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Signature Assignment Part 3 Questionnaire for Directed Interviews (remember

you need to interview at least 3 People) -Many of these questions came from Matthew
Adams, who took this course in Spring, 2018, thanks, Matt :0)-


Name (and signature if possible) of cultural consultant (person being interviewed) Note: you do not
need to giveyour real name if you do notwantto): e)6b _ s-\cLMcxhore uv`c\vci`\clt>Le~,, (C\v`\'`\Vng \'` \{y\d\

Does the cultural consultant give permission for this informatl.on to be used in a research paper?


1 What language/languages do you speak?

Lyl9\\Sin C\\,`\`¢\_.

Are there any words your culture/subculture uses that are specific to your group (focal
\t`-, e, €,,-\\c\itc> \z\L s,If;c,~c`\<:,s

Human Rights

What do you believe to be the most basic human rights?

L\c, b€`,'\-L\/C`> \yl CICCCSS +a t6C\d, iuci+€{, civ`c{

dyu,\l" "\f.~\ '!+a -LzifL, t'`+l^C+C,+ \L¢`S\C~ \^'j,Lcoyi ( toj`n+`,

L\L c\\<,o <.c`tc. `\n€c\\i\,|cci`"^`. ',\t-C"J\c`` \1?€ a.

Do you feel your culture/subculture's human rights are being met in our current society?
Wrry Ntry r\at:2

NO, he th-\v\ks P+`wu\-\Cc,i 't=, ,`rq io\<iL, +\€ cuc`i`,

ihar{`` c` i:,`` r`+ f`'fc`;i'-``i~ i`J.''-`''`'`r¢: ~J'``'``~ t

`;tF+" \vi wh-tc_h h,c C€€\` Cl{Cn+ b€`m9 rm_+

?&0\Oke ,rlG~{d \r\Lc\\+hcrt`,,€ + ,\`{`\{Cf .
Race, Racism, Ethnicity, and Nationalism

What race or ethnicity do you belong to?

\T\C `\S b\ock-

Do you feel your race or ethnicity is valued in our current society? Why/Why not?

ulo -\^EL €Lc``js-p€opu~ c\y'€7~n+ Vc*`\\\,€d `z'\ ojc\,,\_.~ty~c^.L

9€C)Plc C\YC t``,€`€,\''`\ C\<| CT(3\!C1\' `''{,:,,`'\f~ tf,o{`cj, o\u}(,ir-_',€.

lf you are an American citi.zen, how proud are you to be an American? lf you are a citi.zen of
another country, how proud are you to be so?

L\c doesn`+ JV\`\v\k Avuut\cci -\S` +\^L i,oc>v<-+ s\v\cjL

+heve~ civ'c |dc>{€C COJuy\iii,{.r. , \`t3\jJ \f\Q_, \<ity'\:+ Pit'jucl<
CL>w\c|. \ulc ¢n`ou`'td `yje d`o`w`8 `rJxp{L€y.

On a scale of 1-10, if you were travelling abroad, how open would you be about being a
citizen of your country? (1 = very hesitant / 10 = very open)
\\/\|`. L\| ScN`s \^4 w\H q{+ St``c\w~d `\+

?ec>P14, \¢Jr\ow \J`c\\u`„ +\ \'\z\,u' \Cc\n , o\ \ o{rj\o€€:(`'`k_``dt'\C\v?:,J€

Do you feel comfortable with people immigrating into the United States? Why/Why not?

Hc C_c>i]\d flo+ cci{& lAss, ac. \oi``S c:is

+Vue*`ye c\icor\i '\p€opLe

Gender and Sexuality

What gender do you align with?

+\e, ci\-\crs c\s c` mcli~,

On a scale of 1-10, how supportive are you of progressive gender rules that challenge
traditional norms of gender and sexuality? (1 = not at all supportive / 10 = very
Why do you feel this way?

ue sciu`c. \f);\C' b€ffiusc `'th `4£t€`c_,`r``Tt cc\ve,, c\s

\c`v`cj c\s -\Vu``5`" ,`ci \\YICW^\\ncj/&bu<~inGj Gj``\rf`{`,qs

How would you identify sexually? (straight, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, etc.)

