines

2. Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Guruh Irianto

Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya Indonesia

3. Assoc Prof. Dr. Khambali ST., MPPM

09.30 – 11.30 Invited Speaker Panel Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya Indonesia
4. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Joko Suwito.
Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya Indonesia

5. Mr. Nirmalya Takur.

University of Cincinnati (UC), USA

11.30 – 12.30 Lunch Break

12.30 – 13.00 BreakOut Room
Parallel Session 2 (7 Room) Room ICONMIN 3
13.00 – 15.00 @ 15 Minutes (Presentasi + QA) Room ICEBEHI 1

15.00 – 15.15 Hall Room

15.15 – 15.30 Sponsorship IDS Med IDS Med
15.30 – 16.30 Closing Ceremony
WIB 1. JCoHeSME chairman’s report
2. Best Paper Announcement
3. Best Presenter Announcement
4. Pray

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 21
Parallel Session ICoNMIN DAY 2
Analysis Of Nursing Caring Factors
In Breast Cancer Patients With
Dyah Wijayanti, Eko Rustamaji Wiyatno Chemotherapy At Rsud Dr.Soetomo Poltekkes Kemenkes
1 13.00 – 13.16 58 and Tumini Tumini Surabaya Surabaya
Coping with a dependent condition
from epidemolysis bullosa as a Poltekkes Kemenkes
2 13.16 – 13.32 41 Era Dorihi Kale and Uly Agustine student in a foreign country Kupang
Dr. Dwi Ananto Kiaonarni Ongko Waluyo, Dwi Azizah Relationship between duration of
Wibrata, SST, Meirina, Dwi Ananto Wibrata, Adin illness and anxiety with adherence Poltekkes Kemenkes
3 M.Kes / QA: 1. 13.32 – 13.48 67 Muafiro, Irine Christiany to medication of hypertension Surabaya
Maylana Nawang , Trends Of Malaria Cases From 2018
2. Erika Yuliani Pius Selasa, Heru Santoso Wahito To 2019 In East-Sumba, East Nusa Poltekkes Kemenkes
4 Dewim 13.48 – 14.04 95 Nugroho, Margareta Teli and Israfil Israfil Tenggara, Indonesia Kupang
Spirituality, Self-Acceptance,
Fatalism With Compliance With
Padoli Padoli, Moh Najib and Nur Aini Lutfi Running Chemotherapy Of Breast Poltekkes Kemenkes
5 14.04 – 14.20 73 Rahmawati Cancer Clients Surabaya
Annas Buanasita, Lini Sholihah, Edi Suroso, Prevention behavior of COVID-19
Hendra Tri K W, Yuni Prabawani and infection among adults in East Java:
6 14.20 – 14.36 79 Oktavia Rahmawati an online survey study Lab Gizi Surabaya

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 22
The development and validation of
Lee Soo Hwee, Aini Ahmad, Puziah Yusof preoperative patient educational
1 13.00 - 13.16 82 and Annamma Kunjukunju video at private hospital Student Presenter
Anggraini Dwi Kurnia, Nur Melizza, Nur Correlation between Stigma and
Lailatul Masruroh and Ayu Nurlaila Catur Family Support in Tuberculosis
2 13.16 - 13.32 37 Ramadhani Patients in Malang, Indonesia Unmuh Malang
Development and validation of
educational videos on hygienic care
Umi Kalsum Bokari, Aini Ahmad, Nurul for nursing students using Delphi
3 13.32 - 13.48 85 Fariza Mokhtar and Puziah Mohd Yusof Technique Student Presenter
Application Of Diabetes Self
Gita Marini,
Management Education (Dsme)
S.Kep.Ns, M.Kes /
Based On Emotional
QA: 1. Riyola
Demonstration On Self Efficacy
Wahyunisa, 2.Uvy
Febtian Cendradevi Nugroho and Irwan Patients Of Diabetes Mellitus Type Poltekkes Kemenkes
4 13.48 - 14.04 42 Budiana 2 Kupang
Role of Parents with the soscial
support approach in the use of
gadgetaon the social development
children of elementaryschool-age Poltekkes Kemenkes
5 14.04 - 14.20 90 Indriatie, Aida Novitasari in Surabaya Surabaya
Effectivity Of Simulation Game (Sig)
And Focus Group Discussion (Fgd)
Methods On Family Head
Preparedness In Facing Landslide Poltekkes Kemenkes
6 14.20 - 14.36 94 Endang Soelistyowati and Siswari Yuniarti Disasters Surabaya
Alerting Bundles: New Approaches University College of
to Prevent Anticipated Nursing, Nilai, Negeri
7. 14.37 – 15.00 99 Goventhamah S and Aini A Physiological Falls Sembilan , Malaysia

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 23
Clinical Bedside Handover and
Thilagavathy Arumugam, Aini Ahmad and Satisfaction among Nurses:
1 13.00 - 13.16 88 Puziah Mohd Yusof The Integrated Review Student Presenter
The BC-MK15 Birth Chair To
2 13.16 - 13.32 92 Ummi Saleh and Farid Husin Maternal Comfort In Labour Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang
The Influence of recipient
support factors, support
privoders, composition
structure of social networks
Aby Yazid Al- on family support in the
Bustomo, Lembunai Tat Alberta, Dwi Utari prevention transmission of
3 M.Kep.Sp.KMB/ 13.32 - 13.48 96 Widyastuti pulmonary tuberculosis Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya
QA: 1. Amelia Nur Cultural Perspective of
Fitran Y, 2. Nyimas Maternity in Boti, South
4 Ayu Adini 13.48 - 14.04 105 Mareta Bakoil and Veki Tuhana Central Timor Regency Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang
Learning The Practice Of
Simple Phantom Model To
Rijanto Rijanto and Tatarini Ika Changes Practice Behavior In
5 14.04 - 14.20 111 Pipitcahyani Pregnancy And Labor Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya
Factors That Cause Selection
of Non Health Workers as
Birth Assistance in the Tarus
Tirza Tabelak, Adriana Boimau and Community Health Center
6 14.20 - 14.36 125 Serlyansie Boimau East Penfui in 2019 Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 24
ID _1



MochBahrudin1,andTanty Wulan Dari2

Departement OfNursing,Health PolytechnicMinistryofHealth Surabaya, Indonesia

Keywords : ward nursing, interpersonal relationship, uncertainly

Nurse that able to develop positive relationships with client scan help reduce uncertainty thatare
directly related tohigh emotional distress, anxiety and depression because it providesan opportunity
to develop alliances, communication, and acceptance. The purpose of this research is analyze the
influence of nurse’s interpersonal relationship toward uncertainty in patient's ward.
This research use analytical design with cross sectional approach and involves 40 respondents
of all the client that in the ward procedure using simple random sampling technique. Research
conducted in the ward installation in General Hospital sidoarjo, starting from may until july
2018.The independent variableof this researchisthe nurse’s interpersonal relationship while the
dependent variable is the uncertainty in ward patient.
The results showedthat nurse’s interpersonal relationships in the favourable criteria(52.4%) and
uncertainty in the ward patient in the moderate high level (50%). Results of regression analysiss
howed the value of probablity (sig.)
0.000is smaller than the value ofalpha(a) (0.05) that mean there is significant influence between
nurses’s interpersonal relationship toward uncertainty in ward patient's with the model of regression
is, uncertainty(y) = 96.316-2,231 x interpersonal relationship (x). Percentage of the influence of
nurses’s interpersonal relationship toward uncertainty is 38,9%.
The conclusion of this research stated there is significant influence between nurses’s
interpersonal relationship toward uncertainty inperioperative patient's family with the model of
regression is, uncertainty(y) = 96.316-2,231 x interpersonal relationship(x).

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 25
ID _3

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Towards the Covid 19 Transmission

Eppy Setiyowati1, Ni Njoman Juliasih2, Reny Mareta Sari2
: Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya University
: Institude of Tropical Diseases, Airlangga University
Corresponding author e-mail :

Key word : Covid 19, knowledge, attitude, practice, outbreak

Abstract East Java Indonesia showed is higher number of Middle East respiratory syndrome-
coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection. Satisfactory knowledge, postive attitude and healthful practice of
community regarding Covid 19 are a cornerstone in prevention of virus spread and disease outbreak.
To assesss knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) toward Covid 19 transmission chain of community
at East Java .Discriptive study was conducted crossectional approach, on a randomly selected to 250
participants in three location ( Sidoarjo city, Surabaya city and Mojokerto city). The participants were
invited after their consent to fill a designed closed ended based questionnaire. The level of KAP was
of participants less than 50,2%. Older age, gender, education level, and work activity were positively
correlated with score of knowledge. The study reflected the importance of health education as a
cornerstone element in improving KAP toward Covid 19 infection in preventing the virus spread and
disease outbreak.

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 26
ID _7

Parent Knowledge on Oral Hygiene toward Incidence of Children Dental

N Saadah1, Sulikah2, R Sumaningsih3 ,B Yulianto4
1 Department of Midwifery Study Program Magetan, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya,
2 Department of Midwifery Study Program Magetan, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya,
3 Department of Midwifery Study Program Magetan, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya,
4 Department of Environmental Health Study Program Magetan, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health
Surabaya, Indonesia

*Corresponding author e-mail:

Abstract. Introduction: Dental Caries is a major problem in children caused by lack of knowledge
maintain oral health. To prevent caries in the children is to increase knowledge of parents in
maintaining hygiene and dental health care of children. This research aims to analyze the relationship
between parental knowledge of oral hygiene with incidence of caries. Method: This research used
correlational research design. The population was parents have a students I-VI grade Elementary
School 02 Sirapan Village. Sampling was conducted using Proportional Simple Random Sampling
and getting a sample of 108 parents. Data about parental knowledge were collected by questionnaires
and data about incidence of dental caries in children by of the observation sheet, the data were
processed by using the statistics of test Contingency Coefficient. Result: The results of 108 parents
who have in children obtained, that (30.1%) had good knowledge about dental caries (69.9%) had
poor knowledge of dental caries. Of the 33 parents who have good knowledge about dental caries,
(54,5%) who experienced dental caries (45,5%) who did not have dental caries. And from 75 parents
who have poor knowledge about dental caries (98.7%) who have dental caries and (1.3%) who did
not have dental caries. Statistical tests results showed the value (p) = 0.000 <0.05 and coefficient of
contingency (C) = 0.535. Conclusion: This shows that there is a relationship between parental
knowledge of oral hygiene with incidence of caries with a rather low level of closeness relations. To
reduce the incidence of dental caries is needed the role of parents in preventing and treating dental
hygiene and health of children. The advice that can be given is to giving information to parents in
order to improve knowledge about oral hygiene and always reminds the children to brushing their
teeth diligently after eat, before sleep and teach their children when brushing the teeth.

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 27
ID _10

Combination of Foeniculum Vulgare M. and Azadirachia IndicaJuss as

Antifertility Agent in Female Mice

Isnu Kurnia Nugrahaeni1, Melyana Nurul Widyawati1, Ari Suwondo1, Rr. Sri Endang Pujiastuti2, Muhammad
Choiroel Anwar3
Postgraduate Applied Midwifery, Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Indonesia
Postgraduate Applied Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Indonesia
Postgraduate Applied of Imaging Diagnostic, Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Indonesia
*Corresponding author e-mail :

Keywords : Foeniculum vulgare M., Azadirachia indica Juss, Antifertility

Abstract. Indonesia is a country with the largest area and population among ASEAN countries. Its
population growth rate reaches 1.34%. The use of hormonal contraceptive methods results in some
negative effects on women. This study aimed to investigate the antifertility effects of the combination
of Foeniculum vulgare M.seed and Azadirachia indica Juss leaf extracts in reducing the endometrial
thickness and uterine weight. The prime advantages of this study are the alternative safe method of
contraception. The method of research is experimental with a Post Test Only Control Group
Design.This study used Randomized Design. Twentyfive mice were divided into five equal groups :
group C- (standard eating and drinking), C+ (contraceptive pill), E1, E2, and E3 (with doses of 3.92:
5.6 mg / 20g BW; 7.84: 11.2 mg / 20g BW; and 15.68: 22.4 mg / 20g BW) daily for 14 days. They
were terminated on the 15th day. Also, they were isolated and weighed. Then, its histology was made.
The result of the study was analyzed using ANOVA in a 95% confidence level and post hoc Scheffe
test. Furthermore, the correlation between variables was analyzed using the Pearson trial. The
combination of fennel seed and neem leaf extracts can reduce the endometrium and uterine weight in
female mice with p-value <0.05. Looking into the future, this research can be developed on human

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 28
ID _12

Effects Mixture Powder of Black Rice, Red Beans and Moringa Leaves on Blood
Glucose in Hyperglycemic Rats

Lalu Juntra Utama1, Novian Swasono Hadi2, Anita Christina Sembiring1

Department of Nutrition, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Kupang, Indonesia
Department of Nutrition, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Gorontalo, Indonesia

*Corresponding author e-mail:

Keywords: Black rice, red beans, moringa leaves, fasting blood glucose

Abstract. The increase in blood sugar or hyperglycemia is a metabolic disorder known as diabetes mellitus and
is associated with the rise of oxidative stress and complications in the vascular system. Further, it will cause
alteration in carbohydrate and fat metabolism leads to a reduction of the antioxidant defense system. Black rice,
red beans and moringa leaves contain oleic acid, butyric amino acid, antioxidants, phytic acid and arginine
which can improve insulin sensitivity and blood glucose homeostatis. This study aims to identify the effect of
mixture powder (black rice, red beans, and moringa leaves) based feeding against the blood glucose level in rats.
The study was an experimental research with pre and post control group design. A total of 20 Sprague Dawley
female rats were divided into four groups, namely standard feed (PS), 80% mixture powder feeding (PB8), 50%
mixture powder feeding (PB5) and 20% mixture powder feeding (PB2). The mixture powder intervention was
executed about 5% of body weight for 28 days. Fasting blood glucose was measured using the GOD-PAP
method. The data obtained was conducted the statistical analysis using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at a
95% confidence level. If it showed a significant effect on the response variable, then Duncan's Multiple Range
Test would be conducted. There were significant differences in fasting blood glucose among groups after the
mixture powder intervention. The results revealed that after 28 days, mixture powder might lower the serum
glucose concentration from 122.69 mg/dL to 97.70 mg/dL (20.37%) in the PB8 group and from 123.91 mg/dL
to 113.28 mg/dL (8.58%) in the PB5 group, but vice versa, the blood glucose in the PS group, intervened by
standard-based feeding increased by 5.73%. According to these results, mixture powder can be considered to
reduce blood glucose in people with obesity and metabolic syndrome.The intervention of a mixture of black
rice, red beans, and Moringa leaves may significantly influence the fasting blood glucose in rats.

