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Q1. What mistakes did AstraZeneca make?

Ans1: AstraZeneca is one of the world’s top pharmaceutical company with a worldwide
market reach. In July 2007, AstraZeneca entered into a $1.4 billion contract with IBM
for a seven-year global s trategic sourcing for the provision of IT infrastructure
services to 60 countries. However in 2011 AstraZeneca terminated the SLA and terminated
the contract. It has failed to realize that

IT infrastructure and R&D are both crucial to a pharmaceutical company

The drug discovery techniques are very changing rapidly
 The present IT infrastructure of IBM may not able to support all the global
vendor applications.
 Astra Zeneca’s business model was changing rapidly than the contract could
 Astra Zeneca failed to cover all details of an eventual and critical part of the contract:
its termination.
 Astra Zeneca could not estimate correctly its own IT infrastructure needs on a 7 year
term basis

Q2. What mistakes did IBM make?

Ans2: IBM is the pioneer and world leader in the IT infrastructure services domain.
Hence it was very eager in the outsourcing contact with AstraZeneca chiefly because; this
contract can be shown as a business model for other companies that wish to use their
information technology infrastructure services outsourcing. The mistakes commited in
drafting the contract were:
 Termination procedures and obligations on both the partners were not mentioned in the
 IBM knew that in a long-term IT outsourcing contracts they would accrues profit by
making major investment in the first two years as the service is set up and customized
and then making its profit margin in the last two or three years. They failed to cover the
last two or three year’s mandatory implementation in their contract.
 IBM failed to cover all details for contract termination, such as the continuing
services that have to be provided and what their fees should be.

Q3. Why are outsourcing contracts for five or more years?

Ans: An IT infrastructure service outsourcing contract includes the installation of server

hosting and storage for scientific, network and communications, commercial, and supply
chain operations for the entire global sites of the client company. Hence in an outsourcing
contract the Technology company makes major investment in the first two years as the IT
infrastructure service is set up and customized and then starts making its profit margin in
the last two or three years. Hence any outsourcing contract is for five or more years.
Q4. Why do you think two major corporations could make such mistakes?

Ans: Every business entity keeps on evolving and changing in its continuous day to day
existence. Hence its needs and wants also change at the same speed measure. Most major
corporations could make contract-drafting mistakes if they do not take in account their
own growth pace and the associated technical and other needs it requires. The
AstraZeneca and IBM IT infrastructure service outsourcing contract deal failed as it used
the outcome-based specifications model.

Q5. Do you think the 2007 SLA was doomed to fail? Explain your answer.

Ans: The 2007 SLA was doomed to fail as it was based on outcome-based specifications
model and hence does not include estimation for its own growth pace and the associated
technical and other needs its requires.

Q6. What provisions in the 2012 SLAs protect AstraZeneca and the vendors?

Ans: In the 2012 SLAs the special provisions drafted to ensure business protection to
AstraZeneca and the vendors are

Implement multiple contracts with various vendor companies like Computacenter, HCL,
AT&T, and Wipro for different IT services.

The new IT service contracts include the standard provisions of, namely SLAs and
pricing, and also a cooperation policy.

It includes 13 principles that specify the terms of collaboration between the vendor and
vendee company’s.

One of the principle is “fix first, pay later.” Wherein the vendor company cooperates to
fix a technology error ASAP without asking questions about cost.

In return for fast solutions, the vendee company AstraZeneca has to commit a faster
payment to the vendor.

Finally in the event of a contract conflict, both parties can appeal to an independent
arbiter who oversees the cooperation policy between the two companies.

Q7. Why would parties prefer to use an arbitrator instead of filing a lawsuit in court?

Ans: In any mutually agreed business contract usually both the companies prefer to use
an arbitrator instead of filing a lawsuit in court as it not only saves the precious business
time of both the companies in resolving their differences but also protects them from
being affected by damage to their good will in the market due to the failure of the
contract between them. Hence Astra Zeneca and its vendors prefer an arbitrator to resolve
their contract issues.
Cryptocurrency Security Issues
Rajeev Chowdary

