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During the Easter season the liturgy brings us closer to the resurrected Jesus and

makes us realize that we are always united to him and him to us. Today, He gives
the invitation to all of us to enter into the true discipleship but in the context
of the community.

In the first reading the misgivings about Paul’s conversion are quickly dismissed
as he boldly proclaims the gospel.

In the second reading John insists that our love for others must be authentic. We
are to believe in Jesus and keep God’s commandment of loving one another.

Response: Lord, hear our prayer.

1. For the pope, the bishops, the clergy and the religious that in the delicate
task of teaching, correcting and encouraging the faithful they may be guided by the
Holy Spirit which is God’s gift to all who believe in him, we pray... 
2. That the Catholic faithful may be exhorted to read and meditate on the Word of
God so that the life-giving Word may remove darkness from their minds and fill them
with longing for truth and justice, we pray... 
3. For people who walk in darkness, those without a clear purpose in life, and who
are vulnerable that the light of Christ may enlighten them to return to a purpose-
ridden life, we pray... 
4. That our families may become abodes where faith is nourished, love and
fellowship cherished so that
our families may become dwelling places where each member has the opportunity to be
happy and
successful, we pray... 
5. For all of us present in this Eucharistic assembly that by bearing the fruits
that are required of us we may give glory to God who is the Father of all of
us, we pray...

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