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Taare Zameen Par it was written by amole gupte with the help of his wife he was able to create
something out of nothing.Taare zameen par is a drama/musical film it was published way back
21 of December 2007.Taare zameen par was about a boy with a mental illness called dyslexia
the boy suffers too much because he cant learn anything because he thinks numbers and
letters were moving and this hinder his talents and he cant express his self very well because of
this but he was able to overcome this illness that slow him down.I think the main idea of this film
was to give hope for those people whose suffering a mental illness that they can be win the
battle over their illness and figure out what they really what to do in their life and they will realize
that everything that has happened has a reason and it help them to become stronger and
humble as ever and don’t give up,don’t lose hope someone’s coming to help you get over it but
if you think that someone will never come to your life then help yourself if you feel lonely and
unlove,love yourself and from that you will learn that your not alone you have yourself with
you.SELF LOVE is much better than to have thousands of FAKE LOVES around you.One thing
I really like about this film was that it helps us to be aware about mental illness and you should
seek help having a mental illness doesn’t mean your crazy or you lose your mind a lot might
think you lose your sanity because you seek helped instead of getting down and thinking maybe
seeking helped was a bad decision you should think that listening to these people believing in
every useless things they spread,you should just ignored them and help yourself.The film was
absolutely meaningful and it can changes one person perspective in life.Theres nothing to
dislike about the film and theres a lot of things to love from this film.You see Ishaan Awasthi
seems like a normal boy who likes to play,mess around and it seems like he hates to study he
was like an ordinary boy but he wasn’t he doesn’t hate studying infact he wants to learn how to
read solve math equations and made hius parents proud but because of his mental illness he
never wanted to try because his scared he’s scared that he will dizzy and numbers and letters
will hunt him down and hurt him he wants to study so bad but he was scared to do it all alone
everyone think he was just messing around being a headache but little did they know he wasn’t
he has an illness that was visible to our eyes but with the help of his teacher he conquered his
fear and even graduated I already watched this a long time ago and I was awe in this film back
them but now I was proud because he shown strength and this made me realizes that we
should be helping people with these mental illness that prevent them from doing what they really
want.This film touches my soul and its one of the best films I had ever seen.if you like getting
inspire then I highly recommend for you to watched this film and bring lots of tissue because
surely your going to cry buckets of tears.

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