Hc \dry`+it\€` cic> €+"L\cty\+

How open minded are you about sexuality in general?

Hc scujs \^u:¢ p{€+++tr c>p€n-in-`v`cLld,

How big of a role do you believe males play in u. S. society? How big of a role do you believe
females play in U. S. society?

MQus hcavc a b-i8cjc(' vole, \-\c tcc\s +Viug, had c\

`'tc\<,k{ <,icui`` .\v` c~c,i-`€i+dr , c~O Lu6vuuryi hf^vf`.

|c rJ{J /.,,C.,,\-i ,,:, ,

What type of role do males play in your culture/subculture? How big of a role do females

+\€ sc\L\,s i+ crfup€vids. in h'\±* \cwfty\`\\ud, h'\s

dcuA \r¥1cl\<¢s +\^u cLq.S.\c`6ns + u.c>t\<S , bu+

us`ci\\va +he uu6y\zun c\yc `n chcirGjc 0+
J,\u \v\oyu,|c.
Kinship, Family, and Marriage

How do you distinguish who your family is?

l\^Th hcIVC, +a Pciss Cl buy'Ch ot `'c\vec\cs`\ Lo

ScC `\{ J\"LL6 r\Ov`\l +\f`\¢¢, i'~\dvc.`\^+-clcjc o`v\c} `\+

+\u* uj\\\ bc +'viure, \-or h`\yv\.

Do you feel that family is strictly blood/marriage-related, or can family include others that
are not related by blood or marriage?

fci\rv\\\tt ccln \y`C\UdL Onwu ncJ+ (e\cikd

What are your personal views on marriage?

YOU Cf,w^ f}€J\- \'\n`f\`(i`(fd J{` L'J\y``\O€\Jfr ¥€W LA{}`v`t,

€¢ \`OviQ c\s \+ .\sy\\+ vyiorci\\tr bc,l,


Do your personal views on marriage vary from those of your culture/subculture?

\€S~ b\ack Peo\plQ~ V\c\vc b€{,n ci+

class and Inequality

What economic class do you identify as?

HL `\dunt`\+`\€S Cl` in.\c\dl4,-c,\cis>s

2 What economic class would you prefer to be in? Why?

up9€r ~ c\clss. ho{e~ vv\c>vu,ifr u~c,u\c\ b€~

l\\c,i , bi+ V\| C\t.`,Lr;€|n`l `u`1Cr\V`i i(,!'~t '/`v'\'ftycJ'1 yt^-C„`L{~Ld

3 Do you feel that you personc}`jy are treated with equality in our present society?

\¢s 4 No,`\+ dr\'j€nd€ ivj\\{{€: \tJu cjet,(Jr~. L\` sc\|js

vu ended up 3o.\VI5 +a ct fjc>C>c\ co(Le9c, bu+

pet)plc O`Ssun^Jl|± \r\EL uucls C(uw\b.

Do you feel that your culture/subculture is treated with equality in our present society?
WhyAvhy not?

\ic\{~d V\O. H-\s Cu`\+u`r€_ ic_ +r€``€1+€c,{ \`\tLQ_. C`

PY`\CJl, +OIC}. ~~ ''P€opb uuC\V\v`\C\ \.)i, b\\C\fLki \AI`i{''`.y'``Ou+

`v-c\`v`c6 c`jt\cic.i. "

Economy, Politics, and Power

What do you do to make a living?

\+a do€<j CO\\ipL-L€f f-LUG+ -O^Wh\V\% Ov\d €V€rtlth\viq

What do other members of your culture/subculture do to make a living?

P€ Salts o\v``th.`vlg c^nd €V€,Th`{ncj~-cfl .\c>+

c){ t2€-G`{jli c\`t i `nc`4.t'\c\i,jyrfuem.

