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Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Subjective Impaired Physical Short Term Independent Short Term

“Nahihirapan ang Mobility related to (Partially met)
anak ko sa pagkilos at joint pain evidenced After 4 hours of Assess the child’s Restricted
lagi nya sinasabi na by difficulty in nursing intervention After 4 hours of
mama ang sakit walking limited energy level and movement
the patient will start nursing intervention
pagkumikilos ako” ROM, Facial grimace to move ability to perform brought about by the patient will able to
and pain scale 7/10 independently within ADL. the joint pain start independently
Objective the limit of disease affects the ability within the limit of
Facial grimace and reports pain at to perform ADLs disease and reported
Limited ROM less level of 4 to 5 on pain at less level of 4
Pain scale 7/10
Provide joint support effectively.
a 0 to 10 rating scale using pillows. to 5 on a 0 to 10
rating scale
Pillows can be used to
stabilize a joint and to
minimize the risk of
Long Term
pressure ulcers.
Provide client with Long Term
After 8 hours of sufficient time to
nursing intervention (Goal met)
accomplish Maximize the
the patient will
perform activity mobility-related child’s After 8 hours of
independently within activities and commitment and nursing intervention
the limit of disease encourage to rest participation in the the patient will able to
and reports pain at performed activity
in between. activity; Promotes independently within
less level of 1 to 2 on
conservation of the limit of disease
a 0 to 10 rating scale
energy and and reports pain at
Assist with passive decrease fatigue. less level of 1 to 2 on
ROM exercises as a 0 to 10 rating scale
tolerated. Maintains and
improves joint
function, muscle
strength, and overall
Provide instruction stamina.
in the use of
appropriate Use of adjunct
assistive devices as devices assist the
indicated. client during
ambulation and
enhances safety
while walking.
Encourage intake of
foods such as salmon, These food items help
tuna, whole grains, strengthen mobility
carrots. and maximize energy

Administer pain
reliever like To reduce pain and
paracetamol fever


Repeat laboratory test

To know if the effect
of drug therapy work

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