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Part I.

Demographic Profile

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Age

Age Frequency Percentage

(Millennial) 20-34 193 50.3
(Generation X) 35-50 121 31.5
(Baby Boomers) 51-69 52 13.5
(Silent Generation) 70 and above 18 4.7
Total 384 100.0

Table 1 presents the profile of the respondents in terms of age. It can be gleaned from the table

that 193 or 50.3% of the respondents are 20 – 34 years old, 121 or 31.5% are 35-50 years old, 52 or

13.5% are 51-69 years old and 18 or 4.7% are 70 years old and above.

Results from Table 1 revealed that many of the respondents are millennials.

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Sex

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 125 32.6
Female 259 67.4
Total 384 100.0

Table 2 shows the profile of the respondents in terms of sex. It can be seen from the table that 125

or 32.6% of the respondents are male. Whereas 259 or 67.4% are female.

The results show that majority of the respondents are female.

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Civil Status

Civil Status Frequency Percentage

Single 146 38.0
Married 203 52.9
Widowed/Widower 28 7.3
Separated 7 1.8
Total 384 100.0

Table 3 shows the profile of the respondents in terms of civil status. 146 or 38.0% of the

respondents are single. Whereas 203 or 52.9% are married, 28 or 7.3% are widowed or widower and 7 or

1.8% are separated.

It indicates that many of the respondents are married.

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Highest Educational Attainment

Highest Educational Attainment Frequency Percentage

Elementary Graduate
High school Graduate 37 9.6
College Graduate 146 38.0
Master’s Degree 173 45.1
Doctorate Degree 28 7.3
Total 384 100.0

Table 4 presents the profile of the respondents in terms of Highest Educational Attainment, 37 or

9.6% are High School Graduate, 146 or 38.0 are College Graduate, 173 or 45.1 are master’s degree, and

28 or 7.3 are Doctorate Degree.

The results show that most of the respondents are master’s degree.

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Average Monthly Income

Average Monthly Income Frequency Percentage

Php 25,000 and below 247 64.3
Php 25,001– Php 50,000 122 31.8
Php 50,001 – Php 75,000 14 3.6
Php 75,001 – Php 100,000 1 .3
Php 100,001 and above - -
Total 384 100.0

Table 5 presents the profile of the respondents in terms of Average Monthly Income, 37 or 9.6%

are High School Graduate, 146 or 38.0 are College Graduate, 173 or 45.1 have master’s degree, and 28 or

7.3 are Doctorate Degree.

The results show that most of the respondents have master’s degree.

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Products and Services Availed

Products and Services Availed Frequency Percentage

Hair Cutting, colouring & styling 184 47.9
Hair Products (Hair serum, conditioners, hair color, shampoo, 20 5.2
Waxing and other forms of hair removal 12 3.1
Facial and skincare treatment 21 5.5
Facial Product (Skincare, cleanser, moisturizer, facial mask, 19 4.9
Nail Treatments 102 26.6
Nail Products (Accessories, nail tips, nail polish, etc.) 26 6.8
Total 384 100.0

Table 6 presents the profile of the respondents in terms of products and services availed, 184 or

47.9% avails haircutting, colouring and styling, 20 or 5.2 is for Hair Products, 12 or 3.1 is for waxing and

other forms of hair removal, 21 or 5.5 facial and skincare treatment, 19 or 4.9 for facial products, 102 or

26.6 for nail treatments and 26 or 6.8 for nail products.

The results show that most of the respondents’ products and services availed is Hair cutting.
Profile of the Respondents in terms of Frequency of availing the products and services

Frequency of availing the products and services Frequency Percentage

Once a week 13 3.4
2-4 times a week 4 1.0
Weekly 21 5.5
Monthly 195 50.8
Quarterly 151 39.3
Total 384 100.0

Table 7 presents the profile of the respondents in terms of Frequency of availing the

products and services, 13 or 3.4% avail the products once a week, 4 or 1.0 is 2 – 4 times a week, 21 or 5.5

weekly, 195 or 50.8 monthly and 151 or 39.3 for quarterly.

The results show that most of the respondents buy the products and services monthly.

Part II. Influence of Strategic Pricing in Beauty Parlors in Lipa City

2.1 Price Level.

Price Level. It is the average of Weighted Verbal Interpretation Rank

current prices across the entire Mean
spectrum of goods and services
produced. (Rao, 2021)
1. The price level of salon services
3.66 Strongly Agree 1
is reasonable and acceptable.
2. The price is consistent. 3.56 Strongly Agree 5
3. Price level matches my needs
3.62 Strongly Agree 3
and desires.
4. The price level is very
3.58 Strongly Agree 4
economical for me.
5. Price level communicate
3.64 Strongly Agree 2
Composite Mean 3.61 Strongly Agree

The composite mean of 3.61 which is verbally interpreted as strongly agree shows that the

respondents strongly agree in the indicators above.

