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A résumé is a document used by a person to present their backgrounds and skills. Résumés can
be used for a variety of reasons, but most often they are used to secure new employment

The major differences between CVs and resumes are the length, the purpose and the layout. A
resume is a brief summary of your skills and experience over one or two pages, a CV is more
detailed and can stretch well beyond two pages. The resume will be tailored to each position
whereas the CV will stay put and any changes will be in the cover letter.

A CV has a clear chronological order listing the whole career of the individual whereas a
resume’s information can be shuffled around to best suit the applicant. One might say the main
difference between a resume and a CV is that a CV is intended to be a full record of your career
history and a resume is a brief, targeted list of skills and achievements.

Tips for good resume

 Choose the Best Resume Format

 Use a professional font
 Put the Most Important and Relevant Accomplishments First
 Write a Custom Resume for Every Job
 Choose appropriate margins
 Proofread and edit, keep it error-free
 Keep it (Reverse) Chronological
 Keep it to a Page

 Chronological resumes are the most commonly used format. They list work history in
chronological order, starting with your most recent job down to your earliest. This
resume is preferred by most employers because it provides a quick snapshot of work
history/academic qualifications, with most recent positions up front.
 Unlike chronological resumes, functional resumes focus on your skills and experience
first. This type of resume de-emphasizes the dates in which you have worked.
Employment history is secondary, and is listed under the details of your skills.
 Combination resumes let you detail both your skills and experience, while also backing
this up with a chronological listing of work history. When you use a combination resume
you can thus showcase the skills you have that are relevant to the job you are applying for
while also providing the work history that employers expect to review.
 A targeted resume focuses on a specific job opening. The targeted resume is written to
highlight the skills and experiences relevant to a particular position. When sending
targeted resumes, the resume will be edited or rewritten for each job which the candidate

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