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Name: ___________________________________________Grade & Section: _________________

Subject: Practical Research 1 Teacher: _________________________Score: ______________

Lesson : S2 Quarter 2 Week 4 LAS 2
Activity Title : Research Methodology
Learning Target : Present written research methodology.
Reference(s) : SLM Practical Research 1 :

Research Methodology: It is the third chapter of a research paper. It includes the research
designs, locale of the study, respondents/participants of the study, sampling technique, research
instrument, data gathering procedures and analysis procedures.

E. Research Instrument (It should be based on your Statement of the Problem in Research
Worksheet 1, Module 2) The study will make use of an interview questionnaire in gathering the
data. The questionnaire includes the following questions (Based your questions on your
Statement of the Problem):
2. _________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________

F. Data Gathering Procedure

Preparatory Phase (Before the interview)
Interview Phase (During the interview)
Analysis Phase (After the interview)
G. Data Analysis (How will you analyze the gathered data? It should be congruent with your Analysis
Activity2: Share Your Thoughts!
Instruction: Answer the following questions based on your experiences in the past. Write your
answers on the space provided.
1. What are the challenges that you experienced in choosing appropriate methods for your
2. What are the things you have learned in this lesson?

*NOTE: Don’t forget to ask your research teacher for questions and clarifications.

Criteria 3 5 8 10 Points
Content Information given Information given Information Information
is not enough is somewhat given is almost given is enough
and substantial. enough and enough and and substantial.
substantial. substantial.
Organization Ideas are Ideas are Ideas are Ideas are
disorganized. somewhat almost organized
organized. organized. properly.
Accuracy Information given Information given Information Information
commits ample is somewhat free given is almost given is free
errors. from any errors. free from any from any errors.
Grammar All sentences are Few of the Almost of the Sentence
ungrammatical. sentence sentence structures are
structures are structures are all grammatical.
grammatical. grammatical.

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