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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science for Grade VIII

Prepared By: Raslia P. Ronda

I. Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, the Grade VIII students will be able to:
a. Differentiate the processes involved in Digestive System.
b. Trace the flow of food as it is being digested.
c. Appreciate the importance of Digestion.
II. Learning Content:
A. Topic:
Digestive System
B. References:
1. Textbooks: Mariano, Jan Jason. (2012) Science Links II (Biology). Sampaloc,
Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.
Learner’s Module: Campo, Pia, (2013) Science Grade 8 Learner’s Module.
Pasis City: Vibal Publishing House, Inc.
C. Instructional Materials:
Visual aids (Picture of Human Digestive System), Scrambled words,
Strip words, and Choey choco.
D. Science Ideas:
a. Human digestive system is a series of organs that converts food into essential
nutrients that are absorbed into the body and moves the unused materials out of
the body.
b. There are five processes involved in Digestive System. These are the Ingestion,
Digestion, Absorption, Assimilation, and Excretion. Ingestion is the process of
taking food into mouth. Digestion is the process of breaking down food by
mechanical and enzymatic action in the alimentary canal into substances that can
be used by the body. Absorption is the process of absorbing nutrients into your
bloodstream. Assimilation is the process of nutrients becoming part of the
tissues of the body. Excretion is the process of discarding wastes from your
III. Learning Strategies

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activity:

1. Prayer

“Everybody, please stand for the (The students will stand and pray)

“Take your seats.” (The students will sit down)

2. Greetings
“Good afternoon class!” “Good Afternoon Ma’am Ras!”

“How are you doing?” “We’re doing fine Ma’am.”

3. Checking of Attendance

“I’m glad to hear that. Who are absent “Nobody is absent today!”

“Very good!”

4. Recapitulation

“What was our topic yesterday?” “Our topic yesterday was

B. Motivation

(The teacher will give each student a choey

choco and the students will eat it slowly.)

“What do you think happen to chocolate

“The chocolate broken down into small
when you ate it?”
“That’s right! When you ate the chocolate,
it breaks down into pieces and will be
digested into the stomach.”
“Our topic today will be digestive system.”
“So, what do you think is our topic today?”

“That’s right! Let’s have an activity.”

Pre-Lab Activity:

(The teacher will post drawing of human

digestive system on the board. The students
will work with two groups. The teacher
will give each group a small envelope with
the name of different parts of the digestive
system. The teacher will blow a whistle for
the teams to open their envelope and race
to arrange the scramble word: Mouth,
Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine,
Large Intestine, Liver, Gallbladder,
Pancreas, Rectum, and Anus. After they’ve (The students will perform the activity.)
arranged it, the students will label the
human digestive system using the words
they’ve arranged. )

Laboratory Proper:
Post-Lab Activity: “Mouth Ma’am.”

1. Process:

“What is the first organ involved in “Ingestion Ma’am.”

Digestive System?”
“Ingestion is the process of the food
“That’s right! What process is involved entering the mouth.”
when you put the food in your mouth?”
“The digestion begins in the Mouth.”
“What is ingestion?”

“Very good! Where do you think “Digestion is the process of breaking down
digestion begins?” of food into smaller component.”

“Yes. Digestion begins in the mouth

specifically in the oral cavity. What is
“The two forms of Digestion are
Mechanical digestion and Chemical
“Yes. Digestion is simply the breakdown digestion.”
of food into smaller components. There
“Mechanical Digestion is the process of
are two forms of digestion. What are the
breaking down of food.”
two forms of digestion?”

“That’s right! What is Mechanical

“Chemical digestion is the process of
“Yes. Mechanical digestion is simply the
converting food into substances.”
breaking down of food into progressively
smaller and smaller particles through
tearing, cutting, grinding, and the moving
of food along the digestive tract. What is
Chemical Digestion?”

“Very good! Chemical digestion is the

process where food is converted to
substances usable by the body. Substances
called enzymes speed up this process.
Your oral cavity receives the food and
begins the preparation of food for
digestion. Food is torn and ground into “The bolus will go to esophagus.”
smaller pieces through chewing. Tongue
moves the food around your oral cavity so
that all food can be ground up. Food is
now a wet and become a bolus. Where do
you think bolus will go after the mouth? ”

“That’s right! The bolus will push into the

pharynx with the aid of your tongue.
Tongue cannot push food all the way “Esophagus is a long flexible-tube like
down to the stomach. And the bolus is structure.”
moved further downward by rhythmic,
muscular contractions of the Pharynx,
known as Peristalsis.”