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 29
ID _17

Self Care Regulation Model Based on Health Belief to Prevent

Hypertension Disease in Adolescent Group
Siti Nur Kholifah1, Dwi Ananto Wibrata2, Minarti3, Suprajitno 4, Nursalam 4

1,2,3 Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya

4 Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Malang
5 Faculty of Nursing Airlangga University

* Corresponding author e-mail:

Keywords: models, self, care, regulation, prevent, hypertenson, adolescent, group

Abstract. Unhealthy adolescent behavior can increase the risk of hypertension. Efforts should be made to
change adolescent behavior. The purpose of this study was to develop a model of self-care regulation (RPD) to
prevented hypertension in adolescents. This model contributes to preventing adolescents from hypertension,
reducing prevalence hypertension and improving adolescent health. This researched used analytic observational
method. The studied design used cross sectional design, the researched population at this stage is junior high
school students in class 2 in Surabaya. The samples size is used the rule of thumb with 210 respondents.
Multistage sampling type sampling technique. The first stage, simple random sampling, for the second stage is
determined by probability sampling techniques. The number of samples is 100 students. Retrieval of data used a
questionnaire with closed questions, was valid and reliable with a value> 0.60. Data analysis used descriptive
analysis and tested models with Partial Least Square (PLS) software. Fit models were obtained with Goodness
of Fit figures. The results obtained by the model of self-care regulation (RPD) are composed of driving factors /
external factors. Personal factors, psychological factors and internal factors, individual perceptions, perceived
threats, perceived benefits and perceived obstacles do not affect self-care regulation. Implication from this
study, adolescents to increase knowledge about healthy life and apply it with self-awareness. Adolescents who
increase their knowledge will share with their families and all will prevent hypertension so that it will reduce the
prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia.

ID _18

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 30
Model of Nursing Group Intervention Simulation based on Interpersonal
Human Caring (IHC) toward psychological needs of the adolescent in the

D Ananto Wibrata1, S Nur Kholifah1, L Dwi Rahariyani1 dan Nursalam2

1 Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Surabaya
2 Universitas Airlangga

*Corresponding author e-mail:

Keywords: model, intervention, care, adolescence, psychological needs.

Introduction. Live at the Orphanage with various facility limitations requires teenagers to develop according to
the situation. The facts that exist in the Orphanage, orientation of meeting the needs of the youth group is
physical needs. Purpose. The purpose of the study was to develop an interpersonal human caring (IHC) -based
group nursing intervention model on the psychological needs of adolescents in the Orphanage. The contribution
of this research is to increase the psychological needs of adolescents so that adolescents are confident in
carrying out activities even at the orphanage. Method. The method used is observational analytic. The sample is
some teenagers who live in orphanages in Surabaya City and Sidoarjo Regency, taken by cluster random
sampling, totaling 260 people. Research variables include predisposing factors and values of care, supporting
factors and environmental caring, driving factors, interpersonal behavior of human caring and psychological
needs of adolescents. Phase 2 research with experimental quasy method for model testing. The samples were
some of the teenagers who lived in one of the orphanages in Surabaya and Sidoarjo, amounting to 32 people
taken by simple random sampling. The instrument uses a questionnaire. Data analysis used descriptive analysis
and model testing with Partial Least Square (PLS) software. Results and Discuss. The results of the first stage of
the study found that all indicators of the variables can explain the construct variables. Path diagram analysis of
all exogenous variables influences psychological needs. The results of the second phase of paired t-test testing
found differences in psychological needs before and after the trial model. Model of Nursing Group Intervention
Simulation based on interpersonal human caring (IHC), can be use support physical needs for teenagers in the
Orphanage. Every In the Orphanage need added a Psycolog as a consultant. Conclusion. The new scientific
findings from this study were the formation of IHC-based group intervention models. This model can fulfill
psychological needs in adolescents at the Orphanage. The conclusion that predisposing factors and values of
care, supporting factors and caring environment and driving factors are important factors that can influence
human caring interpersonal behavior. Implication.This behavior can improve the fulfillment of the
psychological needs of adolescents in the Orphanage.

ID _19

A Model of Pregnant Mother's Readiness in Caring for a Baby Based on

Role Attainment in a Child's Marriage at the Surabaya CityHealth
International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 31

Hilmi Yumni1, Sri Mugianti2, Baiq Dewi Harnani1, Hasyim As’ari1

1 Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Surabaya
2Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Malang
*Corresponding author e-mail:

Postpartum patiens with severe preeclampsia/eclampsia experience physiological changes that are
different from normally. An postpartum assessment instruments that are able to detect an emergency
patiens and her infants is essensial. Nursing models that are thought to be suitable for use in
developing assessment instruments are Wiedenbach's "Need for Help" model and Orem's "Self-care".
This study aims to develop an assessment instrument for postpartum patiens based on the "Need for
Help" model of Wiedenbach and "Self-care" Orem. The prime advantages of this study are produced
an assessment instrument that can be used by nurses and midwives to identify emergency problems of
postpartum patients. Furthermore, it is necessary to conduct a study to assess the effectiveness of the
development of assessment instruments in postpartum patiens with severe preeclampsia and eclampsia
based on "need for help" and "self care" models. This study conducted used research and development
(R&D) design. The postpartum patient assessment instrument based on the "Need for Help" and "Self
Care" models was considered more effective. A significant difference between the old assessment
instrument and the postpartum patient assessment instrument based on the "Need For Help" and "Self
Care" models. The old assessment instrument was rated lower with a mean rank 19.93, while the new
assessment instrument based on the "Need For Help" and "Self Care" models with a mean rank value
of 29.72. The Wilcoxon test results obtained a value of -5.379 with a significance of 0.000 (p <0.05).
Besed on that the new assessment instrument based on the "need for help" and "self care" models met
the criteria of functionality, efficiency, and usability. The new instrumen is useful for nurses and
midwives in detecting emergency conditions of postpartum patients with severe preeclampsia and
eclampsia. met the criteria of functionality, efficiency, and usability.

ID _20


DEVELOPMENT International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 32

1 2
Nursing department, health polytechnic, ministry of health, Surabaya,
Nursing department, health polytechnic, ministry of health, Surabaya

Keywords: Performance, (PKB) Family Planning Extension, PIK R, Gibson Theory


Background: Performance is the result of work related to organizational goals, efficiency and
other performance effectiveness. The performance of PKB (Extension of Family Planning)
which is less than optimal in the development of PIK R will affect the development of the
PIK R (Counseling Remja Information Center) to a higher level. Research Objectives:
analyze PKB Performance in PIK R based on Gibson Performance. Method: Correlational
Design, Cross Sectional. Sampling Technique: Simple Random Sampling. Sample: There are
55 PKB in Surabaya. Data collection uses Check List. Linear Regression Analysis. Result:
quality performance, quite a number of 84%, quantity, enough value is 76%. The use of time
is quite good, namely
82% and the performance of cooperation, which is 56%. The results of the statistical test
analysis, namely Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using the Linear Regression Model,
obtained the R2 value of 0.647, meaning that the contribution of the independent
variables (performance of quality, quantity, time use and cooperation of PKB) explained the
dependent variable (PIK-R development) 64.7%. Conclusion: Performance Improvement
(Quality, quantity, time use and cooperation) PKB in the development of PIK R, if it gets
better, it will strengthen the development of PIK-R from PIK R which grows, upright and

ID _21

Effects of Betamelor (Black Rice, Red Beans and Moringa Leaves)

Consumption on
International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 33
Hypercholesterolemic Rats

Lina Yunita1, Herianus Lalel, Stefanus P Manongga, Frans Umbu Datta, Christina Olly Lada 2
Postgraduate of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Nusa Cendana University, East Nusa
Tenggara Indonesia
Department of Public Health, Nusa Cendana University, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

*Corresponding author e-mail:

Keywords: black rice, red beans, moringa leaves, total cholesterols

Abstract. Human health risk increases with higher exposure to free radicals. An imbalance between
the number of free radicals and antioxidants in the body results in oxidative stress. Oxidative stress
triggers a variety of diseases, including cardiovascular disease. Betamelor contains anthocyanins,
flavonoids and isoflavones, it is expected to reduce oxidative stress. The purpose of this study was to
analyze the potential of betamelor (black rice, red beans, and moringa leaves) on cholesterol levels in
rattus norvegicus rats induced by a high-fat diet. This is an experimental study with pre and post
control group design. A total of 30 female of rattus norvegicus strains aged 5-6 months with a weight
of 150-200 g were induced orally using a high-fat diet about two ccs/day. Experimental animals were
divided into five groups, namely standard feed (K0), standard feed with 2cc/day of simvastatin (K1),
20% betamelor-based feeding (K2), 50% betamelor-based feeding (K3), and 80% betamelor-based
feeding (K4). Betamelor was intervened about 5% of bodyweight for 14 days. Blood sampling and
analysis were carried out twice, at week 0 (before the intervention) and week 2 (after the
intervention). Blood was drawn directly from the eye vein (ocular artery) ± 2 ml using
microhaematocrit capillary tubes after anesthetized with 10 mg/kg body weight of ketamine.
Cholesterol data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at a 95% confidence level. If the
results of the analysis show a significant effect on the response variable, then a Tukey test will be
conducted. Data processing and analysis were performed using Microsoft Excel and SPSS for
Windows version 22.0.Result: There were significant differences (p <0.05) in the K2, K3, and K4
groups, with total blood cholesterol levels of 10.1 mg/dl, 18.0 mg/dl, and 22.02 mg/dl, respectively,
compared to the control group (K0). There were significant differences found in the K2 and K3
groups compared to the positive control group (K1). Comparison among 80% betamelor group, 50%
betamelor group, and 20% betamelor group showed a significant difference (p> 0.05). Betamelor
(black rice, red beans , and Moringa leaves) seem to possess a potential effect on the condition of
hypercholesterolemia. Conclusion: There was a significant effect on the intervention of a mixture of
flour of black rice, red beans , and Moringa leaves on blood cholesterol levels in
hypercholesterolemia rats.

ID _24

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 34
Analysis Of Risk Factors For Post Partum Hemorrhage In Pregnant
Women In Surabaya To Reduce Maternal Mortality
Dhiana Setyorini1, Intim Cahyono2, Nur Hasanah3
Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya

Keywords: Risk factors, post partum hemorrhage, pregnant women

Post partum hemorrhage (PPH) is bleeding that occurs due to loss of blood of 500 ml or more of the
reproductive organs after delivery. Post partum hemorrhage is one of the direct causes of maternal
death number one which occupies the highest percentage. The overall maternal mortality condition is
aggravated by three delays, namely being late in decision making, being late at reaching the referral
place and being late getting proper help at the health facility. The purpose of the study was to
determine the factors before pregnancy and factors during pregnancy which are the risk of post
partum hemorrhage. The method in this study was a case control design consisting of 180 postpartum
mothers, analyzed using multinomial logistic regression. The sampling technique using probability
sampling with systematic random sampling method is to wait for the arrival of respondents.The
results of the study stated that the factors before pregnancy that are at risk of Post Partum Bleeding
are: a) Labor more than once (OR 4.4), b) Distance of pregnancy less than 24 months (OR 4,958), c)
Anemia (OR 48,490), and d) History of postpartum hemorrhage (OR 23,342). While factors during
pregnancy are at risk of Post Partum Bleeding: a) Obesity (OR 4,247) and b) Preeclampsia (OR
17,884). Conclusion, risk factors before pregnancy which are risk factors for PPH are: Multigravida,
pregnancy interval less than 24 months, anemia and a history of PPH and risk factors during
pregnancy which are risk factors for PPH are: obesity and preeclampsia. It is hoped that cadres and
health workers know these risk factors and be able to detect the risk of post partum hemorrhage in
pregnant women so prevention can be done as early as possible.

ID _25

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 35
Increased Cadre Motivation Conducting Childbirth Referrals Through
Training with the DABA Method
Intim Cahyono1,, Dhiana Setyorini1, Jenie Palupi2, Nur Hasanah1

1. Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia

2. Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang, Indonesia

*Corresponding author e-mail:

One of the causes of high maternal mortality is delivery assistance provided by other than health workers or
traditional healers. The way to reduce the bondage relationship is to increase the motivation of cadres to refer
mothers to health workers. The DABA method is a modification or development of the SALT method (support,
appreciate, learn, and transfer), is a method or technique for forming something, showing that a community has
the ability to respond to every challenge including childbirth assistance. The maternal mortality rate is still high,
the Inter-Census Population Survey data released by the Central Statistics Agency shows that there were 359
maternal deaths per 100,000 births in 2013. The purpose of this study was to analyze the motivation of cadres by
empowering the DABA method for referral for delivery assistance by health workers in Jember Regency.
Motivation is the 'reason' that underlies an action done by an individual.
The method used is quasi-experimental using 2 groups, the design of this study is the non equivalent control
group, pre test post test design. With 100 respondents. The results of the study were significant differences (p:
0.021), the motivation of the treatment group cadres was higher than the control group for referral labor. Having
high motivation means having very strong reasons to achieve what he wants by doing his current job. The
motivation of treatment group cadres increased significantly, this happened because cadres trained through the
DABA method were invited to achieve the dreams they had built, namely to reduce maternal and infant
mortality. Training using the DABA method is able to increase the motivation of cadres to make a referral to
mothers to give birth at a health service place, so training with the DABA method is highly recommended to
increase motivation for certain groups to achieve certain goals.

ID _26



International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 36
Ratih Larasati1,a, Imam Sarwo Edi1,b
Departement of Dental Nursing, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya, Indonesia

Keywords: knowledge management, SECI, training

Abstract. Puskesmas Ngagel Rejo is one of the health centers in Surabaya, has run the school dental
health effort (UKGS), but has not been able to carry out oral health efforts in the community
(UKGM), because puskesmas do not yet have a cadre of oral health in posyandu. The problem with
research is that there is no oral health cadre at Puskesmas Ngagel Rejo Surabaya that serves the
community. The study aims to increase the performance capacity of cadres of toddlers concurrently
becoming oral health cadres as well, using training with a knowledge management approach:
SECI.The study was a quasi-experimental study with a non-randomized control group of pre-post-
design tests. There were three non-randomly selected groups, then given a pre-test to find out the
initial state, which is the difference between the experimental group and the control group. Data
analysis uses non-parametric data because the data is not distributed normally. The population of this
study is a cadre of Puskesmas Ngagel Rejo Surabaya numbering 317 cadres, while the total sample is
150 cadres. As a result, there were significant differences in knowledge and skill levels between
dental health training groups without SECI, dental health training groups with SECI, and control
groups (p-value <0.001). This research can prove that the knowledge and skills of the SECI group are
better than the other two groups. In conclusion, knowledge management-based training: SECI affects
cadre behavior in oral health.

