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Read, Enjoy And Discover

Reading is an extraordinary thing. It has the power to make you laugh like a madman
or cry like an infant who has been separated from their mother. One moment you
might be in the deep despair of the amazon forest hunting for an unknown creature of
the dark and another amid crowded London trying to navigate your way through the
hustle and bustle. Wherever you are, there is always a good book to keep you
company, and sometimes that is all you need.
Finding Books
In times gone by, there was not as much availability of books as we have now. Books
could only be purchased in local bookstores or borrowed from libraries. If those
establishments did not have it, you most likely had to wait until they could stock it,
which might be even months later. Contrastingly, in the current times: we can purchase
books online from an abroad country; download e-books for free and even have a
sole device just for reading. Readers can listen to books with the advent of
audiobooks and audiobook apps like audible. This sort of accessibility is thanks to
Reading Benefits
While we all have an abstract idea of how reading benefits us, most of us are
uneducated on the magnitude of skills we can obtain by just reading a book. It is
stated that a child who reads merely twenty minutes a day - less than half an hour - is
exposed to around 2 million words per year. Opening your kids to the universe of e-
books will help them with comprehension and might increase their average reading
time. Stress is a big part of the modern world, with children stressed about their doom
- exams - and adults stressed about their doom - financial issues. Dealing with stress
proves to be much bigger turmoil than having stress itself unless you read. Science
and clinical trials have proven that daily reading can reduce stress by 68% and
constant reading might even help maintain an ideal heart rate, blood pressure and
emotional fitness.
The modern reader
Even though books are easily accessible to us, reading has reduced. The number of
adult readers has drastically decreased and over 80% of teenagers do not read for
pleasure. The main culprit is quite predictably, the internet. Compared to sitting in
front of our screens like ducks and gaping, we find the task of grabbing a book and
reading it quite laborious. Nonetheless, we cannot solely place the blame on the
omniscient internet. To read, we need time for ourselves. Alas, most adults today are
either preoccupied due to the ginormous burden of work or too busy with household
chores to look up. Children are piled up with schoolwork and the extra turmoil of
tuition that finding free time to relax with a book is hard. Nevertheless, reading is
starting to rise again as people are finding themselves with a lot of free time during
these “times”.

A reader is always spending their time on something worthwhile, whether you are
reading a magazine or a Shakespearean play, reading for pleasure will always benefit
“That’s the thing about books. They allow you to travel without moving your feet.”

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