Who do you believe holds power in our society?

|\^+i r.\cJri \r\C>\C\S Poi^je_~r, '`\^MC> cf,iy~€s

C`fy3cjL,+ ,,y\O,,Ca\`C`, H,,lyru~,rT` {`.,5c,;\\L, fcm
r\,<~+ LL,,I ~,€c"-*Le-?``
4Religion Do you feel you (or your culture/subculture) have power in our society? Why/Why not?

NO-i\^,Lldr, e,\tjn`+ \ncT`u{ ciicjucjin I,y`c,v.`.,Qi¢ €i.

'tj`,,{.fi\.`.„„ L\{ clo€t,n.+ T'`r\`{y`!c tJ'v`L, rc`t`(+1 c`cin

pr`c\'`cj' ci'```t` +V`ng_ `uo{_c2_i+h `

How do you identi.fy politically?

tlQ, `\dun++\€s c`_s* \`\bQ.(cLl.

How does your culture/subculture usually tend to identify politi.cally?

uc scL`s drmc>crcL+ic, uy`ics<. +\^riy€-

C,+itf-;`i`c\ +'V``€,n i`/``lij`{€ {~ i-rJtu`i-J\-i,c~cen.

1 Do you prach.ce any religion? lf so, what religious beliefs do you have?

He_ doesn`l Prc\cticjL cln# re\tq\on,

Do you regularly participate in any religious/magical/supersti.ti.ous rituals?

No Vun~ cli)eLsvi`\

How important are your religious beliefs to you?

1vV\pe{+cwii , b`+ \r\A~ clocsn\+ prcic;ric4.

Health and Illness

What type of medical care do you feel most comfortable with?

\ic \\\<ues rviod&~{~n \r\ngjci\+'hccir€.

What do you (or members of your culture/subculture) do if a loved one gets sick (hospital,
holistic medicine, blessings, healings)?

HC Sot!c. .\i€, `rjcic~`{Jd c>n ncjuo {\c\zi -'i`-\/iLi¢ cire,

l\^L \~2C>orcr \?€'opl¢ \`;.<>ufi```l{~ '\L7icuj , 0{ i'io "vG"jcloo,\`

.L``j,`\LL i \C\u`, r.:,.`,\C`fL,< r.,,f{,[{,,``4. \`\F§.\],` qo +a C{C>C+OTS

Art and Media

What types of music do you listen to, or play?

\iG \\\c€s to \\€ten to evcruTh\n8 CxapT coun+T8 ,

What types of music do other people in your culture like to listen to or play?

Rcip t h.\p-hc>p, iirdTb , |s\anctot-, ThsT_`an`c .

Do you appreciate other forms of art such as TV, movies, books, etc.? If so, what kinds?

\{s, \on \ou€s t\\wns, c~ciyTh.\cs, Lr\`/\ci t>ctoks,

Do members of your culture/subculture create art?

V{s, oL ,o+ C,l .,+-

Signature Assignment Part 3 Questl.onnaire for Directed Interviews (remember
you need to interview at least 3 People) -Many of these questi.ons came from Matthew
Adams, who took this course in Spring, 2018, thanks, Matt :0)-

Name of student anthropologist (person conductingthe interview): \<calng N Ouan<ScnG}si

Name (and signature if possible) of cu[tura] consultant (person being interviewed) Note: you do not
need to give your real name if you do not want to):
3 Cic\< sC3vi
Does the cultural consultant give permission for this information to be used in a research paper?



What language/languages do you speak?

r\G e>{7er\<C~ Llnti6 oV\JL , rLJ^Q\\S,A

Are there any words your culture/subculture uses that are specifi.c to your group (focal
language)? What are they, and what do they mean?

No+h\Vlcj cavvu,a -;'t! j\jLlot\a'+

Human Rights

What do you believe to be the most basic human rights?

l\^A, (\¢\ii to '`Ou f{St\-Jco+Cd,

Do you feel your culture/subculture's human rights are being met in our current society?
WhyAvhy not?