puzzles, known as proofs of work, in order

Abstract: The term cryptocurrency defines to reach consensus. The longest chain, as
the various types of digital currencies, measured by computational effort exerted, is
alternative currencies and virtual currencies assumed as the consensus chain and entered
that are designed to work as a medium of into the block chain database. The miners
exchange in a peer to peer electronic cash take incentive and in return, the block chain
exchange system. Crypto Currency uses ledger entries detailing the various crypto
cryptography technologies to ensure currency transactions are checked and
complete security of its transactions, to verified for their integrity. This ensures total
control the creation of additional digital security by a decentralized third party
currency units, and to record the transfer of verification by miners who have no stake in
assets or other transactions into a peer to the crypto currency block chain other than
peer distributed append-only enabled public the incentives they receive.
ledger called blockchain. Today there exist
approximately 1200 different types of crypto Index Terms—Cryptocurrency, Block Chain,
currencies in the present world. POW, security threats, data privacy, user
The blockchain, is a decentralized
public transaction database, that functions as Introduction:
a distributed ledger, wherein all the
transactions committed to the entries of Since the launch of crypto currency
crypto currency are recorded and displayed on 09 January 2009, with the introduction of
publicly in a peer to peer environment. The Bitcoin crypto currency by Satoshi
Blockchain stores all the crypto currency Nakamoto, Japanese software developer on
transaction entries in a public ledger as a the Source Forge website, its market
sequence of transaction blocks. Each capitalization value has grown
individual block contains a hash value of the phenomenally at an significant growth rate,
previous block, and so on the chain grows as amounting to its present net worth of about
new transactions are verified and added to one trillion American dollars.
the chain.
However, this phenomenally
The primary security feature of all exponential growth in the market
crypto currencies is the implementation of value of crypto currency significantly
the incentive compatible proof-of-work motivates many malicious entities to identify
(PoW) based distributed consensus protocol, and exploit the various vulnerabilities
which is executed by incentive based existing in crypto currency for their personal
network nodes called miners in a peer to profit. Hence this research article, I
peer network environment. The miners act systematically delves deeply on procedures
as agents who are authorized to add a block and methods to discover all reported and
to the chain. Their approach of adding a unreported new vulnerabilities in the crypto
block relies on a set of cryptographic currency system[1], proposes appropriate
countermeasures, and accordingly predict
upcoming security threats trends.[2] The five main technologies used in
As part of my systematic vulnerability Bitcoin and all other crypto currencies are 1)
research study, I mention all the various peer-to-peer (P2P) network environment 2)
concepts and features of crypto currency that decentralized electronic payment system 3)
may lead to security threats and data privacy probabilistic distributed consensus protocol.
hazards. Initially an overview of all the 4) Incentive based miners and 5)
major components of a crypto currency Asymmetric cryptography key based secure
system are mentioned, in detail along with digital hash tokens.
their respective functionality, underlying
major technologies and their associated 1) peer-to-peer (P2P) network environment:
interactions within the crypto currency A peer-to-peer (P2P) network was initially
system. Later the existing vulnerabilities of created way back, in the early 1980’s when
the previously mentioned features of crypto two or more computers were connected
currency that may lead to various security together in a network environment to share
threats to the normal functionality of crypto all mutual resources without going through a
currency is discussed in detail along with separate server computer control or
their associated threat security solutions that authorization process. A peer to peer
can resolve them. For my research study, I network connection can be created through
have used Bitcoin crypto currency as a an ad hoc connection (two or more
crypto currency specimen to conduct survey computers connected via a Universal Serial
based research on my topic Cryptocurrency Bus to transfer files) or through an
Security Issues permanent network infrastructure that links
all computers using twisted pair copper
Technology behind Bitcoin: Bitcoin coins, wires. Typically, an office or home P2P
BTC or simply bitcoins is a crypto currency networks operates over Ethernet (10M
based secure electronic payment system that bit/sec) or Fast Ethernet (100M bit/sec) or a
enables digital transactions involving virtual Gigabit Ethernet (1024 bits/sec) and
currency in the form of digital tokens over a implements a hub-and-spoke topology also
peer-to-peer network environment. Bitcoin called as start topology using Category 5
has been designed by its creator Satoshi (Cat 5 twisted-pair) copper wire runs among
Nakamoto [3] as a open-source using block the PCs and an Ethernet hub or switch,
chain technology, hence nobody owns or enabling users of those P2P networked
controls it. It consists of a decentralized computers to share and access one another's
block chain technology based limited entries hard drives, printers or even share an
database that operates without any trusted Internet connection. In summary, every
third party authority like a central bank, computer connected in a P2P network works
central manager, a Chartered Accountant, a as a server as well as a client. No special
notary, or any other centralized information network operating system is necessary on
technology based service. Each individual the computers in a P2P network
Bitcoin owner has full rights and control environment and no need of advanced
over his/her crypto currency, and could sell special server-side network applications like
or spend their Bitcoins anytime and directory services , global catalog server,
anywhere without the indulgence or DNS server, Routers, VLANS, DHCP server
approval of any centralized Bitcoin or BOOTP server.
In a P2P network environment, all resource functionality, coverage, and intended usage
access rights are set and governed by purpose.
implementing sharing permissions on each The primary security issue that raises
individual computer. is the development process are that these
virtual currency exists only in the form of
Crypto currency uses such a peer to records in the database (DB), in which
