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C o n te n t c o n t r ibutions pr ov ided by : R E TA I L


Understanding the Introduction

As end users become more dependent on and infused with

communication technologies, the demand for applications

applications and trends

integrating AV and IT is growing. Likewise, the number of
ways one can define these end user groups and distinguish
their specific needs is also growing. In marketing terms,
offering the same product in the same way to all groups

within each vertical market

would be considered “horizontal” marketing. Savvy marketers
have learned that success is more likely with an approach that
recognizes the differences between their various customer
groups, an approach known as “vertical marketing”. In AV,
there are many ways to segment the different groups of AV Pri ma r y Ve rt i c a l M ar k e t s

will help build AV/IT systems

By In t e g ra t or*
users into “verticals”.

Vertical Markets
AV systems, like many business/communication tools, have

that meet the needs

applications in virtually every type of organization. To make
the process of analyzing and developing marketing strategies
across such a wide range of potential applications, it’s helpful 37%
to look at the end-use of these systems. When we think about
where AV systems are actually used, we can envision different 11%
of the end user today types of “applications” within specific “installations”.

Many vertical markets, however, apply technology in very

different ways. For example, schools, businesses, and cinemas CORPORATE

and well into the future. all have auditoriums, yet they are clearly different markets
with different dynamics, purchasing practices, and most
importantly, different needs or ways the equipment is used.

These characteristics or uses must be considered when doing


business or dealing with customers in different markets, even

though their technical requirements might be very similar.
Thus a hybrid definition that combines both the vertical
market and the application within the installation can be a
useful way to segment the broader AV marketplace.

Exploring Vertical Markets TRENDS

The five most common vertical markets are discussed in depth
within this section of the AMX Guide to AV Applications.
Understanding the applications and trends within each vertical
market will help build AV/IT systems that meet the needs of
the end user today and well into the future. © Copyright NSCA 2007 Financial Analysis of the Industry (National Systems Contractors Association, Cedar Rapids, IA, 800-446-6722)

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© August 2008 AMX. All rights reserved. AMX does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions.

Embracing, Supporting and Promoting System Standardization Energy Management: A Win-Win For All corporate identity. Digital Signage is an excellent example of
Technology Convergence Companies around the world are realizing the efficiencies of The need to find ways to cut costs and maximize profit IT/AV convergence that utilizes video displays, IT servers and
Now that AV and IT technologies are steadily growing copying systems rather than duplicating efforts. The reduction potential, especially in the corporate environment has never networks to extend the company’s brand and message to any
towards each other or “converging,” more vertical markets in set up costs plus the time saved in reduced learning curves been greater. This presents a significant opportunity for audience they desire.
are realizing the efficiencies that melding these technologies to operate and maintain these systems is gaining widespread integrators no matter what vertical they are supporting. With
naturally creates. While they both share a very broad approval. More and more integrators are adopting increasingly smarter energy management technologies, Meeting rooms and training facilities are also ideal locations
technology umbrella, IT and AV couldn’t be more different standardization techniques to support their clients and to integrators can offer their clients more ways than ever to for promoting the company image. Most companies probably
in the solutions they offer and the way they communicate to maximize efficiencies within their organizations. maximize natural resources and minimize the unnecessary use utilize an AV and/or IT control system including a user
the end user. But as convergence spreads to just about every of utilities. interface, which is commonly a touch panel. These panels
vertical we support, integrators are embracing, integrating, Sub-System Integration are starting to play a larger role in providing an opportunity
supporting and promoting convergence whenever possible to Building sub-system integration is another example of Not only is the client able to significantly reduce their costs, for the company to advertise their identity, show how the
increase efficiencies, reduce costs and create greater value for convergence that has created an entirely new market for they also have an opportunity to reap an enormous return on technology works and show how this communication device
their clients. integrators and can be utilized in just about any vertical’s investment both in company profits and company goodwill. interacts with other departments. The control system is also
operation facility. Access control, building security, fire They will be able to promote themselves within their industry a great way to demonstrate how automation is helping the
A good example of AV/IT convergence is the utilization protection, lighting and shades, HVAC, meeting scheduling, and their community as global stewards for environmental company manage natural resources as described above.
of IT networks, servers and compression technologies to equipment monitoring and building communications are all responsibility, which in turn can have a very positive effect on
share and distribute audiovisual messaging throughout examples of building sub-systems that could have a much share price, company image and other areas. Increased Dependency for Automation
a building or across the globe. As the demand for video greater overall benefit for the building when integrated As our world becomes more and more addicted to immediate
content to be stored, transferred and shared continues to and working together. The following bar chart illustrates communications, more obsessed with energy consumption,
grow, the convergence of these technologies grows. And, the primary technology applications being installed by T h e f ir s t A MX G u id e t o S ys t e m in t e g r a t io n s more reliant on private security and less dependent on public
P r a ct ice s p r o vid e s d e t a ile d in f o r m a t io n a b o u t G r e e n
as the cost of employees traveling to meetings continues to Integrators today. With simple arithmetic we can see how safety; automation is becoming less a luxury item and more
B u ild in g t e ch n o lo g ie s a n d h ig h lig h t s t h e e f f o r t s
climb while the cost of video conferencing continues to fall, the convergence of these individual sub-systems could soon o f t h e U n it e d S t a t e s G r e e n B u ild in g C o u n cil a n d of a requirement. In government and other security-ensuring
t h e L E E D R a t in g S ys t e m . In a d d it io n , t h e s e ct io n
this marriage of technologies is becoming essential. In fact, exceed all expectations and increase the demand for AV/IT verticals, automation is not only a requirement but a mission
d is cu s s e s w a ys AV t e ch n o lo g y ca n h e lp m a n a g e a n d
video is now commonplace in presentations, education and integration to support such needs. s a ve r e s o u r ce s co n t r ib u t in g t o t h e L E E D critical component. This global paradigm shift has forced
p o in t s ys t e m .
communication vehicles in a wide variety of vertical markets. a convergence of AV and IT technologies and created an
For example, in the event of building fire, an integrated L E E D C o mp l i a n c e C h e ck l i st – A M X S o l u t i o n s entirely new market, almost overnight for integrators seeking
W it h p r o p e r p la n n in g , d e s ig n a r ch it e ct s a r e
system can direct the alarms to sound, the access control in t e g r a t in g A MX h a r d w a r e a n d s o f t wa r e in t o growth and new opportunities.
b u ild in g a u t o m a t io n s ys t e m s t h a t a r e p la yin g a n
system to generate a list of people in the building, the
Pr ima r y System/Techno lo g y im p o r t a n t r o le in co n t r ib u t in g t o L E E D ( L e a d e r s h ip
Fo cus by Integr a tor * building security system to deploy safety officers, the HVAC in E n vir o n m e n t a l D e s ig n ) p o in t s a s p u b lis h e d b y This Guide Is Intended to:
the USGBC.
AUDIO / VIDEO PRESENTATION systems to help contain the fire by blocking air flow in the 1. Explore the vertical markets that most benefit from
37% appropriate areas, and the building communication system
Fo r r e co m m e n d a t io n s o n h o w A MX co n t r o l
AV/IT integration
t e ch n o lo g y ca n h e lp yo u a ch ie ve L E E D p o in t s , g o t o
17% FIRE ALARM SYSTEM to send audio and video messaging to alert occupants and h t t p :/ / www.a m x.c o m / a s s e t s / wh it e p a p e rs / L e e d . 2. Identify the various needs of company’s for AV/IT
12% SOUND REINFORCEMENT C o m p lia n c e .C h e c k lis t .p d f
advise a route to evacuation. By integrating these systems, integration and support within each market
lives can be saved and building damage can be 3. Provide insight to integrators that are trying to expand
greatly reduced. into a new market or are in an existing market and trying

5% CCTV SYSTEM Increasing Corporate Identity

to find ways to extend their reach within that market
3% TELECOM / DATA NETWORK Businesses from just about every vertical are becoming more
and more interested in the ever growing list of items the
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 public uses to shape their opinion of and their decision about
a company. From the company logo and corporate tagline,
37% 17% 8% 6% 5% 3% 76%
to the lobby and how employees communicate - all of these
experiences help sell that company. Integrators can introduce
© Copyright NSCA 2007 Financial Analysis of the Industry (National Systems Contractors Association, Cedar Rapids, IA, 800-446-6722)
a variety of solutions to their clients to assist in increasing

2 U S S A L ES A ND S U PPORT 8 0 0 . 2 2 2 . 0 1 9 3 • I NTER NATI ONA L S A L ES A ND S U PPORT + 1 .4 6 9 .6 2 4 .7 4 0 0 • www.a m x.c o m 3 0 0 0 R E S E A R C H D R IVE , R IC H A R D S O N , T X 7 5 0 8 2 • 8 0 0 .2 2 2 .0 1 9 3 • 4 6 9 .6 2 4 .7 1 5 3 f a x • T E C H N IC A L S U P P O RT 8 0 0 .9 3 2 . 6993 3

© August 2008 AMX. All rights reserved. AMX does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions. © August 2008 AMX. All rights reserved. AMX does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions.

Scheduling and Asset Management Notification Groups

Administrators can monitor devices by assigning them to
A Variety of Reporting Options
IT professionals have a variety of reporting options for tracking
Software: Essential Equipment for 14 different notification parameters (security, maintenance, assets, rooms and people. For example, MeetingManager

All IT Organizations network, etc.) and sort within these notification groups based report options include: Device Activity, Device Inventory,
on device type, room or group. Room Activity, Control System Inventory, Device Location,
System Users, Tag Battery Level and more.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support

Flexible, Intuitive Interface

camera MeetingManager features SNMP Support. This industry


standard protocol allows IT administrators to execute remote A point-and-click interface makes it easy to find what you are
document camera
diagnostics, manage performance and plan for network looking for with simple-to-understand text descriptions. A

growth – all in a clear, definitive and intuitive format. Web-based interface allows access for multiple users from any
ta ote

location, even operating simultaneously.
no N
An ake

AMX Touch Panel


VCR/DVD Redundant Server with Failover Support

To minimize server downtime, MeetingManager will enable Multilingual Support
the deployment of several backup methods to protect your MeetingManager for example, supports eight languages -
lighting data. Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese
and Spanish - and localizes based on the user’s installed
l e nx
ro Li
nt et

Co X N

Maintaining Data operating system.


MeetingManager works seamlessly with your database server

to log data, create a variety of instant reports and export Instant, Web-Based Reports
log data for customized reporting. Only AMX supports SQL Remain organized and efficient by tracking equipment usage
Express, which eliminates the need for a dedicated SQL and performing preventative maintenance.

Managing, monitoring and tracking assets and conference Facility Scheduling and Configuration A C L O S E R LOOK
Highly Scalable Ta k i n g A ss et Man ag emen t t o t h e N ext Level
room schedules is an essential process for any IT organization The facility management function combines scheduling,
Scheduling and asset management software can typically W i t h R F I D Tech n olog y
seeking to optimize its presentation, conferencing and equipment configuration and customized touch panel R a d io Fr e q uency I Denti fi ca ti on ( RFI D) technol og y
support many rooms and devices – MeetingManager for ca n p r o vid e I T organi za ti ons w i th ca pabi l i ti es for
educational operations. Scheduling and asset management signage to make room preparation a snap. With AMX d e vice t r a c ki ng and peopl e l oca ti ng tha t ha v e nev er
example, can support up to 1,000 meeting rooms and
b e f o r e b e en a v ai l abl e. An RFI D sy stem such as
software such as MeetingManager from AMX (used as MeetingManager for example, appointments can be set three
approximately 10,000 assets. t h e A MX A n terus sy stem i ncl udes an RFI D Reader,
an example below to describe typical capabilities of this ways: directly from the AMX Touch Panel outside the room; via wh ich co n n ects to the AM X NetLi nx Control l er,
a n d a ch o ice of RFI D ta gs – ei ther an Asset Ta g
software) is an enterprise-level, server-based software Microsoft Outlook/Exchange, GroupWise, Lotus Notes and
Device and Asset Tracking o r ID B a d g e – w hi ch are a ttached to dev i ces or
solution for corporate IT professionals, facility managers and more. Either way, the reservation is communicated back to the wo r n b y p eopl e to i denti fy and track l oca ti on, keep
Create and register any asset – such as tables/chairs, flip
a s s e t s s e cure and tri gger ev ents. Anterus w as
conference room users. scheduling server. You can also check a room’s daily, weekly
charts, podiums/lecterns and mobile A/V carts – for inventory d e s ig n e d t o enhance RM S for the ul ti ma te i n dev i ce
or monthly availability; reserve your room; and schedule your m a n a g e m ent, moni tori ng and schedul i ng.
Equipment Monitoring and Proactive Maintenance projector to be up and running as your guests arrive.
The asset management feature can constantly monitor
Automation Based on System Conditions
equipment in your system and, in real time, reports any Asset Security
Perform a specific function as a result of a pre-defined event.
disturbances in functionality by paging or generating an email Your investments are always secure with the asset security
For example, the system can be configured to automatically
to the appropriate member(s) of your staff. System status may component of this software. By sending instant alerts when
turn on a fan based on the temperature threshold in an
also be viewed in real time from any location using a browser- assets, such as a projector or mobile A/V cart is
equipment rack or turn lights and non-essential equipment,
based console. unplugged or relocated. Additionally, you and your team
such as a projector or display, on or off based on the
can feel secure knowing that the administrative functions are
occupancy status of a room.
password protected.