Most of the students strongly agreed in “The price level of salon services is reasonable and

acceptable. This ranked first and gained the weighted mean of 3.66 which is verbally interpreted as

strongly agree. Second, “Price level communicate properly”. This gained the weighted mean of 3.64

which is verbally interpreted as strongly agree. Third, “Price level matches my needs and desires”, got the

weighted mean of 3.62 and verbally interpreted as strongly agree. Next,” The price level is very

economical for me” with a weighted mean of 3.58 and a verbal interpretation of strongly agree. Rank 5,

“The price is consistent”. It obtained the weighted mean of 3.56 and verbally interpreted as strongly


2.2 Pricing Policy.

Pricing Policy. Its help the to Weighted Verbal Interpretation Rank
make sure the profitable remain Mean
and offer them the adjustable to
price different products and
separate (Nagle, 2021).
1. The pricing policy of beauty
3.60 Strongly Agree 3
parlors is similar to others.
2. Pricing policy motivates
3.66 Strongly Agree 1
customers to pay more.
3. Pricing policy is in line with the
3.55 Strongly Agree 5
market price.
4. Pricing policy adopts and
3.58 Strongly Agree 4
responds to price changes.
5. It has a significant effect on
3.64 Strongly Agree 2
buying behavior.
Composite Mean 3.61 Strongly Agree

The composite mean of 3.61 which is verbally interpreted as strongly agree shows that the

respondents strongly agree in the indicators above.

Majority of the students strongly agreed in “Pricing policy motivates customers to pay more. This

ranked first and gained the weighted mean of 3.66 which is verbally interpreted as strongly agree. Second,

“It has a significant effect on buying behavior”. This gained the weighted mean of 3.64 which is verbally

interpreted as strongly agree. Third, “The pricing policy of beauty parlors is similar to others”, got the

weighted mean of 3.60 and verbally interpreted as strongly agree. Next,” Pricing policy adopts and

responds to price changes” with a weighted mean of 3.58 and a verbal interpretation of strongly agree.

Rank 5, “Pricing policy is in line with the market price.”. It obtained the weighted mean of 3.55 and

verbally interpreted as strongly agree.

2.3 Price and Value Communication.

Price and Value Communication. Weighted Verbal Interpretation Rank

It is how you communicate with Mean
the customers and what makes the
difference between convinced sales
people, who deliver value
conviction to the customers. (Price
Beam, 2019).
1. Offers excellent customer
3.84 Strongly Agree 1
2. Provide marketing strategies and
3.80 Strongly Agree 2
good communication skills.
3. Build a good environmental
3.68 Strongly Agree 3
4. Price and value communication
induce customers to purchase 3.57 Strongly Agree 5
5. They raise awareness and
3.64 Strongly Agree 4
attention to customers.
Composite Mean 3.71 Strongly Agree

The composite mean of 3.71 which is verbally interpreted as strongly agree shows that the

respondents strongly agree in the indicators above.

The majority of the students strongly agreed with “Offers excellent customer service. This ranked

first and gained the weighted mean of 3.84 which is verbally interpreted as strongly agree. Second,

“Provide marketing strategies and good communication skills.”. This gained the weighted mean of 3.80

which is verbally interpreted as strongly agree. Third, “Build a good environmental relationship.”, got the

weighted mean of 3.68 and verbally interpreted as strongly agree. Next,” They raise awareness and

attention to customers” with a weighted mean of 3.64 and a verbal interpretation of strongly agree. Rank

5, “Price and value communication induce customers to purchase more”. It obtained the weighted mean

of 3.57 and verbally interpreted as strongly agree.

2.4 Price Structure.

Price Structure. It is how a Weighted Verbal Interpretation Rank

business decides how much to Mean
charge for goods or services
through discounts, sale prices, and
tiered pricing for different product
and services levels.(Taylor Wells,
1. The price structure offers
3.55 Strongly Agree 4
discounts and promotions.
2. Pricing structure avoids over
3.49 Agree 5
charging customers.
3. Price structure has a great deal of
3.59 Strongly Agree 2
4. It is based on customers'
3.58 Strongly Agree 3
perceived value.
5. Price structure is trustworthy. 3.68 Strongly Agree 1
Composite Mean 3.58 Strongly Agree

The composite mean of 3.58 which is verbally interpreted as strongly agree shows that the

respondents strongly agree in the indicators above.