“What is esophagus?” “The next stop is the stomach Ma’am.”

“Very good! Esophagus is where the

bolus passes through to go to the stomach.
“The function of the stomach is to digest
Its important function is to carry food,
further the bolus.”
liquids, and saliva from the mouth to the
stomach. Where’s the next stop of bolus?”

“Yes. The bolus continues its journey to

this J shaped expanded bag called the
Stomach. What is the function of
“Gastric juice is an acidic substance
“That’s right! The stomach is the main composed mainly of pepsin.”
food storage tank of the body. It also
secretes a mixture of acid, mucus, and
digestive enzymes that helps to digest and
sanitize our food while it is being stored.
This organ is filled with gastric juices and
mucus. What is gastric juice?”
“The next stop is the small intestine.”
“Yes. Pepsin is an enzyme that breaks
down the proteins found in food. The
stomach makes a churning action by way
of muscle contractions. This action
increases the effectiveness of gastric
juices. In the stomach bolus become
semiliquid, creamy, homogeneous
“The two processes involved in the small
substance called “chyme. Where does
intestine are Absorption and Assimilation.”
chyme’s next stop?”
“Absorption is the uptake of fluids or other
“Very good! Chyme leaves the bottom of
substances by the tissues of the body.”
the stomach through the pyloric sphincter
and travels a short way to the small
intestine. There are two processes
involved in the small intestine. What are “Assimilation is the process of uptake of
these?” nutrients into cells and tissues

“Very good! What is Absorption?” “The main function of small intestine is to

absorb the nutrients and minerals.”

“Yes. Absorption is the process of the food

molecules being absorbed into the blood
stream. What is Assimilation?”

“That’s right! Assimilation is the process

by which chemicals from food are taken “The next stop is the large intestine.”
into the cells. What is the main function of
small intestine?”
“The large intestine will reabsorb the water
“Very good! The small intestine breaks from the chyme.”
down the food mixture even more so your
body can absorb all the vitamins, minerals,
proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. In the
small intestine digestion continues.
Where’s next stop of chyme after small

“Yes. What will happen to the chyme in “Feces is the left over solid bits of waste.”
large intestine?”
“The feces will go to rectum.”
“That’s right! Nutrients not absorbed in
small intestines are absorbed in the large
intestine as is some of the water. It also
serves as the storage and elimination “The main function of rectum is to act as a
structure for indigestible substances. Still temporary storage site for fecal matter
in the form of chyme when it enters, but in before it is eliminated.”
the colon, chyme is converted into feces.
What is feces?” “In the anus or anus canal.”

“Very good! Where does feces go after?”

“Yes. When the descending colon becomes “Excretion is the process of discarding the
full of feces, it empties its contents into the waste from your body.”
rectum to begin the process of elimination.
“Yes Ma’am.”
What is the main function of rectum?”

“That’s right! Where does feces pass

through to be eliminated?”

“Yes. Feces will be eliminated through

your anus canal. And this is the process of “I have learned that there are five
excretion. What is excretion?” processes involved in digestive system.
These are the Ingestion, Digestion,
“Very good! Excretion is the final process Absorption, Assimilation, and Excretion.”
of Digestive system. Did you understand?”
“Digestion is important because
2. Activity

(See attached activity sheet.)

3. Generalization

“What have you learned from our topic


“Very good! What is the importance of


IV. Evaluation


Direction: Write your answers on the space


______ 1. The process of taking food into your

______ 2. The process of absorbing nutrients into
your bloodstream.
______ 3. The process of eliminating the wastes
through anus/anus canal.
______ 4. The process of nutrients becoming part
of the tissues of the body.
______ 5. The process of breaking down food into
smaller components.

V. Assignment
Short bond paper.

Make a diagram of the flow of food

through the Digestive System.

Digestive System Project

You are about to be assigned a starring role in the play, “The Stomach Churns.” Once the director
assigns you a role, you are to write a short monologue in which you explain your role in the digestive
system. You also are to create a costume with props which relates to your role and will create a visual
image. Practice your role and be “dramatic!” The director will give you your cues as to when you are to
appear on stage. Remember you are that organ.

“Meredith Mouth”.............................

“Edwina Esophagus”.........................

“Samantha Stomach”.........................

“Sally Small Intestine”......................

“Lucy Large Intestine”......................

“Ricky Rectum”................................

“Director Doug”................................

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