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Interactive Session: 

Technology: Volkswagen Pollutes Its Reputation with Software to Cheat Emissions


1) Yes, Volkswagen emission cheating pose an ethical dilemma because they choose the
way cheating to get the high market share and not thinking the environment. The
stakeholder in their: manager, engineering and chief excutive.
2) Management: chief excutive allow to equipped the cheating software
Technology: the software which effect directly by pollution-control system
Organization: Chief excutive want to expand market sell and the large care with better
millage but this pollute the environment

The extent for this situation is hard to indentify the extent of the management possible
because there are many level of management participant also some of them do not
know about this problem.

3) Software controlling machine should not available for public inspector due to the
business secret, it d o not ensure that there are no replicate from the rival company.
Also, some rival companies can know the cheating and imitation.

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