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Some people regard testing on animals as completely wrong and inhumane

and they believe is should not be allowed.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Animal experimentation is one of the most actual problems in these days,

especially this issues are discussed on Social Media. Although most people would
generally agree that it must be stopped, few people support this proses. I am
extremely against it, because I consider, these types of experimentations are
inhuman and cruelty.

First and foremost, animals' rights are violated when they are used in research,
and it is inhumane because if people were exposed to violence, they would claim
their right. Unfortunately, animals do not have such chance. Some reputable
professors and scientists support that animals have a basic moral right to
respectful treatment. This crucial value is not respected when animals are
reduced to being mere tools in a scientific experiment. Animals and people are
alike in many ways; they both feel, think, behave, and experience pain. So that is
why, animals should be treated with the same respect as humans.

Secondly, every year more than 100 million animals are tested and killed, in my
opinion, it is nothing but cruelty. Animals – especially rabbits, mice, cats and dogs
are subjected to tests by various cosmetic, medical or similar companies that are
often painful or cause permanent damage or death. Animals suffer fatal pain
when they subject to different kinds of experiments, for instance, injecting or
force-feeding animals with excessive harmful substances, exposing to radiation,
forcing animals to inhale toxic gases etc. Besides that even some experiments
require the animal to die as part of the test. For example, regulatory tests for
botox, vaccines, and some tests for chemical safety are essentially variations in
which 50% of the animals die.

In conclusion, when all things are considered, I strongly believe that synthetic
cellular tissue that closely resembles human skin should be used in these types of
experiments. Thus, animals would be protected and they would not be harmed.

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