NO, \¥`dL {C€`^S ``;L\\.{L i\/|L, ./0`_SJ `\i.f7£'H ``';'`C:{`¢ ij€`{/VI a

J-;t,-`\t ,`4 ~"ojL , tie, tee,\s +hcit pQ\\Cu \pvrty+chi+ud

\S 3+\\\ Cjc-wlc) <-+yc\n8; \J|+ P€Opl¢ JrY`A +a \3y\oVC \tJ

Race, Racism, Ethnicity, and Nationalism

What race or ethnicity do you belong to?

He, \s b\tlcL,

Do you feel your race or ethnicity is valued in our current society? Why/Why not?

NO, a \dr ot b\acl< p€oDLe \ilc\vc \u€cii <„d {J\¢!

i:J{-`` i'~i, i,`i{'`/\J `'{ +`,0;; `.,\,{`{c~ {,,i`}'"fL , -:JJ'i.{" L`}ot`| cj

/." !`) ''`\ ,`r{`-

lf you are an American citizen, how proud are you to be an American? lf you are a citl.zen of
another country, how proud are you to be so?

o`L,+ i`z\|, `n,`'\:,\```'; ~,`t I",t`,t -t:~-zz3\~¢ +`hHzicis ,:\\c, .y`ri'cA~, ih

F\.`V.U`{,i;(fl, i" I"I/`\tL, `uuC\\,I 1Jrf.,L`..) -'{fc`-;I {'t:1r~h

.`+. i,

` !` ,, i,..`,.`,.\ .-,,-- i c-A:` '

On a scale of 1-10, if you were travelling abroad, how open would you be about being a
citi.zen of your country? (1 = very hesitant / 10 = very open)
'/`0, Hc u®c>i!\d ptobclbiu sciuj h4¢ C/ivio`c\ian \ns+Led,

Do you feel comfortable with people immigrating into the United States? Why/Why not?

Yes, it yLJu \,Nci\zi+ +u c4\„u \fJu" ''\!'tAtryv\ v§ou

``:`j,,n("` \'r\ ,i,Jf: ft`,,tJ,`J:- J``(),

Gender and Sexuality

What gender do you align with?

\iu 0.\\\qvIS 0< 0` MO`U-

On a scale of 1-10, how are you of progressive gender rules that challenge
traditl.anal norms of gender and sexuality? (1 = not at all / 10 = very
Why do you feel this way?

\C},`'i(``t -t)oU shou\c\ do uJhcitw{,r mci\C4cs VIu

coynhar+haul sO \OvTa c\c` t+ OLO€svtl hu„ ci\^gryuL

How would you identify sexually? (straight, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, etc.)

Ht, \drti+-\{<, ois etr~ci\qnt.

How open minded are you about sexuality in general?

V€yth oapon ~ m\r\dr,cF

How big of a role do you believe males play in U. S. society? How big of a role do you believe
females play in u. S. society?

N\O`trf plau a b\cjojcy toll_ +hc`n c<~mcLLes

What type of role do males play in your culture/subculture? How big of a role do females

funci|Ls hc`VC W\or€_~ 'PC`Lu€," jr_`i.ciLii p€c,pLe cHc

IMo`fc \O\,c4t.`rd J~-O \'.```.`\+." it. -Lh`S`r \,,tL*\OlyLt

i '`tt^ c,\ (_;{t`cir,L

Kinship, Family, and Marriage

How do you distinguish who your family is?

q€opU Who Otc b(oc>d-re\o`Led c\,`v`d +h`osc \ulho

\nc\vL b€.c.,r\ `^lo<`,€. +G `\r\,'\`nn (\c„ f` \t.`na, +t,rvtr

Do you feel that family is strictly blood/marriage-related, or can family include others that
are not related by blood or marriage?

fun\\i} ec`v'i \v\c\i,c(L i\t\_t!st \.,i[vve c\\€ ,I,"„ `\3\Ot)c';"€ltcii{d.

What are your personal views on marriage?

Tis +\v\4, \^i\s \^c+ (-or v\o\' C\So\~\y`s+ .,+.

Do your personal views on marriage vary from those of your culture/subculture?