4 U S S A L ES A ND S U PPORT 8 0 0 . 2 2 2 . 0 1 9 3 • I NTER NATI ONA L S A L ES A ND S U PPORT + 1 .4 6 9 .6 2 4 .7 4 0 0 • www.a m x.c o m 3 0 0 0 R E S E A R C H D R IVE , R IC H A R D S O N , T X 7 5 0 8 2 • 8 0 0 .2 2 2 .0 1 9 3 • 4 6 9 .6 2 4 .7 1 5 3 f a x • T E C H N IC A L S U P P O RT 8 0 0 .9 3 2 . 6993 5

© August 2008 AMX. All rights reserved. AMX does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions. © August 2008 AMX. All rights reserved. AMX does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions.

Corporate A C LOS ER LOOK

Drivers of the Increasing focus

upside include on “green”

Description J ones Day
increased focus environments
The use of AV technologies in corporate/enterprise Jo n e s D a y is o n e o f t h e
on conferencing environments has always been a key part of the AV industry. la r g e s t in t e r n a t io n a l la w is driving some
f ir m s in t h e wo r ld e m p lo yin g
to and from For business and sales presentations, training, collaboration, m o r e t h a n 2 ,2 0 0 a t t o r n e ys systems upgrades
corporate communications, and many other needs, AV plays in 3 0 o f f ice s a r o u n d t h e
multiple points, that promise energy
g lo b e a n d b o a s t s 2 5 0 o f
an increasingly important role in commerce in the U.S. and t h e Fo r t u n e 5 0 0 a m o n g it s
more affordable management and
lis t o f clie n t s . Jo n e s D a y
around the world.
costs of systems, be l i e v e s t e c hno l o g y a d o p t io n is cr it ica l t o t h e savings. Watch for
f i rm ’s c o nt i nue d suc c e s s , a n d a s a n o r g a n iz a t io n ,
and increasing i t st a nda rdi z e d o n A MX ® co n t r o l s ys t e m s f o r more automated
According to a survey conducted by the National Systems
i nc re a se d e f f i c i e nc i e s a cr o s s it s o f f ice s .
convergence of Contractors Association (NSCA) whose members include window shade
U ni l ev er Neder l and H o l d i n g s B V
IT with AV. AV systems integrators, a solid majority (72%) of systems The Decision Theater at Arizona State University. Integrator: Technology Providers Inc. (TPI)- Chandler, Arizona control tied to the
integrators said they were involved in the corporate facilities U n ile ve r r a n k s a m o n g HVAC and lighting
t h e g lo b a lly p r o m in e n t Lobbies
market. Despite some predictions of new office construction p r o d u ce r s o f co n s u m e r systems as part of
Architectural and interior design aesthetics are playing larger Access control systems within office buildings are focused
slowdown, the corporate market is likely to continue to be p r o d u ct s w it h a m is s io n
t o h e lp p e o p le f e e l g o o d , roles in the influence of the design of corporate facilities. on individual offices, conference and training rooms that these upgrades.
one of the largest users of AV systems with a larger proportion lo o k g o o d a n d g e t m o r e
Prime areas where this is seen more are boardrooms and house valuable equipment, and any other areas where
o u t o f lif e . A n A MX s ys t e m
of projects in remodeling, retrofit, and systems upgrades.
wa s s e le ct e d t o a u t o m a t e corporate lobbies. Since lobbies are the reception spaces special clearance is needed, such as R&D labs. Entry can be
It is estimated that there is over 11 billion square feet of a l l o f t he AV e qui pm e n t in U n ile ve r ’s h e a d o f f ice
bo a rdro o m , i ncl udi ng 2 6 T F T s cr e e n s s u n k in
for visitors, they are the areas of the building where much controlled with various technologies, including keypads, key
office space in the U.S. and Canada. The corporate new
t he c o nf e re nc e t a bl e t h a t r is e b y m e a n s o f a design effort is focused. Digital signage in corporate lobbies cards, RFID devices, or even biometrics.
construction market is also large and projected to be over $68 l i f t i ng sy st e m . The sy s t e m a ls o co n t r o ls a vo ice
e nha nc e m e nt de v i c e , n e xt t o e a ch T F T s cr e e n is growing. In addition to art-framed photos featuring the
billion in 2008 (FMI Corp. data), and it is a growth sector for w hi c h a l l o w s m e e t i ng p a r t icip a n t s t o m a k e companies’ successes (whether products or events), more flat Main controls for the HVAC and lighting systems in buildings
the building industry at large. t he m se l v e s he a rd w h e n t a lk in g .
panel displays are showing corporate “stories.” Dedicated typically allow local control at various zones. In some
J D Edwards
media players are often used to drive the repeating content buildings, the HVAC and lighting systems are controlled via
N e a r ly 6 ,0 0 0 cu s t o m e r s . in these applications. In the past eight years, there has been individual zone or room sensors. Increasing focus on “green”
A p p r o xim a t e ly 5 ,0 0 0
increasing focus on the aesthetics of lighting in lobbies, with environments is driving some systems upgrades that promise
e m p lo ye e s . J.D . E d w a r d s
is t h e le a d in g s u p p lie r some high-concept lighting designs using theatrical lighting energy management and savings. Watch for more automated
o f e - b u s in e s s s o lu t io n s ,
d e live r in g r e s o u r ce s b u ilt
products and techniques. window shade control tied to the HVAC and lighting systems
o n s p e e d a n d a g ilit y f o r as part of these upgrades.
cu s t o m e r s w o r ld wid e . N o
w o nde r t hi s hi ghl y res p e ct e d co m p a n y r e lie s o n In many buildings, the telephone and paging switchboard
A M X c o nt ro l a nd l i gh t in g s ys t e m s a s a n in t e g r a l is located at the reception desk; some reception areas also Offices and cubicle areas
pa rt o f i t s suc c e ss an d p r o f e s s io n a l im a g e .
house the CCTV monitors. Access control systems have Paging systems are ubiquitous in office areas. The systems
I nter pol i s
a focus in the lobby, too. In addition to electronic access typically consist of flush mounted speakers, usually
AMX Booth, InfoComm 2008
A t In t e r p o lis , o n e o f t h e control to the main entryways, the receptionist often has commodity quality. In large office spaces with multiple zones,
la r g e s t in s u r a n ce co m p a n ie s
control over guest check-in and entry. there may be a separate audio mixer and a series of power
in t h e N e t h e r la n d s ,
Applications in Corporate Facilities by
e m p lo ye e s r a r e ly ca ll in amplifiers. The distributed audio systems may also do double
Location within the Buildings s ick . N o m a d e - u p e xcu s e s .
N o m e n t a l h e a lt h d a ys .
Building-wide systems duty for background music. In the business music vernacular,
There is growing awareness and demand for AV systems in
T h a t ’s b e ca u s e t h e s t a f f o f Control and monitoring of life safety systems is centrally “background music” (BGM) is by definition narrower band
corporate facilities. Drivers of the upside include increased 5 ,0 0 0 s t r o n g e n jo y n o t o n ly
w he re t he y w o rk , but t h e u n iq u e e n vir o n m e n t in located and usually near the entryway for easy access by audio with instrumental music content (no vocals), and is
focus on conferencing to and from multiple points, more
w hi c h t he j o b ge t s don e . police and fire officials. Since 9/11 more office building meant to be noticed only in its absence. Some distributed
affordable costs of systems, and increasing convergence of
managers have given increased focus to evacuation planning audio systems in offices may also be used for speech privacy
IT with AV.
and upgrading of their life mass notification alarm systems.

6 U S S A L ES A ND S U PPORT 8 0 0 . 2 2 2 . 0 1 9 3 • I NTER NATI ONA L S A L ES A ND S U PPORT + 1 .4 6 9 .6 2 4 .7 4 0 0 • www.a m x.c o m 3 0 0 0 R E S E A R C H D R IVE , R IC H A R D S O N , T X 7 5 0 8 2 • 8 0 0 .2 2 2 .0 1 9 3 • 4 6 9 .6 2 4 .7 1 5 3 f a x • T E C H N IC A L S U P P O RT 8 0 0 .9 3 2 . 6993 7

© August 2008 AMX. All rights reserved. AMX does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions. © August 2008 AMX. All rights reserved. AMX does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions.

systems in which narrow bands of noise (similar to HVAC AV presentation systems Conferencing voting systems that include individual mics (and
noise) are emitted to mask nearby conversation. These In many corporate facilities, meetings often include remotely A t A MX , we a r e d e ve lo p in g m o r e s p e cia liz e d headphone jacks for language translation) are sometimes With increasing
Though meeting s o lu t io n s t o in t e g r a t e co n t r o l a n d a u t o m a t io n
systems are sometimes known as sound masking systems. located participants, and this format is likely to become even integrated into the AV systems of boardrooms. These systems interest in HD
t e ch n o lo g y wit h A MX p r o d u ct s in t o t h e ve r t ica l
rooms can range In offices where there is the need for heightened security, more common. The systems in these rooms are likely to allow for egalitarian turn-taking, queuing, and anonymous
m a r k e t s t h a t we b e lie ve p e o p le a n d b u s in e s s e s video and larger
from very utilitarian there may also be anti-eavesdropping systems. A specialized call for integration of teleconferencing equipment with AV ca n m o s t b e n e f it f r o m u s in g o u r p r o d u ct s .
files of presentation
to posh, high- subset of speech privacy, audio security systems are designed presentation systems. Increasingly, the teleconferencing is We in vit e yo u t o vis it t h e Ma r k e t s s e ct io n o f
a m m ( a m m / m a r k e t s ) wh e r e yo u w ill b e content, the
concept design, the to prevent accidental or deliberate eavesdropping attempts video over IP. In these systems, there are cameras strategically Electronic or digital whiteboards are used widely in corporate
a b le t o d is co ve r h o w w e s u p p o r t t h e u n iq u e n e e d s
demands on the
often made with microphones and other “bugging” devices. placed in the room, and in some systems the camera o f e a ch o f t h e s e ve r t ica ls a s w e ll a s vie w a n d meeting rooms, and their software allows remote participants
blend of function
d o wn lo a d cu s t o m e r p r o f ile s ( p r in t a n d vid e o ) o f computer or media
In the audio security systems, noise is generated with movements are sync’d to individual microphone activation. t h e s e s o lu t io n s a t w o r k :
to receive files of the content.
and aesthetics
active electronics, preventing the listener from hearing and Mics, sometimes boundary layer type, are located strategically player will include
is usually well
understanding conversations. to pick up voice from each participant at the table. The proliferation and increasing robustness of wireless more robust
planned. networking technology is enabling more flexibility of AV video and audio
systems design and less wire concealment challenges in
processing and
meeting rooms.
output capabilities.

