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Hero Section


Welcome to Designs by Grace! Turning your dreams into designs


Members of Greek life seen posing for pictures: hugging or holding up their letters while wearing custom
t-shirts, maybe holding a custom mask or water bottle in one hand

Copy Beneath Hero Section

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When you create personalized Greek apparel, room decor and accessories, show your unique design!
You’re sure to feel connected to your sorority or fraternity.

Our Values Section


Our values

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Discover how Designs by Grace supports your vision.

Paintbrush Icon

Headline: Creativity

Body Copy: Create your own designs and wear your letters proudly!

Hands Above Head Icon

Headline: Confidence

Body Copy: If you’re confident in what you wear, then our job here is done. We know you wanna show off
your new orgs! Have fun with it!

Holding hands Icon

Headline: Community

Body Copy: The bonds you form in your Greek family will never break

Reviews Section



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“Designs by Grace helped give me inspiration for big/little week! I was able to fill baskets for my little with
cute shirts to welcome her to our Greek family. A loyal customer for sure!”

-Kiera Byrne, Kappa Delta Sorority

“Our entire frat stood out on campus with our new sweatshirts. Designs by Grace is our go-to for all our

-Lee Andrews, Zeta Beta Tau

Our Chapter Section


Our Chapter

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We are an organization dedicated to helping you form lasting partnerships within Greek organizations
while showcasing your individuality.

All of the company workers are together in a group

Button Copy

Meet the founders (LINKS TO: Our Chapter Page)

Apparel Section



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You’re part of the Greek family now. Why not shout it out? Flaunt your letters in your wardrobe!


Groups or individual fraternity or sorority members wearing t-shirts/tanks, long-sleeves or sweatshirts with
their Greek letters or name of their sorority or fraternity

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Wear your pride (LINKS TO: Apparel Page)

Room Decor Section


Room Decor

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Want to spice up your dorm room or apartment with your Greek letters? Look no further! Here you can
design flags, posters, and wall tiles to your liking.

A flag, poster or wall tile with Greek letters

Button Copy

Hang your idea (LINKS TO: Room Decor Page)

Accessories Section



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Upgrade your outfit using custom Greek masks, hats, and jewelry. Express yourself!


A necklace with Greek letters is laying on top of a box with a ribbon.

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Get a makeover (LINKS TO: Accessories Page)

Other Goodies Section


Other Goodies

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Think Greek in your everyday life! Check out our customizable water bottles, hand sanitizer, and


A customized water bottle, hand sanitizer, and a notebook are displayed on a desk.

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Shop living (LINKS TO: Other Goodies Page)

Reach Out Section


Reach Out

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We’re here to act as a guide for all your Greek needs. Your concerns are our first priority. Have something
you’d like to address? You’ve come to the right place.


An icon of a letter and a phone with the company’s email and phone number underneath

Button Copy

Join the Convo (LINKS TO: Reach Out Page)

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