Yt€~\try 'pe€'ic_ -\\3``\f\-er ``{`i ?+ 1J€f,ri~li `\fu

`€`'61f\.`JS %1 I,i,'fuf led f}€~t'c`!`'`,`S€ ~''~ 'C-"T`AuJ{'``>1fch-

f-;:.i`,, I, I:-i ,,: A

Class and Inequality

What economic class do you identify as?

\+c `\dun+`\Cit,S c\s \c>uugr w\`iddLL clcis` `

2 What economic class would you prefer to be in? Why?

M\cldu, c~\ass bcccius€ ljou Ytylc\\ce~ €nou9h

ytyicunl +c\ \Dc ct,m\t,\\'+c`bLe,

Do you feel that you persona/'y are treated with equality in our present society?

:x°;+p,ttl -(-cY :C,i:Li€"`:,,?d, r\" <-£\+J
"al - -L,,i,,oi|yvAs

Do you feel that your culture/subculture is treated with equality in our present society?
WhyAvhy not?

N()i \,fa",`J, ly`,-i,1((,,,:-,,, " .frL. rf-,,- C,,I,"

p:'+oT;Vt\q(9{try;,jc,\`,`,:V i ;\{ M:,,:J;` ::,J`,` 'fiJL`:1:z°~¥ fr ,+`'J{ C CIU<-a

Economy, Politics, and Power

1 What do you do to make a living?

T\+ ch€s -|1' ,,it,Lf;`t:i<

What do other members of your culture/subculture do to make a living?

A \ot o+ h\s +{\end€ wc>(`i< `\v` i€£V\\`^`.`\ca`\ suppc>`/+

Who do you believe holds power in our society?

TJ<Je€{ ¥-;€~4c;s. Thu b`i\\.\o`flc\-\v'ts.

4 Do you feel you (or your culture/subculture) have power in our society? Why/Why not?

No, \^u fcc\c \.\k+ ci \\c+ ot V\\S

Ou'\+utcI O\`0\\ni \s \ivus-0\i,}^ \CjvI4y€Cl

How do you identify politically?

L\t, .\chnh`~\€s e\s drv\^ocf`clt+\c.

How does your culture/subculture usually tend to identify politl.cally?

lwhtt \drtiFi/ cis cunocrcit\c.


1 Do you practice any religion? lf so, what religious beliefs do you have?

H€ de€c,vi+ i+\t'\c,+icjL Oyv,S \€\t¢j\tot,'\

Do you regularly participate in any religious/magical/superstitious rituals?

T\t de€S v\ot

How important are your religious beliefs to you?

N°+ VIYW \tJ€CC\usc \l'u hcIC3 \^<y\4

Health and IIlness

What type of medical care do you feel most comfortable with?

Modju{ y~\ `ivlrdic,\v\L .\c_ wvici+ \^ALs VVIOS+ C,c)m€-or+c\'bLe

uo.\+vi bcc-ciu<.e, i\^urj w€n+ -;'0 c.c\,ioc>`\ Tio{ `\+.

What do you (or members of your culture/subculture) do if a loved one gets sick (hospital,
holistic medicine, blessings, healings)?

his +c^m,\\id u`ou\d c)\vc, `,A-'\ -c,,i,)," -J-U\n on

+\^U huvh\d-\+-\{"-, c{\\L+ 'i\ife+ \v`tw\ ``tuo\i\(A ~\V.

Art and Media

What types of music do you listen to, or play?

H€ i)\orys 8ulat c\y`d ento\|<3 \\S+{JVM| .\-a rot-\c

What types of music do other people in your culture like to listen to or play?
-1\^~uj €`r'1joij RNB , pop, c\v\d rock

Do you appreciate other forms of art such as TV, movies, books, etc.? lf so, what kinds?

tr \-\\% t€od.\r¢j a:nd uun+c,h\hGj i^\c>v" C>

Do members of your culture/subculture create art?

Y{s, cl \o+ of fi`r+

Signature Assignment Part 3 Questionnaire for Directed Interviews (remember
you need to interview at least 3 People) -Many of these questions came from Matthew
Adams, who took this course in Spring, 2018, thanks, Matt :0)-

Name of student anthropologist (person conduct.n8the interview): 4Qu` N oU QVA €sfty `Cj s ¥

Name (and signature if possible) of cultural consultant (person being interviewed) Note: you do not
need to giveyour real name if you do notwantt°): Cciub

Does the cultural consultant give permission for this information to be used in a research paper?


