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Appraisal Of Feedback And Final Reflection

Defend and justify teaching strategies that you believe will have a positive impact on student learning in response
to the feedback :

The designed package was created to provide students, parents and teachers a positive guide to enhancing students
learning of the Cartesian plane. The feedback provided by both Aliceon and Terri informed me that overall they found
the designed package did meet those goals.
While the lesson plan itself may have been heavily embodied with information and activities, I believe it is at the
teachers discretion to use this lesson plan as a working guide with reference to the Australian Professional Standards
of Teachers Standard One: Know your students and how they learn. The lesson plan was designed to cover all aspects
of the subject material and through my designing I did personally acknowledge that some teachers may choose to split
this lesson into two parts. I have found over my teaching career that it is better to be over prepared rather than under
The gradual release model provided teachers with the opportunity to speed up and slow down the lesson by allowing
the teacher to analyse students understanding and adjust the plan to suit.

Adjustments or changes you would make to either the presentation or the resources in response to feedback :

More references to the summative task was addressed in the feedback and I do agree that focus on the summative
task was lacking in the presentation and resources. While the summative task was only vaguely mentioned as a
reference to the C2C goals, by incorporating more detail of the summative task into the presentation students would
have a clearer understanding of the learning goals.
Having students hand out work sheets while the teacher is giving instructions was addressed in the feedback as a
negative tool for engagement as students would be too invested in the job they are doing to listen to outside
instructions. This could be easily amended within the lesson plan by either having all worksheets handed out prior to
the activity by the teacher or the teacher stating the instructions once worksheets were handed out. Minimising time
during this task might also occur through the process of take one and pass it on rather than relying on two students to
hand out the worksheets.
Within the Video Lesson and the Profession Development Session Video feedback was provided regarding the lack of
visual representations. While feedback did state that the presentations were informative, audience attention was
disadvantaged by not having visual demonstrations to enhance the information provided aurally. More specifically it
was noted that during the Video Presentation to support parents and teachers visual representations of the
misconception or common mistakes the addition of an addition slide that displayed the incorrect answers with a cross
and the correct answer then shown with a tick. I agree that this would be more visually pleasing and assist those who
are more visual learners.

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