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第十一章 時態 (主動與被動)

□ 1. 過去進行式
□ 2. 現在完成式/現在完成進行式
□ 3. 過去完成式
□ 4. 未來完成式
□ 5. 沒有被動式的 take place(發生或舉行)(=happen / occur)

一看到考時態題目時,首先應先明瞭是簡單句( simple sentence)還是複雜句
(complex sentence)。
(1) 若是簡單句→ 可由句首或句尾的「時間副詞」或句中的線索(如頻率副詞、
(2) 若是複雜句→ 可比較兩個子句中「動詞動作時間」的關係。
註:(1) 簡單句→ 通常句子含一個主詞和一個動詞;又有時用對等連接詞
(如:and, but, or)等連接後,形成多個主詞或動詞。
(2) 複雜句→ 句子與句子常用從屬連接詞連接,形成三大子句,如名詞子
(3) 解題時要考慮主動、被動(亦即主詞與動詞間)的關係:
主動(→ 表主詞發出動作,謂之主動)
*句子(sentence)→ 主詞+動詞
被動(→ 表主詞接受動作,謂之被動)
例:(1)(主動)Look!They are raising the flag. (看!他們在升旗。)
(被動)Look!The flag is being raised. (看!升旗正在被升起。)
注意:raise a flag(升旗)(→ raise 是及物動詞,作「舉起」解。)
(2)(主動)Look!The sun is rising above the mountains.
(被動)無(因為 rise 是不及物動詞,故沒有被動式。)

語態 主 動 語 態 被 動 語 態

1. 現 在 現在式動詞 is +Vpp
2. 過 去 過去式動詞 was +Vpp
3. 未 來 shall +Vrt shall +be+Vpp
will will
am am
4. 現在進行 is +Ving is +being+Vpp
are are
5. 過去進行 was +Ving was +being+Vpp
were were
6. 未來進行 shall +be+Ving X
7. 現在完成 have +Vpp have been+Vpp
has has
8. 過去完成 had +Vpp had been +Vpp
9. 未來完成 shall +have+Vpp shall have been+Vpp
will will
10. 現在完成進行式 have +been+Ving X
11. 過去完成進行式 had been+Ving X
12. 未來完成進行式 shall +have been+Ving X

1. The book me.

(A) is belonging to (B) belongs to (C) belongs in (D) belongs
(2)belong to(屬於)→沒有進行式,其他如:own=have(擁有),
2. Anderson is rank fourth in world tennis.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
【提示】(1) 本句是簡單句,表目前事實且表被動,故用現在式被動。
(2) 某人/物排名(第幾)→常用被動,be ranked+序數。
注意此序數不必加 the。

3. After Anne fell and injure her foot in the race, her speed was reduced
(A) (B) (C) (D)

to a crawl.
【提示】本句用對等連接詞 and 連接,仍屬「簡單句」,用 and 連接,表過去連續
4. A moving hymn was .
(A) sing (B) singed (C) song (D) to sing (E) sung
5. Look!It now.
(A) rains (B) rained (C) will rain (D) was raining (E) is raining
【提示】本句是「簡單式」,有 Listen!(聽),Look!(看)---等呼叫時,表
6. “ The ceremony has already started.”
“ Look!The flag is now.”
(A) being raised (B) risen (C) being rose (D) raised
【提示】(1) 典禮已經開始。看國旗現在正在升起。
(2) 同上一題。raise(Vrt)作「舉起;使---上升」解,是及物動詞。又 rise
7. The future price of the stock by a number of interrelated factors.
(A) is going to determine (B) will determine
(C) will be determine (D) will be determined
【提示】本句是「簡單句」,是未來被動式,注意介詞 by(被---)。
8. I found out that the letter to the wrong address.
(A) had sent (B) has been sent (C) had been sent
(D) sent (E) has sent
【提示】本句是「複雜句」,因有連接詞 that 引導的名詞子句,故比較兩個發生
9. The textbooks .
(A) have never been ordered (B) never have ordered been
(C) have been never ordered (D) have been ordered never
【提示】(1) 本句是「簡單句」,句意表被動,用現在完成被動式。
(2) 注意完成式的否定,要把 not 或 never 放在 have 之後。
10. I very busy in the last two weeks.
(A) have been (B) was (C) am (D) will be
11. When the company moved into the neighborhood, it bringed with it better jobs.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
12. Just as we were the house, it began to rain.
(A) leaving (B) leave (C) left (D) to be leave
進行」時,要用過去進行式。Just as+子句(正當---)。
13. I will go home for my vacation as soon as I my exams.
(A) will finish (B) finish (C) am finishing (D) finished
【提示】本句是「複雜句」,一邊表示未來(will go),故另一邊也應該表未
來,但 as soon as (一---就)是時間的副詞子句,要以「現在式」代


