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Being Productive

Simple Steps to Calm Focus

Watch the first video Being Productive – Simple Steps to Calm Focus is a video course that
or purchase now gives you exercises to find calm focus at work and at home. These
are the crucial fundamentals of productivity. The course holds my
core system and set of habits that help you get to where you want
to go. Each of these 16 videos is about 5 to 10 minutes, making the
course easy for you to take your:
Get to your goals without
overwhelm. • Learn exercises for finding relaxed, heightened attention.

• Form useful habits gradually.

• Learn ways to dive deep into work.

30 day money back guarantee • Build a simple trusted system.

• Find calm even with due dates.

• Take large projects along a path of mastery.

• Integrates easily with most any productivity method or task

system, though neither are required.

• Course: 16 Being Productive video modules

• Bonus: Zen and the Piano Soundtrack album

• Bonus: Audiobook companion


“I cannot recommend this video series enough. There is content

here for everyone, no matter what your level of prior exposure to
productivity techniques…”

Lee Garrett, Productivityist and

“Zen & The Art of Work [previous title for Being Productive]
is one of (if not the) best demonstrations of how these
principles can lead to the calm, intentional practice of
getting work done that matters.”

Joe Buhlig, Author of Working with


“[Being Productive] is a guided exploration as well as quite a hard

core set of instructions into optimizing your work. But rather
than focusing on productivity, as most approaches do, it focuses on
the quality of the work you can do, by working on the entire set-up
around and about your work which will lead to better, deeper,
more meaningful and ultimately more productive work. Because at
the end of the day, what does productivity matter if it does not
lead to more relevant results for you, right?

In this approach, Kourosh Dini… goes beyond some of the ideas

that are presented in Getting Things Done (more commonly
known as GTD) by David Allen. In my opinion, he comes closer to
the essence of the Taoist thoughts that underlie the GTD

Ben Broeckx,

“I can’t praise @Kourosh’s Being Productive enough.

Dini’s course takes an approach that lives up to its subtitle, Simple

steps to calm focus. This might be expanded to be Simple, yet
profound, steps to calm focus. It’s changing my relationship with
my work.

Dini’s calm, professional approach is such a nice change from some

other productivity/motivational people that come across as
frenetic cokeheads,

This past summer, I paid $400 for an online course on focus, and
while I derived some benefit from it, it came across as unfinished
or lacking in its underlying framework. Dini’s course comes across
as well thought out and built on foundational research. This makes
sense, as Dini has years of medical and other training that enables
him to build this foundation.”


“You have clearly demonstrated how to orchestrate our thoughts

across the four elements of the toolset: Day’s List, Inbox, Action
List, and Calendar. There are many overlaps with GTD, but your
emphasis on the soft areas such as our feelings during the process
really makes your work valuable. The subtle ‘consider to do …’
option is a great way to build habits, and start small and grow big.
Lots of scientific methods to combat procrastination…

Thanks again for your great work…”

S. ArBabian
“I recently purchased “Being Productive” and have been so excited
with the impact of your thoughtful and deep share. Your approach
is just what I’ve been after and really resonates with me (the focus
on being still in regards to my intention and what I consider my
work is just what I need and perfect for this time we all find
ourselves in).”


“Good morning, Kourosh -

…I woke up the first morning so overwhelmed and anxious about

all I have to do, want to do, how short life is, etc.- am
usually either too busy - or too contentedly lazy and “who
cares?” - to feel like that - it was awful!

luckily, remembered had promised myself that, as a spring

break treat, would buy your “Zen and the Art of
Work” [previous title for Being Productive] - which I can
listen to on the phone - so I did and am enjoying it so

for one thing, your voice is so soothing - thought you were

a professional announcer at first! That alone started
letting me come down from the anxiety - and then the
soothing music too...

am on lesson 10 now but my favorite thing - of many

favorite things! - is the timeline at the front end detailing all the
things you’ve accomplished - too many of us only look at how
much we still have to do - and as tho we’ve never accomplished all
kinds of things in the past!

… whew! my anxiety is ratcheting downwards exponentially - thank

you very much - and haven’t even finished your Zen course yet!


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