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6° Básico Inglés

Semana 5

✓ Activity 1: Busca el significado de las siguientes palabras. Anótalos en tu cuaderno.

1. Meat: 3. veggies:
2. Dairy products: 4. grain:

✓ Activity 2: Crea una pirámide alimenticia en una hoja de block o en tu cuaderno, con recortes
o dibujos con sus respectivos nombres en inglés. (debe tener al menos 5 imágenes por

Semana 6

✓ Activity 1: Write the following in your notebook. (escribe lo siguiente en tu cuaderno).

Should – shouldn’t
(debes – no debes)
➢ Affirmative: S + should + verb + complement.
Ex: You should drink water
He should wash his hands

➢ Negative: S + should + not + verb + complement.


Ex: You shouldn’t drink alcohol

He shouldn’t eat too much chocolate

➢ Interrogative: Should + s + verb + complement + ?

Ex: Should you drink water every day?

Should he wash his hands every day?

1. Dar consejos (give advice):

Ex: You should eat fruits and veggies.

You shouldn’t smoke cigarettes.

2. Obligaciones y deberes (obligation and duty):

Ex: People should stay at home.

People shouldn’t go out with friends.
✓ Activity 2: complete the sentences using should or shouldn’t when corresponding.
(Completa las oraciones usando should o shouldn’t cuando corresponde)

Should or shouldn’t

He ____________________ drink a lot of water.

You ___________________ eat junk food.

Everybody __________________ eat healthy food.

She ___________________ exercise every day.

You ___________________ wash your hands daily.

You ___________________ wear a mask if you go out.

Kids __________________ watch a lot of tv.

You _____________________ eat a lot of cake.

Children __________________ sleep 8 hours.

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