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Alok Vidyashram

Unit test

Subject - English

1st Session
Class IX (CBSE) Time: 30 minutes
Full marks: 15
I. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).
1) It is misleading to suppose there's any basic
difference between education and entertainment;
this distinction ____ relieves people of the
responsibility of looking into the matter.
A) merely A
B) availability
C) recently
D) unpleasantly
E) extensively
2)The criminal, according to the average man, is simply
a scoundrel who has ____ chosen to break the law.
A) deliberately. A
B) reluctantly
C) elaborately
D) luckily
E) potentially
3)History and contemporary events ____ leave no doubt
that man is a killer. No type of creature in addition to
man engages in systematic destructive war against
other groups of the same species.
A) deliberately
B) reluctantly
C) elaborately
D) luckily
E) unfortunately A
4)____ the committee is planning to finish and actualize
the project by the end of this year.
A) Mourningly
B) Willingly
C) Hopefully
D) Lately A
E) Conditionally

5) I can ____ remember his name, it's been years since I

spoke to him last.
A) quite
B) frankly
C) hardly A
D) simply
E) badly

6) What have you done ____?

A) nowadays
B) these days
C) recently A
D) still
E) up to date

7)You should give me ____ information about his

identity in case I don't recognize him.
A) far
B) a little
C) further A
D) many more
E) less

8)____ he is a good runner but I have never watched

him run a race.
A) Apparently A
B) Luckily
C) Fortunately
D) Doubtfully
E) By looking
9) You are not allowed into the casino ______ you are under 21 years old.
A) Unless A B)if

10) My mother will cook______ they decide to eat out.

A) unless B) if A

11) I should be there by 11 o'clock ________ I don't catch any traffic.

A) unless B) if A

12) I should be there by 11 o'clock ________ I catch a lot of traffic.

A) unless A B) if

13) The show should start at 9:30 _________ they changed the schedule.
A)unless A B)if

14) ________ they behave, those children are not welcome here.
A)unless A B)if

15)She ________________ that the lucky draw winner was Maggie Leung.
A) informed
B) announced A
C) advised

16)The CEO ______________ taking bribes of over a million dollars.

A) refused
B) admitted A
C) agreed

17)They _______________ that they had been misled by the advertisement.

A) proposed
B) complained A
C) assured

18)During the meeting, the chairman ______________ setting up a special committee to

investigate waste.
A) invited
B) declared
C) proposed A

19)The salesman ______________ them to buy three new flats.

A) persuaded A
B) argued
C) proposed

20)He _____________ taking the train as the traffic was terrible.

A) invited
B) claimed
C) suggested A

II. Short Answer Questions (SAQs) (5*1=5)

Discuss what these phrases mean to you.

I) A yellow wood

II) It was grassy and wanted wear

III) The passing there

IV) Leaves no step had trodden black

V) How way leads on the way

2nd session
Class IX (CBSE) Time: 30 minutes
Full marks: 15

I. Very Short Question Answers (VSQAs) (10*0.5=5)

A. Some verbs of reporting are given in the box. Choose the appropriate verbs and fill in
the blanks in the following sentences.

were complaining shouted replied

Remarked ordered suggested

I) ‘‘I am not afraid,’’____________ the woman.

II) ‘‘Leave me alone,’’ my mother _______________ .
III) The children ______________that the roads were crowded and noisy.
IV) ‘‘ Perhaps he isn’t a bad sort of a chap after all,’’ ___________ the master.
V) ‘‘Let’s go and look at the school ground,’’ __________ the sports teacher.
VI) The traffic police ________ all the passers-by to keep off the road.
B. Tick the right answer.

1. When we take to something, we find it (boring/interesting).

2. When we appreciate something, you (find it good and useful/find it of no use).
3. When we replicate something , you do it (for the first time/for the second time).
4. When we come to terms with something, it is (still upsetting/no longer upsetting).

II. Short Answer Questions (SAQs) (5*2=10)

A) What kind of teachers did Margie and Tommy have?

B) Did Margie have regular days and hours for school? If so, why?

C) How does Tommy describe the old kind of school?

D) Who helped Evelyn to continue with music? What did he do and say?

E) In what ways did Kezia’s grandmother encourage her to get to know her father better?

3rd session
Class IX (CBSE) Time: 30 minutes
Full marks: 15
I. Short Answer Questions (SAQs) (3*1=3)

Tick the right answer.

Bismillah Khan’s feeling about positive negative neutral
1. a) Teaching children music
b) The film world
2. a) Migrating to the U.S.A
b) Playing at temples
3. a) Getting the Bharat Ratna
b) The banks of the Ganga

II. Long Answer Questions (LAQs) (4*3=12)

A) How does the guru manage to save his disciple’s life? (In the Kingdom of Fools)

B) Why does the grandfather take Toto to Saharanpur and how? Why does the ticket
collector insist on calling Toto a dog? ( The Adventure of Toto)

C) What do you think happens in the end? Does the child find his parents? (The Lost Child)

D) Please write the format of a formal letter as mentioned in the book, “Beehive”.

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