1. 現在完成式/現在完成進行式用法(值得下工夫,考得最多!)
(1) 到 現 在 為 止 已 經 完 成 的 動 作 , 常 與 already, yet, just, lately = of late =
recently=so far=up to the present(直到現在)等副詞連用。
(2) 到 現在 為止 的經 驗, 常與 ever, never, before, once, twice, several times,
again and again(repeatedly),等副詞連用。
*(3) 從過去繼續到現在的動作或狀態:
(a) 時刻+o’clock
have (b) 一段時間+ago
S+ +Vpp---→ (B)since+ (c) 過去時間
has (d) 子句(S+過去式---)
(=have / has+been+Ving~)。
(2)ever since 是一種加強用法,選「現在完成式」或「現在完成進行式」。

1. You a lot since I saw you last time.

(A) change (B) will change (C) have changed (D) had changed
2. I have eaten nothing noon.
(A) from (B) since (C) by (D) at
3. What have you been doing I last saw you?
(A) from (B) since (C) after (D) before
4. I have lived here . (複選)
(A) since 1972 (B) for nine years
(C) since you left here (D) six years ago
5. Alex to study for the last hour, but something always seems to interrupt him.
(A) tried (B) has tried (C) tried (D) has been trying

6. This is all the information I to get so far.
(A) am able to (B) have enabled (C) will be able (D) have been able
7. So far this month I three games of basketball.
(A) have been watching (B) will have watched
(C) watched (D) have watched
8. We first met in 1981, so I know her for more than ten years.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
9. Last night we met the Smiths, who have coming to these concerts lately.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
【提示】lately 常與「現在完成式」連用,表「到目前為止---」的事。
10. My father to the United States many times.
(A) went (B) has gone (C) has been (D) was

CBB ABC D DDC(have known her) C(have come) C

人+have + been to+地方(曾去過~地方)(→表經驗)
has gone to+地方(已去了~地方)(→gone 表離開了)
例:My uncle has gone to Hong Kong; he isn’t at home now.

2. 過去完成式/過去完成進行式
(1) 兩個「過去動作」比較時(常考!注意!)
一先一後 時 → (A) 先用過去完成式
(B) 後用過去式
(2) 注意此句型常有連接詞介入形成兩個句子,因而有兩個動作比較。
連接詞有:after, before, when, until, by the time(到---時候)或關係代名
詞(如下例 2)。
,應選「過去完成進行式」(=had been+V-ing)

1. A short time before her operation last month, Mrs. Carlyle dreams of
(A) (B) (C)
her daughter who lived overseas.
2. I was delighted to see several old friends whom I did not see for five years.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

3. The president the meeting before it adjourned.
(A) left (B) has left (C) had left
4. I for two hours when he came.
(A) had been reading (B) have read (C) will have (D) would have read
5. I was late. The teacher a test when I got to class.
(A) has already given (B) had already given
(C) gave already (D) was already given
6. Last summer, I finally left the firm that I had joined eight years ago.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

1. C(had dreamed) 2 D(hadn’t seen) 3.C 4.A 5 B 6.D(before)

同時發生 時→(1)—長用過去進行式(was/ were+V-ing)
以上兩種情形中常用 when(或 while)(當---時)連接二個句子。

1. When I last saw them, the police the robbers down Chung Shan N.Road.
(A) were chasing (B) was chasing (C) chased (D) were on a chase
【提示】the police(警方),後面接複數動詞。
2. While she is reading the boy a story, he fell asleep, so she closed the book and
(A) (B) (C) (D)
tiptoed out.

