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Describe a festival that is important in your country.

Tet Trung Thu is one of Vietnam's most prominent celebrations in mid-autumn. I wish to address
this. The festival is held on the 15th of August, according to the lunar calendar, and lasts around
2-3 days. This occasion, which dates back thousands of years, is also commemorated in various
Asian countries.

Throughout the festival, children of all ages wear colorful masks, light lanterns, perform
traditional songs, and march through the streets. There are also those that dance lion to each
house in their neighbor in order to make them fortunate. But these dancers won't go unless they
are given money by their proprietors.

When I think about Mid-autumn celebrations, the first thing that comes to mind is Moon cakes, a
popular traditional Vietnamese dish. Powder, pork meat, egg, peanut, and green bean are used to
make them. Moon cakes are used as presents and decorations because they symbolise happiness,
fortune, and longevity.

Despite the fact that Vietnamese people do not get days off during this festival, it is one of the
most anticipated events for a variety of reasons. To begin with, it's a wonderful time for family
members to get together, eat traditional dishes, and share their joys and sorrows. Furthermore,
public spaces are artistically furnished, and there is a diverse spectrum of cultural and artistic
events across the country. As a result, it's a wonderful time for individuals to forget about their
difficulties and spend time with their loved ones.

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