• B u s in e s s
• W h o le H o m e
• Home Theater
• E d u ca t io n
• G o ve r n m e n t
• H o u s e s o f Wo r s h ip
• MD U
• H o t e ls
• E n t e r t a in m e n t Integrator: Newmagic Entertainment
Unilever Nederland Holdings BV Boardroom. Integrator: BIS- Netherlands
• H e a lt h ca r e
• B r o a d ca s t in g
• N e t w o r k O p e r a t io n s C e n t e r
Meeting Rooms and Boardrooms The presentation material is served up either via a networked • R e t a il
AV Production Facilities
It is in the corporate meeting rooms where the traditional AV computer or a media player. With increasing interest in HD • P r iva t e Tr a n s p o r t a t io n The larger corporate venues are more likely to have in-house
systems take center stage. Like lobbies, the meeting rooms in video and larger files of presentation content, the demands AV production departments that record, produce, and
office buildings frequently play host to guests. As such, these on the computer or media player will include more robust distribute content, from training programs to annual reports.
spaces are where there is likely a relatively higher degree video and audio processing and output capabilities. Screens With more affordable, ubiquitous audio and video recording
of interior design focus. Though meeting rooms can range are either motorized “pull-down” screens displaying video and playback systems, content that was once assumed to be
from very utilitarian to posh, high-concept design, the blend projected material, or flat panel LCD or plasma displays. in “book” form is now becoming multimedia.
of function and aesthetics is usually well planned. There is Projectors in the high-end rooms are ceiling mounted on
typically a tech closet in the room with racks for the gear. motorized mounts.
At the highest end of the spectrum, custom, very expensive
boardroom tables are a crown jewel. In these rooms the The software of the conferencing systems allows for multiple
tables are “wired” to accommodate the electronics gear, and view options from all cameras to and from the remote
they can present unique aesthetic challenges. In these rooms, locations. Meeting rooms with these AV presentation and
systems integration is a high priority for optimal system conferencing systems are prime locations for integrated
functionality as well as for aesthetic reasons. touch-panel systems controllers that also ideally incorporate
the lighting control system, and often include other advanced

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Office space trends spaces for groups to convene for planned or spontaneous enables group collaboration from remote locations is also
A progressive approach to office space planning called “fluid collaboration. Fluid architecture provides the setting for coming into the corporate world. With these programs,
architecture” is gaining popularity. In offices using this design the “task team” trend in business. Companies that use this participants see a shared desktop on their screens, or they
approach, there are less rigidly cordoned off cubicles, more model tend to be less hierarchical and “flatter” organizational can also use the AV system in meeting rooms. As this trend
unassigned spaces for telecommuters to “park” on days structures where more teamwork is encouraged. This grows, there will be demand for more networked displays
when they are physically at the headquarters, and more open approach is enabled by wireless networking. Software that throughout the enterprise.

Case Study: Aetna Computer The facility is divided into three distinct areas – Network enabling quicker resolutions. By selecting pre-programmed “It used to take

Network Command Center Operations, which oversees the company’s Ethernet macros via the Modero Touch Panel, staff can execute a Bob and his staff
connectivity; Data Operations, which is responsible for series of commands, such as dimming the lights, switching
about an hour to
maintaining applications, servers and mainframes; and audio and video, and initiating a videoconference with just
set up a video
Mission Control, which coordinates and troubleshoots any one touch.
conference call and
significant quality of service issues that may arise with the
Safety and Security route it to the video
company’s network and data operations.
“Today, the CNCC is really a showcase for Aetna,” said wall. Thanks to
Reynolds. “When a current or prospective client visits, AMX, this process
As Bob Reynolds, Aetna’s lead computer specialist explains,
they see several large video walls displaying a multitude of now takes about
“It’s extremely important for the CNCC to integrate
information and staff members who can walk up to one of
two minutes,” said
the most advanced technologies to ensure we receive
Increased Efficiency the touch panels in the wall and make just about anything
immediate notification of any IT problem. Our sophisticated For example, using AMX 15” Modero® Touch Panels, CNCC happen. I believe this provides a level of comfort to them,
systems also provide the tools and resources needed to staff can quickly preview, select, route and display any knowing the steps Aetna has taken to ensure our network and
rapidly respond to and solve these problems.” source device in the room – including desktop PCs, cable data are safe and secure.”
television receivers and videoconferencing equipment –
Streamlined Control to any or multiple video cubes and/or flat panel displays.
A critical component of the CNCC is its AMX® control and Without an AMX interface to the display wall processor, this
Aetna is a worldwide leader in health care, dental, pharmacy,
automation system. “A control system was essential for would be a tedious, time consuming task for Reynolds and
group life, disability, and long-term care insurance, as well as his staff, explained Watkins.
this facility because of the sheer number of sources and
employee benefits. Recognized by Fortune magazine as one
components it requires,” said Ben Watkins, technology
of the country’s Most Admired Companies, Aetna is headquar- “Since installing an AMX control system in the CNCC,
“Since installing an integration engineer for Constant Technologies, an AMX
tered in Hartford, Conn. with satellite offices in Blue Bell, Penn. we’ve significantly increased efficiency, enabling us to do
AMX control system system integrator based in Wickford, RI.
and Middletown, Conn. more in less time,” added Reynolds. “With AMX at the
in the CNCC,
core of our network command center, we’ve been able
we’ve significantly The AMX system in the CNCC provides centralized control
Aetna’s Middletown campus houses the company’s to improve our customer service, resulting in an overall
increased of the facility’s video cubes, LCD displays, display wall
impressive Computer Network Command Center (CNCC), satisfaction level that’s as high or higher than it’s
efficiency, enabling processors, audio and video switchers, overhead lighting, ever been.”
which manages and monitors Aetna’s Information
video and audio conferencing equipment, cable television
us to do more in Technology (IT) operations around the clock – 24 hours a
receivers, DVD players and VCRs. The AMX system in the CNCC is especially valuable
less time” day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
during times of crisis because it maximizes staff efficiency,

AV Conferencing, AV Control, Automated Appointment Generation, Automated Service Scheduling, Ballrooms/Meeting Rooms, Equipment Monitoring, Fitness Centers, Guest Rooms, Guest/Equipment Security, HVAC Controls, Lighting Presets, Restaurants

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Education system, and at least historically, were installed by the

AV presentations, once conducted mainly in common areas
Within the past telephony systems installer. Many are two-way, allowing call-in such as a resource center or library, have found their way An increasing

ten years there has from each speaker location. Use of paging systems is less into individual classrooms. With so much software-based proportion of
Description C o r n e l l U n i ve r si t y
been increasing common in college or university classroom buildings. courseware, curriculum content input and student work output instruction at the
Representing one of the AV industry’s oldest and greatest
is increasingly focused on individual computers. An increasing
attention paid to long term opportunities, the education market encompasses S im p ly p u t : It wa s t im e . classroom level
K—12 Classrooms Mo r e t h a n 9 0 ye a r s s in ce proportion of instruction at the classroom level is occurring
amplification in both public and private schools from pre-school level, through o p e n in g it s d o o r s o n t h e is occurring via
Classroom amplification for general instruction is also via AV presentation media. At earlier and earlier ages,
the classroom, K—12 grades, through higher education. According to the ca m p u s o f C o r n e ll U n ive r s it y
AV presentation
called “voice lift”, or “soundfield systems”. Within the in It h a ca , N .Y., t h e S ch o o l students are acquiring “stand-up” presentation skills. The
U.S. Department of Education’s most current data, there o f In d u s t r ia l a n d L a b o r
primarily in public past ten years there has been increasing attention paid to same installed audio system used for voice lift does double media. At earlier
are about 90,800 elementary schools of which about 23,500 R e la t io n s ( IL R ) C o n f e r e n ce
K—12 schools. amplification in the classroom, primarily in public K—12 C e n t e r u n d e r we n t a n duty as student presentation gear. Projectors, now more and earlier ages,
are private and 67,300 are public. There are approximately e xt e n s ive in t e r io r r e n o va t io n a n d s ig n if ica n t
schools. One driver is the recognition that students, t e ch n o lo g y u p h e a va l. affordable, are increasingly prevalent in classrooms. Screens students are
30,100 secondary schools, approximately 23,800 of which are
especially those with mild learning disabilities or fluctuating are commonly installed with remote-controlled operation. acquiring “stand-
public and 6,300 are private. In addition, there are over 14,000 A r i z o n a S t a t e U n i ve r si t y
hearing acuity, need the most advantageous signal to noise
schools (5,707 public and 8,500 private) that are combined up” presentation
ratio possible. Furthermore, the typical classroom has the Computer networks (likely to be wireless in both new and
K—12 facilities. In higher education, there are approximately W h e n t h e n e w L a t t ie F. C o o r skills.
acoustic constraints of high reverberation and high ambient B u ild in g , lo ca t e d o n t h e retrofit systems) are common within school buildings.
4,300 universities and colleges, with private schools m a in ca m p u s o f A r iz o n a
noise. Increasing awareness of the need to protect classroom Teachers are able to access instructional materials from
representing over half the total (60%). S t a t e U n ive r s it y ( A S U ) in
teachers from excessive vocal stress and abuse further Te m p e , o p e n e d it s d o o r s in a central server. In addition, administrative tasks such as
Ja n u a r y, it u s h e r e d f a cu lt y,
supports prioritization of these systems. Voice lift systems s t u d e n t s a n d IT t e ch n ica l
submitting student scores/grades is happening via central
Applications by Location Within
can be either permanently installed (usually with surface s u p p o r t s t a f f in t o t h e f u t u r e IT systems. Watch for increased demand for AV media
Education VeRTICALS o f e n h a n ce d t e a ch in g m e t h o d s , t e ch n o lo g y- a id e d
mount speakers) or portable, typically with two to four stand- players that accept portable media files to show at central
Education verticals, as a category, typically include multiple le a r n in g , p r o a ct ive m a in t e n a n ce a n d r a p id r e s p o n s e
mounted speakers, and a small mixer/amplifier. The instructor t im e s — a f u t u r e t h a t is b e in g e xp e r ie n ce d h e r e locations (resource rooms) via the network or on SD memory
and diverse applications and systems. Among the diverse a n d n o w.
usually wears a lavalier-type microphone. cards. These players will address issues such as the memory
range of vertical markets, educational facilities are home to all
B u e n a V i st a U n i ve r si t y
limitations of legacy computers and the codecs needed for
low voltage electronic systems applications that exist.
BuenaVistaUniversity/ more robust multimedia content.
In t e r m s o f e n r o llm e n t ,
Building Front Office A M X Novara C ontr ol P a d s:
B u e n a Vis t a U n ive r s it y ( B VU ) ,
lo ca t e d in S t o r m L a k e , Io w a , Electronic whiteboards are cropping up in more classrooms.
Typically, in K—12 facilities, each building has a central M ax i m i zi ng C os t-Eff e c t i ve C o n t r o l
m a y b e co n s id e r e d a s m a ll
The ne e d t o c ut c o st s a n d d is co ve r co s t e f f e ct ive On a network, the material written or diagrammed on the
office. It is within this central office complex that the controls t e c hno l o gi e s ha s ne ve r b e e n g r e a t e r f o r s ch o o ls
co lle g e . W h e n it co m e s t o

a nd uni v e rsi t i e s o f all le ve ls ; p u b lic a n d p r iva t e .