1.A (D 應改為 in chase of ---追趕---) 2.B (was reading)

3. 未來式
(1) 從現在來說將來要發生的事,皆可用未來式
→(a) will/ shall+Vrt---(將---)
(b) be going to+Vrt(較口語)(將---)
(2) 凡遇到表「時間」或「條件」的副詞子句中的動作表未來時

→「時間」如:when, before, after, until, once(一旦),
as soon as(一---就), by the time(等到---的時候)
「條件」如:if, unless(除非), as long as 只要(so long as)
例:She will be happy when she hears the good news.
If it rains tomorrow, the game will be put off.

1. My brother will meet me at the station when I will arrive there.

(A) (B) (C) (D)
2. If it rain tomorrow, we’ll have a picnic.
(A) wouldn’t (B) doesn’t (C) didn’t (D) won’t
3. They plan to put her in a nursing home until she .
(A) dies (B) is dead (C) has died

1.B (刪去 will) 2.B 3.A

4. 未來完成式/未來完成進行式
亦即:S+ shall +have Vpp(主動)
will been+Vpp(被動)+by+未來時間
一先一後 時→ (a)先用未來完成式

(a)When +S+現在式,S+(a)未來完成式
By the time (b)未來完成進行式
在完成式(have/ has+Vpp)」代替未來完成式。

1. By next May they the bridge for nine months.

(A) will build (B) will have been building
(C) will have been built (D) will be built
2. Having worked since 1975, she will work more than twenty years by 1995.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3. “ How long have you lived in Taipei?”
“ By next December I in Taipei for ten years.”
(A) will live (B) will be living
(C) would have lived (D) will have lived
4. When he retired, Professor Smith here for over thirty years, but his classes
are never dull.
(A) has taught (B) will have taught (C) will teach (D) teaches
5. He will leave here after he the work.
(A) finished (B) will have finished (C) has finished (D) finish
6. When I leave the school next year, I in it for seven years.
(A) have studied (B) shall have studied
(C) should have been studying (D) shall study

1.B 2.C (will have been working) 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.B

1. 凡及物動詞因有受詞,故可改成被動式。但不及物動詞因無受詞;故無
被動式,亦即不可寫成 be+Vpp 型式。
*常考字如下:(1)happen(發生)=occur=take place
(2)take place(舉行)(但可用 be held 被動式)
(3)sell well(暢銷)(但 sell(賣)有被動)
(4)break down(故障;損壞)
(5)break out(突然發生;爆發)
2. (1)involve(Vt)把(某人)捲入(事件等之中);涉及---
*被動式:be involved in +N (捲入;和---有關聯;熱衷於---)
(2) expose(Vt)把---暴露於---之中
*被動式:be exposed to +N (暴露於---之中;接觸到---)
(3) consider(Vt)+A+(to be)B 把 A 認為是 B)(to be 可省略)
*被動式:A+be considered (to be)B(A 被認為是 B)

1. A big fire in our neighborhood yesterday.

(A) was broken out (B) was happened
(C) brought about (D) broke out
2. Air conditioners in the summer months.

(A) sell well (B) are sold good
(C) are sold well (D) sell good
3. When he his work, he did not notice anything else.
(A) involve in (B) is so involved in
(C) involved in (D) was so involved in
4. John Barrymore, stage and film actor, was considered as one of the greatest
(A) (B) (C)
American interpreters of Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
【提示】be considered---=be regarded as---(被認為是---)
5. That restaurant is closed temporarily because .
(A) its kitchen happened a fire last night.
(B) a fire occurred in the kitchen last night.
(C) there had a fire in the kitchen last night.
(D) it happened a fire in the kitchen last night.
6. The artist was so involving in his work that he did not look at her.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
7. If a film exposes to light while it is being developed, the negatives will be
(A) (B) (C)

1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B (刪去 as) 5.B 6.B (involved) 7.A (is exposed to)

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