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Aipom Amigurumi Pattern

August 20, 201927 de março de 2020 • loopycathrine



2mm hook
Stylecraft Special DK in Plum and Stone
Polyester toy filling
Wire or pipe cleaners – I’ve used 1.2mm jewellery wire
Pins to place pieces before sewing together
Darning needle
Stitch markers (I prefer using scrap yarn as “stitch markers”)
Fibres in Black, White and Blue for needle felting*
Needle felting tool*

* Please note that I have used needle felting to create Aipom’s eyes and smile. Needle felting is
still quite new to me so I will not be including instructions on how to do this. You may want to
look into alternative ways of creating the eyes, mouth, teeth and creating the ears & belly


Aipom is approximately 12cm tall.

Weight: 50 grams (this includes all materials used to make Aipom)


ch chain
dc double crochet
st/sts stitch/es
inc dc 2 in one st
dec decrease; insert hook in the front loop of the next two sts, yarn over, pull through both
loops, y.o. and pull through remaining two loops –> one dc placed into two sts
y.o. yarn over


Assemble in the same order the pattern is written. I would recommend using a photo of
Aipom as reference for best possible outcome. Pin all the pieces in place before sewing to
make sure it looks right.



Yarn: Plum

ch4 – we will be working around the chains to make an oval shape.

Round 1: inc in second ch from hook, inc in the next two chains. Continue to the other side of
the chains: inc in the three chains (12)
R2: inc, dc 3, inc x 3, dc 3, inc x 2 (18)
R3: inc x 2, dc 6, inc x 3, dc 6, inc (24)
R4: (dc, inc) x 2, dc 6, (dc, inc) x 3, dc 6, dc, inc (30)
R5: (dc 2, inc) x 2, dc 6, (dc 2, inc) x 3, dc 6, dc 2, inc (36)
R6: (dc 3, inc) x 2, dc 6, (dc 3, inc) x 3, dc 6, dc 3, inc (42)
R7: dc 42
R8: (dc 4, inc) x 2, dc 6, (dc 4, inc) x 3, dc 6, dc 4, inc (48)
R9: dc 48
R10: (dc 5, inc) x 2, dc 6, (dc 5, inc) x 3, dc 6, dc 5, inc (54)
R11-13: dc 54
R14: (dc 5, dec) x 2, dc 6, (dc 5, dec) x 3, dc 6, dc 5, dec (48)
R15: (dc 4, dec) x 2, dc 6, (dc 4, dec) x 3, dc 6, dc 4, dec (42)
R16: (dc 5, dec) x 6 (36)
R17: (dc 4, dec) x 6 (30)
R18: (dc 3, dec) x 6 (24)
R19: (dc 2, dec) x 6 (18)

Start stuffing the head

R20: (dc, dec) x 6 (12)

R21: all in the front loops (dc 2, inc) x 4 (16)
R22: (dc 3, inc) x 4 (20)
R23: dc 20
R24: (dc 4, inc) x 4 (24)
R25-30: dc 24
R31: (dc 2, dec) x 6 (18)

Continue to stuff the head and body

R32: (dc, dec) x 6 (12)

R33: dec x 6 (6)

Fasten off. Weave in loose end by inserting darning needle in the front loop of each st and pull
tight to close the hole.

I’ve fluffed up some Stone yarn and used it to needle felt the patch on Aipom’s belly.


The hair comprises of three parts

Yarn: Plum

Middle piece – make 1

Round 1: dc 4 in Magic Ring (4)
R2: inc, dc 3 (5)
R3: inc, dc 4 (6)
R4: inc, dc 5 (7)
R5: dc 7

Fasten off and leave long end for sewing.

Front & Back pieces – Make 2

Round 1: dc 4 in Magic Ring (4)

R2: inc, dc 3 (5)
R3: inc, dc 4 (6)

Fasten off and leave long end for sewing.


Yarn: Stone

ch10 – we will be working around the chains to make an oval shape.

Carreira 1: aumentar no segundo pc a partir da agulha de croché, aumentar no pc seguinte,

diminuir nas duas correntes seguintes, pb, na corrente seguinte, diminuir nos dois pc
seguintes, aumentar nas duas correntes seguintes, continuar para o outro lado de as
correntes: aumentar no primeiro ch do outro lado, (dc, inc) x 4 (25)
R2: inc x 2, dc 7, inc x 2, dc 14 (29)
R3: (dc, inc) x 2 , dc 7, (inc, dc) x 2, inc, dc 12, inc (35)
R4: (dc 2, inc) x 2, dc 7, (inc, dc 2) x 2, inc, dc 14, inc (41)

Prenda e deixe a ponta comprida para costurar.