ID _28

Improving quality of life of

families with stroke patient
International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 37
through family resilience models

N Fadilah1, Minarti1, S N Kholifah1 and Nursalam2

1 Department of Nursing, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya, Indonesia

2 Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia

*Corresponding author e-mail:

Abstract. The high incidence of stroke today has triggered crisis in the family and affected quality of
life among all family members. The family should adapt through effective coping strategies and
achieve family resilience and feel comfortable conditions. The purpose of this study was to determine
the effect of family resilience on quality of life of families with stroke patients at home. This study
used pre-test and post-test design. The samples were 40 caregiver of stroke patients in the working
area of Community Health Center of South of Krembangan in Surabaya whom followed three times
counseling for 12 weeks used family resilience model. The sample was recruited using simple random
sampling. The variables were family resilience (physical, social, and psychological indicator) and
quality of life (physical, psychological, social and environmental aspect). The instruments were
questionnaire of family resilience and WHOQoL-Bref. Data analysis was using paired t-test. Results
showed that mean of family resilience and quality of life after counseling were higher than before,
enhancement family resilience and quality of life after counseling. Paired t-test of family resilience
were p-value 0.000 and delta -5.375, and quality of life were p-value 0,000 and delta -8,825, which
means that there were significant differences in family resilience and quality of life before and after
counseling. Families with stroke patients need intervention that can improve family resilience and
quality of life of caregivers and stroke patients. Through counseling of family resilience models by
involving multi-disciplinary health provider and cross-program collaboration should be implemented
for them.

ID _29

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 38
Combination intervention of counselling and dzikir towards attitudes of
self acceptance of elderly in nursing home

Minarti1, Kastubi1 and N Fadilah1

1 Department of Nursing, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya, Indonesia
*Corresponding author e-mail:

Abstract. Individual who become elderly will experience physical changes from the body condition
which initially became very weak. The decline conditions experienced by the elderly tends to cause
physical health and psychological health problems and dissatisfaction in life. The purpose of this
study was to analyze counselling and dzikir interventions on the attitudes of self-acceptance of
elderly. This study used experimental through pre-test and post-test control group design. The samples
were 30 elderly who lived in nursing homes with criteria were able to communicate well, not deaf, not
cognitive impairment, not depression. The sample was recruited using simple random sampling, each
sample size of intervention group in the Griya Werdha Jambangan and control group were 15 elderly
in the Griya Werdha Hargo Dedali. The measurement of self-acceptance attitude was done twice
through questionnaire, while before the counselling and dzikir intervention and 8 weeks after. Data
analysis was using paired t- test. Results showed that there was a difference between pre and post in
the group that received counselling and Dzikir intervention (p value = 0.000). Elderly with
intervention showed an increase self-acceptance. Whereas in the control group there was no
significant difference with p value 0.937. Religious support for dzikir and counselling needs to be
carried out intensively to the elderly because religious activities can provide a sense of peace,
surrender and surrender to god almighty. The combination of counselling and dzikir is one of the
efforts to improve themselves spiritually and have a positive correlation with the attitude of the
elderly self-acceptance who lives in nursing home.

ID _31

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 39
Activities of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) And Low Carb Diets Decrease
Blood Glucose Levels on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Noer Saudah1, a,Indah Lestari2,b,Catur Prasastia DL3,c,Sahrir Sillehu4,d

Nursing Department Institute of Health Science Bina Sehat PPNI Mojokerto
Institute of Health Science Maluku Husada, Lintas Seram Kairatu Road West Seram Maluku

Keywords:VCO, Blood Glucose Level,GDM, without Hypoglicemi

Abstract.Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) was medical complication that occurs during
pregnancy. GDM increases incidence babies were preterm. Efforts to reduce blood glucose levels and
improve pancreatic performance must be safe both for the mother and the fetus. Virgin Coconut Oil
(VCO) accompanied by a low carb diet used to improve work system of pancreas. It can produce
insulin and blood glucose will decrease. Purpose of study was to prove that VCO and low carb diets
can reduce blood glucose level in GDM. Research design was quasi-experimental. Population were
pregnant women from two hospitals in Mojokerto East Java. Sample size were 76 respondents with
Purposive Sampling techniques. GDM’s mother treated with VCO six time a day 5 ml until 20 days
and a low carb diet. Control group with antidiabetic treatment. Retrieval of blood glucose sticks after
7,14 and 21 days. Data analyzed with Anova. Result showed p = 0.007 with average of 157.3 mg/dl
on day 21 while in the GDM mothers the control group was p = 0.04 and with average of 165.9 mg/dl
on 21 days. The results showed that giving VCO and low carb diet was more effective in reducing
blood glucose in pregnant women with Diabetes Mellitus. Giving VCO with low carb diet treatment is
an effort to restrict glucose levels in the body without causing symptoms of hypoglycemia. Therefore,
it is safe to use for both mother and fetus as an alternative non-pharmalogical therapy in pregnant
women with diabetes mellitus, so that it can prevent preterm labor.

ID _32

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 40
Runjati1, Sri Rahayu2, Dita Aulia Oktaviani3
Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Jl Tirto Agung Pedalangan Banyumanik Semarang
Correspondence to Runjati, email:, Tel+62 82137045968,

Keywords: Stress, Confidence in Labor, Coping Skills, Birth’s Outcomes.

Abstract: Pregnancy requires a lot of adjustments in physiological, psychological, family, financial,
work, and other conditions that can cause emotional distress for pregnant women.Coping efforts made
during pregnancy are very significant in influencing better pregnancy and birth outcomes, by
minimizing or preventing negative effects of emotional, behavioral, cognitive, and physiological
This study aims to prove the influence of SMC toward stress, CBSE, and birth’s outcomes. This
research is a type of experimental design research, a Pre-test post-test control group design. The
population of the study were all pregnant women with ages of pregnancies were 28-35 weeks in
Semarang City Region. The sample was choosen cluster random sampling, 12 region from 35 health
center, then randomized to be 6 region as intervention and 6 region as control, each region run one
clases with 10 pregnan women. The mothers were randomly assigned to be members of an experiment
group (n = 60) and a control group (n = 60). The groups were treated for four times classes for four
weeks and measured before treatment, then in the fourth weeks after treatment, and during the
delivery process. This study uses a different T-test, the Mann-Whitney test, and also used repeated
measured ANOVA.
The results showed that the SMC was influenced significantly to reduce stress with a value of p <0.05
(p = 0.012), and an increase in CBSE but not significant (p> 0.05). Furthermore, SMC also has a
significant impact on the outcomes of birth (p-value <0.05): a long time of the second stage, type of
delivery, perineal tears, delivery complications, Apgar score, but not for a long time of the first stage
of labor (p value> 0.05).
SMC has affected the level of stress, CBSE, and outcomes of birth. Implicatioan of the study that
there is a need the provision of midwifery care uses continuity of care and holistic care so that it can
monitor and optimize preventive and promotive efforts.

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 41
ID _33



Sri Sumarni1,2*, Syarief Thaufik Hidayat3, Dwi Pudjonarko2, Hardhono Susanto2

Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang
Doctoral Programme Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
RSUP dr Kariadi Semarang, Indonesia
Corresponding Author e-mail:

Keywords: premenstrual syndrome, exercise, pain, anxiety, self-esteem, serotonin, prolactin

Background: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is an assembly of symptoms of psychological, physical,
and behavioral changes before menstruation. PMS has an impact on decreasing work productivity and
learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is to prove that a premenstrual exercise is able to reduce
the intensity of pain, anxiety, and to increase self-esteem and serotonin hormone in premenstrual
syndrome and to identify the risk factors for PMS. This research focuses on the management of PMS
in particular premenstrual exercise. The premenstrual exercise module has never been developed and
it is hoped that it will be useful for midwifery.
Method: This study used a pretest posttest with randomized control group design. Subjects were 88
female who suffered PMS. They were divided into 41 as an intervention and 47 women as a control
group. They were screened by the DSM IV questionnaire for 3 months beforehand. Intervention was a
form of premenstrual exercise for 45 minutes each session, in five days during the luteal period.
Numerical Rating Scale, the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, and the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale
were used in pretest and posttest. Blood serum was taken for serotonin examination. Data were
analyzed using descriptive tests, paired and independent t tests and multiple logistic regression tests.
Results: The prevalence of PMS is 81.3%. Cut off point of serotonin levels for PMS woman at 102
ng/mL with 69.7% sensitivity and 64.4% specificity. Premenstrual exercise was a risk factor
independently and proved significantly to reduce PMS pain (p<0.001 and OR=0.014). Premenstrual
exercise was shown as a risk factor independently and significantly to decline an anxiety score
(p<0.001 and OR=0.028). Premenstrual exercise proved as a risk factor independently and
significantly to improve self-esteem score (p<0.001 and OR=0.034). Premenstrual exercise can
improve the average level of serotonin in the treatment and control group (18.268 ng/dL and 5.255
ng/dL respectively). However, an exercise is a risk factor together with other factors for high
serotonin levels (p=0.945 and OR=0.103).
Conclusion: Premenstrual exercise can be recommended to reduce PMS complaints through
improving healthy lifestyle.

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 42
ID _34

The Relationship Between Nurses’ Competence and Performance

at the Emergency Room of Prof. Dr. W. Z. Johanes Public Hospital
in Kupang

Kori Limbong
Health Polytechnic of Kupang
Ministry of Health

Research aim: The purpose of this study is to reveal the relationship between nurses’
competence and performance in handling emergency cases in an emergency room of Prof. Dr. W. Z.
Johanes Public Hospital in Kupang. Method: This was a quantitative study with a descriptive
correlation research design through a cross sectional approach to identify the relationship between
nurses’ competence and performance. The population was all 40 nurses in the emergency room and
the sample was 34 nurses that met the inclusion criteria. Pearson correlation was used to test
bivariate data. Result: The results showed that the competencies of 56% of the respondents were
above average (2.56) and the performances of 56% respondents were above average (82.88). This
indicated significant and positive relationship between nurses’ competence and their performance (p:
0.001 and r: 0.738). Discussion: Since the percentage of nurses whose competencies and
performances above average was 56%, 15 out of 34 nurses need to improve their competencies and
performances in providing quality nursing care. So, it is recommended that hospital management has
to design a program to improve the competencies and performances of those nurses. Conclusion: The
more competent the nurses, the better their performance and vice versa.
Keywords: Competence, Performance, Nurse, ER, Hospital

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 43
ID _35


Margareta Teli, S.Kep,Ns, MSc-PH1,a) , Pius Selasa, S.Kep,Ns, MSc2,b),
Israfil, S.Kep,Ns, MKes3,c)
School of Nursing, Health Polytechic of Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
a), b), c)

Keywords: 12 healthy family indicators, healthy family index, Nulle Village.

Many Indonesian families have limited access to a high quality of health care services and still
practiced unhealthy behaviors. Therefore, the healthy Indonesia program with a family approach aims
to increase the accessibility of people to health services by home visits.The study aimed to analyze the
healthy family index and to identify the 12 healthy family indicators coverage in Nulle Village East
Nusa Tenggara Provinces. It will become tools for health facilities to create intervention based on the
indicators which are not implemented by families. A household survey method was used to collect the
data from 777 families in Nulle Village. Data was collected by using Indonesia's healthy family
Questionnaire. The Healthy family index then was then determined according to three categories
namely; healthy family (>0,80); pre healthy family (0,50-0,80), and unhealthy family (<0,50).The
study indicated that 56,49% of families were categorized at pre healthy families, 28,05% were healthy
families and unhealthy families accounted for 15,44%. The lowest healthy indicators coverage were
hypertension patients who take regular medicine (19,84%), followed by severe mental disorder
patients who got access to medication (20%), and only 30,58% couple of childbearing age
participated in the family planning program. The majority of the family are categorized as pre healthy
families, therefore it is highly recommended that Public health Nurses should be more active to
promote the 12 healthy family indicators. The family should be well informed so that they can
improve the family’s health quality.

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 44
ID _37

Investigation of Stigma and Family Support in Tuberculosis Patients in

Malang, Indonesia

Anggraini Dwi Kurnia*, Nur Melizza, Nur Lailatul Masruroh, Ayu Nurlaila Catur Ramadhani
Departement of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Health Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang,
*corresponding author:

Keywords: Family Support, Tuberculosis, Stigma

Abstract. Tuberculosis is a stigmatized disease because of its easy transmission process. Stigma
generally leads to negative attitudes and beliefs that can have an impact on the patient's family
support. Because the family will feel ashamed and avoid being frank if they have family members
who suffer from tuberculosis. The purpose of this study was to investigate stigma and family support
in tuberculosis patients. The study design was cross sectional approach. The research subjects used
were 29 patients with active tuberculosis. Analysis of the data used Spearman Rho. The Measuring
Stigma Scale (MSQ) Questionnaire to measure stigma and The Family Support Scale (FSQ) to
measure family support. Most of respondents aged 18 - 65 years (89.7%), male (58.6%), primary
education (44.8%), majority worked privately (51.7%) and suffered disease period for 1-6 months
(62.1%). Respondents showed that the majority of respondents received moderate stigma (37.8%).
The level of family support from tuberculosis sufferers was categorized as moderate, because 55.2%
of respondents with moderate qualifications. The Spearman test results in this study showed that there
was no relationship between stigma and family support in tuberculosis patients with a value (p =
0.078). There is no relationship between stigma and family support in tuberculosis sufferers. This
shows that family support continues to be done despite the stigma of the community.

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 45
ID _38


the theory of planned behaviour Approach
Yosephina Elizabeth S. Gunawan1, Sofia Rhosma Dewi2, Domianus Namuwali3
Department of Nursing, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Kupang, Indonesia
Department of Nursing Diploma, Faculty of Health Science, University of Muhammadiyah Jember, Jember,
*Corresponding author e-mail:

Keywords : nursing care, dengue hemorrhagic fever, theory of planned behavior

Abstract. The condition of dengue hemorrhagic fever patients who are threatened is a stressor for
patients and families. Nurses are required to provide professional nursing care. The purpose of this
study was to conduct a study of nursing care performed by nurses on dengue fever patients. This was
a comparative non-experimental study conducted in 2019 at a hospital in East Sumba Regency using a
cross sectional study approach and secondary data analysis. It involved 45 nurses determined by
simple random sampling from a total of 50 nurses in the Inpatient Room. The data collected using
TPB-AJZEN instrument and the observation sheet. The results were analyzed descriptively and Partial
Least Square. Behavioral beliefs and evaluation of behavior beliefs in the majority of respondents are
good although some of them have less behavioral beliefs and evaluation of behavior beliefs.
Normative Beliefs and Motivation to comply for most respondents are good. More than half of
respondents has moderate control beliefs while the nursing perceived respondents were good. Almost
all respondents have the desire to document nursing care completely or completing the patient's status
in the medical record. Outer loading values for all indicators of the Attitude toward behavior and
Subjective norms meet convergent validity, while the Perceived behavior control variable is rejected.
Attitude variables toward behavior and Subjective norms affect nurse intentions and documentation of
nursing care while Perceived behavior control does not affect the intentions and documentation of
nursing care. The intention of nurses in documenting nursing care in dengue patients is said to be
good and is influenced by attitude towars behavior and subjective norms. While Perceived Behavior
Control does not affect nurse intention. The most important determinant of a person's behavior is the
intention to behave. Individual intention to display a behavior is a combination of attitude to display
the behavior and subjective norms. Individual attitudes toward behavior include beliefs about a
behavior, evaluation of behavioral results, subjective norms, normative beliefs and motivation to

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 46
ID _40



Dewa Ayu Putu Mariana K1,a, Ni Luh Made Diah P,A2,b

Midwifery Departement Kupang Health Polytechnic , R.A Kartini I Road, Kelapa Lima, Kupang, NTT,
Midwifery Departement Kupang Health Polytechnic , R.A Kartini I Road, Kelapa Lima, Kupang, NTT,

Keywords : Postpartum, Traditional Care, Timorese


Traditional postpartum care was believed to be very beneficial but in reality that practice can be
dangerous for the mother and baby. It is necessary to modify the traditional treatments so as not to
endanger the mother and her baby. This study aims to look at the effectiveness of modification of
traditional Timorese Postpartum care during the puerperium. Quantative research methods with
praexperimental techniques using Intact group comparison desaign. The population in this study were
families with postpartum mothers and the sample was determined by purposive sampling technique.
The results of the study were from 8 families who carried out all stages of this modification had good
health status and more breastmilk production than those who did not do this modification. Conclusion:
modification of traditional Timorese childbirth practices gives a good effect on the health status of
puerperal women.Implication of this research was to reduce the risk of postpartum mothers who did
Timorese traditional postpartum care.