1 What language/languages do you speak?

HL speci\<s Enq\-\S`h 6n\uj.

2 Are there any words your culture/subculture uses that are specific to your group (focal
language)? What are they, and what do they mean?

H€ SC\ujs i\^L N'ufuo\d .\s cc,ii,`iMc;n, J~`§ a V{rsatiLc

word, ujou can Use I+ \n bYms 0( €Vlcttcirvuiuy`„ \\\ee

HumanRigqh9sdY€SC\nc} ljour {t`\€}`+d UJ\+h C\ "rv---c\," oy more

V\o<i\l+ v.\+h c^ \nc\\rd :z` c^+ +'Vlu c,jici, l\AIre,
1 What do you believe to be the most basic human righ-t-sT``
c\y~c pcc>pte -\v` +vu
Thu b-i\\ ot {.\qy\+s, p€opte <>houid
CU\t-uyc~ `ulho ctc)yi\+ \`\`!Ct
\rty c\bu +c~t {xpy€~s£ JivA,utVAs€\v€i
i,{~\ ``jc,C -`\ cut CLl\
€JCIL€LA, , €v€n w`\+h cl\Ctrcv€V1+ OPM(OVIS. t\L

2 Do you feel your culture/subculture's human rights are being met in our current society?
Wrfury Nhry ndrp.

HC\rd T\o, 6\C`c,k lucwun Cfii7i.i have +ha`y vici+urcul

\nch\`f Uj{`+hou+ `!i `!j€„,icj Li\ ''d\stic\ci\Dn\\ truth P€8Pdr

w"c fuc\\`\m} @\cic,k Lly" Fvitn{i~tt, tt+hay `,`€c„;;,'``j~ l'`J€v'€-ky`\V`9

+o w\cT\\ee \+ 1>o\\i\Cch -sC\i\h9 ALL \`\v€s ytici+tor.
Race, Racism, Ethnicity, and Nationalism

1 What race or ethnicity do you belong to?

``+rL, ;:z,i!"!Cj€ +{j -`V\j_ ,''!tulirl/!{fiy'i `l'`r,1C4 , `+€``€ `bictc£-,

\ou+ copris`'curs `"`\y\^is€.if ` "`

`rl'tj`fTic]`ri fn' s.+. L~tr 'y,~£:,.`¥€}`\+s

QTC ttc>m Hth\`+\, bu+ llclu+ .`ira :1 `r`¥'ilLlng pciT Ot

:-,.\`, +\ `t.i,,.` ,.-, " i ,,, i,.; ,-:. iul i { s

Do you feel your race or ethnicity is valued in our current society? Why/Why not?

NO, 'yii +t{``Lc. I,'`''+, `\v`vo\v€w|ftyn+ iotr +be'l+ b\a`C,k fommunr+L/

{yom L^rivitr cljL+lr€3 /,J`:,c.i,`_-,'p'`:+ -"c=L,L`:{tzi Jc, {L+c.} -:sk`'\i`+ r€c{`t !i:/ +`!fl`ngj€ ,
DeopLc i.tU bc Cbi,\ck +a yci\(to to,+h +\^i €/+6PA\S-tan IT~
'`hfJ\v<to«,M+, L3\j+ c\r€.zL 4d\j`c,k t{, cho So Loi+n +ha b;\c:4Cf r{,lil;

:fnyo°t::rr:oaunn:r7,e:i:;npcrj:.::na'r:°y:uP::-ubdeasroe?you t° be an American? lf you are a citl.zen of Ly\ (+I

N(,,i g`i fli,L

On a scale of 1-10, if you were travelling abroad, how open would you be about being a
citizen of your country? (1 = very hesitant / 10 = very open)

a,`\o. \^+s vic`+ Clad to bc~ P\z\zlur'iccn bu+

\on i,c6\`i\ ``Oc J'\^4, {~.\\s+ jo cLf{L,i 't^{jc,

P\vour-\ C Cl h .

