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Figure 1: Georgia State University Analytical Assessment Guide Page 1 of 1

Figure 1: Georgia State University Analytical Assessment Guide

Purpose Organization Evidence Clarity /

In The degree to which The degree to Selection of The extent to which
Assessing, the writer’s response which the writer’s valid, accurate, the paper exhibits
Considers Establishes and response and appropriate language
maintains a clear illustrates evidence appropriate to the
purpose Unity Accurate discipline
Demonstrates an Coherence connection Conventional
awareness of audience between claims mechanics
and task and evidence
Exhibits clarity of ideas

Consistently Establishes and Organized from Uses a variety of Few if any errors
maintains a clear, beginning to end appropriate
relevant purpose Logical evidence
Demonstrates a clear Transitions Uses vivid and
understanding of Consistent point effective/
audience and purpose of view relevant
Exhibits ideas that are evidence
developed in depth Connections are
Frequently Establishes a clear, Organized but Evidence is Some errors
relevant purpose may have minor elaborated and
Demonstrates an lapses in unity or appropriate
awareness of audience coherence Connections are
and purpose mostly clear
Develops ideas but may
be limited in depth
Sometimes Attempts to establish a Inconsistencies in Limited variety Multiple and or
clear, relevant purpose unity and or Inconsistent pattern errors
Demonstrates some coherence connections
awareness of audience Ineffective
and task transitions
Exhibits rudimentary Shift in point of
development of ideas view
Rarely No purpose or Disruptive or Little or no Errors are frequent
ambiguous purpose incoherent evidence and disruptive
Demonstrates minimal organization No or erroneous
awareness of audience Lacks connections
and purpose introduction or
Lacks clarity of ideas conclusion or

return to the Office of the Associate Provosts

11-30-00 2/17/2011

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