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Love&Lust 2019

The tuning process is actually fairly simple. It does however need to be performed with every copy of
the sigil that you print.

For tuning you will need a physical copy of the sigil, all digital copies remain unidirectional.

1. Print the sigil

2. Open some images on your phone/computer etc. of people you find attractive/arousing.
3. Place your non dominant hand (the hand you aren’t using for scrolling) on the sigil.
4. Think or say the word TUNE while directing your intention towards the sigil.
5. Scroll through the images and basically just try to get aroused, this will tune the sigil too
specific gender as well as the type of person/s you would preferably like to attract. Repeat it
3-5 times.

If you decide not to tune the sigil, it will affect everyone equally.

Specific Targeting:
In order to target specific people while you are out, identify the person/s you would like to single
out. Direct your attention to the sigil and think the word FOCUS, now look at your target. Keep your
attention on her for a couple of seconds (here it’s best to use your intuition, the sigil needs to lock
on, so when you feel that’s been accomplished you can look away).

Happy hunting, Blaze.

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