Do you feel comfortable with people into the United States? Why/\^/hy not?

+-\€S I"v`i Lui{h 'J€oplc Commcj ``Z\rfurc, bu+

oT ;h;i:cq+h°;tnd +'f+(h°;i+ ,+dsc '`;arsd€~€-+o°°°/a

`mc\kc ,+ +-a

Gender and Sexuality

What gender do you align with?


On a scale of 1-10, how supportive are you of progressive gender rules that challenge
traditional norms of gender and sexuality? (1 = not at all supportive / 10 = very suppord`ve).
Why do you feel this way?

\iu fie,\s \\\<t c*+ ci pcF!\.+, iJ€aplu `\cluri+'f Lj`mcj cLs

C` ''doq`` c>r Cr\ `'c,c\i" -Its +i"i t'``!lrJ'L but CjJirL€riL~u!s€
•`+ c`utc.-:,'i,i~ `yj,.r_I;y,.t:`..E, `r`:`,y7L ci/lo

How would you identify sexually? (straight, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, etc.)
\+'\t,c \drntt+-t€S cicL <,+-¢cri-\cj`\n`r.

How open minded are you about sexuality in general?

IT€\s open-vtylindec( GAS ttonq cx`s tl

\S C,Oyls€yl+UCL/l -

How big of a role do you believe males play in U. S. society? How big of a role do you believe
females play in U. S. society?

\Mcluts P\CIVA A \Civ'Cjc, yoke, '\:tr_j`iziclLAs c)\re

+\nu u\1sPo\cft,n \^jL"g£. tuGvizuun S€€ i f£|+-Ch

Cl c!,(.,i `:``1: ::,dt.,. {,.~ -


Toy +\^u V110S+ PC\l+, +\ou Scur\zl4 C\S +A`

Prcv``ols CW€s+ton Woirizu,n vlbr+urc Clmc*

VMut~h O`(0\/'\C`u, {o¥ +:`/tut i£\yfy"iuj

l{inship, Family, and Marriage

How do you distinguish who your family is?

l\^Lr€s ti^1o uociij€. b\6od-r€\cited c>v|d

ijour c,hose,r tclyn\\#, \`\(k:+ +HTLyic{s~?€apuL u`ho

uu`\\\ TC\kLe~ Cciy't c>t u¢c,,u.

Do you feel that family is strictly blood/marriage-related, or can family include others that
are not related by blood or marriage?

fc"t cc\n `ylcz\uCL¢ \,Mho€v€r \5cu Loc\ni, fami\uj

-\<, \.\ \j€+kr +hclvi F{t€hds, but
lj6u CC`n S+(i(
Cons`\cfuLr {¥'€\vids +a ++€~ \c{giv"ill.

What are your personal views on marriage?

7€opL doyl`+ lylcivq +a \giv€ yTIclw¥J, <-_vu (orfj

ff``~> ``L,!L,+" '\Jct+i+ifs ..~A'r{:. fin c\€rce~yvurit, \lets

C`P€y\ k) +\^,u \c`uci ot mclrriacj€.

Do your personal views on marriage vary from those of your culture/subculture?