in co r p o r a t in g t h e la t e s t whiteboard goes directly to individual computers.
and interface for the security and life safety systems, the t e ch n o lo g y, h o w e ve r, it ’s
W i t h i nc re a si ngl y t i g h t e r b u d g e t s , co n t r o l t e ch n o l-
clock-timed signaling system, the telephony system, and o g y m ust be e x t re m e ly a f f o r d a b le f o r le a r n in g
e xce e d in g t h e g r e a t e s t o f
e xp e ct a t io n s . Ta k e , f o r e xa m p le , t h e u n ive r s it y’s Lighting control is becoming a more prominent focus in all
i nst i t ut i o ns t o j ust i f y t h is e xp e n s e . T h is is wh y
the paging/intercom system are housed. On small college in n o va t ive p o licy o f p r o vid in g a wir e le s s la p t o p P C
re l a t i v e l y i ne x pe nsi ve a n d a f f o r d a b le C o n t r o lPa d s
t o e a ch o f it s 1 ,3 0 0 s t u d e n t s . A t e ch - s a vvy p e r k school buildings. This is driven by increased consciousness
campuses and multi-building K—12 campuses, the central a re be c o m i ng po pul ar in t e r f a ce o p t io n s f o r co n t r o l-
f o r a t e ch - s a vvy p o p u la t io n , s im p ly r o lle d in t o t h e
l i ng l i ght s, so urc i ng in p u t s a n d a d ju s t in g vo lu m e of energy cost management and increased value placed on
building office may network several buildings for these co s t o f t u it io n .
f o r m a n y cl a ssro o m d e vice s .
optimal instructional environments that so often includes
• A v a i l a bl e i n U S , U K a n d E u r o p e co n f ig u r a t io n s E d u c a t i o n S e r vi c e C e n t e r, R e g i o n X V
projected visual material. In a sense, low voltage lighting
• 8 -but t o n a nd 1 6 -bu t t o n p a n e l la yo u t s
• Pro gra m m a bl e bl ue , b a ck lit b u t t o n s RegionXVESC/ control is in delicate balance between the domains of
Paging was one of the earliest low voltage applications and • I ncl ude s a c e t a t e sh e e t w it h 5 0 p r e - cu t b u t t o n In t h e s t a t e o f Te xa s ,
electricians and low voltage systems contractors. Electricians
has been prevalent in K—12 schools for decades. Flush- l a be l i nse rt s f o r e a s y, co s t e f f e ct ive la b e lin g t we n t y R e g io n a l E d u ca t io n
• 1 3 1 5 e v e nt s pe r pan e l S e r vice C e n t e r s ( E S C s ) s e r ve are often untrained in low voltage lighting control and are
mount speakers, usually of low-fidelity, commodity quality • 2 re l a y po rt s f o r rela y co n t r o l d is t r ict s w it h p r o f e s s io n a l
• 1 R S -2 3 2 po rt finished with their part of the construction project long
are installed in each classroom (usually one per classroom). d e ve lo p m e n t a n d t e ch n ica l
• 1 I R po rt a s s is t a n ce in a va r ie t y o f before the low voltage systems are being configured and
They are used for the automated electronic bell signals and • 1 I /O po rt f o r i nput d e t e ct io n o r lo g ic n e e d s . T h e E S C f o r R e g io n
l e v e l c o nt ro l X V, w h ich is lo ca t e d in S a n commissioned. Nevertheless, there is likely to be increased
voice announcements. These systems are tied to a central
• 1 U S B de v i c e c o nf ig u r a t io n p o r t A n g e lo , Te xa s , s e r ve s 4 3 s ch o o l d is t r ict s . T h e
awareness of the educational benefits of good lighting
intercom control station located in the main office where the • C o m pa t i bl e w i t h bau d r a t e s f r o m 1 2 0 0 t o 1 1 5 2 0 0 f a cilit y p r o vid e s t e a ch e r s a n d o t h e r s t a f f m e m b e r s
• A v a i l a bl e i n c ho i c e o f B la ck , W h it e o r in t h e r e g io n wit h p r o f e s s io n a l d e ve lo p m e n t f o r in educational environments, analogous to the growth in
mixer, amp, controller, and microphone are located. Paging/
B rushe d A l um i num m o u n t in g p la t e s s t a t e - m a n d a t e d cu r r icu lu m .
awareness of the educational benefits of intelligible audio.
intercom systems are sometimes tied to the telephone

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College and University Lecture Halls (100-500 seats) In classrooms where actual objects are the materials of Assistive listening systems are also included in these systems, Athletic Stadiums and Fields
In some colleges The form factor for a “lecture pit” is similar to an auditorium; instruction (e.g. biology labs, mechanical engineering), there and their audio mix is usually controlled via a separate audio The size and scope of school athletic facilities range Auditoriums are

and universities, in fact, auditoriums frequently double as classrooms. The is continuing demand for overhead projectors, document output from the mixer. from modest outdoor baseball fields and tracks to mega, a prime location

the students seating is typically fixed, and the presenter area is “stage- cameras (also known as “visualizers”), and image magnifiers. professional-level stadiums at “marquee” colleges and for installed AV
like.” The sound reinforcement system is installed and Because of cost restrictions, these tend to be shared and It is common for installed AV systems to include high universities. Installed sound reinforcement systems are
can tap into systems, including
includes either flush mount or surface mount speakers. There housed in a central location to be used on a sign-up/ quality surface mount loudspeakers, stage monitors (usually prevalent in most of these venues. In outdoor venues, the
the wireless audio and video
is typically an AV control room where the mixer/amp and registration basis. wedges), amplifiers, live entertainment mixing console, signal ruggedness and weatherproofing of the speakers is vitally
network that the presentation,
any audio signal processing or recording gear is located. processing equipment, a suite of microphones, an installed important. Funding of these systems is often supplemented
presentation itself Video projection is also installed, and the screen is large Auditoriums in High Schools and Colleges and Universities high lumen projector, installed motorized screen, a central by booster fund-drive money. Some schools view their reinforcement, and

is on and view the and motorized on the “stage.” Microphone types include Auditoriums are a prime location for installed AV systems, media source (either computer and possibly a media player), athletic facilities and amenities, including the AV systems, as playback. Size

presentation on both lectern and lavalier. Lighting control of the room including audio and video presentation, reinforcement, and and lighting, including moving lights and a theatrical lighting being competitively important among in-conference rivalries. and quality vary

their own laptops. may including several pre-set “scenes” is commonplace. playback. Size and quality vary depending on factors such as control system. The system may also include an optical disk This facilities “competitiveness” helps drive prioritization of depending on
Electronic whiteboards are being used more and more size of the space, uses of the space, and budget priorities of player as a media playback option. Some systems may also AV systems in some regions.
factors such as size
in these situations. In some colleges and universities, the school. In the private school sector, there is competitive include large LCD or plasma display screens.
of the space, uses
the students can tap into the wireless network that the motive to have state of the art facilities and systems to attract Campus Boardrooms
of the space, and
presentation itself is on and view the presentation on their enrollment. In colleges, universities, and secondary schools, Broadcast and AV Recording and Production In both K—12 schools and colleges and universities, there
own laptops. Specialized software programs allow for note most auditoriums are outfitted for fine arts performance of all Many college and universities have recording, production, are administrative offices that are housed either in their budget priorities of

taking right on each slide during the presentation. These types—concerts, plays, lectures, and dance recitals. These and local area broadcast systems located in or near the own freestanding building or as part of another classroom the school.
notes are data-logged and are searchable. spaces double as large lecture halls, and the AV system is campus performing arts center. In addition to serving the building. The same range of applications seen in corporate
used for both visual presentation and speech. There is a purpose of lab training for students, they offer the ability to facilities is found in these administrative headquarters.
trend, particularly in upper education at the college and record, produce, and transmit events via local radio and/or Boardroom systems for AV presentation have network
university level, for lectures to include playback of HD audio television stations. In these facilities, there is a studio outfitted connections to the offices. Systems include installed
and video content. In these locations there is also increased with recording, editing, and storage equipment as well as projectors, motorized screens, and microphones, including
attention paid to sound quality of the audio system. broadcast transmitter feeds. boundary layer mics on the conference table. Some include
teleconferencing capabilities for remote attendees, integrated
In colleges and universities and in affluent high school It is also common for colleges and universities to have their into the system via a central controller.
districts, the quality of the audio and video systems is own radio and/or television station. These stations are more
highly important. This is not only to deliver a high quality elaborate and active in schools that have radio/TV broadcast Digital Signage on College and University Campuses
performance experience for the audience (frequently major degree programs. Digital signage as an application is a burgeoning application
Education Service Center. Integrator: Flexile Multimedia Systems- San Antonio, Texas
populated with people who have a financial stake in the on college and university campuses. Digital signage systems
institution) but also to serve as a hands-on lab for students Multi-Use Gyms and Auditoriums are being used for wayfinding, announcements, and general
Specialized Classrooms training for technical careers in the entertainment and In many smaller or less affluent K—12 schools that do not news. The additional functions these systems can serve are
In both K—12 and higher education there are dedicated communications industry. In high schools (especially drama have separate performance auditoriums, the gymnasium driving new sales opportunities. For example, a trend on
classrooms fitted out for specialized functions. Included in and music magnet schools) and colleges and universities that may be used for a wide range of purposes including campuses is to transition from traditional food service to
this group are science labs, computer labs, and language have special curriculum emphasis on the performing arts, ceremonies, guest lecturers, indoor sports, and drama and branded fast-food vendors. Students (or their parents) fill pre-
labs. Language learning systems are controlled from a central these systems are a prime focus and high priority. music performances. The installed sound reinforcement paid credit/debit cards with funds that are accepted at these
console computer where the teacher controls what the system often consists of surface mount speakers, a mixer/ on-campus commercial restaurants. These same restaurants
students see and hear. Alternatively, students can also listen Theatrical lighting systems are usually part of these amp, and microphones. Video presentations are often done can then provide revenue to the school by buying advertising
to a recording from an optical disk or via streaming media performance spaces, not only for the performance via a portable or installed projector and screen. The multi- time on the digital signage systems. With this model, the ROI
from the Internet. Because the teacher’s computer is attached applications, but also to serve as training for students studying purpose use of these spaces often presents significant audio becomes more tangible and compelling to the school.
to the school network, there is access to DVDs or the Internet the technical aspects of the performing arts. It is in these challenges, since acoustics are rarely considered in athletic
to listen to foreign language (or English) television and radio spaces where there is likely to be integration via an integrated facility design.
to work on listening comprehension. show controller.

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Another example of an application (driven by the specialized becomes a shared computer screen with the software allowing players and specialized IT solutions will drive the growth of Distance learning systems are prevalent in these venues.
software) for the digital signage systems is one that allows for group input. campus digital signage systems. The distance learning rooms are used for curriculum-based
educational project collaboration. Study groups can convene classes, for special seminars and conferences, and for public
without needing to be physically in the same location. On large campuses, the digital signage systems tend to be Distance Learning meetings of specialized groups or committees. Systems in
Students reserve time on specific screens of the system networked via Ethernet or wirelessly with content served up Public education facilities such as K—12 public schools, these spaces include videoconferencing and
and tap into the network via their own laptops from each of by a central computer to receiver/processor cards located in pubic university extensions and community colleges serve streaming media.
their individual locations. Each digital signage display then the displays. It is expected that new generations of AV media the extended educational needs of the community at large.

Case Study: Temple University world experiences with a variety of control manufacturers, the The TECH Center “The TECH
school adopted AMX. At 75,000 square feet, Temple’s TECH (Teaching, Education, Center is a very
Collaboration and Help) Center is the largest computer facility large facility
As Tim O’Rourke, Temple’s vice president of computer and in the country, and the school believes it ranks among the that integrates
information services, explains, “One of the benefits that most sophisticated as well. The Center includes 600 fixed work many complex
AMX brought to us was its system design and programming stations; 100 laptops; 13 breakout rooms, which students use technologies, and
expertise. We knew which technologies we wanted in each for collaboration and group study; specialty labs for video we clearly needed
room, but we didn’t know how to integrate these technologies editing, graphic design, music composition and software something to
in a way that would be user friendly. AMX helped us design development; and social space for students with lounge areas control it. Based
and integrate our AV systems in such a way that every faculty and flat screen TVs. It also houses the school’s Welcome Center, on the positive
member, including those who are not as tech-savvy, can use 24-hour help desk and a full-service Starbucks Café. An AMX Control System is also used to distribute video, such
experiences we’ve
computers, DVD players, document cameras and flat panel as cable broadcast, recorded DVDs and multimedia PowerPoint
had with our smart
displays to enhance the learning process, which is of course our “The TECH Center is a very large facility that integrates many presentations, to the 30 flat-panel displays installed throughout
classrooms, we
ultimate goal.” complex technologies, and we clearly needed something to the building. At any given time, a variety of programming –
chose AMX.”
control it. Based on the positive experiences we’ve had with our from 24-hour news networks to university communications – is

Temple University is a world-class center for teaching, research Over the years, Temple has significantly enhanced the smart classrooms, we chose AMX,” said O’Rourke. displayed. Temple even developed an application that shows

and health care. As such, it continues to aggressively integrate capabilities of its smart classrooms by adopting AMX’s the number of workstations available in each area of the facility,

the latest technologies into its classrooms and labs. In just MeetingManager software. Today, the university uses the The school installed an AMX Control System in each of its which allows students to find available computers more easily.

four years, the university has expanded its number of smart software to manage and monitor the equipment in more than high-end breakout rooms so that students can prepare and/

“One of the classrooms from 30 percent to more than 55 percent, with plans 100 smart classrooms in 14 buildings on three campuses. When or practice multimedia presentations that utilize a variety of Why AMX

to further expand this number to 80 percent over the course of equipment malfunctions or a faculty member requests help technologies, such as computers, flat panel displays and audio. “With AMX, the significant technology investments we’ve made
benefits that AMX
the next few years. via the AMX Touch Panel, members of Temple’s Classroom “The AMX Touch Panels in the breakout rooms are so easy are really paying off. Not only are our control systems extremely
brought to us was
Technology Support (CTS) team receive instant e-mail alerts to use, most students can operate the equipment without reliable, but they’re also very easy to use. When our faculty
its system design
Standardizing on AMX and text pages, which allows them to significantly increase their any help from our staff, which frees them up to more quickly members walk into any classroom on campus and see the
and programming
Early on, Temple recognized the significant benefits it could response time. The team also uses the software to track device respond to student requests in other parts of the facility,” touch panel, they immediately know what to do because the
achieve by standardizing on one control platform across its usage, enabling them to perform preventative maintenance, commented O’Rourke. AMX user interface is easy and constant,” said O’Rourke. “To

campuses – including ease of use for faculty and increased such as replacing projector lamps before they burn out, thereby sum it up, AMX makes a fantastic product that we’ve been very

efficiencies for its IT staff. After weighing its options and real- reducing the number of help desk requests they receive. pleased with. Based on our many positive experiences, we plan
to continue using AMX well into the future.”