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

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ID _41

Era Dorihi Kale, M.Kep.Sp.Kep.MB Uly Agustine, SKp.M.Kep

Lecturer at Nursing School, Health Polytechnic of Kupang


Keywords : Student, dependent, foreign country

A 27-year-old Spanish girl is currently studying in the Netherlands for 1 semester. She has a
dependency due to her Epidermolysis Bulosa disease. This disease causes injury to any part of the
skin that is touched roughly or that gets excessive pressure. In addition to having to adjust to a
different culture, she also must be able to live independently, which she usually gets help from her
family in Spain. Assistance needed in the form of: wound care, bathing, cooking, washing, cleaning
the room and other activities that require more physical effort. The aim of this case study is to
identify the strategy to cope with these dependent conditions by taking into account the cultural
differences. This is a single case study, data collected through interviews, observation and filling in
questionnaires. Result : Physical condition: wound, pain, swallowing, inability to perform activity
daily living. Psychological condition: she has a strong motivation, and very positive person, but a bit
burdensome is the feeling of longing for her friends and sometimes with her family. Cultural
phenomena assess in six cultural dimensions which are; Communication, Space, Social
Organizations, Time, Environmental Control, and Biological Variations. Based on the data
above, there ar e 6 important things that must be considered for a foreign student with dependency
conditions to be able to study in another country: psychological readiness, social support, cultural
distance, communication, adjustment strategy and academic adjustments. These six factors are
mutually supportive, where deficiencies in one factor will affected the other. by preparing these six
items, it is hoped that a student who has a physical condition of dependency will be able to achieve
good results in learning.

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Nugroho, Febtian Cendradevi1 and Budiana, Irwan2

1 Nursing Department of Kupang, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Kupang, Indonesia
2 Nursing Department of Ende, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Kupang, Indonesia

Keywords : DSME, Emo Demo, Self-Efficacy

Abstract. Active participation in doing self-care is very useful for Diabetes Mellitus Client, but this
action has not been carried out by some Diabetes Mellitus Client consistently. The emersion of
complications in patient with Diabetes Mellitus caused by low self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is the
patient’s confidence in maintaining and improving their medical condition. The low self-efficacy
affects the low success of self-care in patients with Diabetes Mellitus. This study aims to determine
the effect of applying Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) based on Emotional
Demonstration (Emo Demo) on changes in self-efficacy of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients. The
research design used in this study was quasi-experimental with non-randomized control group pre –
post test design. Probability sampling with a simple random sampling approach used as sampling
technique. Measurement taken before and after treatment which analyzed using Independent and
paired T Test. Statistical test results show the significance value (P Value) = 0.002. It means that in
alpha 5%, there is a significant difference between the average self-efficacy of Diabetes Mellitus
patients who are treated with those not treated. Based on these test result, it could be concluded that
Ha failed to reject, meaning that there is an influence of DSME application besed on emotional
demonstration on self efficacy patients with Diabetes Mellitus type II..

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ID _43

The Improving of Breastfeeding Mothers Satisfaction by Using Tri-Core

Breastfeeding Models
S Helina1, J. Roito1 and S Halimah1
1 Department of Midwifery, Riau Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Indonesia
*Corresponding author e-mail:

Keywords: Tri-Core Breastfeeding Models, Breastfeeding Satisfaction

Abstract. The low level of exclusive breastfeeding has affected children's growth and development.
Many attempts have been made to increase the achievement of exclusive breastfeedings, such as
providing education on breastfeeding awareness, encouraging early breastfeeding, and motivating
mothers. The components include the Tri-Core Breastfeeding Models, a model of health promotion.
This research aimed to determine the effect of the Tri-Core Breastfeeding Models on breastfeeding
mothers’ satisfaction. This study was carried out from August 2019 to April 2020 in the Community
Health Center of Sidomulyo work area in Pekanbaru. The design of this study was Pre-experimental.
The population of this study was all third-trimester pregnant women. 20 samples of pregnant women
were chosen using the Consecutive Sampling technique, which was divided into an intervention group
(10 pregnant women) and a control group (10 pregnant women). The questionnaire used to collect
data was the Maternal Breastfeeding Evaluation Scale (MBFES) questionnaire. The Mann Whitney
test with a significance level of 95% was used to analyze the data. The research results indicated that
breastfeeding mothers median satisfaction in the intervention group was 134.80 (SD: 3.190) and
119.10 (SD: 14.317) in the control group. In addition, breastfeeding satisfaction was found to vary
considerably between the mothers in the intervention group and those in the control group (p = 0.019).
Therefore, the Tri-Core Breastfeeding Models are recommended as models that can be used to
provide midwifery care to promote exclusive breastfeeding achievements.

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ID _44

The Relationship Between Sibling Rivalry with Social Adjustment Ability of

Preschool Children

M Dewi1, PF Damayanti2 and EN Windari3

1, 2, 3,
Department of Midwife, Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University Malang, Indonesia
*Corresponding author e-mail:
Keywords: sibling rivalry, social adjustment, preschool

Abstract. Sibling rivalry is a feeling of jealously due to the birth of a new baby who is considered to
win the attention and affection of the parents. It usually appears when children are 3-6 years old.
However, this behavior does not only affect the children but also others because children tend to bring
the pattern of their relationship at home to social life. Thus, this research aims to find out and give
evidence of the relationship between sibling rivalry and the social adjustment ability of preschool
children (age 3-6 years). The main contribution of this study is providing input regarding sibling
rivalry that can be detected in preschool.The research variables are sibling rivalry as the independent
variable and children social adjustment ability as the dependent variable. The subjects of this study
are 36 preschool children who are chosen using purposive sampling. This research uses descriptive
analytic method with cross sectional approach. The data analysis uses Chi-Square test. Based on the
data analysis, it is found that p = 0.004 (<0.05); where the children who have low sibling rivalry is
found to have high adjustment ability and the children who have high sibling rivalry tend to have low
social adjustment ability. This result is an evident that there is a significant relationship between
sibling rivalry and social adjustment abilities of preschool children.Children who have friendly
environment or mutual love is found to adjust better to the society. Thus, it is suggested that the
family members, especially parents, to not ignore any sibling disputes.

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ID _45

Determinants of Nutritional Status of Two-Year-OldBaby’s First

Thousand Days of Life (1000 FDL) in the Work Area of Oepoi Public
Health Center in Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Agustina Setia1, Asmulyati S.Saleh 2, A.A.A Mirah Adi 3, Yohanes D.B.Demu 4

1, 2, 3, 4
Departemen of Nutrition, Polytechnic of health ministry of health Kupang, Indonesia

Keywords:Determinant Factor, Nutritional Status, 1000 FDL

Introduction: Nutritional fulfillment of in the first thousand days of life have a big influence on
children's intelligence. According to Riskesdas 2018, it is known that the prevalence of national
stunting incidence is 30.8%, consisting of 11.5% of very short and 19.3% of short prevalence, where
the very short prevalence decreased from 18% in 2013 to 11.5 in 2018 while the short prevalence
increased by 0.1% in 2013 (19.2%). The prevalence of stunting toddlers in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT)
is 42.6% higher than the number of underweight toddlers of 17.7%. There are still children with a
very short nutritional status of 18.8%. A short nutritional status of 17.9% shows that the nutritional
status of children in the first thousand days of life is still not optimal. The goal to find out the
determinant factors of the nutritional status of two-year-old baby’s first thousand days of life in the
work area of Oepoi Public Health Center in Kupang City.
Methods:This quantitative study used a retrospective cohort design. It was undergone from June to
November 2017 in the work area of Oepoi Public Health Center in Kupang City with a sample of 100
two-year-old babies.
Result :The findings suggest that the the determinant factors related to the BW/A nutritional status
are exclusive breastfeeding (p-value = 0.04), birth weight (p-value = 0.048), and maternal nutritional
status/anemia during pregnancy (p-value = 0.001). The determinant factors related to the BH/A
nutritional status are exclusive breastfeeding (p-value = 0.001), early complementary feeding (p-value
= 0.000), and maternal nutritional status/anemia during pregnancy (p-value = 0.047), maternal
nutritional status/CED during pregnancy (p-value= 0.022), and colostrum administration (p-value =
0.001).The determinant factors related to the BW/TB nutritional status are exclusive breastfeeding (p-
value = 0.001), maternal nutritional status/anemia during pregnancy (p-value = 0.025), and ANC
status (p-value = 0.025).
Conclusion: This study found that all the independent variables are not the determinant factors
related to BMI/A nutritional status.

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ID _46

Study Of Maternal Mortality Related With Pregnancy Planning In Fertile

Age Couples In Rural And Urban City In East Sumba District,2014-2018

1,a, 2,b
Mariana Ngundju Awang Dewa Ayu Putu Mariana K
1Department Of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic Kupang, R. A Kartini I Road, Kelapa Lima, East Nusa
Tenggara, Indonesia
2Dewa Ayu Putu M.K,Department Of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic Kupang, R. A Kartini I
Road, Kelapa Lima, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
a b,

Keywords: Maternal Death, East Sumba, Pregnancy Planning

Literature: 2010 - 2019


Family Planning (KB) was closely related to the decrease in Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR),
reproductive behavior contributes to MMR in this case 4T: too much pregnancy, too close / close
distance, too young age, and too old age. The 2012 Demographic and Population Survey
showed that around 32.5 percent of MMR occur due to giving birth too old and too young, and
around 34 percent due to pregnancy due to too many (more than 3 children). East Sumba Regency
maternal mortality rate (MMR) in the last 5 years is quite high number 1 or
2 highest in NTT Province after South Centre Timor Regency. This study aims to determine the
characteristics of Maternal Mortality in 2014 - 2018, get an overview of pregnancy planning and
measure the relationship of maternal mortality with Pregnancy Planning in East Sumba Regency in
2014 - 2018. This research was a descriptive analytic study with crossectional methods. Population
and sample were all maternal deaths from 2014 - 2018, 50 in urban and rural areas and 16 village
midwives and coordinating midwives in recorded health centers. Data were collected through
interviews using a questionnaire. The results of the study obtained that most mothers had planned
pregnancy but there was a tendency to follow the wishes of the client, it can be concluded that
maternal death had no relationship with pregnancy planning but pregnant women who did not plan
for pregnancy will had a greater risk of dying than they who had planning a pregnancy. The research
has implications for the government concerned to be able to conduct supervision and conduct
training for health workers, especially midwives to improve the health status of the community in
east Sumba Regency.

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ID _47

“STOP” Generalizing Health and Wellbeing Concept – A Lesson Learnt

from the Waste Pickers in Surabaya

Yohanes Kambaru Windi*, Dyah Wijayanti, Eko Rustamaji Wiyatno

Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
Address: Jl. Pucang Jajar Tengah No. 56, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia, Telephone. +62 31 5027058, Fax.
+62 31 5028141 Mobile : 08113475137
*Corresponding Author:

Keywords: Waste Pickers, Health, Wellbeing, Perception

Health and wellbeing have a different meaning for an individual, institution, ethnicity, and
organization. The study overviews the ways waste pickers perceive the concept of health and
wellbeing. The study is conducted at Benowo Landfill and Krembangan Selatan temporary waste
dumpsite in Surabaya. A qualitative procedure has been deployed to identify the predictors of health
and wellbeing according to the waste pickers and how they perceive them. Forty waste pickers
involve as participants. Semi-structured In-depth interviews, Natural Group Discussion, Observation,
and Casual Conversation are the main instruments for collecting information. The information was
analysed using a thematic and inductive approach. The waste pickers identify health as free from
diseases and illness, being able to work, a peaceful mind, positive relation within the family and
social life, being grateful for life, surrender to God, and being happy. The waste pickers relate
wellbeing with gratefulness with achievements, sense of enough, being satisfied with life,
submission to God, sense of “enough”, frugality, and some assets back hometown. The study
concludes the variation of perception of waste pickers compare to the established concepts (i.e.,
WHO). It recommends that understanding and measuring health and wellbeing should on the context
of the target population.

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ID _48

Development of Complementary Feeding Recommendation (CFR) Using

Linear Programming to Improve Mother's Knowledge and Compliance in
Better Diet and Nutrient Intake of Stunted Children in Surabaya, Indonesia

Annas Buanasita1,2a, Taufiqurrahman2b ,Luki Mundiastuti 1c

Nutrition Laboratory of Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Surabaya Health Polytechnic, East Java, Indonesia,,

Background/Aims: Stunting is a condition of low height for age in children that indicates a
linear growth failure influenced to cognitive development for under two children. Complementary
Feeding Recommendation (CFR ) specific for stunted children had not explore to get better outcome in
nutrition. The main advantages of this study was to improve mother’s knowledge and compliance in
giving better diet as well as energy, protein, Fe, zinc intake for stunted children after getting 3 months
education on CFR .
Methods: The study was pre-post-test one group quasy experimental study. A total of 150
stunted children were involved, selected from 36 primary health centers in Surabaya.The CFR
was derived from Optifood Linear Programming and prepared it specific for stunted children in
Surabaya. Education on CFR was provided 3 times within 3 months by trained supervised
nutritionists. Mother’s compliance was assessed using the last 6 months. Semi Quantitative Food
Frequency and 2x24 hours food recall were used to measure nutrient intake. Height was measured
with microtoise. The data were analyzed using paired t-test.
Results: There was an improvement in mother’s knowledge and mothers’ compliance in giving better
diet to their stunted children. The mean of mother’s knowledge increased from 7.6 to 8.6 point
and mother’s compliance increased from 8.3 to 10.4 (p=0.00). All nutrients intake of respondents
increased significantly (p=0.000).
Conclusions: The main contribution of education on this specific locally CFR could improve the
dietary intake and i n t u r n t h e nutrition status of stunted children .