peer network environment to share, sell, where all transactions between the seller and
spend digital currency through hashed buyer are conducted using the addresses of
transactions. Crypto currencies like Bitcoin sender / recipients. For security purposes all
uses special protocols like probabilistic these transactions are stored unencrypted in
distributed consensus protocol and the database, without mentioning the actual
applications for decentralized electronic information about the real owner of these
payment system to set up direct relationships addresses. For further privacy of the virtual
among peer to peer network group users currency owner there are no records
over the Internet communication channel committed or stored to the database
itself. regarding the amount of bitcoins owned by
Vulnerabilities and solutions the him or her. The real amount of virtual
The security vulnerabilities in an currency hold by any given addressee could
Peer to Peer network environment are its be estimated only through the transactional
access permission which have to be set chain records. However the estimation of
rigidly encompassing the parameters of the how many virtual currencies are listed for
P2P network environment[4]. The resources the owners address are made by client
sharing and access rights of each user of the programs.
node computers must be set with strict
security policy based guidelines. 3) Probabilistic distributed consensus
2) Decentralized virtual currency electronic The primary security feature in all crypto
payment system – EPS or Electronic currencies is the implementation of the
payment systems are governmental and non- incentive compatible proof-of-work (PoW)
governmental organizations that issue their based distributed consensus protocol and
own version digital currency, create and probabilistic distributed consensus protocol,
implement new methods for their virtual The former protocol is executed by incentive
currency distribution and provide all based network nodes called miners in a peer
provisions to conduct for electronic financial to peer network environment [7]. The miners
transactions securely[6]. A typical EPS is an act as agents who are authorized to add a
part of large Internet companies, wherein block to the chain. Their approach of adding
they use virtual currency as an element of a block relies on a set of cryptographic
their business activity. puzzles, known as proofs of work, in order
to reach consensus As the digital currency
Vulnerabilities and solutions has matured, virtual currency mining has
Every electronic payment system issues its become more challenging and complex.
own developed version of electronic
currency that corresponds to paper currency. Vulnerabilities and solutions
Each virtual currency differ in levels of In this feature the chief vulnerability
technology used, development criteria, lies in the interactive consensus consistency
that may vary from computer to computer
and hence needs strict policy based protocol applications. Once the Operating System is
implementation fully updated it become virtually impossible
to hack it or steal the data. Next the websites
are compromised to collect user data and
4) Incentive based miners phone nunbers which can be later used to
Crypto currencies like Bitcoin use a hack then and convert then to a crypto
decentralized electronic payment system that zombie to assist in the cryptho hash code
maintains a public transaction ledger in a resolving process. Using anti virus and anti
distributed manner. Anonymous participants hacking software we can prevent its
called miners, who implement a happening.
Probabilistic distributed, maintain this public
transaction ledger consensus protocol that 5) Asymmetric cryptography key based
maintains and extends a distributed data secure digital hash tokens – Asymmetric
structure called the block chain. Crypto cryptography public and private keys
currency payers broadcast their payment technology is used in all crypto currency
transactions and miners record these based electronic payment systems[5]
transactions into the blocks they generate. including Bitcoins information regarding the
The miners are rewarded by receiving newly payment transactions that involves the
minted bitcoins. In this procedure the crypto transfer of bitcoins between one user(seller
currency are created and distributed or spender) to another user (buyer) the
among the miners who are rewarded with buyers destination address which is called
the first recipients of the freshly minted Bitcoin address is generated by the block
digital currency which they can sell or chain technology by performing a series of
spend. irreversible cryptographic hashing
Vulnerabilities and solutions operations on the seller / spender user’s
As of today, the digital currency has public key.
matured to a fair degree, and hence it has
become more challenging to mint it in terms Vulnerabilities and solutions
of cryptography puzzle resolution and the As an security measure, a Bitcoin
computing power to resolve it. As the owner can have multiple destination[8]
minting cycles increase, the encrypted hash addresses (cryptographic hashes) by
problems have become so complicated that generating multiple public keys and
it requires a lot of expensive and associate these multiple addresses with one
collaborative computing power to resolve it. or more of crypto currency digital wallets.
This causes the primary vulnerability in the The private key of the selling user is
miners related risks where some miners have required to sell or spend their owned
started compromising public Wi-Fi networks bitcoins in the form of digitally signed
to hack and access public mobile devices to transactions that are promptly recorded, into
continue mining of virtual currency. Such the limited entries block chain based
type of malicious hijack attacks incidents database. By using the destination address
were reported all over the world and hence hash of the public key as a receiving address
To protect our computing device provides the selling user a degree of security
from any such computing resource stealing by anonymizing his identity to the buying
attack we must ensure that all of the user.
operating system is configured to provide
enhanced security to its security
Conclusion: In this research, study of all the on cryptocurrencies,” in Security and
five primary security concerns of a typical Privacy (SP), 2017 IEEE Symposium on.
crypto currency like Bitcoin are evaluated in IEEE
detail through the perspective of their crypto
currency features and technologies involved. [5] A. Lei, H. Cruickshank, Y. Cao, P.
The related solutions to resolve these Asuquo, C. P. A. Ogah, and Z. Sun, (2017),
identified vulnerabilities are also described “Blockchain-based dynamic key
in brief. management for heterogeneous intelligent
transportation systems,” IEEE Internet of
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