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Tareas del material.

Complete the following table with an emoji based on your
current knowledge.

Learning New Vocabulary!

Exercise #1
Match/connect each word or phrases on the left with a definition
on the right of the word’s meaning:
Exercise #2 Read each sentence and decide if the underlined
word or phrase is the best fit for the sentence. If the underlined
word or phrase makes sense, put a R next to it. If the sentence
does not make sense, write one of the words or phrases from the
box below that matches the meaning of the sentence:

a) You have great ideas, and I know how to work with money. Let’s rent an
apartment and make money! R
b) I am so excited to finish high school and get married so that I can study
Archaeology in University. open a business
c) Juan Pablo is saving all his money and not going on vacation so that he
has enough to buy a house. R
d) I am scared to have children. I don’t know what to do with a baby.
What if it cries? R

e) Before I start a family, I want to travel and see the world. R

f) Robert and Tina are very in love, and I think they will open a business
soon. get married
g) I only need one bedroom in the city during the week, so I think I will try
and graduate. R
h) I really want to move to a new town so that I can meet new people and
feel more independent. R
Exercise #3
Read the following conversation between a grandson and a
grandpa. Underline the words or phrases from the box each time
you find them in the conversation below:

Benito: Hi Grandpa! Mom told me you would be here.

Benito’s Grandpa: Hello there, young Benito! Of course I am here. I could
never miss seeing my favorite son graduate from high school.
Benito: Aww, thanks Grandpa! It’s crazy. I can’t believe high-school is
already over.
Benito’s Grandpa: Life sure does go fast! Soon, Benito, you will get
married, have children, and buy a house of your own just like this one!
Benito: Grandpa I’m only 17! I still want to see the world, travel, and
Benito’s Grandpa: Well you can start a family and see the world, young
man. Why not move to a new town to find love? None of the women
there knew you when you were a chubby boy.
Benito: Not funny, Grandpa. Is that how you met Gran?
Benito’s Grandpa: Me, no! I didn’t want to get married. I wanted to get
rich! I moved to the big city to open a business.
Benito: You, start a business in the city? But you have lived on a farm with
Gran forever. What happened?
Benito’s Grandpa: My very first customer was the most beautiful woman I
had ever seen. I closed the shop early to take her to lunch, and the rest, as
they say, is history my boy.
Exercise #4
Now, you can try using the words and phrases in Exercise #3 in a
conversation. Find someone you know who speaks English. This
can be a classmate, family member, or friend. Tell them you
want to interview them about their future plans. Ask questions
and find out the things this person does and does not want to
do. Write what you learn in the space below:
The name of the person I interviewed: Angel Antonio Polanco
What they want to do in the future: Get a steady job and move
to a new home.What they don’t want to do in the future: Do not
allow yourself to be consumed by debts, do not receive
responsibilities that you cannot meet and do not consume illicit
Practicing Grammar!
Exercise #1
Read all three pairs of statements and inside thoughts and notice
how should, could, and would are different. Then, think of other
actions that could complete the phrases.
Exercise #2
Read each sentence, and decide if the sentence is a suggestion, a
possibility, or a future desire. Circle the correct answer.

Exercise #3
Think about your plans for this weekend.In the first column,
write down allthe things that are possible for your weekend
plans. These are things you “could” do.
In the second column, write down the things you “should” do.
Think about other people suggest you to do. Often times,
‘should’ expresses social pressure on what others think you
should do.
In the third column, write down your own preferences. If you
had no responsibilities this weekend, and were completely free,
what would you do? What are your preferences?
I could... I should... I would...
For this weekend I you should do your I would play or
should do laundry, see homework and help watch movies.
if I have homework to around the house.
do, do whatever things
are needed around the
house and play if I have
nothing to do.

Reading Practice: 3 Tips for University Success.

Exercise #1
Do you know the word “advice”? What are 2-3 situations in
which you want advice?
It is when help is needed to carry out or guide a specific action, conduct or
decision that can be both personal and academic or work.
1-When I lose in a game.
2-How to make money.
3-How to solve a problem.

What are 2-3 situations in which you do NOT want advice?

I do not know what those situations would be since for me regardless of
the place, time or situation should be listened to in advice.

Exercise #2
What are some things you have considered doing after high-
school? Make a bullet point list of all the things you could see
yourself doing.
1-going to the university.
3-following playing.
Exercise #3
Read the text and answer the following questions:

Exercise #4
Read the text and write Maggie’s three main pieces of advice:
Maggie’s first piece of advice: Think about what you are good at, and then talk to your
counselors and professors about what you can study that suits your personal abilities.

Maggie’s second piece of advice: Living on your own and being independent can be
really exciting, but moving to a new town can also be really scary. I think you should rent an
apartment with friends or classmates. You can save money by sharing an apartment, plus, it’so
nice to have a group of friends to explore a new city!

Maggie’s third piece of advice: slow down and be present!

Exercise #5
Read the text and fill in the blanks below with the correct
information from the text:
1) If you don’t know what to study, you can talk to your counselors_ or __ professors__.
2) Renting an apartment with friends is great because You can save money by sharing an
apartment, plus, it’s so nice to have a group of friends to explore a new city! __.

3) Before Maggie starts her career, she is going to ___ see the world ___.
Exercise #6
Imagine that the principal of your school asks the students in
your grade to write an inspirational letter to students who are
just beginning secondary school. Write 3-4 pieces of advice
about what students should do, or what you would do
1- Study in the way that is most comfortable for you.
2-Eat well before studying.
3-You can play but keep in mind that you can play better without having to
do tasks.
4-Don't believe the teachers too much.

Complete the following table with an emoji based on your

current knowledge.

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