Central Control Rooms, Classroom Reservations / Setup, Distance Learning, Energy Management / Conservation, Environmental Control / Automation, Equipment Monitoring, Integrated Classrooms, Local Network Administration, Media Scheduling and Distribution, Networked Campuses, Security

16 U S S A L ES A ND S U PPORT 8 0 0 . 2 2 2 . 0 1 9 3 • I NTER NATI ONA L S A L ES A ND S U PPORT + 1 .4 6 9 .6 2 4 .7 4 0 0 • www.a m x.c o m 3 0 0 0 R E S E A R C H D R IVE , R IC H A R D S O N , T X 7 5 0 8 2 • 8 0 0 .2 2 2 .0 1 9 3 • 4 6 9 .6 2 4 .7 1 5 3 f a x • T E C H N IC A L S U P P O RT 8 0 0 .9 3 2 . 6993 17

© August 2008 AMX. All rights reserved. AMX does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions. © August 2008 AMX. All rights reserved. AMX does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions.

Government/Legal data or communication systems fail, the safety and security IT systems in many government venues incorporate the most
Like IT systems, of citizens is at risk, which is why government agencies are advanced data security encryption. In fact, IT technologies, The burgeoning

control and AV increasingly turning to control and automation systems to including data search engines used for intelligence gathering technology,
Description S t u t t g a r t P arliamen t
systems have provide this extra level of redundant support. and mining, are often developed in government applications, spawning new
As a vertical market from the perspective of the AV industry, StuttgartParliament/
only later in their life cycle to be decommissioned
now evolved from government cuts a wide swath as it encompasses facilities I n recogni ti on of the 50th generations of AV
Applications by Type of Facility within for civilian use. anni v erar y of Baden-
a “luxury” item of many types, sizes, and functions. According to the U.S. Wuerttemberg, a sta te systems, paired
Government/Legal Venues
Department of Labor, the Federal Government alone (not i n southw est German y
to an integral Government facilities are home to many and varied types of with the drive for
Digital signage systems used for wayfinding are increasingly borderi ng France, the
including state, county, city governments) is the single largest Stuttgart Parl i ament
component of low voltage systems. General building types are described being used in government office buildings. Typically, increased citizen
upgraded the ex i sti ng
employer in the country. Although accurate quantification is
agency operations. below in terms of the areas within them where AV applications visitors aren’t “regulars,” many coming to the buildings Assembl y Hal l ’s camera participation
nearly impossible, many AV industry observers also believe it s ys t e m b y addi ng addi ti onal uni ts to i mprov e
Whether at work are most prominent. only rarely and for very specific transactions and purposes. in government
t h e vis u a l and audi o documenta ti on of each
to be the largest user of AV systems and technologies. Primary
The wayfinding function is key to efficient operating of the s e s s io n . T h e AM X NetLi nx Control Sy stem prov i des
in the War Room, segmentation occurs by level of government and includes o n e - t o u ch control and automa ti on, drama ti cal l y
Office buildings buildings, cutting down on staff time as room assignments e n h a n cin g ev er y publ i c broadcast ov er l ocal
the Courtroom, federal, state, county, and municipal facilities. converge to create
Building-wide systems and configurations change and keeping the security force less t e le vis io n feeds and I nternet streami ng.
or NASA Mission the perfect storm
Office buildings house a variety of types of spaces and serve distracted by having to help visitors navigate the buildings. U.S. A r my 82n d Airb or n e Division
Control, reliably Facility types within government buildings include offices, for increasingly
a number of key functions. The security of government
courthouses, meeting chambers, public transaction rooms The w ar w i th I raq began
controlling buildings is a prime focus that became sharpened after 9/11 Offices and cubicles w i th the US Army ’s most robust AV systems
(bureaus where the public can access records, pay taxes, file v ersa ti l e sol di ers trai ned
AV, data, and and has continued to intensify. There is quick uptake of new Within office areas of government buildings, loudspeakers for in government
to depl o y and ex ecute
and make changes to legal documents, and obtain licenses
communication security technology in this market, and in fact, the government paging systems are flush mount and are typically commodity the i ni ti al sta ges of an meeting facilities.
of various types). Some government buildings tend to be offensi v e stra teg y. Thei r
market is a prime driver of research and development of quality. Speech privacy, sometimes called “sound masking,”
systems is critical. sub-verticals serving a specific function, such as departments
pri mar y mi ssi on, as w i th
new security technology. Building wide systems include tight an application found in office buildings of all types, is al l di recti v es tha t cal l on
of motor vehicles, police and fire stations, post offices, some t h e ir a b ilit i es, requi re acti on w i thi n onl y 18 hours
access control and CCTV monitoring. In buildings housing common in government offices, particularly in open office o f n o t if ica t i on. These comba t-read y men and
social security offices, and correctional/penal facilities.
courtrooms, law enforcement, and high level state and and cubicle settings. Narrow bands of noise are emitted wo m e n co mpri se the 82nd Ai rborne, a fi rst-stri ke
d ivis io n t h a t fl oods the ski es w i th para troopers and
federal government functions, the security systems are even to mask nearby conversations and provide speech privacy. e q u ip m e n t to ov erw hel m the enemy and secure the
The number, range, and reach of government facilities is vast s u r r o u n d ing terrai n for addi ti onal mi l i tar y mi ght to
more robust and include entry screening magnetometers. Masking systems are sometimes integrated to include
and wide. In fact, the Government Services Administration a r r ive . A s t hi s el i te force fol l o w s each order i n a
Access control to highly sensitive interior spaces can include paging or background music applications. Audio security s e r ie s o f wel l -pl anned a ttacks, the di v i si on’s fi rst-
Office’s Public Buildings Service (PBS) is the largest public e ve r p o r t a b l e command center empl o y s the po w er
biometric devices. is a specialized subset of speech privacy that designed to a n d s p e e d of AM X control technol og y.
real estate organization in the country. PBS has an inventory
prevent accidental or deliberate eavesdropping attempts.
of over 342 million square feet of workspace for 1.1 million E n d e l e o G over n men t Case St u dy
CCTV coverage in government buildings is thorough and Such attempts are often made with microphones and other
federal employees in 2,100 American communities. There are
includes the exterior perimeter of the building, and the video “bugging” devices, and the noise generated with active EndeleoCourthouse/
roughly 500,000 federal buildings in the A l ocal muni ci pal i ty i n
encoders/decoders tend to have the largest available hard electronics intervention prevents the listener from hearing and Fl ori da hi red a sy stem
United States.
disk space for storage of the video data over longer periods understanding conversation. i ntegra tor to desi gn and
del i v er a sy stem tha t w oul d
of time. The CCTV monitoring is active in real time di stri bute a v ari ety of AV
Control and Automation: Mission Critical sources to a number of
in many cases. Meeting rooms
for Government di spl ay s i nstal l ed throughout
Government buildings from small town city halls to the a courthouse.
Like IT systems, control and AV systems have now evolved
Life safety systems, which in many cases include voice U.S. Capitol Building have chambers for decision-making
from a “luxury” item to an integral component of agency C o n s is t e n cy prov ed harder than ex pected, as the
evacuation, are paired with stringent and detailed procedures meetings, many of which are accessible to the public. The p r o p o s e d sol uti on needed to be i nstal l ed i n both
operations. Whether at work in the War Room, the Courtroom, n e w a n d e x i sti ng faci l i ti es, and i n both cases, the
for quick and organized evacuation. In the highest security roles of the general public in government meetings range
or NASA Mission Control, reliably controlling AV, data, and s o lu t io n n eeded to w ork w i thi n the l i mi ted cabl i ng
facilities, lighting systems typically include back-up emergency from observer to participant. The burgeoning technology, p a t h w a ys in pl ace.
communication systems is critical. Agencies on the local,
lighting tied to separate generators. spawning new generations of AV systems, paired with the
state and federal levels all rely on control and AV systems to
drive for increased citizen participation in government
distribute vital information to decision makers, communicate
Building-wide paging systems usually tie the intercom to the
messages to partner agencies and the public, and increase
telephone system, the head-end gear of which is housed near
the efficiency of the overall operation. If government AV,
the central switchboard.

18 U S S A L ES A ND S U PPORT 8 0 0 . 2 2 2 . 0 1 9 3 • I NTER NATI ONA L S A L ES A ND S U PPORT + 1 .4 6 9 .6 2 4 .7 4 0 0 • www.a m x.c o m 3 0 0 0 R E S E A R C H D R IVE , R IC H A R D S O N , T X 7 5 0 8 2 • 8 0 0 .2 2 2 .0 1 9 3 • 4 6 9 .6 2 4 .7 1 5 3 f a x • T E C H N IC A L S U P P O RT 8 0 0 .9 3 2 . 6993 19

© August 2008 AMX. All rights reserved. AMX does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions. © August 2008 AMX. All rights reserved. AMX does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions.

processes, converge to create the perfect storm for However, increasingly commonly in government meeting The use of digital audio recorders for court reporting is
As these systems AMX Systems Me et the M os t M i s s i on increasingly robust AV systems in government rooms, the AV presentation systems are integrated with the changing the role of live court stenographers. This very AV presentation
Cr itic a l De ma nds meeting facilities. audio and video teleconferencing systems. specialized field is evolving to include more operation and
evolve, they plays a prominent

