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Americans’ Views Flipped on Gay Rights. How did minds change so Quickly?

#1 – I have never witness such a massive change in public opinion then on gay rights and marriage. It is
very remarkable. In fact, I can’t think of any other time in US history in which the public so rapidly
shifted its opinion. What also makes this so unbelievable noteworthy in a good way is that it was
accomplished with television cameras publicizing such. The Civil Rights Movement was decades in the
making and took a full decade or more of constant TV streaming of civil disobedience to change public
opinion. This does not take away from the accomplishments of gay activists. But this story shows how
such happen; even if can’t provide the reasons why such happen. As late as 2004, polls showed what
percent of Americans opposed same sex marriage? What do the numbers now show?

#2 – What makes this support for same sex marriage even more surprising?

#3 – What is the only group that seems to still oppose gay marriage?

#4 – What records have been broken by the LGBT?

#5 – When did the visibility of gay people in popular culture begin? What did this trigger?

Perhaps (in Mr. Nares bias opinion) one of the most honorable persons with integrity is Ellen
DeGeneres. Why would someone like her help change public opinion?

#6 – Unlike other minority groups, gays and lesbians are found in every what? Why is this important?

#7 – What is the so-called “Contact Hypothesis”?

#8 – According to the reading, what is “Cognitive Dissonance.”, and what does it make our minds/brains
#9 – According to psychology professor Banaji, provide at least two different reasons why it may be
easier for people to accept the gay community then let’s say African Americans or the elderly?

#10 - What two politicians have even shifted the minds of some Republicans? Why?

#11 – However what is the main reason or tipping point that caused Americans to shift their opinion?

Note the article does show bias at this point – and as always I present both sides. Although many in
your generation and mine support gay rights. It is important to note that Trump also represents the
pushback against it. Certainly religious people have a First Amendment right to not accept gays in their
church community. However it will be up to yours and mine to decide whether we push the Court and
Congress to enhance protections or religious freedoms. It’s the uneven balance between Civil Rights &
Equal Protection (gay rights) and Liberties (religious right). How to balance such is up to each person
individually. So I will leave that up to you.

#12 – Despite being allowed to get married, gay or lesbian couples who marry publicly still face the
threat of what in many states?

#13 – What has also happen since 2017?

#14 – Many moderate and mainstream pastors are unwilling to say what about homosexuality?

Now See the Maps and Graphs from Business Insider; Scroll Down the Page to see the Maps:
10 Maps Show How Different LGBTQ Rights Around the World

#1 – What are the only nations in the world that carry the death penalty for being gay (state region &

#2 – What are the only nations in the world that outlaw homosexuality (state regions)?

#3 – How many nations in the world allow transgender to serve in the military?

#4 – What percent of UN countries have legalized gay marriage?

#5 – Surprisingly gay marriage was only first legalized in the world beginning when?

#6 – What percent of UN nations have written in their constitutions that same sex discrimination is not
allowed. Considering Civil Liberties – Why are many nations that even support gay rights probably not
willing to write anti-discrimination laws in their constitutions?

#7 – Does the US protect against sexual orientation discrimination? Again thinking about civil liberties –
why has the US opposed such?

#8 – Same sex couples are only allowed to adopt where?

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