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Maria Alejandra Bejarano Gil


With the passing of the years and the advancement of technology, humans have
had to evolve. Humans have had to learn to create a relationship with technology
where it is viewed as a mechanism to improve life.

This development has provided tools for different areas, as it is the marketing and
publicity, but what is exactly the relationship between marketing, advertising and

In this text I’ll talk about the close relationship between these three branches and
its benefit. This topic can be very interesting depending on the point of view of the
observer. For a very longtime marketing has existed as a process of create,
communicate, and give consumers benefits. According to Jerome McCarthy
marketing is the realization of those activities that can help a company to get the
goals they’ve proposed, anticipating to the wishes of consumers and developing of
products or services appropriate for the market. In this area, always has been
significant to understand the needs of consumers to provide accurate solution to

On the other hand, advertising is a non-personal communication, where it is

normally used television, radio, the internet and the printed papers or flyers, as
tools to carry ideas, services or products persuasively.

Finally, in order to define the important components of this topic, the technology is
understood as a product of science and engineering, it is a set of instruments,
methods, and techniques that are responsible for making human life easier, if its
given a proper use.

From the above mentioned, it will be establish a relationship between marketing

and technology. Technology has come into all areas of Marketing and has opened
up new possibilities, in addition it has been also responsible to changing the way of
doing many things in this world, starting with the use of the internet; through the
network are created millions of marketing strategies to increase sales, for example:
sales online, the CRM that is the direct contact with the consumer through surveys,
market research and social networks, among other things.

It is also important to make a comparison between technology and advertising, the

last one being a vital factor for the marketing, and advertising as her sister; join
them and you’ll be able to do an effective marketing. Advertising and technology
are much interconnected, because through technological tools such as the TV,
computers, printing, mobile equipment (cellphone) and the radio, it has been
accomplished to transfer the message to the target group that you want. Examples
of such thing could be: online advertising, banners, blogs, animated ads, videos,
logos, and links. As examples of television publicity, we can find commercials,
commercials that make interact consumer. As for the press: you can find posters,
flyers, banners. Advertising on cellphones it is possible to find text messages with
information that you want to deliver, and of course the use of social networks.

The relationship between advertising, marketing and technology, it’s been

demonstrated that it is significant and unbreakable, since technological
development allows to implement more targeted publicity models, and marketing
strategies more advanced, leaving behind the traditional, covering consumers in
mass and achieving an increase in sales. Without the technology, many marketing
strategies would fall, they wouldn’t work and carry out they’re purpose. Technology
has turned into a basic tool for this type of areas, it helps make life easier, as long
as is used appropriately.

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