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Name: Trupti Nivrutti Deore

Specialization: Business Analytics

Roll No: 2k191133

Assignment- Article Review

Review: The purpose of this paper was to review the currency and financial
crisis models and their development over time in an attempt to understand why
the financial crisis of 2007 was not Predicted by previous models. Models
reviewed critically, and several basic issues Highlighted. The analysis of the
models led to a better understanding of the approaches adopted in their
development, it helped to understand the reasons why the models failed Capture
the crises of the modern economy. The causes of the financial crisis are multiple
but exemplary the financial crisis revolves around four generations of models.
The recent financial crisis has challenged Assumptions made mainly by
previous regulatory approaches, especially theory Logical and self-correcting
markets. It is difficult to understand governments in terms of fixed exchange
Policy know rates will eventually lead to a currency crisis. It seems that there
will be crises because of the market Participants are expected to implement
them, but the crisis in Asia is not as dire as the first Unlike second generation
models, it is not based on generational or macroeconomic temptation. Rather,
they are Caused by simple financial overcrowding and economic collapse.
Some recent models suggest crises May develop without significant change in
economic fundamentals. More specifically, the analysis highlights the fact that
each model adapted to specific conditions Explain the economic crises faced by
four generations rather than being visionary or planned Models. Crisis may
develop without significant change in economic fundamentals from policies
Agents usually respond to changes in the economy and consider these when
creating expectations. Therefore, any set of indicators together will not give all
the pictures of the system, but of course Interventions between indicators should
be followed. Common sense and essay trading based on rules Models may not
be sufficient to represent the original character. Agent suggests agent-based
modelling or remove fraudulent companies to avoid further crises.
In short, any set of indicators ‌ does not give all the images together, but is
interrelated Should be followed between indicators. When dealing with newer
models of advanced nonlinear behaviour, Small new activities are evident in
this area. It is clear from this analysis that there is a patchwork-like approach
Previously used after event evaluations of models. In addition, evidence of
longevity is scarce Term vision and therefore financial crisis modelling have not
been dealt with by researchers at any level of the philosophical approach. There
is no evidence or proof that a new way of thinking is currently emerging
Suggests a more complex dynamic and robust mathematical modelling
approach Followed. Clearly, more research is needed and more in-depth
analysis of crisis modelling is needed Especially financial crisis modelling. The
models analysed in this paper can do more In-depth actual data analysis. Such a
process would help the authors to understand other meanings Models. Future
research will examine this issue.

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