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ID _50


TYPE2 use Helvetica (Arial) 14
Adin Mu’afiro1, Bella Dama Shinta2, Kiaonarni O.W3., Joko Suwito4, and Irine
Department of Nursing, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya, Indonesia

Keywords:family support, quality of life, DM

For the rest of the paper, please use Times Roman (Times New Roman) 12
Abstract. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that cannot be cured and causes dangerous
complications. Diabetes treatment requires a long time and a lifetime because it requires family
support to maintain a good quality of life for patients. The purpose of this study was to analyze the
relationship between family support and the quality of life of DM Type 2 clients. The design of this
study was a cross sectional analytic study. The subjects of this study were 100 DM patients in
Tambakrejo Public Health Center Surabaya. The dependent variable of the study is family support and
the independent variable is the quality of life of DM patients. The research instrument uses HDFSS
(Hensarling Diabetes Family Support Scale) and DQOL (Diabetes Quality Of Life) from DCCT
(Diabetes Control & Complications Trial) Data analysis using chi square. The results showed a
relationship of family support with the quality of life of patients with Type 2 diabetes (p = 0.015 <α =
0.05). Patients with Type 2 diabetes who have good family support are 62%, most (74%) have a good
quality of life. Whereas type 2 DM patients who have adequate family support by 33% in part (55%)
have a good quality of life. It is recommended that families should continue to support DM Type 2
clients in undergoing a series of procedures provided so that the quality of life of DM Type 2 clients
remains good.

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ID _52

The Local Kelor(moringa oleifera)Leave Powder Of West Nusa Tenggara

Increase Of The Neutrophile Cell Phagocyte Index And Its Function On
The Rats With PEM Infected By Staphylococcus aureus bacteria
FifiLuthfiyah1,a, Reni sofiyatin1,b , Edi Widjajanto2,c
Departement of Nutrition, Heatlh Polytechnic Heath Ministry of Mataram
Departement of Biomedic, Medical Faculty, Brawijaya University, Malang
Departement of Nutrition, Heatlh Polytechnic Heath Ministry of Surabaya


Keywords:The Local Kelor,Neutrophileindex, Staphylococcus aureus

Abstract.It has been reported that Indonesia is ranked 3rd in the prevalence of acut malnutrition in
Asia Pacific.Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) has a high prevalence in the West Nusa Tenggara
(NTB) Province.Base on the report from Health Department in the West Nusa Tenggara Province,
from January through October 2015, more than 600 malnutrition cases were reported which especially
occurred among children under five, out of which 31 cases ended up in death The nutrition status can
be accurately found out through blood biochemical and hematology tests.Neutrophil index is an
important biomarker in fighting off infectious agent, such as Staphylococcus aureus. This particular
type of bacteriais most oftenthe cause of infectious diseases. Those subjected to Protein-Energy
Malnutrition are most vulnerable to these type of infections.Kelor(Moringaoleifera) has been found to
have nutritious contents, especially protein and iron (Fe). In the West Nusa Tenggara, kelor has not
been extensively taken advantage of. Aim: To confirm the effect of the local kelor(Moringa oleifera)
leave powder inincreasingthe Innate Immune Response of sample rats with Protein Energy
Malnutrition (PEM).Method: Post-test randomized control group design. Twenty rats are grouped
into five with period of 56 days.The hematology examination used micros 6.0 (CBC-analyzer),
neutrophile phagocyte index with gradient density technique. All data analyses use One-way Anova.
Result:Significant increase in the number of neutrophil cells (p < 0.05). Neutrophil cells and
phagocyte in the PEM mice modelsexposed to Staphylococcus aureusbacteria experienced significant
increase in macrophage indexes (p = 0.000 <p = 0.05) Conclusion: The local kelor leave powder of
West Nusa Tenggara is
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found to increase the innate immune response significantlyand can suppress the staphylococcus
aureus bacteria which are often the cause of many infectious diseases.

ID _54

Hytensol (Hypertension Solution) Drink Powder on Hypertension

Rats (Rattus Norvegicus Strain Wistar) Blood Pressure

1,a 2,b 3,c 4,d

Mira Ardiningsih , Fifi Luthfiyah ,Aladhiana Cahyaningrum , Reni Sofiyatin
Nutrition Department, Diploma IV Study Program, Health Polytechnic Ministry of
Health Mataram
2,3,4 Nutrition Department, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Mataram; b;;

KEY WORDS: ; Blood pressure , Hytensol drink powder; Hypertension

ABSTRACT.Background: The prevalence of NTB hypertension patients is 16.67% higher than the
national prevalence that is 9.5% in 2013. Hytensol Drink Powder (MSH) contains 1388 mg of
potassium and 15 mg sodium per 100 g. Objective: This study aimed to determine the
influence of Hytensol (hypertension solution) drink powder on blood pressure of rats (Rattus
norvegicus strain Wistar) hypertension.Design: This research was conducted in the laboratory of
Food Technology Science Department of Nutrition Poltekkes Kemenkes Mataram, Pharmacology
Laboratory and Physiology Laboratory Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University, Malang in May-
June 2018 with pretest posttest with control group design, using 10 males white rat tail divided into 5
each groups into the control group and the treatment group. The subjects were given 5% w/v NaCl for
7 days to make hypertension. The treatment group was given MSH 0,36 g/100 g mouse BB for 7 days
and blood pressure measurement before and after intervension. Statistical analysis used are shaipro
wilk for normality test, independent T-test and paired sample T-test.Results: The mean blood
pressure of the study subjects before the intervention for the control group and the treatment group
was 143.75/110.25 mmHg and 143.5/116.25 mmHg to 156.25/109 mmHg and 104.75/77.75
mmHg (p=0.05). The mean decrease in systolic blood pressure in the treatment group reached 38.75
mmHg while a decrease of ≥20 mmHg can be said to have antihypertensive effect. Conclusions:
Hytensol Drink Powder could decrease the rats (Rattus norvegicus strain Wistar) hypertensions blood
pressure and has an antihypertensive activity.

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Padoli1*, Nur Aini Lutfi R.2, Aida Novitasari1, Dwi Utari Widiastuti1
Departement of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia

Keyword: Cancer, Complementary and Alternative Medicine(CAM)

Abstract. In addition to standard care, complementary therapy was increasingly used by cancer clients
in an effort to relieve cancer symptoms and matters related to cancer care as well as improve overall
client welfare and quality of life. The aim of this study wasto determine the use of Complementary
and Alternative Medicine (CAM) treatments for cancer clients in oncology department Satu Atap
(POSA) Dr Soetomo Hospital Surabaya.This type of research was an exploratory description of the
use of CAM treatments in cancer clients in oncology department Satu Atap (POSA) Dr Soetomo
Hospital Surabaya. The sample in this study were cancer clients who visited in oncology department
Satu Atap (POSA) Dr Soetomo Hospital Surabaya around 250 women, 41-50 years old. The results of
this study showed that 65.6% of clients used complementary therapy before going to the doctor and
34.4% used it together with conventional therapy. 9%) said that complementary therapy was not
beneficial and only the body feels healthy (22.58%) and pain reduced (10.22%). The most widely
used type of therapy was soursop leaf decoction, mangosteen peel, binahong, taro rat, and diets
avoiding certain foods. The average duration of use was 30 weeks, with the frequency of daily use of
therapy. The CAM knowledge method was currently limited and interpretations subjective were
varied and biased. CAM must be developed and counteracted the rational and coherent methods for
assessing causality and efficacy based on results controlled by clinical trials.

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Martina Bedho 1, Irwan Budiana2 Sisilia Leny Cahyani3

Program Studi Keperawatan Ende, Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang
Jln.Prof.Dr.W .Z Yohanes Ende, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Program Studi Keperawatan Ende, Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang
Jln.Prof.Dr.W .Z Yohanes Ende, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Program Studi Keperawatan Ende, Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang
Jln.Prof.Dr.W .Z Yohanes Ende, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Keywords: Acceptors, hormonal contraception, hypertension, obesity.


Background: The human body has the hormone progesterone. If hormonal contraception contains
progesterone used again, then the body will experience hormonal imbalances, and will the side
effects of obesity occur. Objective: to determine the effect of hormonal contraceptive use on the
incidence of obesity in three Puskesmas in the city of Ende. Method: Non-experimental
research that is descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach, mixed methods design. The
population of this study was 290 family planning acceptors with the use of hormonal
contraception with sampling techniques by purposive sampling on 23 acceptors, with
accidental sampling technique. Data collection using questionnaires, interviews and
observations. Data analysis used Chi - Square statistical test with significance level p = ≤
0.005, logistic regression with prevalence ratio (RP) 95% evidence interval (CI). Results:
There was a long-standing influence of hormonal contraception use on the incidence of obesity
p = 0.035 (p = ≤
0.005). Logistic regression test shows the incidence ratio is at least 1,129 times at risk,
most is 9,605 at greater risk of suffering from obesity. There is an influence of the use of
hormonal contraception to the incidence of obesity p-value = 0.035 (p = ≤ 0.005), with a ratio
of at least 1.672, most at risk of 3,020 suffering from obesity. Conclusion: The longer the use
of hormonal contraception, the greater the risk of obesity. Suggestion: Midwives do more
intensive body weight
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checks, and make sure the use of hormonal contraception is appropriate through counseling.

ID _58



Dyah Wijayanti1 , Tumini2 and Eko Rustamaji Wiyatno3

1 Sutopo Nursing Study Program, Departement of Nursing, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya,
2 Sutopo Nursing Study Program, Departement of Nursing, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya,
3 Sutopo Nursing Study Program, Departement of Nursing, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya,
*Corresponding author e-mail:

Keywords: Predisposing factors, reinforcing factors, enabling factors, caring behavior

Abstract. Caring is needed in treating cancer patients. However, the reality in practice, there were still
many nurses who neglect patients’ satisfaction, such as lack of encouragement, lack of motivation for
patient recovery, lack of touch given, and not all nurses provide information related to patients’
disease. The aim of the study was to analyze the caring behavioral factors of nurses in breast cancer
patients undergoing chemotherapy at Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. The design of this study used a cross-
sectional with a quantitative approach. The number of samples in this study was 100 respondents with
random sampling techniques. Data collection used a questionnaire filled out by respondents and
carried out in August - September 2018 at RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Data analysis used logistic
regression test. Multivariate analysis showed that the predisposing (p = 0.001, w = 18,834) and
reinforcing factors (p = 0.001, w = 12,968) had a relationship with nurses caring behavior while the
enabling factor (p = 0.148) had no relationship with nurses caring behavior. Predisposing factors
were the most dominant variable that has a relationship with nurses caring behavior in breast cancer
patients undergoing chemotherapy. Therefore, nurses caring behavior needs to be improved by
increasing the level of knowledge and attitudes. The nurses could use their knowledge as a basis and
scientific understanding in behaving or caring for patients.

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ID _61



Sunomo Hadi1, Bambang Hadi Sugito2, Jumriani3

Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Dental Nursing Department
Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Dental Nursing Department,
Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar, Dental Nursing Department,,,,

Keywords: selection of toothpaste, parents, caries


Knowledge of oral health is very important at an early age. At an early age children begin to
understand the importance of health and restrictions that must be avoided or habits that can affect the
condition of their teeth and mouth including their gingiva. One of the ingredients for cleaning teeth is
toothpaste. The selection of these ingredients must be appropriate, so as to produce optimal hygiene
and not have a negative impact. Most of the products on the market offered claim to be the best, with
their respective highlights, ranging from relying on brands, attractive packaging, low prices, quality
that is highlighted. Parents must be careful in choosing the right toothpaste for their children. This
type of research will be conducted by researchers is a descriptive observational study with a cross
sectional approach, the research sample of all children's toothpaste on the market in the city of
Surabaya.The selection of toothpaste should consider the composition, development of the child's age,
criteria needed according to age, product variations and side effects. The purpose of this study is to be
used as a guide in selecting and adjusting toothpaste products on the market with the needs of early
dental and oral health care for children. The results showed the majority of respondents chose
children's pepsodent and Kodomo toothpaste. Selection of the right toothpaste must pay attention to
the type of toothpaste,
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toothpaste composition and fluorine content do not exceed SNI standards.

ID _62

Regularity of Antenatal Care through Knowledge of Pregnant Women and

Support from Husbands

Sendy Ayu Mitra Uktutias1, a, Ade Ayu Mitra Ramadita Daluas2, b, Cholichul Hadi3, c
Postgraduate School Airlangga University Surabaya, Indonesia
Faculty of Psychology Airlangga University Surabaya, Indonesia

Keywords: knowledge, husband’s support, antenatal care, pregnant women

Abstract. Pregnant women knowledge and husband’s support are factors that influence antenatal care
regularity. This study aims to analyze the effect of knowledge of pregnant women and husband’s
support on antenatal care regularity. This research is cross sectional and conducted on 38 pregnant
women as respondents using linear regression statistical tests. The result of this study inidicate that
there is an effect of knowledge of pregnant women and husband’s support on regularity of antenatal
care. The better the knowledge of pregenant women about their pregnancy and the higher the support
of their husbands will have an impact on the regularity of antenatal care for pregnant women. The
implication of this research is that for health workes, especially midwives who are at the forefront,
they need to empower cadres and provide health education to pregnant women and husbands about
the importance of regular antenatal care. In addition, midwives need to improve their competence
through midwifery training effort in antenal care services.

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 63
ID _63

Development Assessment Instrument of Postpartum Patiens With Severe

Preeclampsia-Eclampsia Based on Need for Help and Self Care Model

E Suprihatin1 and SHWuryaningsih2

1 Department of Nursing, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya, Indonesia
2 Department of Nursing, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya, Indonesia
*Corresponding author e-mail:

Abstract. Post partum mothers with severe preeclampsia/eclampsia experience physiological changes
that are different from physiological postpartum mothers. For this reason, assessment instruments are
needed that are able to detect an emergency and increase maternal independence in performing
postpartum care for mothers and infants. Nursing models that are thought to be suitable for use in
developing assessment instruments are Wiedenbach's "Need for Help" model and Orem's "Self-care".
This study aims to develop an assessment instrument for postpartum mothers based on the "Need for
Help" model of Wiedenbach and "Self-care" Orem. The design or design of this research is research
and development (R&D) which consists of 2 stages, namely the development phase and the trial
phase. The samples in this study were 30 of Midwives, 30 of Post Partum Patients, and 100 0f patient
documentation stored on medical records. The sample choosen by purposive sampling method. Data
were collected through interviews, questionnaires, document tracking, and FGDs. Data were analyzed
by the Wilcoxon test with a significance of 0,000 (p <0.05). The results showed that there were
significant differences between the old postpartum patient assessment instruments and the postpartum
patient assessment instruments based on the Need For Help and Self Care models and the postpartum
patient assessment instruments with the Need For Help and Self Care model-based assessments were
considered more effective. It is recommended that stakeholders and nurses/midwives use postpartum
patient assessment instruments based on the Need For Help and Self models. The result of this study
is produced an assessment instrument that can be used by nurses and midwives to identify emergency
problems of postpartum patient with severe preeclampsia and eclampsia, so that the risk of morbidity
and mortality due to severe preeclampsia and eclampsia can be significantly reduced.

