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Scott usually wakes up at 6.00 am.

He always drinks a liter of water after he

gets up. He says it is very important to be hydrated. He meditates from 6.10 to
6.30 am. He feels meditation is an essential element to avoid stress. He
watches a TED talk or reads a little from 6.30 to 7.00 am. These activities give
him inspiration to start the day. He exercises from 7.00 to 8.00 am. He says
exercising clarifies his ideas. Then, he takes a cold shower at 8.10 am. He has
breakfast at 8.40 am. He usually has vegetable juice, bananas, peanut butter,
and almonds. Finally, he does all his creative work from 8.40 to 12.00 m.

1 Scott tends to wake up at 6 in the morning, while I often usually wake

me up at 7 in the morning and rarely at six 

2. Scott always drink a litre of water after getting up while I drink three
liters throughout the day. 
3. Scott is exercised from 7 to 8 because it says that exercise lightens
their ideas, sometimes I do, but because I think that it is good for the
physical and mental health 
4. Scott looks a TED talk, or read a little of 6.30 to 7.00 am I almost
never see tv or read to those morning hours 
5. Scott and I usually took breakfast at 8:40 am 
6. Scott and I like usually take showers with cold water because we
believe that it is good for the circulation
1. Scott usually awaken at 6 in the morning, while I frequently ground
waking up at 7 in the morning and a few times to the six 

2. Scott always drink a liter of water after waking up while I drink three
liters throughout the day. 
3. Scott is exercised in the 7 to 8 because it says that the exercise
clarifies your ideas, while I sometimes I do but because I think it is
good for the physical and mental health 
4. Scott looks a talk of TED or read a little of 6.30 to 7.00 am I almost
never see tv or Leo to those hours of the morning 
5. Scott and I generally ate breakfast at 8:40 am 
6. Scott and I like usually take showers with cold water because we
believe that it is good for the movement
1. Scott usually wakes up at 6 a.m., while I often usually wake up at 7
a.m. and seldom at six o'clock 
2. Scott always drinks one liter of water after getting up while I drink
three liters during the whole day.
3. Scott exercises of the 7 at 8 a.m. because he says that the exercise
clarifies its ideas, while I sometimes do it but because I think that it is
good for the physical and psychic health
4. Scott looks at TED'S chat or reads a little from 6.30 to 7.00 am I
Hardly ever see tv do not even read at these hours of the morning
5. Scott and I in general take the breakfast at 8:40 am
6. Scott and I we usually like taking showers with cold water because
we believe that it is good for the circulation

Scott usually wakes up at 6.00 am.

He meditates from 6.10 to 6.30 am.

He watches a TED talk or reads a little from 6.30 to 7.00 am.

He thinks cold showers increase testosterone levels and improve circulation.

Then, he takes a cold shower at 8.10 am. He has breakfast at 8.40 am

He exercises from 7.00 to 8.00 am. He says exercising clarifies his ideas. Then,

Scott suele despertar a las 6 de la mañana. Siempre bebe un litro de agua después de levantarse. Dice que
es muy importante estar hidratado. Medita de 6.10 a 6.30 de la mañana. Él siente que la meditación es un
elemento esencial para evitar el estrés. Mira una charla de TED o lee un poco de 6.30 a 7.00 am. Estas
actividades le dan inspiración para comenzar el día. Ejerce de 7.00 a 8.00 horas. Él dice que el ejercicio
aclara sus ideas. Luego, toma una ducha fría a las 8:10. Piensa que las duchas frías aumentan los niveles
de testosterona y mejoran la circulación. Él tiene desayuno a las 8.40 am. Por lo general, tiene jugo de
verduras, plátanos, mantequilla de maní y almendras. Finalmente, realiza todo su trabajo creativo de 8.40
a 12.00 m.

1. Scott and I usually get up at 6.00 am. / Scott y yo por lo general nos
levantamos a las 6:00 a. m.

2. Scott exercises in the morning. I don’t like to exercise. / Scott hace ejercicio en
la mañana. A mí no me gusta hacer ejercicio.
1. Scott usually awaken at 6 in the morning, while I frequently ground
waking up to a 7 in the morning and a few times to a the six

Scott suele despertar a las 6 de la mañana, mientras frecuentemente suelo

despertar a las 7 de la mañana y unas pocas veces a las seis.

1. 2. Scott always drinks one liter of water after getting up while I always
drink three liters during the whole day.

Scott siempre bebe un litro de agua después de levantarse mientras yo siempre

bebo tres litros durante todo el día.

2. Scott does exercises always of 7 at 8 a.m. because he says that the

exercise clarifies its ideas, while I that sometimes do it but because I think
that it is good for the physical and psychic health.

Scott hace ejercicios siempre de 7 a las 8 a.m. porque dice que el ejercicio
aclara sus ideas, mientras que yo lo hago a veces pero porque creo que es
bueno para la salud física y psíquica.

3. Scott looks a talk of TED or read a little of 6.30 to 7.00 am. I do almost
never see TV nor ever leo to those hours of the morning.

4. Scott mira una charla de TED o lee un poco de 6.30 a 7.00 am. Yo casi
nunca veo la televisión ni tampoco leo a esas horas de la mañana.

5. so much to Scott as to me in general we take the breakfast at 8:40 am

tanto a Scott como a mí en general tomamos el desayuno a las 8:40 am.

Usually Scottt as I we take the breakfast at 8:40 am.

Normalmente Scottt como yo tomamos el desayuno a las 8:40 am.

6. Scott and I usually like taking showers us with cold water because we
believe that it is good for the circulation.

6. Scott y yo normalmente nos gusta tomar duchas con agua fría porque
creemos que es bueno para la circulación.

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