Many of the students strongly agreed with “Price structure is trustworthy. This ranked first and

gained the weighted mean of 3.68 which is verbally interpreted as strongly agree. Second, “Price structure

has a great deal of flexibility.”. This gained the weighted mean of 3.59 which is verbally interpreted as

strongly agree. Third, “It is based on customers' perceived value.”, got the weighted mean of 3.58 and

verbally interpreted as strongly agree. Next,” The price structure offers discounts and promotions.” with a

weighted mean of 3.55 and a verbal interpretation of strongly agree. Rank 5, “Pricing structure avoids

over charging customers”. It obtained the weighted mean of 3.49 and verbally interpreted as agree.

2.5 Value Creation.

Value Creation. It involves Weighted Verbal Interpretation Rank

including only those elements in a Mean
product or service that a fully-
informed customer should be
willing to pay for which is what we
call “value”. (Stefan, 2021)
1.The value offers expected
3.59 Strongly Agree 5
benefits versus price.
2. Value creation builds and
3.60 Strongly Agree 4
increase customer equity.
3.The value created builds
customers’ long-term satisfaction 3.70 Strongly Agree 1
and experience.
4. It makes my purchase worthy. 3.69 Strongly Agree 2
5. The value created fosters
3.67 Strongly Agree 3
customer loyalty.
Composite Mean 3.65 Strongly Agree

The composite mean of 3.65 which is verbally interpreted as strongly agree shows that the

respondents strongly agree in the indicators above.

The majority of the students strongly agreed with “The value created builds customers’ long-term

satisfaction and experience. This ranked first and gained the weighted mean of 3.70 which is verbally

interpreted as strongly agree. Second, “It makes my purchase worthy”. This gained the weighted mean of

3.69 which is verbally interpreted as strongly agree. Third, “The value created fosters customer loyalty”,

got the weighted mean of 3.67 and verbally interpreted as strongly agree. Next,” Value creation builds

and increase customer equity” with a weighted mean of 3.60 and a verbal interpretation of strongly agree.

Rank 5, “The value offers expected benefits versus price.”. It obtained the weighted mean of 3.59 and

verbally interpreted as strongly agree.

Part III. Significant difference in the assessed pricing strategies when grouped according to profile

Verbal Decision on
Profile Computed F – value p- value
Interpretation Ho
Price level 1.322 .267 Not Significant Accept Ho

Pricing policy 1.447 .229 Not Significant Accept Ho

Price and value
AGE 4.236 .226 Not Significant Accept Ho

Price structure 1.392 .245 Not Significant Accept Ho

Value creation .227 .877 Not Significant Accept Ho

Price level .145 .703 Not Significant Accept Ho

Pricing policy 1.811 .179 Not Significant Accept Ho

Price and value
SEX .011 .915 Not Significant Accept Ho
Price structure .961 .328 Not Significant Accept Ho

Value creation 1.571 .211 Not Significant Accept Ho

Price level .732 .534 Not Significant Accept Ho

Pricing policy .800 .495 Not Significant Accept Ho
Price and value
2.711 .065 Not Significant Accept Ho
Price structure .884 .450 Not Significant Accept Ho

Value creation 2.161 .092 Not Significant Accept Ho

Price level 2.900 .035 Significant Reject Ho

Pricing policy 3.602 .014 Significant Reject Ho

Price and value
EDUCATIONAL 5.410 .001 Significant Reject Ho
Price structure 4.647 .003 Significant Reject Ho

Value creation 3.223 .023 Significant Reject Ho

Price level 1.323 .267 Not Significant Accept Ho

Pricing policy 4.031 .088 Not Significant Accept Ho

AVERAGE Price and value
2.344 .073 Not Significant Accept Ho
MONTHLY communication
Price structure 8.705 .070 Not Significant Accept Ho

Value creation 1.042 .374 Not Significant Accept Ho

Price level 3.323 .003 Significant Reject Ho

Pricing policy 1.333 .041 Significant Reject Ho

PRODUCTS AND Price and value
3.298 .004 Significant Reject Ho
SERVICES communication
Price structure 1.110 .006 Significant Reject Ho

Value creation 3.139 .005 Significant Reject Ho

Price level 3.977 .407 Not Significant Accept Ho

Pricing policy .537 .708 Not Significant Accept Ho

Price and value
AVAILING THE 3.564 .077 Not Significant Accept Ho
SERVICES Price structure 3.148 .704 Not Significant Accept Ho

Value creation 1.432 .223 Not Significant Accept Ho

The table shows the significant difference in the assessed pricing strategies when grouped

according to profile variables. It can be inferred from the results that there is a significant difference

between pricing strategies when grouped according to profile variables in terms of educational attainment

and products, services availed since the computed P-values are lower than the level of significance of

0.05. The null hypothesis is, therefore, rejected.

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