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ID _64


Dewa Ayu Putu Mariana Kencanawati1b), Ignasensia D. Mirong2a), Ummu Zakiyah3)
Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Kupang, Midwifery Study Program
Branch Manager of Indonesia Midwife Assosiasion in Kupang City, NTT.
Corresponding Author:

Keywords: midwife, PPE, Covid-19


Since WHO declared Covid-19 to be a global pandemic in March 2020, all countries have been
implemented special health protocols during a pandemic to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
This health protocol was also applied by the whole community including midwives. Indonesia
Ministry of Health has issued several guidelines for maternal neonatal services during the pandemic
including standards for the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in mother and child health
services, but the implementation were have many obstacles including unequal PPE supply. For this
reason it is necessary to evaluate the application of health protocol guidelines in health facilities. This
study aims to determine the midwife's compliance in following the health protocol when gave a
mother and child health services. This research was a kuantitatif research with cross sectional design,
used online survey with Google form application to collect data. Sampling metode used was
accidental sampling so the survey was distributed to all midwives at the Public health center and
Hospitals in the NTT Province and responded by 403 people. Data were analyzed using descriptive
and crosstab. The results found that 89.8% of midwives did not follow the health protocol according
to the guidelines, because 49.8% stated inadequate personal protective equipment supply in the
workplace because the policy of regional goverment and the price of PPE was very expensive during
the Pandemi. It was concluded that midwives could not implement health protocols due to limited
International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 65
PPE supply and this condition placed midwives at high risk of contracting Covid-19. This study had
an implication to gave a local governments regarding the implementation of health protocols on
maternal and child health services in NTT Province.

ID _67



Kiaonarni Ongko Waluyo1, a, Dwi Ananto Wibrata2, b, Adin Muafiro3, c,

Irine Christiany4, d, Dwi Azizah M5, e
DIV Nursing Study Program, Department of Nursing, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health, Surabaya,
DIV Nursing Study Program, Department of Nursing, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health, Surabaya,
DIV Nursing Study Program, Department of Nursing, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health, Surabaya,
DIV Nursing Study Program, Department of Nursing, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health, Surabaya,
DIV Nursing Study Program, Department of Nursing, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health, Surabaya,
email:,be mail:,,

KEYWORDS: Duration of Illness, Anxiety, Adherence, Hypertension

Hypertension is a non-communicable disease that requires adherence in its treatment to
reduce morbidity and mortality due to hypertension complications. Non-adherence to treatment is a
major contributor to failure of antihypertensive treatment. Some contributing factors are the duration
of illnesses suffered, socio-economic conditions, family support and the role of health workers and
anxiety in hypertensive clients.The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between
duration of illness and anxiety with medication adherence in hypertensive clients at Pacar Keling
Community Health Center in Surabaya. One of the important benefits of the proposed study was
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increased client insight into its disease and client beliefs about thebenefits of adherence of medication.
The research design was cross sectional. The subject were 60 people, selected by purposive sampling
method. Data were collected using: Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale and MoriskyMedication
Adherence-8 Scale, then analysed using: the Kendall's tau Test. The majority of hypertensive clients
(77%) have the duration of illness at the category of 1 - 5 years, and most (40%) experienced anxiety
in the moderatecategory. As for the adherence of medication of hypertension clients the majority are
in the moderate category as much as 48%. Clients with duration of illness for 1-5 years ( p = 0,04; r =
0,349) and anxiety who are moderate ( p = 0,000; r = 0.553) having a tendency to adherence to
medication of hypertension. Looking to the future, this work will lead to an evidentiary study in
identifying more subjects studied had duration of illness more longer than 5 years and presence of
high anxiety, whether or not the result is still that the client is getting high adherent to his medication.

ID _73



Padoli1*,Moh Najib1, Nur Aini Lutfi Rahmawati2

Department of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia

Keyword: Spiritualism, self-acceptance, fatalism, chemotherapy adherence

Abstract. Over the past decade, oncology therapy had tended to lead to oral regimens, and there had
been increased attention to the evaluation of factors that influence compliance. Currently there was
still relatively little research on factors associated with adherence to intravenous drugs (i.v.) in breast
cancer. Non-compliance with breast cancer treatment and delay in treatment had been recognized to
partly explain the results of worse breast cancer. The purpose of this study was assessing potential
client-specific factors; spirituality, self-acceptance and fatalism associated with adherence to
chemotherapy regimens in breast cancer clients. The sample in this study were cancer clients who
visited in oncology department Satu Atap (POSA) Dr Soetomo Hospital Surabaya around 29 clients
who underwent chemotherapy were given a questionnaire regarding psychospiritual and seen client
adherence with medical records for intravenous chemotherapy. Almost all (89.7%) breast cancer
clients had moderate spirituality and moderate fatalism (86.2%), most (58.6%) had low self-
acceptance, and the adherence (75.9%) underwent intravenous chemotherapy. Self-acceptance,
spirituality, and fatalism of breast cancer client are not significantly related to adherence to
undergoing chemotherapy in breast cancer patients. The results of this study suggest that nurses need
to motivate clients who undergoing chemotherapy to adhere to chemotherapy treatment. It needs to be
prospective or modified research with interventions in clinical settings with larger samples to build
International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 67

ID _79

Prevention behavior of COVID-19 infection among adults in East Java: an

online survey study

A Buanasita1, L Sholihah1, E. Suroso1, H. Wijaya1, Y. Prabawani1, O Rahmawati1

1 UPT Laboratorium Gizi Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur
*Corresponding author e-mail:

Keywords: adult, COVID-19, information resource, prevention.

Abstract. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is infectious and caused by a newly discovered

coronavirus. The new cases of COVID-19 raise abundantly in Indonesia, especially in East Java
province. Some prevention must be taken to decrease the infection. The aim of this paper is to study
the prevention behavior of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) among adults and to examine their
personal health information resources related to their actions. All variable was asked by using an
online survey with self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire then sent into online media
platforms as a link in which people could acsess it freely. Our inclusion criteria is respondent aged 19-
60 years old who lived in East Java province. A 721 response was collected from this present online
survey. Respondents characteristics include gender, age, job, and education status were also collected.
The most of respondent was educated and worked in private sector with the mean age of 33 years old.
We showed that washing hand both using soap and handsanitizer was the most prevention behavior
which was done by 97% respondents followed by limiting outdoor activities (85%) and eat balanced
diet (82%). However, we found that the number of people wearing mask outdoor was very low
(0.3%). Online health information was the most trustworthy resources regarding their prevention
behavior which was chosen by 75% respondents, followed by health-care worker information (70%).
We concluded that there is still a need for improvement in COVID-19 preventive behavior among
adults in East Java Province. The desirable improvements might be achieved through education by
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using online media and health-care provider.

ID _80

Effectiveness of Abdominal Stretching Exercise and Sanyinjiao

Acupressure to relieve Dysmenorrhea Pain

Rabia Zakaria1, a, Indra Haryanto Ali2,b and Amellia Rivani T. Suma3,c

1,2,3Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Gorontalo,,

Keywords: Abdominal Stretching Exercise, Sanyinjiao acupressure, Dysmenorrhea.

Abstract. Dysmenorrhea is pain during menstruation caused by uterine muscle spasms. The main
symptoms involve pain that occurs in the early phase of menstruation; the dysmenorrhea pain
composes sharp, dull, cyclic, or persistent pain. The aims of this research is to analyze the
effectiveness of Abdominal Stretching Exercise and Sanyinjiao Acupressure to relieve dysmenorrhea
pain. The type of this research was quasi-experimental with non-equivalent control group design.
Thirty students were acquired as the research samples from the total population of 123 female
students who experience dysmenorrhea. Abdominal Stretching Exercise is appropriate to do with
bend over position, up on the mat with five-minute cat stretch. Sanyinjiao Acupressure is done by
laying-down position while legs 45-degree bended for 4 minutes. The result indicated that the average
score of dysmenorrhea pain intensity in female students pre-abdominal stretching exercise is 4.27
(moderate category) and post-treatment decreases to 1.93 (mild category). Moreover, prior to
Sanyinjiao acupressure technique, the average pain intensity in female adolescents pre-Sanyinjiao
acupressure technique is 4.40 (moderate category) and post-treatment decreases to 0.67 (normal
category). Dysmenorrhea pain measured using Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). All in all, abdominal
stretching exercise therapy contributed to relieve dysmenorrhea pain with p value of 0.004. Moreover,
the Sanyinjiao technique was deemed effective in relieving dysmenorrhea pain (p value = 0.001). On
top of that, the study
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discovered less significant difference between both therapy techniques in dysmenorrhea treatment (p
value = 0.317). This study recommends the application of abdominal stretching exercise and
Sanyinjiao acupressure technique to treat dysmenorrhea pain that is quite common in female

ID _82


Soo Hwee Lee1,a, Aini Ahmad2,b, Puziah Yusuf3,c ,Annamma Kunjukunju4,d
KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital, Johor Bahru, Johor Malaysia
School of Nursing,KPJ Healthcare University College, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
School of Nursing,KPJ Healthcare University College, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
School of Nursing,KPJ Healthcare University College, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
a, b,,

Keywords: preoperative education, patient, surgery, video

Abstract. Background: Surgical patients usually demonstrate fears towards anesthesia and surgery
throughout the hospitalization. It is the responsibility of healthcare professionals to ensure that any
patient who undergone an elective surgical procedure is both physically and psychologically prepared
with proper patient education. Preoperative patient education is a gold standard of nursing practice
that to be delivered to patients who undergo surgeries that help in reducing patient’s anxiety and
prepare them for surgery. A video presentation seems to be an effective way as a communication tool.
Objective: The aim of the study is to develop and validates a preoperative educational video for adult
patients. Method: There are two stages of the study, firstly is to develop and secondly validate the
content for video production. The script of the video is written in the storyboard. The production of
video is conducted by the hospital Information Technology team. The content validation process for
video using Content Validity Index (CVI) is recruited. Result: The video production involved filming
and editing by the team.
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The content of completed video will be validated by nine hospital’s experts using CVI based on
content relevancy. This process of validation has been rated three times by the experts in order to
achieve 0.90 excellency. Conclusion: The organization has successfully developed and validated a
hospital Preoperative patient educational video and further exploration of its effectiveness will be
suggested in future research.

ID _85



Umi Kalsum B1,a, Aini A2,b, Nurul Fariza M2,c, Puziah Y2,d
Nursing Education, KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital, Johor, Malaysia
School of Nursing, KPJ Healthcare University College, Nilai, Malaysia

Keywords: nursing students, validation, video development, hygienic care,

Abstract.The development of realistic videos that accurately introduce an authentic clinical situation
may significantly enhance the simulation experience and facilitate the transfer of knowledge from the
learning resource center environment to the clinical setting for undergraduate students Ensuring
preparation of diverse learning material such as video is crucial as a clinical teacher. It is important to
have validated video to use in school of nursing and clinical setting.The objective of this study is to
develop and validate educational video on hygienic care procedure using Modified Delphi technique.
The study is divided into two stages: firstly, is on the development of videos which involved scripts
and filming editing and validation of video from expertise. The process involved the preparation of
script on the storyboard, skills demonstration of hygienic care, in simulated clinical settings. The
educational scenes were then filmed, edited and inserted in the animated texts. The script was then
developed and video were then validated by the 45 undergraduate nursing students. Results: In the
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first phase of four rounds for the scripts writing was to obtain consensus among the experts. All
agreed on adequacy of the content, sequence, clarity, and language with the results greater than 80%.
In the second phase, it was observed that the average of the responses was above three, thus, the video
was considered as validated. Conclusion: Our process is promising in developing procedure hygienic
care for nursing students using a Modified Delphi technique that integrated the opinions of different
stakeholders, particularly nurses. This video is a useful tool for improving the knowledge, skills and
confidence of nursing students in the clinical.

ID _86



Heni Puji Wahyuningsih1, a, Bhisma Murti2, b, Eny Lestari3, c, and Reviono4, d

Doctoral Degree in Health Promotion, Sebelas Maret University, Solo, Indonesia
Master's Program in Public Health, Sebelas Maret University, Solo, Indonesia
Master's Program in Development Counseling, Post Graduate, Sebelas Maret University, Solo, Indonesia
Faculty of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University, Solo, Indonesia
a , , ,

Keywords: quality of life, influencing factors, children, path analysis.

AbstractQuality of life is a multidimensional concept that is developed and covers aspects of

economic welfare, characteristics, society, and health status. Many factors can affect the quality of life
of children. Parents are the basis for the formation of quality in children and as a means of adapting to
the environment. However, the parent has a unique attitude, behavior, beliefs, values, family
background, and these characteristics vary from parent to another parent. Those variations can affect
the children's personality. Aimed to determine the effect of parenting and social demographics on the
quality of life of children. This article is focused on the review of parenting and its influence on the
quality of well-being of the children. This research was a quantitative observational retrospective
cohort design. The population was children aged 2-4 years who lived in child-friendly villages
(villages exposed) and ordinary villages (villages not exposed). The sample size was 350 subjects
with a multistage random sampling technique. Analysis techniques by Path analysis. The results of
International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 72
this study were the quality of life of children had a direct influence on parenting (b = 0.082; SE =
0.055; p <0.001), mother's education (b = 0.034; SE = 0.32; p <0.001), income ( b = 0.010; SE =
0.054), and number of siblings (b = 0.058; SE = 0.062). While marital status has an indirect effect on
the quality of life of children through parenting variables (b = 0.287; SE = 0.279). The conclusion that
the quality of life of the children was directly affected by parenting, mother's education, income, and
family size. The quality of life is indirectly affected by marital status.