are becoming Unique Ca pabilitie s monitoring of the recording devices and their output rather role in court. Video
• Ul tra -fl a t fre q ue ncy re spo nse , hi gh ba ndw i dt h
The use of conferencing and voting systems is becoming Governments at all levels are working harder to communicate than longhand court proceedings transcriptions.
more robust and s wi tch i ng output can be
• L o ng-di sta n ce Ca t 5 di st ri but i o n sy st e m s f o r more commonplace in all levels government meeting with and involve citizen participation, and the technical
configurable, and i nte gra te d a u di o , v i de o , c o nt ro l a nd po w e r from a PC feeding
venues. As these systems evolve, they are becoming more capabilities of audio video streaming over IP is making Law enforcement
• The i n dustr y’s fi rst l a rge sc a l e , f ul l y di gi t a l
incorporate digital into a projector
s wi tch - the E pi ca DG robust and configurable, and incorporate digital and wireless this more possible and more prevalent than ever. As such, Common and private areas of police and federal law
and wireless • Re a l -ti me custo mi z a bl e To uc h Pa ne l s w i t h onto a screen, and
unma tch e d fe a tu re s, i ncl udi ng e x cl usi v e Vo I P
technologies. In these systems, at each participant’s table government meeting facilities are including more digital TV enforcement headquarters require tight security, and as such,
technologies. • Di g i ta l Si gna ge so l ut i o ns w i t h unsurpa sse d location, there is a microphone, an individual speaker, a recording and broadcast systems. Larger and more major have varying degrees of the most stringent access control, more recently, a
de ta i l , re so l u ti o n, a nd f l e x i bi l i t y
In these headphone jack, and controls for signaling a response government facilities may even have their own broadcast CCTV monitoring, and life safety systems as are found in high flat panel display.
Built Fr om the Gr o und U p To S uppor t 2 4 /7 whether a vote or a request to make a comment. Comment production studio. level courthouses and other government office buildings.
systems, at each Ope rations
Document cameras
• Uti l i za ti o n o f L i nux Ope ra t i ng S y st e m s w hi c h a re queuing for equinanimous participant turn-taking is a
participant’s table (visualizers) and
bo th ro bust a nd vi rus re si st a nt
feature that can take the burden off of the person running Courthouses Switchboard hubs of these facilities are robust, and include
location, there is • Se p a ra te OS a n d A ppl i c a t i o n L a y e rs pro v i de overhead projectors
re a l -ti me syste m upda t e s, w i t ho ut do w nt i m e the meeting and place it squarely and fairly on the system Courthouses also house offices, judges’ chambers, legal wireless communications with field based officers. Digital
a microphone, an • De vi ce Di sco ve r y: ra pi d re pl a c e m e nt o f sy st e m are also prevalent
itself. Language translation functions are be channeled consultation and meeting areas, and public waiting rooms. technology has made these emergency response centers
co mp o ne nts wi tho ut re pro gra m m i ng
individual speaker, • Se l f Di a g no sti cs f o r po w e r sy st e m s, c o o l i ng through the conferencing systems to specific channels that As such, the AV systems applications are the same as those more reliable, more efficient, and more robust. GPS in courtrooms
a nd si gna l ve ri fi c a t i o n
a headphone participants listen to via headphones. Assistive listening can described in the “Office Building” section above. technology is incorporated in these systems for quick, for displaying
• Ho t-s wa p pa bl e p o w e r suppl i e s a nd I /O c a rds
jack, and controls whi ch l i mi t d o wnt i m e be accomplished through these systems as well. accurate location identification. Communications are evidence.
• I ndustr y re no wn cust o m e r a nd t e c hni c a l suppo rt
for signaling a Hallways, common areas recorded on hard disk recorders, and some of the same
Ope n, Standard Archi tec ture and I nter fac es for In large-scale systems, AV networking over Ethernet is As with general office buildings, digital signage systems companies that make flight data recorders make emergency
response whether a Ma ximum Flexibility
• Op e n, e xte n si b l e a rc hi t e c t ure a l l o w s use o f be st common; AV networking is also growing in midsized systems, used for wayfinding are becoming more commonplace. At center recorders.
vote or a request to i n cl a ss co mp o ne nt s
as well. the courtroom doors, the displays list the docket and the
• Sta n da rd s ba se d t o a l l o w o pe n c o nne c t i v i t y
make a comment.
• Su ppo rt o f SI P, Z i gB e e , W i Fi , C a t 5 , TC P/I P, I PS e c , proceedings particulars (e.g. what stage they are in). Typically, there are paging systems in the law enforcement
SSL , M PE G2/4, SS H , Po E
Increasingly, government meetings include remote location facilities, and these are generally controlled from a central
• De vi ce Di sco ve r y f o r f l e x i bl e sy st e m de si gn
a nd u pgra d e s of participants driving increased proliferation of audio and Courtrooms office, often times tied to the switchboard area. In facilities
• Di g i ta l Ge n e ra ti o n (DG ) t e c hno l o g y a nd
“a n ythi ng” o ve r C a t 5
video teleconferencing systems, with video teleconferencing There are several types of AV systems that are becoming where highly sensitive security information is discussed, audio
becoming more ubiquitous. The majority of these systems more commonplace courtrooms. On the audio side, sound security systems may be in place to detect and counteract any
Highly Mo dula r, Sc al abl e S y s tem s to S uppor t A
Var ie ty o f Applic ations are IP based, and include a suite of cameras and microphones reinforcement systems used for voice lift of witnesses, possible eavesdropping.
• Ne tL i n x Archi te cture w i t h c a sc a da bl e c o nt ro l l e rs strategically placed to include all participants. There is also a council, and the judge are becoming more commonplace in
fo r vi rtu a l l y u nl i m i t e d sc a l a bi l i t y
• Co mmo n so ftwa re f o r a l l To uc h Pa ne l s f ro m 5 ” dedicated channel for direct digital feed from the computer courtrooms. The audio signal is output is to loudspeakers, Meeting and training rooms in law enforcement facilities,
to 17”, wi re d o r wi re l e ss
running any presentation comment. Image on the displays usually retrofit (in older buildings) surface mount speakers while historically fairly low tech, are now incorporating more
• M o dul e Ba se d E xt e nsi bl e S w i t c hi ng
• Re so u rce M a na ge m e nt S ui t e suppo rt f o r up t o can be configured via multiple split screen view options. connected to a small mic/amp/mixer. The assistive listening AV presentation systems.
1000 ro o ms a n d 10 , 0 0 0 de v i c e s
Questions of security are raised by these applications, and and language translation functions work through this system
• RM S WAN a rchi te c t ure f o r suppo rt o f gl o ba l
de pl o yme n ts new, more robust audio and video transmission encryption via separate channels. A unique requirement of the audio Many “interview” or interrogation rooms are configured

De ployed in So me of the M os t S ec ure

schemes are being developed and used. The use of fiber systems is a master control to kill the audio quickly, reliably, as observation rooms with two-way mirrors and audio
Envir o nme nts Ar o und the G l obe optic cabling for signal transmission is gaining popularity in and system wide for the private sidebars. mic-ing with playback to small loudspeakers or headphones
• Cr yp to gra p hi c a l g o ri t hm s t o m a i nt a i n a nd se c ure
se n si ti ve RM S da t a these applications since optical signals are nearly impervious to observation rooms.
• I PSe c, SSL , a n d S S H a ut he nt i c a t i o n a nd to “bugging” or eavesdropping, compared to copper cabling. AV presentation plays a prominent role in court. Video output
e ncr yp ti o n fo r se c ure sy st e m c o m m uni c a t i o ns
• Fi be r-ba se d DG A rc hi t e c t ure s can be from a PC feeding into a projector onto a screen, Lock-up areas of law enforcement facilities are used for
AV presentation systems can be either “stand alone” basic and more recently, a flat panel display. Document cameras temporary holding of suspects under arrest, and these areas
systems with audio amplification using hand held, lectern, or (visualizers) and overhead projectors are also prevalent in have high-grade access/egress control systems.
lavalier mic, a simple mic/mixer/amp feeding PA speakers. courtrooms for displaying evidence.

20 U S S A L ES A ND S U PPORT 8 0 0 . 2 2 2 . 0 1 9 3 • I NTER NATI ONA L S A L ES A ND S U PPORT + 1 .4 6 9 .6 2 4 .7 4 0 0 • www.a m x.c o m 3 0 0 0 R E S E A R C H D R IVE , R IC H A R D S O N , T X 7 5 0 8 2 • 8 0 0 .2 2 2 .0 1 9 3 • 4 6 9 .6 2 4 .7 1 5 3 f a x • T E C H N IC A L S U P P O RT 8 0 0 .9 3 2 . 6993 21

© August 2008 AMX. All rights reserved. AMX does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions. © August 2008 AMX. All rights reserved. AMX does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions.

Correctional facilities functions tied to monitoring of specific areas of the facility. life. Low voltage systems, particularly those based on the
Of the many low voltage systems in correctional facilities, The prison population is increasing in the U.S., and as such, convergence of AV and IT, are inspired by and in use in this
obviously the most important are the security systems. this is a “growth market” for AV technologies. market. The government isn’t just the largest employer, it is
Access/egress control systems are robust. CCTV monitoring the largest market for AV technology.
is also essential and even redundant for full coverage and Government entities, functions, and operations are
back-up. The life safety systems include alarm and alerting widespread and diverse, and are touching every citizen’s

Case Study: Pasadena City Hall including new wiring and AV equipment. The city hired The Chamber’s AMX Control System also includes AMX’s “We selected AMX
AMX dealer Hoffman Video Systems of Glendale, Calif. for iVote software, which simplifies and streamlines the voting for the Chamber
the project. process for the council and its administrative support. When because AMX is
a councilmember casts a vote using his/her assigned Modero the only company
As Steve Wright, assistant city engineer, explains, “We needed Touch Panel, the vote is automatically logged and tabulated, offering a complete
a technology solution that would preserve the historical providing real-time results. hardware and
integrity of the Chamber while simultaneously bringing it into software solution
the 21st Century. That’s what we hired Hoffman to do, and that’s To provide technical support during meetings, the City Clerk for city government
exactly what they achieved.” and Assistant City Clerk each have a 12” Modero Touch Panel,
with on-site
which enables them to select which video source is displayed
technical support.”
Customer Needs on each of the Chamber’s four 63” Plasma displays.Additionally,
“The city knew that they needed a control system to coordinate they are able to prepare the 7” Modero Touch Panels for a vote
audio, video and lighting during meetings, and since the and adjust the room’s lighting.
Chamber is used by a variety of outside groups, including
zoning boards and community organizations, they also knew Why AMX
that they needed the touch panel icons to be intuitive and “We selected AMX for the Chamber because AMX is the

As Steve Wright, Pasadena City Hall is one of the most distinctive public easy-to-use, so that the system could be used with little if any only company offering a complete hardware and software

assistant city buildings in the United States and one of the finest examples of instruction,” said Rob Shepherd, president of Hoffman. solution for city government with on-site technical support,”

engineer, explains, California Mediterranean design. Built in 1927 and listed on the said Shepherd. “Without AMX, it would have been much more

“We needed a National Register of Historic Places, it stands as the dominant The system implemented in the Chamber features an AMX ®
difficult, if not impossible, to meet the needs of this customer.”

technology solution building in the Civic Center Historic District – a complex of NI-4100 NetLinx Integrated Controller and 12-7” Modero
® ®

that would preserve government, institutional and cultural buildings that epitomizes Touch Panels, which are installed at each councilmember’s

the historical the Beaux-Arts, City Beautiful planning movement of the early seat and allow them to mute and un-mute their microphone

20th century. and to request permission to speak. They can also select and
integrity of the
view video sources and feeds, such as a video, PowerPoint
Chamber while
In 2007, the city completed an extensive building rehabilitation presentation, meeting agenda or document camera, directly on
project, which included significant technology infrastructure the touch panel.
bringing it into the
and equipment upgrades to its City Council Chamber,
21st Century.”

Central Control Rooms, City Halls, Mobile Command Posts, Courtrooms and Courthouses, Education & Training Installations, Election Facilities, Homeland Security, Judge’s Chambers, Jury Deliberation Rooms, Law Enforcement Buildings, Legislative Chambers, Manufacturing Facilities, Military Warehouses, War Rooms

22 U S S A L ES A ND S U PPORT 8 0 0 . 2 2 2 . 0 1 9 3 • I NTER NATI ONA L S A L ES A ND S U PPORT + 1 .4 6 9 .6 2 4 .7 4 0 0 • www.a m x.c o m 3 0 0 0 R E S E A R C H D R IVE , R IC H A R D S O N , T X 7 5 0 8 2 • 8 0 0 .2 2 2 .0 1 9 3 • 4 6 9 .6 2 4 .7 1 5 3 f a x • T E C H N IC A L S U P P O RT 8 0 0 .9 3 2 . 6993 23

© August 2008 AMX. All rights reserved. AMX does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions. © August 2008 AMX. All rights reserved. AMX does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions.

