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The Christmas Holiday season begins in November

In the USA, the Christmas season traditionally begins just after the Thanksgiving
holiday on the fourth Thursday in November. The Saturday immediately following
Thanksgiving is the occasion for a spectacular parade in New York City with the arrival
of Santa Claus signaling the beginning of the Christmas shopping season.
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What Do People Do?

People celebrate Christmas Day in many ways. It is often combined with customs from
pre-Christian winter celebrations. Many people decorate their homes, visit family or
friends and exchange gifts. In the days or even weeks before Christmas Day, many
people decorate their homes and gardens with lights, Christmas trees and much more.

It is common to organize a special meal, often consisting of turkey and a lot of other
festive foods, for family or friends and exchange gifts with them. Children, in particular,
often receive a lot of gifts from their parents and other relatives and the mythical
figure Santa Claus. This has led to Christmas Day becoming an increasingly
commercialized holiday, with a lot of families spending a large part of their income on
gifts and food

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Christmas is a religious and secular holiday

Christmas was originally a strictly religious holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ
on December 25. It has become a very commercial and secular celebration throughout
the US. Department stores, shopping malls and small shops elaborately decorate their
establishments and entice shoppers to spend lavishly on Christmas gifts. Nevertheless,
Christmas retains serious religious significance for many people. It is the occasion for
an annual family reunion and it creates a pervasive atmosphere of generosity and good
cheer known as the "Christmas Spirit" throughout the country.

Families decorate their homes for the holiday season by draping the outsides of their
houses and their shrubbery with colored lights.

The Holiday season is more than just Christmas

The Jewish holiday of Hanukah is celebrated in mid December, and the Afro-American
holiday of Kwanza falls in the same period. Together with Christmas, they make a
joyful December Holiday season throughout the USA.

Santa Claus is America's Saint Nicholas

Santa Claus was originally based on Saint Nicholas, a European Christian bishop
renown for his generosity in giving gifts to poor neighbors during the harsh winters. In
the USA, Santa Claus is usually portrayed as a jolly, fat man with flowing white beard
dressed in a red suit. He drives a magic sled pulled by eight reindeer and flies around
the world on the night before Christmas delivering gifts of toys and sweets to all the

Christmas Trees are a tradition

Many families in the US place a small evergreen tree in their home and decorate it
with colored lights and bright ornaments. On Christmas morning, the children awake
to find gaily-wrapped gifts under their Christmas tree. Children often hang empty
stockings over their fireplace on Christmas Eve and awaken the next morning to find
them filled with sweets and small toys.
[ CITATION Lec \l 12298 ]

Suburban neighborhoods in the northern states can become indescribably beautiful

after a fresh snowfall with millions of colored lights glowing on the houses and trees.

Christmas lights create wonderful holiday scenes

Families decorate their homes for the holiday season by draping the outsides of their
houses and their shrubbery with colored lights. Neighborhoods take on a gay, festive
holiday appearance every evening. Some extravagant homeowners festoon their home
with tens of thousands of colored lights and even place life-sized, illuminated Santas,
reindeers and snowmen on their lawns and roofs. Many churches and private homes
display illuminated manger scenes commemorating the humble birth of Jesus.
Suburban neighborhoods in the northern states can become indescribably beautiful
after a fresh snowfall with millions of colored lights glowing on the houses and trees.

Many Americans send Christmas Cards

Many people exchange Christmas Cards or Holiday cards during this season. Holiday
greeting cards are mailed to friends, neighbors, relatives and business associates in
December. If you receive a card, it is not necessary to reciprocate, as some people
send no cards. If you wish to send a Christmas card and are unsure of the religious
affiliation of the recipient, always choose a holiday card without any religious theme to
avoid offending.

Christmas Day is usually an intimate family celebration

Typical activities in the month of December are shopping for Christmas or Hanukah
gifts and attending holiday parties. The parties usually include plenty of food, drink and
holiday cheer. Christmas Eve and Christmas day are usually reserved for religious
observance and family celebration. Family members from near and far usually unite on
Christmas Day for an annual Holiday feast. When invited to a family Christmas
celebration, a small gift for the entire family would be appropriate. If there are young
children in the family, small gifts of sweets or toys are always well appreciated.

Some extravagant homeowners festoon their home with tens of thousands of

colored lights and even place life-sized, illuminated Santas, reindeers and snowmen
on their lawns and roofs.

New Years Eve is party time

During the week after Christmas, stores fill with shoppers exchanging Christmas gifts
and taking advantage of the after-Christmas clearance sales. On New Years Eve, parties
abound in restaurants, bars and clubs throughout the US. They tend to be noisy affairs
with drinking, dancing and wild celebration. Some cities hold great outdoor parties
that end with fireworks displays at midnight. The most famous outdoor New Years Eve
party is held at Times Square in New York City. The first day of the new year marks the
end of the holiday season and is usually spent at home recuperating and watching
football on the television. Some families host a New Year dinner party for friends and
Cost table

Cost Table
Detail Price
Santa Claus clothes $7,00

Candies $5,00
Gigantography $10,00
Ornaments $10,00
Lights $5,00
Caps $6,00
Total $43,00


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