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POP-UP QUESTIONS (5 points each)

1. How do you view your sexuality? What factors do you think contributed to your views and
comments about your sexuality?

-- it depends on who you like.. Or what you wanted to be. If u wanted to be a girland like boys but ur a
boy then ur a gay if u wanted to be a boy and like girls but ur a girl then ur a lesbian. If you like both men
and women then ur bi.

If ur a girl and likes boy then ur straight. If ur a boy and like girls then ur straight

2. How was your puberty journey? What specific experiences did you find interesting? Frustrating?
What advice would you give yourself?

3. What specific things can do to be able to stop sexual violence? This may be a proposal for a
personal advocacy, school policy/activity or community service?

1. Learn more: Learn how the issue is impacting your local community, your nation and the world, and
then share with friends and family. To get started, visit org or
2) Shatter the silence: For far too long, sexual violence has been shrouded in silence and shame.
Millions have bravely shared their stories as part of the #MeToo movement. But there’s still much
more work to be done, and we all must help create an enabling environment for more survivors to
come forward.
3) Know what to do: When it comesto sexual violence, friends and family are often the first
responders. Learn how to support someone who has been sexually assaulted. To learn more, visit
4) Talk to children (and adults) about consent: It’s important to talk to children of all ages about
empowerment and consent, and the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching.
Here are some tips for each age group, and here’s a great video for children about consent.
Men and boys have a critical role to play in ending sexual violence. Women alone cannot
fundamentally transform a culture that condones and excuses behavior like sexual assault; that duty
can and should fall to men. Here are things men can do, including listening to women, talking to other
boys and men, and learning and practicing consent.
5) Support those working to end sexual violence:  You can volunteer your time, donate money and/or
lobby legislators.

4. What do you think are the reasons why the cases of HIV and AIDS are increasing year in our
country? What are the basis for your claims? What do you think can we do to help lessen it?

Maybe because there are people that have no moneys and they really need it so they
sell they're body and they didn't even think that they could have HIV or Aids with the
person that they made out with.



*From what you have learned, propose a campaign or public service announcement or infographic that can
help educate others protect themselves from the perils of sexual violence. Be as informative (use credible
sources) and creative (use appropriate medium) as you can. Send your proposed contents of


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