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Physical activity is a vital part of our life.

It provides us with energy, gives numerous benefits for our

physical and mental health and, also, boosts our productivity, giving us time to relax our mind. Some
people think that workplace isn`t appropriate location for such activities, while others believe that
exercises would be very advantageous not only for employees, but also for businesses themselves. I feel
that giving to workers the opportunity to exercise would be a great idea because it will increase their
effectiveness and health quality.

First of all, physical activity is an amazing way to increase the quantity and quality of work. To start,
there are several researches that discovered a strong connection between the amount of breaks and the
amount of work done throughout the day. The found that with the increase of high-quality breaks
workers tend to work more and with more strength. Consequently, the business takes benefits from it
too. Physical activity, whether it is yoga, walking in the park or super-intensive workout, is a type of
relaxation because it makes us think only about our body and to forget everything else. Thus, it also
strengthens the concentration. To sum up, physical activity is good for our health.

Secondly, several companies already have included physical activity rooms and break rooms.
Somewhere workers might go there at particular time and at other places, such as Google or Microsoft,
employees might go there even at any time. These companies have also stated that in made a great
benefit for their productivity. In fact, several schools have combined study-time and exercises. For
example, schools in Japan have 1 or 2 hours of physical activity because it fills the brain with oxygen and
leads to better comprehension of subjects. That is my second reason, why I support this plan.

To conclude, including physical activity in worktime would lead to better working and health.

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