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Enola Holmes

Final task : the challenge

Enola Holmes is clever and observant. Are you clever
and observant, too? Let's see if you can solve these challenges.

1. Try to solve these brain teasers. Think carefully and be creative

with your answers.

- What has to be broken before you use it?

- If there are three apples & you took away two, how many do you

- What's the exact middle of America?

- A man went outside in the pouring rain with no protection, but not a
single hair on his head got wet. How come?

Observation Challenge 0.

2. Enola was a great observer. Look at the following picture for some
minutes. Try to memorize important details and answer these
questions without looking at the picture.
1. How many people were there in the restaurant?
2. Were the people at the front table eating ice cream?
3. Who was drinking water?
4. What colour were the tablecloths?
5. Who was eating chocolate?
6. Did you see the menu?
7. What was the man with the red t-shirt eating?
8. How many people were having sausages?
9. The ice cream had two, three or four flavours?
10.How many people were walking outside the restaurant?

Number Coding
Code doesn’t always have to be letters. An easy way to create coded
messages is substituting numbers for letters. This is the way Enola
and her mother sent messages to each other.

3- Using the chart above try your hand at deciphering the following

2 17 4 0 19 8 13 6 2 14 3 4 3 12 4 18 18 0 6 4 18 2 0 13 1 4 6 17 4 0
19 5 20 13 3 14 24 14 20 0 6 17 4 4

4. Create your own coded message. Imagine you are Enola and you
are looking for your mother. Write a message using the chart above.
You should write a sentence of 6 or 7 words.

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