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Practice 3

Stress is a reaction to a situation where a person feels threatened or anxious .

Stress affects people of all ages . It can motivate for some people , but affects many
others negatively , disrupting our physical health and emotional balance. Hence , it is
essential to know how to manage stress effectively , which includes identifiying our
stress triggers , incorporating physical exercise in our routine and maintaning a well-
balanced diet to ensure a more balanced life.

First , in order to solve the problem of how to deal with stress , we need to identify
what triggers stress in ourselves. While its easy to identify major stressors such as
financial difficullties or a failed relationship, pinpointing the sources of chronic stress
can be more complicated . It is all too easy to overlook how our own thoughts ,
attitudes, and habits contribute to our everyday stress levels. Once we have identified
the actual cause , we can deal with stress more effectively . For instance , if we are
constantly worried about deadlines, then we need to check if it is caused by our
procrastination or the demands of the task.

Physical activity is a good way to reduce stress . Stressful situations increase the
level of stress hormonessuch as adrenaline and cortisol in our bodies . However ,
physical exercise such as jogging , badminton , or even dancing helps to metabolism
the excessive stress hormones . Ecercise can restore body and mind to a calmer , more
relaxed state , and as a result , improve the quality of our sleep too. Regular physical
activity in our daily routine is therefore a good idea to help us to stay positive .

In addiction to regular exercise , a healthy diet can nourish our bodies, keep us
strong , and increase our resistance to stress. By controlling or reducing our dietary
intake of coffee or caffeine, soft drinks , chocolate and sugary snacks , we will feel
more relaxed and sleep better . A well-nourished body is better prepared to cope with
stress , so we need to be mindful of what we eat. The temporary ‘feel good’ feelings
caffeine and sugar provide often end with a crash in mood and energy levels. Hence ,
keeping a well-balanced diet helps our bodies to manage stress better.

In conclusion , we may not be able to avoid stress totally , but we can handle it if
we know how to manage it well. Identifying the sources of stress , incorporating
physical exercise and maintaining a healthy diet is how we can deal with stress to be
happier , healthier, and more productive.

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