\€s~ `y` \+ciitic~n cu`i+iv€ \J<: {Tc"`fuynod upc>in tcjy

C,c`\,izu. c~.€v /\.J`f{"`OC}€ , J`y`i
b\ac<{t` , +wi~€8,
`r.```' Ctf~ i ;' , ,'.,

```Z •f)L\,,``i 1?i:,.¥ (

Class and Inequality

What economic class do you identify as?

Lb \drti+i,i &€3 lou.u€t -nJ`Hc{a{lEL ci,\f+€>s

2 What economic class would you prefer to be in? Why?

upqcr vyi`\ddLe clciss fo \`ou'` fcim{--o{+abti, bu+.

not dr6ton-maj ``fn yVI¢iJ'ouj,

Do you feel that you personc}`ly are treated with equality in our present society?

qc¥sonao# , vi6 b'ui Jtir!cii c{`¢€`uii+ I,zLO'~¢`coi

+.fyirfu d\t,cut,€syj{+,.,f ,i,„.,„ i ,,,,, `,~-, ` i" f`;t,J,,!3 t„ , ,+„{

`V\+, €U y'Ou|tds \yi`\rvis€,t'\{ 'L,`+'`,z\ ,I,'``t'€~ `,i',i,#~~ `v:r"'rdrd_

Do you feel that your culture/subculture is treated with equality in our present society?
WhyAvhy not?

(I,Dnsu\ton+ Luciyihd ia <-\<`\p +v`.\s cbues+toyl \

Economy, Politics, and Power

1 What doyou do to make a living?

u` oi sc+iLuc\{c eynoivu€ r

What do other members of your culture/subculture do to make a living?

\`ife dt\€cj,+\; `{ft^H`{ Lit,,J`,c\\wt, +```z\`~i,'\d, c,\i\ `L,\`f t,\L{.~v€,r.

Who do you believe holds power in our society?

The peopuL to\+h +Vu VAcjsi VAoyutt,

Do you feel you (or your culture/subculture) have power in our society? Why/Why not?

|\^AJ|` fc>i\\d , `\t +\^jLd \Jciy`,did +t~\tjt-`'."vzuf`. \rtr

fee\s o+\^¢y Cc\wi\rir\uyi\+t€s \`Jc`nd Lc,w.,€+[vie~.r \r=;a+Let


How do you identify politically?

1)€mocrcii+\c,, b`+ +h\v\ts +hatl\rt a„ bctc\.

How does your culture/subculture usually tend to identi.fy politi.cally?

1+ clap€yids o!` +he\r c,\ciss, \Oto+r c\ciss ho

m\ddLe e,lcLss kv\d +a \rjc clc,moci/c7L+`c_ `L.ui

.,`\ \`\ ,`~,i,\,`," ,i+ {;r!f.,r, I,~t.;`cl`\<.> 'ro `L?t,`~ '/`~:`'``"`(CC{ir|,

Religion l\V\JL yv\Ci)a"`+b Cl\ a CIL\rHOct`CIL.(C.

Do you practl.ce any religion? lf so, what religious beliefs do you have?

th d~o€c. v\c>+

Do you regularly participate in any religious/magical/superstitious rituals?

u do€c> v\6+`

How important are your religious beliefs to you?

No+ `\W\pc>rto\vlt

Health and Illness

1 What type of medical care do you feel most comfortable with?

\+L v`ckv`+s €d`ccited t3€opl¢ to -\V€C|{ V``\m, suc~h

c\s doctors €,{\:\cQ~, +wh\t ,`,`,Lr±t,`,L{`,+ Ly,`\,,.\f,_j,f_ t:„

ti,'„:.,`-iT n --,:) ,,.k\)(-i ck:. -

What do you (or members of your culture/subculture) do if a loved one gets sick (hospital,
holistic medicine, blessings, healings)?
~" dapcncis on +wh qrouD ii<-e" The. \blctc± Comm"vet+a

i<3 vlrud c(\vcrsc cind thatr prci(,t-\cjL vuhatevcr

Art and Media

1 What types of music do you listen to, or play?

A w\de Vorn++tr , \Ott , lock, y`c`P, ct+fL4 rpap , €+i

Lkis v`6i i(€d c\o~ i(_` oV`L Sc,ro€~.

What types of music do other people in your culture like to listen to or play?

i`p\CouU* rf\r-i c`\~td €c)uL

Do you appreciate other forms of art such as TV, movies, books, etc.? If so, what kinds?

He, cxppr€c`\cite,s `ti cit\\\.

Do members of your culture/subculture create art?

p\toso\uh\va, , `€s ~ii;> Ov\4 cji \wh LuciL4s

+\^ft~ \O\C\C,k C6nmlHi`\hd, `L'S, C\Ji'jttr Jrci €*pr€s,<,

. ,```.,,nuLt{,rt.T<;C\VG` ,c= \hrough c\t+ c`Tv`d vThus`\C `

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