ID _88



Thilagavathy.A1, a Aini A2,b and Puziah Y3,c

KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital, Johor, Malaysia
School of Nursing, KPJ Healthcare University College, Nilai, Seremban
School of Nursing Healthcare University College, Nilai, Seremban

Keywords: Bedside, Clinical Handover, Nurses, Patient Safety, Satisfaction

Abstract. Nurses play an important role in monitoring, detecting clinical deterioration, and
understanding treatment plan for the patient, this essential information has to be effectively
communicated during bedside handover between nursing teams. A handover involves the transfer of
professional responsibility and accountability of patient care. The problem arises when gaps in
communication or miscommunication that lead to patient harm and delay in treatment. The aim of this
article reviews to support and understand the clinical bedside handover process and staff
satisfaction.Method: An integrative review of the literature was undertaken to summaries past
literature and provide a comprehensive understanding of the context of bedside clinical handover
(Whittemore & Knafl 2005). A database search from CINAHL and Google Scholar was undertaken.
The search terms: clinical handover, bedside, patient safety, nurses, and satisfaction were used in the
database searches. Only
International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
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articles published in English from 2005-2019 in an adult setting were included. Data extraction and
analysis were completed on all included studies. The final sample for this integrative review
comprised 15 studies were retrieved and emphasized on the importance of bedside report in the
clinical setting. Result: Based on common meanings and central issues on clinical bedside handover
and satisfaction among registered nurses, face to face bedside handover all pertinent information must
be well-communicated, indirectly improve handover efficiency, teamwork, accountability, and
mentorship and enhance the good patient experience. Increased satisfaction among nurses and patients
enables the safe and quality outcomes of the patient. Conclusion:In general, the categories that
emerged in this study could be useful for formulating initiatives to stimulate a positive safety climate
which leads to improve and maintain a safe environment.It is important to design appropriate training
to promote nurse-patient-nurse bedside reporting in health care settings and to assess staff attitude to
identify periodic intervention in sustaining the handover process in the healthcare organization.

ID _90

Role of Parents with the Social Support Approach in the use of Gadgets on
the Social Development Children of Elementary School-Age in Surabaya

Indriatie1* and Aida Novitasari 2

1 Department of Nursing, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya, Indonesia
2 Department of Nursing, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya, Indonesia

*Corresponding author e-mail:,

Abstract. One form of technology currently available is the use of gadgets. Gadgets are not only used
by teenagers and adults, but in reality are also used by the age of school children. If parents do not
equip children with guiding, and directing to respond to gadgets positively, then the child will use it
inappropriately, even negatively impacting the psychology and health of the child's limbs. The
purpose of this study was to determine the role of parents about the use of Gadget on social
development of elementary school age children with a social support approach in Surabaya. The
benefits of providing information in the form of assistance for parents and their children in a healthy,
good and right way to the school. This type of correlational analytic study, the total population of
27360 elementary school students in Surabaya, 200 cluster sampling techniques. Independent
variables Development of the Role of parents with a social support approach and the dependent
variable support social development in school-age children. The results obtained are the role of the
family affect the social development of children, with a p value of 0.033, the factor of internal family
support influences the role of family support, with a p value of 0.001, the factor of external family
support influences the role of family support with a value of p value of 0.001, The role of family
International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
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support has a significant influence on children's social development with a p value of 0.033.The study
of the implications of the success of school-age child development is supported by internal and
external factors in the family, for the continuity of this development, the role of family and family
support is needed so that it supports the development of school-age children at Govermnment
Elementary Schoolin Surabaya based on development.

ID _92

The Effect of BC-MK15 Birth Chair To Maternal Comfort In Labour

USaleh1 and FHusin2

1 Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Kupang, Indonesia
2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia

Abstract. The BC-MK15 is stands for Birth Chair - Master in Midwifery in 2015. The design and
dimensions of the BC-MK15 labor chair are simple but have the same principles and functions as
AVEbirth attendants birthing bed so thatin the community can be used. The dimensions of the BC-
MK15 labor chair that facilitates the comfort of the mother during labor include the back support at
the top which can be recline. This study aims to analyze the effect of the use of BC-MK15 labor
chairs than conventional birthing bed on maternal comfort. This research is an experimental study
with posttestonly control group design. The research sample was multiple maternal mothers who
came to the Garuda Health Center, Ibrahim Aji and Puter in the city of Bandung as many as 60
people. Thirty laboring women were randomly assigned to either use BC-MK15 or conventional
birthing bed group. Based on statistical tests using Chi Square obtained Relative Risk (RR) value of
1.6, laboring women who use conventional birthing bed are un uncomfortable risk of 1.6 times
compared to laboring women who use BC-MK15labor chairs. The conclusion of this study is that the
BC-MK15 labor chair is effective in increasing the comfort of maternity mothers.

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ID _94



Endang Soelistyowati1, Siswari Yuniarti2

Nursing Departement Healt Politeknik of Ministry Surabaya,
Nursing Departement Healt Politeknik of Ministry Surabaya,

Keywords: Simulation Game (SIG), Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Mitigation, Emergency,
Recovery, Preparedness, Head of Family.

Natural disasters can occur suddenly or through a process that takes place slowly. Some types of
disasters such as earthquakes, are almost impossible to predict accurately when, where they will occur
and the magnitude of their strength. The purpose of this study is to find out the Effectiveness of
Simulation Game Methods (SIG) and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the Preparedness of Family
Heads in Facing Landslide Disasters in Celaket, Pacet, Mojokerto.
The research method used was a quasi-experimental method using a pre-post test design with
questionnaire and form observation as a measuring instrument. The sampling technique was 150
respondents. Manova test shows p value <0.05, so Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected means
Simulation Game Method
International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
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(SIG) is more effective than Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the Preparedness of Family Heads in
Facing Landslide Disasters in the Celaket, Pacet, Mojokerto.
Using the Benferroni technique shows that the prevention (mitigation) with the Simulation Game
(SIG) method is more effective than the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method (MD = 0.74; p
<0.05), the Emergency Response with the Simulation Game (SIG) Method was more effective than
Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Method (MD = 0.82; p <0.05), and recovery using the Simulation
Game (SIG) method was more effective than the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method (MD = 0.64;
p <0.05). Simulation Game Method (SIG) is more effective than Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on
Family Chief Preparedness in mitigating, Emergency and Recovery of landslides. Educational
institutions, BPBD, village officials and related parties to be more intensive in providing disaster
training to communities in disaster risk areas.

ID _95



Pius Selasa1,a), Heru Santoso Wahito Nugroho2,b), Margaretha Teli3,c), Israfil4,c)

School of Nursing, Health Polytechic of Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
School of Nursing, Health Polytechic of Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
a), b), c),, d)

*Corresponding author e-mail:

Keywords: Malaria, East Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara
Background: The Province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is one of the provinces that has a high
malaria prevalence reaching 1.99% from the national prevalence of 0.37%. East Sumba Regency is
one of the regencies in East Nusa Tenggara Province which has the highest prevalence of 7.01%. The
purpose of this study was to determine trends in malaria cases in East Sumba Regency NTT Province
in 2018 to 2019. Method: This research is a descriptive study with all population data recorded in East
Sumba Regency in 2018 and in 2019. The sample size is 3,506 cases taken by purposive sampling that
taken from the total positive cases. Data were collected by retrospective study of malaria case report
documents in East Sumba Regency in 2018 and 2019. The study results are presented in the form of
frequency tables and analyzed descriptively. Results: 1,811 cases per 246,295 inhabitants were
recorded in 2018 (0.73%) and 1,695 cases per 260,950 inhabitants in 2019 (0.64%). The gender of
male is 54.50%, female is 45.59% in 2018, and male is 53.27% female is 46.72% in 2019. Age is > 15
years 40.36%, <15 years 59.64% in 2018,> 15 years 41.65%, <15 years 58.65% in 2019. P.
International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
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falciparum 74.82%, P. vivax 15.07%, P. malariae 1.21%, P .ovale 0%, Mix 8.89% in 2018, P.
falciparum 71.91%, P. vivax 13.27%, P. malariae 1.65%, P.ovale 0%, Mix 13.15% in 2019. Type
malaria treatment is according to the ACT program 97.57% in 2018, 97.52% in 2019. Conclusion:
Trends in malaria cases in East Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province from 2018 to 2019
decreased to 0.64%. Most positive cases are found at age <15 years. The gender is generally male.
The most type of plasmodium is P. falciparum. Almost all patients are positive following treatment
according to government programs.

ID _96

The influence of recipient support factors, support providers, composition

structure of social networks on family support in the prevention
transmission of pulmonary TB

Lembunai Tat Alberta 1, Dwi Utari Widyastuti 2

1) Diploma IV Nursing Porgram Study,Nursing Departement, Surabaya Health Politecnic of Ministry of Health, Indonesia
2) Diploma III Sutomo Nursing Program Study, Nursing Departement, Surabaya Health Politecnic of Ministry of Health, Indonesia
1) 2)
Keywords: support recipient factors, support providers. composition and structure of social networks, family

Background: Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis

which attacks the lungs and is still the most major public health problem in the world, because it
causes great pain, disability and death. World Health Organization (WHO) report in the Global
Tuberculosis Report 2015, Indonesia is one of the three countries that have the highest number of TB
cases in the world after China and India. Prevention of pulmonary TB is any health effort aimed at
protecting public health, reducing morbidity, disability or death, deciding transmission, preventing
drug resistance and reducing the negative effects caused by pulmonary tuberculosis. [1]. Patients with
pulmonary TB in the family will be a source of transmission for those around him, especially family
members. Family support
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in the form of information support, emotional support, instrumental support and assessment support
that is influenced by several factors including recipients of support, support, composition and
structure of social networks. is expected to help clients in the implementation of prevention of
pulmonary TB transmission.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of recipient support factors, support
providers, composition and structure of social networks on family support in the prevention of
pulmonary tuberculosis transmission in the working area of Surabaya city health center.
Method: The research design was observational with a descriptive approach, sampling with non
random sampling, a sample size of 110 people. Data recipient factors of support, supporting factors,
composition and structure of social networks, family support was obtained by interview and data
analysis using PLS. .
Results:Almost all and most of the subjects received family support in either category, namely 80%
information support, 71% emotional support, 83.6% instrumental support and 86.4% assessment
support. Supporting factors are mostly in the good category that is 67.3%, support factors are almost
entirely in the good category that is 93.6%. The composition and structure of social networks almost
all subjects were accompanied by outsiders (95.5%), the majority of family members were 4-6 people
(50.9%), almost half had special friends of 1-3 people (48.2% ) and interact more than 5 times a day
(38.2%) and most have very close relationships (64.5%). There is a significant influence between the
factors of support recipients, support providers, composition and structure of social networks on
family support in preventing pulmonary tuberculosis transmission in the working area of Surabaya
city health center (t statistic> 1.96).
Conclusion: This study shows that there is a significant influence between the factors of support
recipients, support providers, composition and structure of social networks on family support in the
prevention of pulmonary tuberculosis transmission in the working area of Surabaya city health center.
Recommendation : Need to increase the role of family and social environment in providing support to
patients with pulmonary TB in preventing pulmonary TB transmission

Implications : The results of this study indicate the importance of family support in the prevention of
pulmonary TB transmission

ID _97

Success of Early Breasfeeding Initation With Uterine Involution, Placental

Detachment and Prevention of Bleeding in Fourth Stage of Labor

Astuti Setiyani1, Nana Usnawati1 and Sunarto1

1 Department of Midwivery, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya, Indonesia

*Corresponding author e-mail:

Key words: Early breastfeeding initiation, uterine involution, placental detachment, fourth stage of

Abstract. Introduction:The labor process starts from the first stage until the fourth stage, can occur
normally or abnormally. The main complication after childbirth that often arises is bleeding. The facts
show that bleeding is the main cause of maternal death by 45% -50%. Early breastfeeding initiation is
one effort that can reduce post partum hemorrhage. Not all deliveries carry out IMD. This study aims
to analyze the relationship between the success of IMD of uterine involution, placental detachment
and prevention of bleeding in fourth stage of labor. Method:This research used observational analytic
study with a cross sectional
International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 79
design. The independent variable is the success of early breastfeeding initiation and the dependent
variable is bleeding in the fourth stage of labor. The sample in this study was a portion of mothers
giving birth at PMB Ny. "W" Magetan in the period April - August 2018. Sample size of 100
respondents obtained by simple random sampling. Data were analyzed using descriptive and
multivariate tests with logistic regression. Discussion:The results showed there was a relationship
between the success of IMD with uterine involution, placental detachment and the amount of fourth
stage bleeding. Conclusion:There is an effect of the success of IMD with uterine involution and IV
stage of labor. Suction of the baby in the breast stimulates the release of the hormone oxytocin thus
helping uterine involution and helps control bleeding. Implication:It is recommended to improve the
implementation of IMD and commitment of midwives so as to reduce the maternal mortality rate due
to bleeding. Conduct research with more respondents and a wider research area.

ID _99

Alerting Bundles: New Approaches to Prevent Anticipated Physiological Falls

Goventhamah S and Aini A

KPJ Tawakkal Specialist Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

School of Nursing, KPJ Healthcare University College of Nursing, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan , Malaysia &

Keywords : Alerting Bundle Reminders Nursing Interventions Education Bed Side Rail Modification


This study aims to develop Alerting Bundles with the integration of Fall Policy for the prevention of
anticipated physiological patient falls at one of the private hospitals in Kuala Lumpur. Many health
institutions have developed fall initiatives to prevent falling events among patients. This study castoffs
a mixed method of qualitative at its preliminary phase and quantitative during the
implementation phase. Moreover, in this study, a triangulation technique was used in the
development of Alerting Bundle in the prevention of anticipated falls. The triangulation method
consisted of Focus Group Discussion. Nine staff consisting of the chief and deputy nursing officers,
the clinical survey officer,
International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 80
the nursing quality officer together with the unit managers were the nursing task force dealing with fall
incidences who participated in the two sessions of Focus Group Discussion (FGD), for the purpose of
conceptualization and elements development. Additionally, twelve nurses from medical surgical ward,
intensive care unit, maternity ward and pediatric nurses were selected for expert interviews. The
interview data were then used for conceptualization and development of bundle and sub-bundle items.
Besides that, related literature was used as the document analysis to define the bundles with evidences
and value based. Thus, the results of this triangulation technique by implementing Reminder (Pa
System), Nursing Intervention (2-Hourly Rounds with Specific Assessment), Education (Booklets and
Leaflets), and Bed Side Rail Modification are expected to be the alerting Bundles in preventing
anticipated falls at the researched hospital in this study. At the implementation phase, a total of 200
nurses and 30 patients were purposively selected as respondents for the survey and patient feedback.
Finally, the result of the implementation amazed the study where the anticipated physiological fall
level came to zero. Through the survey conducted, it showed that Alerting Bundles had a great impact
and demonstrated positively in-patient feedback. As a conclusion, Alerting Bundles has been proven as
a diverse strategy blended with fall policy to prevent anticipated physiological falls.