Hospitality And Hotels A CLOSER LOOK

Luxury suites are another growing application for AV in hotels
Hospitality venues, and lodging facilities. While low-cost digital televisions and Big screens are

as a category, Description clock radios are found in standard sleeping rooms, suites are often found in
Hotels and Motels C o n ra d H o t e l
typically include The hospitality and lodging industry is a prime user of AV increasingly being outfitted with large screen televisions, 5.1 sports bars,
Starting with audio, hotels are prime markets for distributed
systems and technologies. Why? Because so many meetings surround, wireless Internet access, and zoned AV control.
multiple and paging and business music systems that are found in lobbies, C o n r a d H o t e ls wa s f o u n d e d gradually replacing
and conventions that are AV-intensive take place in hotels, wit h t h e g o a l o f o p e r a t in g Watch for a trickle-down effect as digital television (mandated
diverse applications common areas, offices, restrooms, retail shops, CRT-based
a n e t w o r k o f lu xu r y h o t e ls
convention centers, and casinos. There are over 48,000 hotel for all broadcasts as of February 19, 2009) proliferates in the
and restaurants. a n d r e s o r t s in t h e w o r ld ’s
and systems. video walls or
and motel properties with over 4.3 million rooms in the United
m a jo r b u s in e s s a n d t o u r is m United States.
Among the wide ca p it a ls . T h e C o n r a d Mia m i projection systems.
States, ranging from large urban complexes to small Poolside loudspeakers at resort hotels are weatherproof and H o t e l, o w n e d b y G r u p o
range of venue E s p ir it o S a n t o a n d m a n a g e d Digital signage
bed-and-breakfasts. systems are securely installed in outdoor venues. b y H ilt o n H o t e ls C o r p o r a t io n , w a s t h e f ir s t C o n r a d
markets, hospitality Many hotels have on-premise nightclubs and bars, some H o t e l in t h e U n it e d S t a t e s . A n e s t a b lis h e d b r a n d is increasingly
in E u r o p e , C o n r a d r e p r e s e n t s t h e lu xu r y t ie r o f t h e
facilities are The hospitality market represents 13% of all US commercial featuring live entertainment. These systems are scaled to H ilt o n Fa m ily o f B r a n d s .
popular in

home to virtually construction expenditures in 2008. That translates to $22 the size of the club and to the type of entertainment. This hotels, used
E l l e r ma n V i l l a & S p a
all low-voltage billion, more than double when compared to the year 2003. ranges from karaoke or piano bars to full-scale concert clubs. for wayfinding,
Growth peaked in 2007, and is forecasted to be flat to down Systems accordingly range from simple portable mixer and
electronic systems W h e n t h e r ich a n d f a m o u s advertising, and
over the next three years, and then up in 2011 and beyond. powered speakers to installed rigs that include monitors as t r a ve l t o C a p e To w n , S o u t h
applications that A f r ica , t h e y a r e lik e ly t o merchandising.
The sharp growth of the past five years was in direct response well as main speakers. s t a y a t T h e E lle r m a n Villa
to the dramatic downturn in 2002 following the events a n d S p a , a n e xclu s ive
h o m e - a wa y- f r o m - h o m e Ellerman Villa & Spa. Integrator: QUESTEK- South Africa
of 9/11/01. Video systems are used for entertainment, news feeds in im m e d ia t e ly a d ja ce n t t o
common areas, and merchandising. Big screens are often t h e wo r ld - r e n o w n e d , f ive -
s t a r E lle r m a n H o u s e L u xu r y H o t e l. C o n s t r u ct e d in Convention and Conference Centers
Applications by Location Within found in sports bars, gradually replacing CRT-based video 2 0 0 4 , t h e Fr a n k L lo yd W r ig h t - in s p ir e d b u ild in g
Hospitality Venues w a s d e s ig n e d f r o m t o p t o b o t t o m wit h u n p a r a lle le d According to the Convention Industry Council, over $123
lu xu r y in m in d .
billion was spent on meetings in 2004. Business services
F o u r S e a so n s R e so r t a n d C l u b (including AV system rentals and purchases) accounted for an
estimated $15 billion of this total. Convention centers include
T h e Fo u r S e a s o n s R e s o r t a n d exhibit spaces, breakout meeting rooms, lobbies,
C lu b D a lla s a t L a s C o lin a s
h a s m a d e a n in t e llig e n t
and auditoriums.
in ve s t m e n t t h a t co n t in u e s
t o p a y s ig n if ica n t d ivid e n d s
t o d a y. W it h in t h is f in e ly Like hotels, convention centers include distributed paging
a p p o in t e d lu xu r y h o t e l, and business music systems throughout the space. As in
t h e n u m e r o u s a n d la vis h
a m e n it ie s o f f e r e d r e f le ct a co m m it m e n t t o q u a lit y performing arts centers, full-bandwidth, music quality speaker
t h r o u g h cu t t in g e d g e A MX t e ch n o lo g y.
systems are found in auditoriums. Some auditoriums are
Hotel Skt. Petri adding 5.1 surround capabilities, but this is less prominent
to date.
C o n ve r t e d f r o m a f a m o u s
d e p a r t m e n t s t o r e b u ild in g
Ellerman Villa & Spa. Integrator: QUESTEK- South Africa
in C o p e n h a g e n , D e n m a r k ,
Convention facilities make money from rentals, so installed
t h e H o t e l S k t . Pe t r i is a systems are often rudimentary, leaving more advanced
b e a u t if u lly m o d e r n , f ive - s t a r
Hospitality venues, as a category, typically include multiple h o t e l f e a t u r in g t h e in t e r io r systems for case-by-case configurations. Portable AV
walls or projection systems. Digital signage is increasingly
d e s ig n s o f r e n o w n e d D a n is h systems range from simple speech reinforcement and video
and diverse applications and systems. Among the wide range popular in hotels, used for wayfinding, advertising, and a r t is t , Pe r A r n o ld i. T h e
of venue markets, hospitality facilities are home to virtually all h o t e l’s 3 0 0 ca p a cit y g r a n d b a llr o o m , wh ich d o u b le s presentation gear for meetings and seminars to full-blown
merchandising. Both audio and video conferencing systems
a s a co n f e r e n ce f a cilit y, is e q u ip p e d wit h a f le xib le
low-voltage electronic systems applications that exist. concert systems for major corporate events. These are largely
are used in hotel meeting environments. AV s o lu t io n t h a t is co n t r o lle d a n d a u t o m a t e d b y a n
The examples below are those that are especially relevant to A MX ® N e t L in x ® In t e g r a t e d C o n t r o lle r a n d t w o A MX the domain of rental and staging companies.
Mo d e r o ® To u ch Pa n e ls .
AV integrators.

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itness Centers, Guest Rooms, Guest/Equipment
Luxury suites are Entertainment showrooms (over 1,000 capacity) include A M X S yst e m Desig n Lib rar y (SDL) Each SDL i s a
state-of-the art installed audio, video, lighting, and special s t a r t - t o - f ini sh resource for desi gni ng a control and
another growing
a u t o m a t io n sy stem i n i ncreasi ngl y compl ex a ppl i ca-
application for effects. Wireless microphones, digital mixers, show control t io n s . T h e Sy stem Desi gn Li brar y i ncl udes al l the
m a t e r ia ls needed to properl y demonstra te/ i l l ustra te
systems, laser effects—the list goes on, depending on the
AV in hotels and d if f e r e n t s ol uti ons – al l dedi ca ted to hel p educa te
requirements of the performers and producers. Long run t h e u s e r a nd mana ge thei r ex pecta ti ons. AM X offers
lodging facilities. S D L’s f o r ev er y market i ncl udi ng: Busi ness, Whol e
shows (Cirque de Soleil, Celine Dion, Penn & Teller) include
H o m e , H o me Thea ter, Educa ti on, Gov ernment, Houses
While low-cost
AV systems that are designed by specialized entertainment o f Wo r s h ip , M DU, Hotel s, Entertai nment, Heal thcare,
digital televisions B r o a d ca s t i ng, Netw ork Opera ti ons Centers, Retai l ,
systems consultants. a n d P r iva t e Transporta ti on.
and clock radios

are found in Live music and dance-oriented clubs in casinos feature

standard sleeping state-of-the-art sound, lighting, and video systems to attract

and retain audiences. Club sound systems range from
rooms, suites are
sophisticated multi-zone installations to simple stand-
increasingly being
mounted powered speakers that are locked up for security
outfitted with large
after each performance. While wireless microphones were
screen televisions, once the exclusive domain of the major showrooms, they are
5.1 surround, now used in even the smallest clubs.
wireless Internet

access, and zoned Lighting and special effects (mirror balls, smoke machines,
etc.) are important elements in showroom and club systems.
AV control.
From an audio standpoint, a typical rental system for meetings Casinos The idea is give the audience the kind of entertainment

includes wired and wireless microphones, mixers, powered Casinos are highly AV-intensive and often the proving ground experience that they can’t find at home, which promotes

speakers, and stands and accessories. These can be scaled to for cutting edge AV technology. For example, many of the return customers.

the size of the room or audience. early (mid-1990’s) networked AV systems were installed in
Las Vegas casinos. AV systems in casinos need to be flexible, Digital signage is everywhere in casinos, but no more

Video systems for AV presentations are predominantly front configurable, and ultra-reliable since they are in constant prominent than in the “sports book” where multiple events

projection-based, but watch for them to transition to flat panel operation. Consider that a typical casino complex is a small are posted and monitored continually.

displays driven by PC’s or digital media players. The choice of city that includes the following:
projector and screen are dependent on the size of the room Like hotels, restaurant, and retail markets, casinos feature

and the needs of the audience. • Lodging facilities paging, business music, and automatic messaging systems

• Restaurants throughout the common areas.

Fo r m o r e in f o r m a t io n , g o t o
Lighting control and video effects/playback are often • Nightclubs and bars www.a m x.c o m / m a rk e t s / s d l. a sp

integrated in both exhibit and performance spaces. Digital • Gaming floors (“casinos”) Pools, spas, and outdoor attractions need weatherproof

signage and kiosk systems are increasingly used in convention • Live entertainment showrooms speakers and video playback systems. In addition to durability

centers for wayfinding, merchandising, visual branding, and • Themed attractions and performance, these systems need to be securely installed

entertainment applications. These systems are increasing • Video game arcades to protect against theft and vandalism.

networked and operated by AV/IT/security personnel who • Meeting and conference facilities
require simplicity and reliability on a 24/7 basis. • Retail shops
• Offices and “back of house” prep and staging areas
• Indoor and outdoor pools and spas
• Health clubs and/or sports facilities

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Cruise Ships • Lodging facilities • Video game arcades R E A D MO RE ABOUT IT

T h is AV T E CHNOLOGY ex cerpt w as edi ted from
The cruise ship market is a cross between the casino and • Restaurants • Meeting and conference facilities t h e A M X G u id e t o AV Ap p licat ion s. Thi s i s the
s e co n d s e cti on i n a three part seri es edi ted by AV
luxury resort markets, with a twist. Everything needs to be • Nightclubs and bars • Retail shops
T E C H N O L OGY and Sy stem Contractors New s – both
compact (due to onboard space limitations) and weatherproof • Gaming floors (“casinos”) • Offices and “back of house” prep and staging areas N e wB a y Medi a publ i ca ti ons, w i th contri buti ons from
B IC S I, C E DI A Custom El ectroni c Desi gn & I nstal l a ti on
(due to environmental factors). Like casinos, cruise ships are • Live entertainment showrooms • Indoor and outdoor pools and spas
A s s o cia t io n , I nfoComm I nterna ti onal , NSCA Na ti onal
floating mini-cities that include: • Themed attractions • Health clubs and/or sports facilities S ys t e m s C ontractors Associ a ti on, Sti ernberg
C o n s u lt in g , and produced by AM X . For the compl ete
s e r ie s , g o to w w w.amx .com.

Case Study: Conrad Hotel puts control of multimedia presentations, lighting and Miami general manager, the AMX systems in the suites set “I’ve seen
sophisticated audio visual equipment in the hands of meeting the Conrad Miami apart from other top hotels in the highly similar systems,
leaders and executive guests. competitive city.
but nothing as

simple to use, as
“It is a highly intelligent system,” said Andre Cope, Business “We chose AMX because we were looking for a way to
innovative or as
Center and guest events services manager. “It operates off a provide a unique room experience for our guests,” Thrailkill
said. “The AMX system gives our customers an extraordinary intuitive. By adding
Wi-Fi system, and controls PowerPoint, DVD and CD media
experience through the AMX Modero Touch Panel. It’s a new that ‘wow-factor’ to
through one controller. The AMX system definitely enables a
more professional meeting.” level of sophistication and distinction for our property.” the guest rooms,

our opportunities
The Conrad is a leader in technology. The entire property is a BANKING ON A WINNER are endless. AMX
wireless hotspot, and the AMX systems integrate seamlessly Thrailkill said hotel guests have embraced the AMX
truly is the platform
with the Cisco 1100 series Wireless Access Points (WAPs) technology like little he has seen in the hospitality industry. Of course, every hotel possesses a large amount of internal
for the future. It’s
throughout the hotel. And the goal of creating a different type of experience data. Guests can now access information concerning
a marketer’s dream
from what a traveler could realize at other hotels has been reservations, checkout times, restaurant and room service
achieved. information, baggage check, entertainment, in-house video- come true.”
AMX also controls the lighting and temperature in the
meeting rooms and grand ballroom. Cope said the overall on-demand systems, transportation schedules, meeting and
Conrad Hotels was founded with the goal of operating a
effect impresses Conrad Miami guests because, “it’s “The ability to have a single point of control through a panel event bookings – all via the AMX panel. Thrailkill said the
network of luxury hotels and resorts in the world’s major that allows our guests to operate so many elements of customization and integration of the hotel’s data into the AMX
something new, and it provides a convenience factor that
business and tourism capitals. The Conrad Miami Hotel, many of our guests appreciate while trying to coordinate their rooms practically says, ‘Please, touch me. I have some system proved to be a smooth transition toward taking the
“The AMX system
owned by Grupo Espirito Santo and managed by Hilton important meetings and events.” information to share with you.’ The guests love that.” control panels online.
gives our customers
Hotels Corporation, was the first Conrad hotel in the United
an extraordinary States. An established brand in Europe, Conrad represents The reaction of nearly every hotel guest, meeting client or PERSONAL TOUCHES “From the first time I saw the AMX system and got to play
experience through the luxury tier of the Hilton Family of Brands. meeting attendee has been, “Wow,” Cope added. Thrailkill pointed to the simplicity of the AMX control panels with it, I knew it probably was the best application of its kind

the AMX Modero as one of the primary reasons hotel guests use and enjoy the out there,” he said. “I’ve seen similar systems, but nothing

