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Intro to Mass

St. Joseph: A Man of Dreams; A Man of Action!

Joseph is the patron saint of the dying because he had the privilege to die at
the physical presence of the Blessed Mother and Jesus. St. Joseph is also
patron and protector of the Universal Church because God entrusted him
the responsibility to care and protect the Virgin Mary, the mother of the
church and her son Jesus, the head of the church. Since Joseph was a
builder, husband, and protector of the Holy Family, he is also patron saint
of the families, fathers, pregnant women, travelers, immigrants, house
sellers and buyers, craftsmen, engineers, and working people in general.
He is also patron of social justice. And so, as we journey through Lent –
especially when we gather around the Eucharistic table, let’s pray to St.
Joseph: Let him guide us and help us open our hearts to God’s plan. That
we may be upright and righteous; that we may be men and women after
God’s will; that we may be able to pray, “Father show me how I fit into this
plan of yours.” God has a great plan for everyone.
Prayer of the Faithful
To the following petitions please respond: St. Joseph inspire and guide us.
St. Joseph, just one, you are a model of caring, presence, courage and
integrity; you were honest and a man of integrity; you were faithful to the
mystery of your dreams and followed God’s call;
St. Joseph inspire and guide us.
St. Joseph, you respected the common good, empower us to be bearers of
gentleness to all persons;
St. Joseph inspire and guide us.
St. Joseph, you trusted in God’s will and word for your life, help us to be
faithful promise keepers of unity and reconciliation;
St. Joseph inspire and guide us.

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