Usei fibra preta, branca e azul para sentir os olhos e sorrir no rosto de Aipom.


Fios: Plum
Make 2

Carreira 1: 4 pb no Magic Ring (4)

R2: aumentar em todas as ms / pts ao redor de (8)
R3: (pb, aumentar) x 4 (12)
R4: pb 12
R5: (pb 2, aumentar) x 4 (16)
R6-7: dc 16
R8: (dc 6, dec) x 2 (14)
R9-10: dc 14
R11: (dc 5, dec) x 2 (12)

Encha a orelha levemente apenas na parte superior

R12-14: dc 12
R15: dec x 6 (6)

Prenda e deixe uma ponta longa para costurar a peça no corpo. Trançar a ponta solta
inserindo a agulha de cerzido na alça da frente de cada ponto e puxar bem para fechar o
buraco. Use o fio restante para costurar a orelha na lateral da cabeça de Aipom, passando pela
lateral da orelha.

Afofei um pouco de fio Stone e usei para fazer a agulha sentir os remendos em cada uma das
orelhas de Aipom.


Fios: Pedra e Ameixa

Make 2

Começando com Stone,  capítulo 3 - trabalharemos ao redor das correntes para fazer uma
forma oval.
Rodada 1: (dc, inc) x 2 (6)
R2: (inc x 2, dc) x 2 (10)
R3: dc 10
R4: (dec, dc 3) x 2 (8)
R5: dc 8
R6: dc 1, gire
R7: (linha): ch1, dc 4 (giro)
R8: ch1, dc 4, - agora estamos trabalhando em carreiras novamente, então continue sem virar:
- diminuições no lado da carreira e próximo pb da carreira anterior , pb 2, diminuir no
próximo pb e lado da próxima carreira (8)
R9: pb 4, mudar a cor para ameixa , a próxima parte contará como uma nova rodada:
R10: todos nos laços traseiros, dc 8 (8)
R11 : (dc 2, dec) x 2 (6)
R12-14: dc 6

Prenda e deixe uma ponta longa para costurar as peças no corpo. Usei um arame para tornar
as pernas de Aipom um pouco mais resistentes. Você pode seguir as mesmas instruções que
usei para o Jigglypuff aqui (
amigurumi-pattern/) .


Fios: Plum
Make 2

Rodada 1: dc 4 no Magic Ring (4)

R2: (inc, dc) x 2 (6)
R3: dc 6
R4: inc x 2, dc 4 (8)
R5-9: dc 8
R10: dez, dc 6 (7)
R11: dec, dc 5 (6)
R12: dc 6

Prenda e deixe uma ponta longa para costurar as peças no corpo.


Fios: Pedra e Ameixa

A cauda é composta por várias peças. Começando com Stone :

Round 1: dc 5 in Magic Ring (5)

R2: inc in all sts around (10)
R3: (dc, inc) x 5 (15)
R4: dc 15
R5: (dc 2, inc) x 5 (20)
R6: dc 20
R7: (dc 2, dec) x 5 (15)
R8: dc 15

Stuff the ball

R9: (dc, dec) x 5 (10)

Change colour to Plum

R10: dec x 5 (5)

R11-40: dc 5

Before fastening off assess whether you want the tail to be longer or shorter. Once long
enough, fasten off and leave long end for sewing onto body. I’ve used wire to make the tail
sturdier and bendable. You can use the same instructions I used when adding a pipecleaner to
Marill’s tail here (

We now need to make 3 fingers to attach to the ball of the tail:

Using with Stone

Round 1: dc 4 in Magic Ring (4)

R2: inc in all sts around (8)
R3-4: dc 8
R5: dec x 4 (4)
R6-7: dc 4

Fasten off and leave long end for sewing.


Please do not reprint, sell or claim the pattern as your own. I’ve loved writing this
pattern so please don’t forget to credit the pattern designer.

INSTAGRAM – I would love to see your creations! Don’t forget to tag me in your post – not just
in the caption field but under “tag people” so that it appears on my profile (@loopycathrine
(, and don’t forget to use

RAVELRY – I’m also on Ravelry so come find me and my other pattern there!

For any questions in relation to this pattern, please comment below and I will do my best to

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