ID _105


M Bakoil1 and V Tuhana2

1 Department of Midwifery Program, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Kupang, Indonesia
2 Department of Communication Science Program, Faculty of social and political sciences, Nusa
Cendana University, Kupang, Indonesia
*Corresponding author e-mail:

Abstract. Most of the deliveries in South Central Timor Regency are still being assisted by traditional
birth attendants (TBAs). This is a symbol that there are still cultural attachments and prevailing
norms. The purpose of this research is to find out the Cultural Perspective on Childbirth in the Boti
Society of South Central Timor Regency in 2018. Type of qualitative research with a
phenomenological approach. The study was carried out in Boti Village in South Central Timor
Regency in October 2018. The main informant was the chieftain, and midwife. Whereas supporting
informants were three maternity mother. Data collection using in-depth interviews using interview
guidelines to five informants. The tools used for interviews are field notes, MP3 recorders, and
cameras. Data processing and analysis techniques use interpretative phenomenological analysis with
thematic analysis approaches. The results of the study are that a mother is known to give birth when
pain is felt quickly and the
International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 81
family immediately calls a TBAs because of trust factors. TBAs provide support and motivation to
mothers during the birth process. The position of the mother during childbirth is by sitting on a stone
that has been prepared by her husband, cutting the umbilical cord using bamboo with a distance of
three finger segments. The conclusion is the Boti community has a hereditary belief and culture
associated with childbirth.

ID _111


Rijanto,1.,Tatarini Ika Pipitcahyani,2

Prodi Midwifery Sutomo Surabaya, Surabaya polytechnic MoH
Jl Karang Menjangan No. 12 Surabaya,
E-mail: tata_aira @ yahoo .com

Keywords: Behavior, Pregnancy, Childbirth, and simple Phantom

Midwifery Academy is one of the Study Programs that applies learning strategies with
lecture, discussion and simulation methods, because the lecture process at the Midwifery Academy
utilizes 40% of class meetings for theory and 60% for practice. 60% of clinical practice is carried out
in laboratories and in the field. Before being applied directly to clients, students practice skills in the
laboratory. Clinical practice
International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 82
in the laboratory is carried out by simulation methods. This study aims to determine the effect of
simple phantom practice learning models on behavioral changes in ANC and INC practices in
midwifery students.
The population in this study were 225 students from Sutomo midwifery study program and
Bangkalan midwifery study program. While the sample in this study was 225 students divided into 2
places, 182 students from Sutomo midwifery study program and 43 students from Bangkalan
midwifery study program. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of observation and
distribution of pre-post tests, whereas data analysis techniques used the Normality Test and non-
parametric Wilcoxon Test with a significance level of 0.05 or (P <0.05).test resultsCoefficiens with a
significance level of 0.05shows that there is an influence on significant behavioral change in the
learning model of simple phantom practices on changes in ANC and INC practice behavior in
midwifery students sig. 0,000 or (P<0.05).
Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that there is an influence on behavior
change in the simple phantom practice learning model on the change in ANC and INC practice
behavior in midwifery students.

ID _116

Daily Iron Intake and BMI for Age but not for Daily Tannin intake
increase Hemoglobin Levels in Young Females at Karanganyar Regency

L Ilmiyati1, D Indarto2,3,4, B Wasita2,5

1 Postgraduate Student of Nutrition Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
2 Postgraduate Program of Nutrition Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
3 Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
4 Biomedical Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
5 Department of Anatomic Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
*Corresponding author e-mail:

Key words: micronutrients, polyphenols, anemia, young females

Abstract. In Indonesia, the prevalence of anemia in young females returns to increase in the last five
years. This situation indicates that the nutritional disorder looks like an iceberg phenomenon. Daily
consumption of vegetables-containing foods is recommended for prevention of non-communicable
diseases including anemia.
International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 83
Those foods not only consist of ferric ion but also other natural compounds. Therefore, this study
aimed to analyze the relationship of daily intake of micronutrients and polyphenols with hemoglobin
(Hb) levels in young females. This cross-sectional study recruited 117 young females who studied in
six senior high schools in Karanganyar Regency, Central Java and were selected using a stratified
random sampling. Data of micronutrients and polyphenols intake were collected using the Semi
Quantitative-Food Frequency questionnaire. Blood samples from lower arms vein were used for the
Hb measurement with a hematology analyzer. Collected data were examined using the Rank
Spearman and the multiple regression linear tests to evaluate the relationship of micronutrients and
polyphenols intake with Hb levels. The prevalence of anemia was 17.1% among 20/117 young
females. Higher dietary intake of iron (b=0.043; p<0.001) and higher BMI for age (b=-0.246;
p=0.025) increased Hb levels while higher dietary intake of tannin (b=-0.003; p=0.009) decreased Hb
levels. In conclusion, dietary intake of iron and BMI for age are related to Hb levels but tannin intake
is inversely related to Hb levels in young females. Higher iron intake from vegetable resources should
take into account for anemia reduction in young females due to the presence of tannins.

ID _123

The Effectiveness Of Local-Leader-Based Social Interventions On

Knowledge And Attitudes Of Early Marriage Among
Parents And Adolescents

Elisabeth Surbakti1 Yusrawati Hasibuan2 Rina Doriana Pasaribu3

Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Medan, Indonesia
Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Medan,Indonesia
Department of Nutrition, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Medan, Indonesia
a,, c

Keywords:Early Marriage, Local Leader, Social Intervention

Abstract. Local leader-based social interventions for parents with adolescents can increase knowledge
and attitudes in preventing early marriage. Early marriages cause pregnancy and early delivery with
complications of pregnancy, childbirth, Low Birth Weight, and stunting and have an impact on high
International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 84
maternal and child mortality. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of social interventions by
local leaders on knowledge, attitudes of mothers, and young women. The research method uses a
quantitative design with a quasi-experimental non-randomized pretest-posttest control group design.
The population was all mothers and young women with a sample of 308 people, 154 social
intervention groups, and 154 control groups. The sampling technique is done by systematic sampling.
Before the implementation of social interventions, local leader training is held for 2 days. Paired t-test
statistic tests showed that there were differences in the mean local knowledge of leaders before and
after training (p-value <0.05). Social intervention by the local leader was carried out for 6 months and
the control was given a leaflet for mothers and young women. Wilcoxon statistical test shows there is
an influence of social interventions on the knowledge, attitudes of mothers, and young women (p-
value <0.05). Mann Whitney's statistical test shows that interventions carried out by local leaders are
effective in increasing the knowledge and attitudes of parents and young women after being compared
with controls (p-value <0.05). Local leader-based social interventions are effectively used as early
marriage management programs.

ID _124

Performance Model of Dental Nurses in Implementing the Integrated

ANCProgramThe First Visit of Pregnant Women (K1) to The Dental Clinic
at Puskesmas
Sri Hidayati¹, Imam Sarwo Edi², Endang Purwaningsih³
1 Department of Dental Nursing, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya, Indonesia
2 Department of Dental Nursing, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya, Indonesia
3 Department of Dental Nursing, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya, Indonesia
*Corresponding author e-mail:

Abstract. The problem in this study is that there are K1 pregnant women who do not come to dental
polu after receiving MCH services, whereas according to the ANC handbook, (2016) every K1
pregnant woman who comes to check her pregnancy at MCH must check her teeth at Dental poly
Public health center. Based on several Public health center annual report data in East Java, not yet
100% of K1 pregnant women come to dental BP after receiving MCH services. This study aims to
analyze various factors that
International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 85
influence the performance of dental nurses in the implementation of the integrated ANC program. so
that a performance model can be found that can be considered by dental nurses in supporting the
implementation of integrated ANCs at the Public health center. Method: This study included cross-
sectional analytic observational research, the instruments used were questionnaire and FGD, data
analysis with SEM. Results: Internal factors influence psychological factors but do not directly affect
performance.The population in this study were dental nurses on duty at the East Java Health Center
(according to data from East Java PTGMI totaling 960 people). Which met the following criteria:
1).Experience working as a dental nurse, 2).Work at a health center that has an integrated ANC
program and 3).Willing to be a respondent during the study. While external factors directly influence
psychological factors and performance factors. Psychological factors have the greatest total effect on
the performance of dental nurses in the implementation of the integrated ANC program at the Public
health center. New scientific findings from this study are the discovery of nurse performance models
that are fully mediated (full mediator) by psychological factors, so that internal factors influence the
performance of nurses through psychological factors, and external factors affect the performance of
nurses through psychological factors as well as directly. Discussion: age, years of service, ability,
acceptability, organizational support, leadership style, attitude, motivation, and job satisfaction can
improve work quality and work initiatives. This study recommends the key role of the attitudes and
motivation capabilities of dental nurses and organizational support in supporting the implementation
of integrated ANCs in Public health center.

ID _125

Factors That Cause Selection of Non Health Workers as Birth Assistance in

the Tarus Community Health Center East Penfui in 2019

1, a 2,b 3,c
T Tabelak , A Boimau and S Boimau
1Simpang Gang Rukun 3 Liliba street, Indonesia
2BTN Kolhua, Indonesia
Mengkudu street, Indonesia,,

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 86
Keywords: Non health workers, childbirth assistance.

Abstract. This study was to explore the selection of non health workers as birth attendants in the
Tarus Community Health Center East Penfui. This research is a qualitative study using a
phenomenological design. Participants in this study were mothers who had given birth assisted by
non health workers in the past year (2018) in the Tarus Community Health Center East Penfui.
Totaling responden six people and tringulation informants four people, the head of Tarus Community
Health Center and two midwives. Data obtained by in-depth interviews and analyzed using
descriptive qualitative analysis techniques. The results of the study revealed that all informants gave
birth spontaneously, only assisted by their husbands so that they gave birth at home and were not
helped by health workers because they felt more comfortable or free at home, hereditary habits and
advice from families, consuming traditional herbs, lacking knowledge of the dangers of childbirth,
the distance from the health facility and the distance of the belief of God.

ID _126

The Analysis of Anxiety Level Pregnant Women During COVID-19

Pandemic in indonesia
Gusriani1, Nur Indah Noviyanti2, Wahida3, Darmiati4, Yuni Retnowati5, Ika Yulianti6
Midwifery Department Faculty of Health Sciences Borneo Tarakan University, Indonesia
Midwifery Department, STIKes St. Fatimah Mamuju, Indonesia
Midwifery Department, AkbidPelamoniaKesdam VII/Wirabuana, Indonesia
Midwifery Department Faculty of Health Sciences Borneo Tarakan University, Indonesia
CorrespondenEmail :

Keywords: COVID-19, anxiety, pregnancy

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 87
Abstract. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly
discovered Sars-Cov-2 virus. COVID-19 Pandemic has triggered global uncertainty and has caused an
anxiety around the world. Anxiety is an emotional state that has characteristics of physiological
arousal, a tense feeling that is unpleasant, and an apprehensive feeling that something bad will
happen. In pregnant women, hormonal changes experienced will lead emotional changes and release
several reactions, one of which is anxiety. COVID-19 pandemic became accessory stressors for
pregnant women. This study aimed to analyze the anxiety level of pregnant women during COVID-
19 pandemic. It was descriptive analytics with cross sectional approach and it was conducted in
March to April 2020. The respondents were 154 pregnant women from various regions in Indonesia.
The result of the study revealed that the majority of respondents were not anxious, amounting to 89
pregnant women (57.8%), the respondents with mild anxiety amounting to 59 pregnant women (
37.7%), the respondents with moderate anxiety amounting to 5 pregnant women (3.2%) and the
respondents with severe anxiety amounting to 2 pregnant women (1.3%). The low anxiety level in
pregnant women during the pandemic due to more information about the causes, way of transmission
and prevention of Covid-19 massively undertook through various media and also there was a
guarantee of service and availability of health facilities.

ID _127



Enggar Anggraeni1, Mirthasari Palupi2 and Risma Trisnagati3

1, 2, 3 Akademi Gizi Husada Kediri

Abstract. Toddler is one of the age groups that are prone to experiencing nutritional problems. The
direct cause of the occurrence of nutritional problems is one of them due to lack of nutrition. Low
International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition
Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 88
intake of energy, protein, fat and carbohydrate causes children under five to experience malnutrition.
Efforts to overcome eating difficulties can be done by doing acupressure therapy at certain meridian
points that aim to provide an effect to increase the tone of the vagus nerve (10th nerve) so that the
levels of the enzyme absorption of gastrin and insulin increase, causing better absorption of food..
Based on this, the researcher wants to conduct research to find out changes in consumption levels
before and after acupressure is given during the PMT Recovery.
This research uses quantitative research type, the research design used is Quasy Experiment with Pre
and Post Test Control Group Design approach. The statistical test used is the Independent t-Test.
The results of research conducted on July 3-16, 2020 with a sample of 10 toddlers, the level of
consumption for Energy: Sig 0.251> 0.05 H0 is accepted (There is no difference between energy
before and after being given PMT), protein: Sig 0.001 <0, 05 H0 is rejected (There is a difference
between protein before and after being given PMT), fat: Sig 0.090> 0.05 0.05 H0 is accepted (There is
no difference between fat before and after being given PMT) and carbohydrates: Sig 0.019 <0.05 H0
rejected (There is a difference between carbohydrates before and after being given PMT).

ID _130



Bambang Sugito1*,Badai Wahyudadi2, Gabriela Halim3, Eka Augustina3, Resgita Masya3, Ernie Setiawatie3*
Dental Nursing of Health Polytechnic of Health Ministry Surabaya, Surabaya – Indonesia
Dental Nursing of Health Polytechnic of Health Ministry Makassar, Makassar - Indonesia
Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya-Indonesia

*Corresponding Author: Bambang Sugito, Ernie Setiawatie

International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition

Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya 89
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga,
Jln. Mayjend. Prof. Dr. Moestopo No 47 Surabaya 60132, Indonesia.

Keywords: Bovine Tooth Graft, ADMSC, Viability

Introduction: Periodontal disease is a dental and oral health problem with a reasonably high
prevalence in Indonesian society. Management of treatment for the reconstruction of loss of
attachment in intra bony defects is to transplant bone replacement material (grafting). Among the
various materials, hydroxyapatite with the right stoichiometry, morphology, and purity, has sparked
great interest in scientific research and various biomedical applications.This study aims toevaluate the
adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell viability of hydroxyapatite bovine tooth graft. Methods:
ADMSC from rabbits was thawed, then planted in 96 well plates. Hydroxyapatite from bovine tooth
graft with a concentration of 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% was put into each well and incubated for
24 hours and 48 hours. MTT assay test was performed to see the viability of ADMSC and read using
Elisa reader. Result: There is an increase in viability from a concentration of 5% to 40% while
observed at 24 hours and 48 hours. The concentration of 5% seen at 48 hours showed the highest
viability. ADMSC cells on HA bovine tooth graft observed at 24 hours were said to be non-toxic
(having a living cell percentage> 50%) at a concentration of 5%, 10%, 20% with the optimum dose at
a concentration of 5% with a viability percentage of 89,882%, whereas at 48 hours it was said to be
non-toxic (having a percentage of living cells> 50%) at a concentration of 5%, 10%, 20%, and 30%
with the optimum dose was at a concentration of 5% with a viability percentage of 93,729%.
Conclusion: ADMSC cells are viable to HA bovine tooth graft. ADMSC has the highest viability at
HA bovine tooth graft at a concentration of 5% observed at 48 hours.

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