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Lengua Extranjera 2 Reyes Bello América Gabriela
Prof. María Obdulia Alcalá Ruiz 25 de Marzo de 2021

Conversation in a clothing store

SP: Good afternoon madam, can I help you with something?
C: Yes, I’m looking for some blouses, but I don't know where they are. Could you tell me where to
look for them?
SP: Yes, of course. We have these, they are made of a more resistant material than the previous
C: It's amazing, this blouse is better than the blouse I bought a few days ago
SP: Would you like to see other models? I have those models
C: I would rather see other colours. I like that red colour of that blouse
SP: I'm very sorry, in this model we only have a brighter red
C: I understand, then I will buy the blouse in bright red and blue
SP: of course, the price of each garment is 15 dollars
C: It is cheaper than I expected
SP: It is part of a promotion, these blouses are usually more expensive, their normal price is 20
C: it's wonderful, thanks for your help

Recommendations to get it
Tony Moly's cream is wonderful, it is a product with an attractive, portable
and compact packaging. the price is cheap for a high-end product and is
better than other more expensive products. It is easy to use but the
instructions come in Korean so you should look for the instructions on the
website or let yourself be guided by the illustrations.

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