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L9 – Worksheet

Practice 6:
Part-time jobs, they, them, part-time employment

Practice 7:
1. you choose -> they choose
2. you think -> they think
3. your stores -> their stores
4. your customers -> their customers
5. He or she will purchase -> They will purchase
6. You need to be -> They need to be

Practice 8:
Part A:
Paragraph 2 is more coherent.

Part B:
1. For example
2. Because of
3. Furthermore
4. also
5. for instance
6. on the other hand
7. Moreover
8. You can see that…

Practice 9:
2. and 3. Similarly 4. also

Practice 10:
2. A second strategy
3. For example,
4. Then
5. Finally
6. such as

Practice 11:
2. For example
3. however
4. Next
5. so
6. such as
7. also
8. Finally
9. To sum up

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