MOVING ON UP amenities it provides. The displays shown on the touch panel as simple to use, as innovative or as intuitive. By adding
Touch Panel. It’s The Conrad Miami opened in October 2004 to an elite guest
Conrad Hilton management decided to take that “wow- are intuitive, and the wireless options allow guests to carry the that ‘wow-factor’ to the guest rooms, our opportunities
a new level of and meeting clientele. From the outset, the hotel installed an
factor” and move it upstairs to a select number of guest units around the large and well-appointed guest rooms. The are endless. AMX truly is the platform for the future. It’s a
sophistication and AMX® control system in its eight meeting rooms and grand
suites. In the suites, the AMX systems provide not only control Moderos also provide consistency, so guests and staff know marketer’s dream come true.”
distinction for our ballroom. The system, based on award-winning Modero®
for various electronic devices, but also a dynamic guest what to expect in a familiar format, he said.
property.” Touch Panels and NI-3000 NetLinx® Integrated Controllers,
directory on the panel. According to Robert Thrailkill, Conrad

AV Conferencing, AV Control, Automated Appointment Generation, Automated Service Scheduling, Ballrooms/Meeting Rooms, Equipment Monitoring, Fitness Centers, Guest Rooms, Guest/Equipment Security, HVAC Controls, Lighting Presets, Restaurants

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Healthcare wards. For hospitals, one of the top security concerns, among other types of venues center around the need for a sterile and hospitals, this aspect of care is of prime importance. There
many, is infant abduction. The centralized CCTV encoder/ static controlled environment. Video of the procedures is also is an organization called “The Elf Foundation” that was
decoders are likely to have maximum hard disk capacity for recorded for retrospective viewing and training. It’s not hard launched about eight years ago and grew up in the custom
much video data stored over long periods of time. to imaging the high value of high definition video in these home installers (CEDIA) integrator culture. Elf’s mission is to
There are 5,747 hospitals in the U.S. according to the
applications. This also drives the need for high definition install theater quality systems in children’s long-term wards
American Hospital Association with healthcare treatment
Paging systems are crucial in hospitals, and in many facilities video into the presentation and training spaces of hospitals. so that these isolated patients can see first-run movies their
revenues representing a third of the $2 trillion annual
are higher than commodity quality in terms of speaker quality. friends see. Manufacturers donate gear, and integrators
U.S. health care bill. Other types of healthcare facilities
Nurse call systems are also of prime focus in hospitals. In the Meeting rooms donate systems design and installation. It is mentioned here
are also commonplace throughout the U.S. and include
past ten years, robust wireless systems have become more In hospitals, meeting rooms are generally configured as large for two reasons: 1) to brief commercial AV integrators that
approximately17,000 urgent care facilities, 30,000 outpatient
prevalent and tie together the paging systems, nurse call, boardrooms. Video display systems are basic to many of they may encounter this foundation or its systems on the job
clinics, and over 10,000 diagnostic labs. Doctors offices are
and hospital telephony. This has freed up the medical staff these rooms so that presentation content of surgeries, patient in hospitals, and 2) there may be ways AV integrators could
also ubiquitous, and there are approximately 200,000 in the
who now carry wireless phones for their pages and has led to conditions, and resource material can be viewed. These participate and offer expertise on these systems as they
U.S. In addition, there are an additional 120,000 dentist
new opportunities to de-centralize the physical nurses station. meeting rooms may also include teleconferencing systems for continue to crop up around the country.
offices. Skilled nursing facilities cost American taxpayers
Though some systems integration firms specialize in these participants in remote locations. It is likely that the content is
about $73 billion a year in subsidies across the 16,400 nursing
healthcare facilities wireless systems, telephone and data driven by either a dedicated or networked computer, but with
homes in the U.S.
companies are also prominent players in this market. high definition video being more prevalent, the demand for
dedicated AV servers and players will increase.
Outpatient healthcare services are emerging as part of
The hospital wireless systems also can include the PDA
retail locations, for instance in drug stores. However, even
component. Charge nurses and physicians, in making Classrooms and auditoriums
with more than 900 of these faculties in place, forecasts are
their rounds, make notes on their PDA’s that are uploaded In hospitals, training is an important and ongoing activity at
for slowed growth of this treatment location option due to
wirelessly to patients’ charts. Patient privacy and data security all levels. Classroom and training spaces include traditional
uncertain revenue models for this new venue approach.
are key areas of focus for hospital IT managers. classroom formats as well as some auditoriums in the larger
facilities. The larger rooms are likely have installed sound
Applications by Type of Healthcare Venue and
Location Within the Facility In hospitals, life safety is more than an alarm system—it’s reinforcement systems, video projection systems, either

Of all the relevant markets with applications for AV, the something to learn. Staff are trained in evacuation, triage, and portable or installed and in general the classrooms house the

healthcare facilities market probably houses the highest other aspects of emergency/disaster management. As such, same types of AV systems seen in universities and colleges Multi-building campuses

concentration of cutting edge electronic technology. the life safety system takes up more “mind share” of the staff with the additional emphasis on overhead object projectors Some hospitals have campuses with multiple buildings.
than in other types of facilities. and possibly whiteboards. In these facilities, just like on university campuses, the IT,

Hospitals telephone, HVAC control, life safety, and security systems

Reception and waiting areas Patients’ rooms typically have TV’s mounted near the ceiling. AV production facilities are networked.

In the past fifteen years, these common areas began including In cutting edge hospitals, there are choices of specific It is fairly common for large hospitals to have their own

TV monitors usually playing network programming from a programs (e.g. movies) feed from a central media server. in-house AV production department. This department also Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF’s)

satellite feed. CCTV cameras are trained on the entryways serves the marketing communications functions of the facility. Skilled nursing facilities provide temporary and long-term

and usually cover the whole reception area. Though a Operating rooms Often this department designs and produces the facility’s own stays and treatment for patients who are unable to be cared

large proportion of the visitors to hospitals are elderly, very It is in the “OR” where “high-tech AV” comes to life most collateral, promotional media, and publications. With the for at home. Some SNF’s are vibrant rehabilitation centers.

few reception desks are equipped with hearing assistance vividly. In addition to the very specialized medical treatment increased emphasis on video recording of procedures and AV Some house a larger proportion of long-term care and elderly

systems, but could (and probably should be). and monitoring equipment, video cameras are often trained presentation for training, these departments are robust and patients. Many of the same systems that are in hospital
on the procedures at hand. Live feeds of video over IP are active users of the AV systems. general areas, patient rooms, and nurses stations exist in

Interior spaces: Corridors, visiting lounges, common areas, sent to displays either in observation galleries of the operating skilled nursing facilities. With patients often times more

patient rooms, and nurses stations room or to remote locations for the purposes of training and Children’s wards mobile (even though frequently wheel-chair bound), egress

Security systems are robust and include CCTV monitoring, also collaborative consult with specialists located elsewhere. Children’s wards deserve special mention. In addition to the control and monitoring is a focus. There are generally large

access and egress control, more stringent in specialized floors At times the video is recorded through surgical microscopes. overall need for a more active and colorful AV environment, rooms with exercise equipment dedicated to physical therapy

such as psychiatric wards, and children’s areas, and maternity Special considerations for this equipment that don’t arise in in long-term facilities, such as specialized children’s cancer (PT) and small office treatment rooms for speech therapy (ST)

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and occupational therapy (OT); however, OT treatment tends still have much of the same paging, telephony, security, and is in constant flux requiring robust reception systems and full- buildings themselves are adopting more digital signage for
to take place in common areas, as well. life safety systems found in the acute care hospitals. featured waiting areas. wayfinding. Access control, CCTV monitoring, and life safety
systems are prominent in these multi-office facilities. These
SNF’s tend to be less in the spotlight, in general, compared Outpatient surgery centers and specialty treatment and Medical office buildings facilities generally lag hospitals in the stringency of these
with marquee level acute care hospitals. As such, (again, in diagnostic centers Medical office buildings house some of the same medial systems. Business music could play a larger role in these
general) they tend to have less demand and less motivation These facilities tend to be smaller than primary care or technology equipment found in hospitals and outpatient complexes if an ROI case could be made (and it could with
for state of the technology AV systems. Nevertheless, they specialized hospitals. The operating rooms can also include surgery and diagnostic centers. Networking within offices and the right finesse) if for not other reason than staff morale.
video recording capabilities. Intake and discharge of patients between partnering practices are IT applications. The office

Case Study: Queensland Health’s Operating through nine inter-related domains, the SDC offers NXP-TPI/4 NetLinx Touch Panel Interfaces in the SDC. The Skills

Skills Development Centre courses for a broad cross-section of healthcare providers by The control system allows users to quickly and easily control a Development
constantly researching and identifying areas of need and wide variety of AV equipment, including the 50 pan, tilt, zoom
Centre chose AMX
investing time and money into the development of world- cameras installed in facility’s training rooms.
products on the
class courses. The center continuously updates its courses and
ensures the technology and information it uses is the latest. Room to Grow
of its installer,
Thanks to SpaceAge Communications and AMX, Queensland
Queensland Health’s vision was to develop a world-renowned Health now has a world-class training center. The virtual SpaceAge
medical simulation center. This required multiple rooms reality and simulation equipment at the SDC is among the Communications,
with extensive AV facilities, each with the ability to send best in the world, and because the AMX Control System is knowing its staff
and receive video and audio signals to and from multiple upgradeable and adaptable, it will undoubtedly continue to was completely
locations around the center. Today, the facility features two be in the future.
conversant and
fully-functional operating theaters for simulation, two seminar
confident with the
rooms with videoconferencing capabilities and 14 AV rooms.
capabilities needed

Complex Requirements to make the

Using multiple cameras, SDC staff needed to digitally record centre’s practical
simulations held in the theater with the ability to place time- applications a
Due to the Queensland Health’s Skills Development Centre (SDC) is one
code markers at specific times to aid future identification reality.
complexity of the of most technologically advanced and comprehensive skills of particular events or activities. The ability to review these
development centers in the world. The center is only one of events via special camera angles was also a significant
project and the
seven in Oceania to have a complete suite of virtual reality requirement.
technology at hand,
and simulation training equipment – including high-fidelity
ease of operation
mannequins programmed to respond physiologically to all The SDC’s technology solution also needed to include a Why AMX
for all users with
robust control system that would stand up to the demands They chose AMX products on the recommendation of its
treatments or interventions.
simple navigation placed on a working medical facility. Due to the complexity of installer, SpaceAge Communications, knowing its staff was
through touch the project and the technology at hand, ease of operation for completely conversant and confident with the capabilities
Based at the Herston Campus in Brisbane, Australia, the SDC
panels and user all users with simple navigation through touch panels and user needed to make the centre’s practical applications a reality. In
provides healthcare professionals – doctors, nurses and allied
interfaces was a interfaces was a key requirement of the system. total SpaceAge, a design consultant and systems integrator
health professionals – in Australia and the Asia Pacific, with with offices in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, installed 11
key requirement of
tools and training to improve their practical skills and enhance AMX NI-4000 NetLinx® Integrated Controllers and 11 AMX
the system.
the quality of patient care.

Children’s Hospitals, Direct Patient Care, Emergency Room Security / Safety, Facility Equipment Monitoring, Medical Libraries, Networked Campuses, Operating Room Carts, Patient Records Management, Remote Video Consultations, Research Communications, Surgical Procedures Training

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