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Unit 1
Dictation 41
They were encouraged to share their books with other people in the room. You should tell the children off
for such arrogant behaviour. I would never like to be forced to talk to a murderer. Can you predict how
she'll behave when she loses her temper? First he slapped me, then punched me in the stomach and made
me leave my fingerprints on the gun to prove that I'm guilty. Don't punish yourself for the accident. He
often boasts about how generous he is.

Dictation 42
I don't believe it's a true story; I think he has made it all up. Can bad weather cause any health problems?
You'd be big-headed if you said you were the best judge in town. I didn't get enough encouragement from
my friends. What kind of excuses did he give for being so selfish? Can unemployment cause crime? There
is no evidence that the blood on the man's clothes is his. We identify bullying as the most common
problem in schools.

Unit 2
Dictation 43
Experience teaches us to be practical. The washing machine was sold with a guarantee so you should have
no trouble replacing it with a new one. His theories about how pollution affects the environment can't be
taken seriously. Is it worth buying valuable things if you don't have a permanent job? Do you know any
good treatment for a hangover? I knew he is not a genius but I didn't know he's so stupid. The jewellery he
gave me had many precious stones.

Dictation 44
She exaggerated her illness to avoid having to make serious decisions. He's been trying to do this exercise
for more than an hour; however, it does not mean you can call him an idiot. I bought that silly game
because I liked the advertisement. If you have no sense of humour, they'll treat you like an idiot. What bad
effects does smoking have on our health? She would always fold her clothes and put them on the bed.
They've been making wooden hangers recently. I'm living in this place temporarily. It was the most
embarrassing situation I've ever been in.

Unit 3
Dictation 45
The population of our country isn’t increasing but it’s decreasing now. The sun rises in the east and sets in
the west. The student raised his hand. His friend dropped a pencil on the floor, then he picked it up.
Human beings exist; dinosaurs are extinct. Thieves steal things; burglars break into our houses. You need
an alarm to protect your flat from a break-in.

Dictation 46
I like sunbathing and get a suntan easily. You ought to peel a banana and eat it raw. For some people
greasy food is delicious, for others it is disgusting. If you want to lose weight go on a vegetarian diet.
What you are saying doesn’t make sense. You can’t wash your hair properly unless you use some
shampoo. Over is the opposite of under. Some things in life change gradually, other things happen

Unit 4
Dictation 47
We get energy from natural resources, like gas, oil and coal. Solar power is safe, nuclear power can be
dangerous. I have never been treated unkindly at work, but I am sometimes put under a lot of pressure.
Hunting and shooting animals is cruel and ought to be banned. My body feels tense in a stressful situation.
Being optimistic helps you cope with difficult experiences.

Dictation 48
False is an antonym of true. I’d like to sing it but I don’t remember the lyrics. She prefers straight to curly
hair. I dye my hair black. Men often get bald when they get older. Babies are always loveable. His
likeable personality influenced other people. He could always persuade them to do what he wanted, even
though they didn’t really like it. I decided to take this job despite its many disadvantages. Although he
studies hard, he isn’t learning much.

Unit 5
Dictation 49
He used to climb mountains regularly, until one day he fell from his ladder after missing a step.
Agriculture fairs are usually a very popular social event. Sarah was on time for her flight but the airline
cancelled the flight at the last moment. Moving to an industrial city is very difficult for most people. Spain
is such a fantastic country that I return to the same area every year. He was a huge fan of country music,
but an awful singer.

Dictation 50
The Titanic was supposed to be 'unsinkable'. Does a stone float? Severe storms cause lightning, thunder,
heavy rain and sometimes snow. Buses are not as efficient as trains. His daily routine was to run five
miles a day. Workers go on strike to improve their conditions. Many people become irritated when the
subway is very crowded. You rely on someone because you believe they are trustworthy. If you are
religious you may pray in a church, temple, mosque or synagogue.

Unit 6
Dictation 51
A short term solution is to borrow money from the bank, if you have no money. You can never be certain
of the weather as it changes every day. He slept for twelve hours last night. He must have been tired.
There is still no water in the house. To be out of control means you can no longer control your feelings.
Where is the remote control? What is the main reason people gamble? It was partly my fault I gave them
the wrong directions to follow.

Dictation 52
A guide book can be very helpful in a large city. They walked by the old church. When we got to the pub
our friends had already left. The election results were finally in. When you play football, you are very
tired afterwards. It' s very hot. Shall I open the window? They had been looking forward to their holiday
all year. Shall we have lunch beforehand? He could not pass the car ahead because of the sharp bend.

Unit 7
Dictation 53
This is the most amazing place I’ve ever been to. If computers hadn’t been invented our life would be
different. Can you type? We have to keep up with the changes in technology. Do you receive messages
from your friends? A customer has to be satisfied. These films are unsuitable for children. The service at
your hotel is unsatisfactory. The meeting ended in a disappointment.

Dictation 54
His results are excellent. He is thinking about a career in law. I’m an employee and he is my employer.
Peter wasn’t sacked, he resigned himself. Retired people receive their pension from the government. He
pronounces English words with a strange accent. His voice is nice but his pronunciation is disappointing.
She is clumsy and broke the vase by accident, not on purpose. He is irresponsible and has no common

Unit 8
Dictation 55
The comedian told a hilarious story. There are many documentaries, current affairs programmes and soap
operas on our TV. Blind people can see no sights, the deaf hear no sounds. I don’t believe that ghosts,
monsters and UFOs really exist. Politicians are often criticised by the media. My uncle is a critic and
writes film reviews. Nobody likes my cooking, not even my dog.

Dictation 56
The plot of this film is ordinary, but special effects are unusual. Farmers usually plant their crops in
spring. There is a lawn on a football pitch. We took a lift from the ground floor to the top of the building.
We can have a barbecue outdoors. Be careful, the road is slippery. Those houses are made out of concrete
and steel. The criminal ran away by jumping over the fence and was chased by the police. They blocked
up the hole in the wall with bricks and iron.

Unit 9
Dictation 57
A contract is a written document agreement which has to be signed. This company deals in software. A
lawyer deals with legal problems. After a boring lecture I listened to an interesting speech and then a
debate on the radio. The subjects, which are discussed in teenage magazines are often silly. My brother is
enthusiastic about golf, keen on reading, addicted to smoking and obsessed with our neighbours daughter.
I wish my boss would give me a pay rise. A trade mark is a symbol that represents a company.

Dictation 58
This brand name is hardly known. My son’s room is an absolute mess. If you spoil something you make it
unsatisfying or unsuccessful. Although he is grown-up, his behaviour is immature. A waiter serves food in
a restaurant. Breakfast is not included in the price. When I go to bed I fall asleep immediately. They won’t
let me in, I left my ticket behind. What do you do with leftover food?

Unit 10
Dictation 59
Would you like another piece of cake? You have to pay interest when you borrow money from a bank. A
mortgage is a loan for a house. People have become really superstitious these days. He was unconscious
during the operation on his brain. She felt self-conscious when making a speech. A psychologist studies
the mind.

Dictation 60
Your conscience tells you what is right and what is wrong. Mental health is as important as physical
health. Would you mind smoking outside? He asked if the photocopier was working. I felt real terror
when I saw a building blown up by a bomb. Some people scream and shake when they have nightmares.
He shook his head but said nothing. It is a peaceful country.

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